Maximum capacitance from nRESET to ground on target board connected to nRF52-DK.

On p. 62, section " Device startup times" of nRF52805 Product Specification v1.4, the startup time of the nRF52805 is discussed as a function of the capacitance to ground on a GPIO pin configured as reset (for which we configured P0.21). They gave examples of 500 nF and 10 uF. We would like to use at least a 100 nF (0.1 uF) capacitor to ground on P0.21 nRESET pin. My question is:

Is there a maximum value of capacitance from nRESET pin to ground for the nRF52-DK debugger to program or debug an external board connected through P19 (Debug Out)? We are considering at least a 0.1 uF (100 nF) capacitor from nRESET pin to ground on our nRF52805. Will this cause a problem when using the nRF52-DK to program or debug a remote nRF52805 using the P19 (Debug Out) connector? I am not sure how quickly it expects to execute a reset, and how large this capacitor could be without causing a problem programming or debugging using the nRF52-DK.
