root@raspberrypi:~# rm -f admin_storage.json && python3 temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/ --discriminator ${DIS} --passcode ${PASS} --commissioning-method ble-thread --paa-trust-store-path /credentials/development/paa-root-certs/ --storage-path admin_storage.json --tests test_TC_ACE_2_1 --thread-dataset-hex 0e08000000000001000035060004001fffe00208e937249e115ef54b0708fd84482042f4449c0102539a04102cd5117f5d2ee8982739d31a28b6732a0c0402a0f7f800030000140305356274797a051000112233445566778899aabbccddeeff --ble-interface-id 0 --timeout 300 [1727419909.629550][17:17] CHIP:CTL: Setting attestation nonce to random value [1727419909.632072][17:17] CHIP:CTL: Setting CSR nonce to random value [1727419909.633755][17:17] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /tmp/chip_kvs [1727419909.634141][17:17] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /tmp/chip_factory.ini [1727419909.634542][17:17] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /tmp/chip_config.ini [1727419909.634766][17:17] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /tmp/chip_counters.ini [1727419909.635484][17:17] CHIP:DL: writing settings to file (/tmp/chip_counters.ini-buThFy) [1727419909.636202][17:17] CHIP:DL: renamed tmp file to file (/tmp/chip_counters.ini) [1727419909.636286][17:17] CHIP:DL: NVS set: chip-counters/reboot-count = 2 (0x2) [1727419909.637175][17:17] CHIP:DL: Got Ethernet interface: eth0 [1727419909.637637][17:17] CHIP:DL: Found the primary Ethernet interface:eth0 [1727419909.638249][17:17] CHIP:DL: Got WiFi interface: wlan0 [1727419909.638325][17:17] CHIP:DL: Failed to reset WiFi statistic counts Initializing persistent storage from file: admin_storage.json ERROR:root:[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'admin_storage.json' CRITICAL:root:Could not load configuration from admin_storage.json - resetting configuration... WARNING:root:No valid SDK configuration present - clearing out configuration WARNING:root:No valid REPL configuration present - clearing out configuration [1727419909.641239][17:17] CHIP:IN: UDP::Init bind&listen port=0 [1727419909.641488][17:17] CHIP:IN: UDP::Init bound to port=39856 [1727419909.641529][17:17] CHIP:IN: UDP::Init bind&listen port=0 [1727419909.641636][17:17] CHIP:IN: UDP::Init bound to port=53864 [1727419909.641665][17:17] CHIP:IN: BLEBase::Init - setting/overriding transport [1727419909.641683][17:17] CHIP:IN: TransportMgr initialized [1727419909.641772][17:17] CHIP:FP: Initializing FabricTable from persistent storage [1727419909.641816][17:17] CHIP:CTL: StorageAdapter::GetKeyValue: Key = g/lkgt, Value = 0xfffff2e0c1a0 (18) [1727419909.641909][17:17] CHIP:CTL: Key Not Found [1727419909.641944][17:17] CHIP:TS: Last Known Good Time: [unknown] [1727419909.641970][17:17] CHIP:TS: Setting Last Known Good Time to firmware build time 2023-10-14T01:16:48 [1727419909.642013][17:17] CHIP:CTL: StorageAdapter::SetKeyValue: Key = g/lkgt, Value = 0xfffff2e0c1a0 (8) [1727419909.643009][17:17] CHIP:CTL: StorageAdapter::GetKeyValue: Key = g/fidx, Value = 0xfffff2e0c388 (44) [1727419909.643083][17:17] CHIP:CTL: Key Not Found [1727419909.643117][17:17] CHIP:CTL: StorageAdapter::GetKeyValue: Key = g/fs/c, Value = 0xfffff2e0c230 (36) [1727419909.643143][17:17] CHIP:CTL: Key Not Found [1727419909.643270][17:17] CHIP:CTL: StorageAdapter::GetKeyValue: Key = g/gcc, Value = 0xfffff2e0c2bc (4) [1727419909.643311][17:17] CHIP:CTL: Key Not Found [1727419909.643359][17:17] CHIP:CTL: StorageAdapter::GetKeyValue: Key = g/gdc, Value = 0xfffff2e0c2bc (4) [1727419909.643392][17:17] CHIP:CTL: Key Not Found [1727419909.643434][17:17] CHIP:CTL: StorageAdapter::SetKeyValue: Key = g/gcc, Value = 0xfffff2e0c2bc (4) [1727419909.643966][17:17] CHIP:CTL: StorageAdapter::SetKeyValue: Key = g/gdc, Value = 0xfffff2e0c2bc (4) [1727419909.644446][17:17] CHIP:ZCL: Using ZAP configuration... [1727419909.648607][17:17] CHIP:DL: Avahi client registered [1727419909.648756][17:17] CHIP:IN: CASE Server enabling CASE session setups [1727419909.648899][17:17] CHIP:IN: SecureSession[0xaaaafd1745b0]: Allocated Type:2 LSID:54875 [1727419909.648982][17:17] CHIP:SC: Allocated SecureSession (0xaaaafd1745b0) - waiting for Sigma1 msg [1727419909.649076][17:17] CHIP:CTL: System State Initialized... [1727419909.649631][17:20] CHIP:DL: CHIP task running [1727419909.650064][17:20] CHIP:DL: HandlePlatformSpecificBLEEvent 32786 WARNING:CertificateAuthorityManager:Loading certificate authorities from storage... WARNING:matter.python_testing:Didn't find any CertificateAuthorities in storage -- creating a new CertificateAuthority + FabricAdmin... WARNING:CertificateAuthority:New CertificateAuthority at index 1 WARNING:FabricAdmin:New FabricAdmin: FabricId: 0x0000000000000001, VendorId = 0xFFF1 WARNING:FabricAdmin:Allocating new controller with CaIndex: 1, FabricId: 0x0000000000000001, NodeId: 0x000000000001B669, CatTags: [] ERROR:chip.native.DL:Long dispatch time: 426 ms, for event type 2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.303 INFO Starting test set, running 1 tests [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.311 INFO ==========> CommissionDeviceTest <========== [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.314 INFO [Test] test_run_commissioning [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.315 INFO Starting commissioning for root index 1, fabric ID 0x0000000000000001, node ID 0x0000000012344321 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.315 INFO Commissioning method: ble-thread [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.316 INFO Setting thread operational dataset from parameters [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.317 INFO Setting attestation nonce to random value [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.317 INFO Setting CSR nonce to random value [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.318 INFO Commission called for node ID 0x0000000012344321 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.339 INFO BLE removing known devices. [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.342 INFO BLE initiating scan. [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.661 INFO New device scanned: C3:38:9A:C4:80:62 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:50.662 INFO Device discriminator match. Attempting to connect. [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:51.161 INFO Avahi group established [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:51.180 INFO Avahi group established [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:51.353 INFO New device connected: C3:38:9A:C4:80:62 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:52.304 INFO Closing all BLE connections [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:52.306 INFO <<< [E:27105i S:0 M:75885592] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0000:20 (SecureChannel:PBKDFParamRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:52.885 INFO subscribe complete, ep = 0xffff95c43dc0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:52.886 INFO peripheral chose BTP version 4; central expected between 4 and 4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:52.887 INFO using BTP fragment sizes rx 244 / tx 244. [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:52.888 INFO local and remote recv window size = 5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:52.979 INFO >>> [E:27105i S:0 M:267654434] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:21 (SecureChannel:PBKDFParamResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:53.059 INFO <<< [E:27105i S:0 M:75885593] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0000:22 (SecureChannel:PASE_Pake1) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:54.777 INFO >>> [E:27105i S:0 M:267654435] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:23 (SecureChannel:PASE_Pake2) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:54.781 INFO <<< [E:27105i S:0 M:75885594] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0000:24 (SecureChannel:PASE_Pake3) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:54.867 INFO >>> [E:27105i S:0 M:267654436] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:40 (SecureChannel:StatusReport) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:54.870 INFO SecureSession[0xffff80007b70, LSID:54876]: State change 'kEstablishing' --> 'kActive' Established secure session with Device [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:54.872 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'SecurePairing' -> 'ReadCommissioningInfo' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:54.873 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'ReadCommissioningInfo' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:54.874 INFO Sending read request for commissioning information [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:54.876 INFO <<< [E:27106i S:54876 M:94888573] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.047 INFO >>> [E:27106i S:54876 M:215624560] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.074 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'ReadCommissioningInfo' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.075 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'ReadCommissioningInfo' -> 'ReadCommissioningInfo2' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.075 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'ReadCommissioningInfo2' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.076 INFO <<< [E:27107i S:54876 M:94888574] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.139 INFO >>> [E:27107i S:54876 M:215624561] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.153 INFO ----- NetworkCommissioning Features: has Thread. endpointid = 0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.154 INFO No matching fabric found [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.155 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'ReadCommissioningInfo2' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.155 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'ReadCommissioningInfo2' -> 'ArmFailSafe' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.156 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'ArmFailSafe' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.156 INFO Arming failsafe (60 seconds) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.158 INFO <<< [E:27108i S:54876 M:94888575] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.228 INFO >>> [E:27108i S:54876 M:215624562] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.239 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0001 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.239 INFO Received ArmFailSafe response errorCode=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.240 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'ArmFailSafe' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.240 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'ArmFailSafe' -> 'ConfigRegulatory' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.241 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'ConfigRegulatory' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.242 INFO Setting Regulatory Config [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.242 INFO Device does not support configurable regulatory location [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.243 INFO <<< [E:27109i S:54876 M:94888576] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.318 INFO >>> [E:27109i S:54876 M:215624563] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.327 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0003 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.328 INFO Received SetRegulatoryConfig response errorCode=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.328 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'ConfigRegulatory' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.329 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'ConfigRegulatory' -> 'SendPAICertificateRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.329 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'SendPAICertificateRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.330 INFO Sending request for PAI certificate [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.331 INFO <<< [E:27110i S:54876 M:94888577] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.587 INFO >>> [E:27110i S:54876 M:215624564] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.597 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0003 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.597 INFO Received certificate chain from the device [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.598 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'SendPAICertificateRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.598 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'SendPAICertificateRequest' -> 'SendDACCertificateRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.599 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'SendDACCertificateRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.599 INFO Sending request for DAC certificate [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.600 INFO <<< [E:27111i S:54876 M:94888578] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.857 INFO >>> [E:27111i S:54876 M:215624565] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.865 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0003 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.866 INFO Received certificate chain from the device [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.866 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'SendDACCertificateRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.867 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'SendDACCertificateRequest' -> 'SendAttestationRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.867 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'SendAttestationRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.868 INFO Sending Attestation Request to the device. [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:55.869 INFO <<< [E:27112i S:54876 M:94888579] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.038 INFO >>> [E:27112i S:54876 M:215624566] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.049 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0001 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.049 INFO Received Attestation Information from the device [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.050 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'SendAttestationRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.051 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'SendAttestationRequest' -> 'AttestationVerification' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.051 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'AttestationVerification' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.052 INFO Verifying attestation [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.122 INFO Successfully validated 'Attestation Information' command received from the device. [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.122 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'AttestationVerification' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.123 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'AttestationVerification' -> 'SendOpCertSigningRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.123 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'SendOpCertSigningRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.125 INFO <<< [E:27113i S:54876 M:94888580] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.489 INFO >>> [E:27113i S:54876 M:215624567] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.497 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0005 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.498 INFO Received certificate signing request from the device [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.498 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'SendOpCertSigningRequest' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.499 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'SendOpCertSigningRequest' -> 'ValidateCSR' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.500 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'ValidateCSR' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.504 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'ValidateCSR' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.504 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'ValidateCSR' -> 'GenerateNOCChain' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.505 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'GenerateNOCChain' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.505 INFO Getting certificate chain for the device from the issuer [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.508 INFO Verifying Certificate Signing Request [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.512 INFO Generating NOC [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.513 INFO Providing certificate chain to the commissioner [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.513 INFO Received callback from the CA for NOC Chain generation. Status src/controller/ExampleOperationalCredentialsIssuer.cpp:395: Success [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.514 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'GenerateNOCChain' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.515 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'SendTrustedRootCert' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.515 INFO Sending root certificate to the device [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.516 INFO <<< [E:27114i S:54876 M:94888581] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.518 INFO Sent root certificate to the device [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.712 INFO >>> [E:27114i S:54876 M:215624568] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.719 INFO Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_000B Status=0x0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.720 INFO Device confirmed that it has received the root certificate [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.720 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'SendTrustedRootCert' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.721 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'SendTrustedRootCert' -> 'SendNOC' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.722 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'SendNOC' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.724 INFO <<< [E:27115i S:54876 M:94888582] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:56.725 INFO Sent operational certificate to the device [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.163 INFO >>> [E:27115i S:54876 M:215624569] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.171 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0008 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.172 INFO Device returned status 0 on receiving the NOC [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.173 INFO Operational credentials provisioned on device 0xffff8005f1f0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.173 INFO Secure Pairing Success [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.174 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'SendNOC' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.174 INFO No NetworkScan enabled or WiFi/Thread endpoint not specified, skipping ScanNetworks [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.175 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'SendNOC' -> 'ThreadNetworkSetup' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.176 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'ThreadNetworkSetup' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.177 INFO <<< [E:27116i S:54876 M:94888583] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.253 INFO >>> [E:27116i S:54876 M:215624570] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.263 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0031 Command=0x0000_0005 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.264 INFO Received NetworkConfig response, networkingStatus=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.264 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'ThreadNetworkSetup' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.265 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'ThreadNetworkSetup' -> 'FailsafeBeforeThreadEnable' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.265 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'FailsafeBeforeThreadEnable' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.266 INFO Arming failsafe (214 seconds) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.268 INFO <<< [E:27117i S:54876 M:94888584] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.343 INFO >>> [E:27117i S:54876 M:215624571] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.351 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0001 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.352 INFO Received ArmFailSafe response errorCode=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.353 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'FailsafeBeforeThreadEnable' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.354 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'FailsafeBeforeThreadEnable' -> 'ThreadNetworkEnable' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.355 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'ThreadNetworkEnable' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:57.356 INFO <<< [E:27118i S:54876 M:94888585] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] [BLE] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:58.558 INFO >>> [E:27118i S:54876 M:215624572] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:58.567 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0031 Command=0x0000_0007 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:58.568 INFO Received ConnectNetwork response, networkingStatus=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:58.568 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'ThreadNetworkEnable' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:58.569 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'ThreadNetworkEnable' -> 'FindOperational' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:58.569 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'FindOperational' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:58.571 INFO Resolving 96EFE1393B75EA86:0000000012344321 ... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:51:58.772 INFO Checking node lookup status after 201 ms [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:00.758 INFO Avahi resolve found [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:00.759 INFO Node ID resolved for 96EFE1393B75EA86:0000000012344321 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:00.765 INFO UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%eth0]:5540: new best score: 5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:00.766 INFO Checking node lookup status after 2195 ms [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:00.769 INFO Initiating session on local FabricIndex 1 from 0x000000000001B669 -> 0x0000000012344321 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:00.772 INFO <<< [E:27119i S:0 M:75885595] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074]:5540] --- Type 0000:30 (SecureChannel:CASE_Sigma1) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:00.773 INFO Sent Sigma1 msg [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:00.919 INFO >>> [E:27119i S:0 M:267654437 (Ack:75885595)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.187 INFO >>> [E:27119i S:0 M:267654438 (Ack:75885595)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:31 (SecureChannel:CASE_Sigma2) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.189 INFO Received Sigma2 msg [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.200 INFO <<< [E:27119i S:0 M:75885596 (Ack:267654438)] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:32 (SecureChannel:CASE_Sigma3) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.201 INFO Sent Sigma3 msg [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.505 INFO >>> [E:27119i S:0 M:267654439 (Ack:75885596)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.727 INFO >>> [E:27119i S:0 M:267654440 (Ack:75885596)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:40 (SecureChannel:StatusReport) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.730 INFO Success status report received. Session was established [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.732 INFO SetSdkKey: f/1/s/0000000012344321 = b'\x150\x03\x10NW\xec\xf9\xfcoW\x0b\x91U\x9f\xad\xa6\x80\x8b\xc20\x04 (\x8a\xd5\x1f\xce\x16\x82\xb8R\xfb\xe1\xe7\xef\xa5<\xfe\xd3\xe8\xd3f\x1b\xf2\x84JX`\x96\x15\xd1\x0f\xde;0\x05\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.733 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.735 INFO SetSdkKey: g/s/Tlfs+fxvVwuRVZ+tpoCLwg== = b'\x15$\x01\x01&\x02!C4\x12\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.736 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.737 INFO SetSdkKey: g/sri = b'\x16\x15$\x01\x01&\x02!C4\x12\x18\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.737 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.738 INFO SecureSession[0xffff80010020, LSID:54877]: State change 'kEstablishing' --> 'kActive' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.740 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'FindOperational' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.740 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'FindOperational' -> 'SendComplete' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.741 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'SendComplete' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.742 INFO <<< [E:27120i S:54877 M:75947323] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:08 (IM:InvokeCommandRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.744 INFO <<< [E:27119i S:0 M:75885597 (Ack:267654440)] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.972 INFO >>> [E:27120i S:54877 M:15744147 (Ack:75947323)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:09 (IM:InvokeCommandResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.983 INFO Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0005 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.984 INFO Received CommissioningComplete response, errorCode=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.985 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'SendComplete' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.986 INFO Commissioning stage next step: 'SendComplete' -> 'Cleanup' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.986 INFO Performing next commissioning step 'Cleanup' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.987 INFO Closing all BLE connections [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.988 INFO Auto-closing end point's BLE connection. [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:01.988 INFO Closing BLE GATT connection (con 0xffff7803e020) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.202 INFO SecureSession[0xffff80007b70, LSID:54876]: State change 'kActive' --> 'kPendingEviction' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.203 INFO Bluez notify CHIPoBluez connection disconnected [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.205 INFO Successfully finished commissioning step 'Cleanup' Commissioning complete [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.209 INFO <<< [E:27120i S:54877 M:75947324 (Ack:15744147)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.210 INFO [Test] test_run_commissioning PASS [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.217 ERROR no endpoint for unsub complete [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.218 INFO Summary for test class CommissionDeviceTest: Error 0, Executed 1, Failed 0, Passed 1, Requested 1, Skipped 0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.223 INFO ==========> AccessChecker <========== [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.227 INFO Found an existing secure session to [1:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.230 INFO <<< [E:27121i S:54877 M:75947325] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.438 INFO >>> [E:27121i S:54877 M:15744148 (Ack:75947325)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.525 INFO <<< [E:27121i S:54877 M:75947326 (Ack:15744148)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.849 INFO >>> [E:27121i S:54877 M:15744149 (Ack:75947326)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:02.933 INFO <<< [E:27121i S:54877 M:75947327 (Ack:15744149)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:03.256 INFO >>> [E:27121i S:54877 M:15744150 (Ack:75947327)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:03.342 INFO <<< [E:27121i S:54877 M:75947328 (Ack:15744150)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:03.660 INFO >>> [E:27121i S:54877 M:15744151 (Ack:75947328)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:03.743 INFO <<< [E:27121i S:54877 M:75947329 (Ack:15744151)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:04.053 INFO >>> [E:27121i S:54877 M:15744152 (Ack:75947329)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:04.092 INFO <<< [E:27121i S:54877 M:75947330 (Ack:15744152)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:04.249 INFO >>> [E:27121i S:54877 M:15744153 (Ack:75947330)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:04.338 INFO <<< [E:27121i S:54877 M:75947331 (Ack:15744153)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:04.659 INFO >>> [E:27121i S:54877 M:15744154 (Ack:75947331)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:04.745 INFO <<< [E:27121i S:54877 M:75947332 (Ack:15744154)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.013 INFO >>> [E:27121i S:54877 M:15744155 (Ack:75947332)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.399 INFO <<< [E:27121i S:54877 M:75947333 (Ack:15744155)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.419 INFO ########################################################### [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.419 INFO Start of actual tests [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.420 INFO ########################################################### [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.423 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/BooleanStateConfiguration.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.425 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/OTARequestor.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.430 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Mode_EVSE.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.431 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Mode_WaterHeater.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.432 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/DeviceEnergyManagement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.436 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/WiFiPerDeviceCredentials.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.437 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Scenes.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.440 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/EnergyPreference.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.442 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Label-Cluster-FixedLabelCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.443 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/LocalizationTimeFormat.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.444 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ContentAppObserver.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.446 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/DoorLock.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.458 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Mode_RVCRun.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.460 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/DishwasherAlarm.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.462 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ContentLauncher.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.464 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/FanControl.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.467 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/energy_management.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.468 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/GeneralCommissioningCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.469 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Mode_DeviceEnergyManagement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.470 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/EnergyCalendar.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.473 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ConcentrationMeasurement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.480 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/WindowCovering.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.485 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/MediaPlayback.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.489 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/DemandResponseLoadControl.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.492 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/PumpConfigurationControl.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.496 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ElectricalEnergyMeasurement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.498 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/DiagnosticsGeneral.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.501 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ApplicationBasic.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.502 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/network_infrastructure.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.503 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/bridge-clusters-ActionsCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.506 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/OnOff.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.508 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/TemperatureMeasurement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.510 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/SmokeCOAlarm.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.512 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ResourceMonitoring.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.514 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ModeBase.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.516 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/MicrowaveOvenControl.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.518 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Label-Cluster-LabelCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.520 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/DiagnosticsWiFi.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.522 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ModeSelect.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.524 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/BallastConfiguration.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.525 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ContentControl.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.529 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Mode_Refrigerator.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.530 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Thermostat.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.537 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/IlluminanceMeasurement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.539 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/OccupancySensing.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.541 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/OTASoftwareUpdate.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.542 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/OperationalCredentialCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.544 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Groups.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.547 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/LaundryWasherControls.