"FATAL ERROR: SecureFault" directly after flashing when calling one function? (Is it possibly caused by memory use?)

When i call the custom-code certify() function inside my code in a secure partition i can build the programm, but after clicking flash/running the secure uart-output prints "FATAL ERROR: SecureFault". My program in the non-secure world and in the secure world doesn't seem to run at all as nothing else beside the error is output to the terminal, so the error doesn't occur at runtime when calling certify().
When i outcomment just the line calling certify() the programm works again without problems.

The certify() function is from existing code already used on another platform and i also previously called it inside the secure partition in an earlier version of the code, so it itself shouldn't cause the problem (especially as it isn't a runtime fault when the function executes, but rather already before any code even in the non-secure world executes). (I also already call another function from the same existing code which works.)

What could be the cause of the error?

(Maybe the problem is related to memory use or sth like that?
My programm uses the heap in the secure partition (see this thread for more info: https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/112129/can-you-use-the-heap-in-custom-secure-partitions-in-tfm). The heap is used whether certify() is called or not, but certify() uses it more extensively. On the other hand i already increased the heap-limit to what should be more than enough and certify() doesn't even actually execute, so i don't know if that's really related.)

Heres the full output of the secure-world-uart when flashing as additional context(the non-secure world doesn't output anything):

[Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
TF-M isolation level is: 0x00000001
Booting TF-M v2.0.0
FATAL ERROR: SecureFault
Here is some context for the exception:
    Exception came from non-secure FW in thread mode.
    xPSR:    0x00000007
    MSP:     0x200033F8
    PSP:     0x2000A9A8
    MSP_NS:  0x2001B940
    PSP_NS:  0x2001B730
    Exception frame at: 0x2001B730
        R0:   0x40000105
  [Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
TF-M isolation level is: 0x00000001
Booting TF-M v2.0.0
Creating an empty ITS flash layout.
FATAL ERROR: SecureFault
Here is some context for the exception:
    Exception came from non-secure FW in thread mode.
    xPSR:    0x00000007
    MSP:     0x200033F8
    PSP:     0x2000A9A8
    MSP_NS:  0x2001B940
    PSP_NS:  0x2001B730
    Exception frame at: 0x2001B730
        R0:   0x40000105
        R1:   0x020103F5
        R2:   0x2001B80C
        R3:   0x2001B838
        R12:  0x020003F5
        LR:   0x00052DF1
        PC:   0x0001FC20
        xPSR: 0x01000000
    Callee saved register state:        R4:   0x0001FC21
        R5:   0x020103F5
        R6:   0x2001B80C
        R7:   0x00000000
        R8:   0x40000105
        R9:   0x00051104
        R10:  0x00051104
        R11:  0x00051104
    CFSR:  0x00000000
    BFSR:  0x00000000
    BFAR:  Not Valid
    MMFSR: 0x00000000
    MMFAR: Not Valid
    UFSR:  0x00000000
    HFSR:  0x00000000
    SFSR:  0x00000001
    SFAR: Not Valid

