Fail to flash nRF52840 Dongle with nRF Connect for Desktop

I have bought a brand new nRF52840 Dongle that I want to flash. I have installed nRF Connect for Desktop from on windows 10.

The installation of Segger was successful. FYI, I have SEGGER - J-Link V7.94e

I'm plugging the dongle in the USB port and I'm pressing the reset button. The Red led is blinking.

Unfortunately, there is a problem to communicate with the device:

  • In Programmer, the device is not seen
  • In Quick Start, the device is seen but it says "Open DFU Bootlooader", followed by the serial number and then by "not supported yet"

Did I miss something?


  • Hello,

    I assume you have correctly followed the steps to put the dongle in bootloader mode (I can see that the dongle is in bootloader mode). What does the programmer app indicate? Are you able to select the device from the Quick Start app? Additionally, is the dongle detected by the PC? Please check the Device Manager on your PC.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello,

    Yes I have followed the steps to put the dongle in Bootloader mode and LD2 is flashing red.

    What does the programmer app indicate?

    It doesn't see the dongle. Here is what is shown in the log:

    Initialising nrfutil module: device
    Using nrfutil-device core version: 7.12.0
    Using nrfutil-device version: 2.1.1
    Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.5
    Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.24.0
    Using JLink version: JLink_V7.94e
    Getting serialport options from persistent store C4041778F644.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    Getting serialport options from persistent store FFFFFFFEFFFF.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    Getting serialport options from persistent store 9&2c2ca4c0&0&4.pc-nrfconnect-programmer

    Are you able to select the device from the Quick Start app?


    Additionally, is the dongle detected by the PC? Please check the Device Manager on your PC.

    In which category shall I see it? For the moment I don't see it.

    Thank you, regards

  • Hello,

    Your programmer should show "nRF52 USB SDFU" under the select device tab if the dongle is in bootloader mode. See the screenshot below:

    You can also check the device manager on your PC; it should be visible there too. See the screenshot below.


    Kind Regards,


  • Hi,

    I don't have the same thing as you. Here is a screenshot. It is interesting to note that the device appears in the console but the programmer acts as if it was not there:

    I can see the device in the device manager:

