ECC - Error Correcting Code implementation on nRF52840


Our system includes an nRF52840 (ncs2.4.0, zephyr) as a Host and a NAND (Macronix MX35LF2G24AD) as a flash; communicated with each other via SPI.

At Host, we can do some basic operations such as read/write from/to the NAND flash.

To make sure data is corrected when reading, we need to implement "8-bit ECC / 544 bytes" at Host side (nRF52840), as described in this spec

As we search through sample applications, we can't find any ECC examples to get started.

Do you have some code reference to ECC (Hamming, Reed-Solomon or BCH) for us to get started? Please provide.

Does nRF52840 support ECC LIB out of the box? (since our application depends a lot on battery, we think using a LIB supported by nRF52840 is lower in power consumption than using a ported code/solution (?)

Best regards,

