nRF5340 SPIS Max Speed

Hi Nordic .

  We are developing an application with nRF5340. In this application, we need to use the SPI Slave feature. According to the documentation, there isn't a clear indication of the maximum clock supported under SPI Slave mode, but it states that the minimum SCK time is 125ns, which would correlate to 8M.Based on our tests, when two nRF5340 communicate via 8M SPI, it works very well. However, when we test 16M SPI communication, errors in data content occur.

  Could you tell me what is the supported SPI frequency under the SPI Slave mode?
  Looking forward to your answer.


  • Hi Xuntong,

    The actual minimal SCK input depends on the Master clock setup and hold time. If you have a master that is driving the clock which is faster shorter setup time and longer hold time, then you might be able to drive speeds faster than 8MHz but 16Mhz seems too high for which we might have not tested this peripheral at those speeds.

  • Hello

    Thank you for your reply.

    According to our setup, we use two 5340DK boards. One is configured with SPIM and set the main frequency to 128M, with SPI at a speed of 16M. The other one is configured as SPIS. It works fine with short data transfers. But when transmitting larger data, for instance, 500 or 1000, problems occur as erroneous data issues emerge from the slave device.

    I've also tried to communicate with the 53 through other MCUs and found that as soon as it exceeds 8M, the data transmission and reception become abnormal.

  • Hello

    Thank you for your reply.

    According to our setup, we use two 5340DK boards. One is configured with SPIM and set the main frequency to 128M, with SPI at a speed of 16M. The other one is configured as SPIS. It works fine with short data transfers. But when transmitting larger data, for instance, 500 or 1000, problems occur as erroneous data issues emerge from the slave device.

    I've also tried to communicate with the 53 through other MCUs and found that as soon as it exceeds 8M, the data transmission and reception become abnormal.