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.548 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/OperationalState_Oven.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.550 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/PressureMeasurement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.551 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.552 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/EnergyEVSE.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.557 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Identify.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.559 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/LocalizationUnit.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.560 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/BasicInformationCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.563 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Mode_RVCClean.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.564 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ElectricalPowerMeasurement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.567 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/TimeSync.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.571 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/LocalizationConfiguration.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.572 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/PowerSourceCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.577 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/FlowMeasurement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.579 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/BooleanState.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.580 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/LowPower.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.582 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/WakeOnLAN.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.583 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/PowerTopology.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.584 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/DiagnosticsEthernet.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.586 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Descriptor-Cluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.587 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/DiagnosticLogsCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.589 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/AdminCommissioningCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.590 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/NetworkIdentityManagement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.592 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Switch.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.594 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/EnergyPrice.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.596 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/OperationalState.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.598 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/TemperatureControl.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.600 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ColorControl.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.607 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ThreadBorderRouterDiagnostics.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.609 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/DiagnosticsThread.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.616 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/OperationalState_RVC.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.618 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/RefrigeratorAlarm.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.619 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Binding-Cluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.620 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ACL-Cluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.622 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Group-Key-Management-Cluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.624 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/LaundryDryerControls.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.626 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/DiagnosticsSoftware.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.627 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/PowerSourceConfigurationCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.629 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Channel.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.632 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/TargetNavigator.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.633 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Messages.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.636 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/AlarmBase.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.637 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/OTAProvider.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.639 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ApplicationLauncher.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.641 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/AccountLogin.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.642 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/WaterContentMeasurement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.643 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/bridge-clusters-BridgedDeviceBasicInformationCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.645 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/AirQuality.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.646 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/KeypadInput.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.649 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ValveConfigurationControl.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.651 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/WiFiNetworkManagement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.652 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/LevelControl.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.656 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/NetworkCommissioningCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.660 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/AudioOutput.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.661 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Mode_Dishwasher.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.663 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Mode_LaundryWasher.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.664 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/MediaInput.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.665 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Mode_Oven.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.666 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/ICDManagement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.669 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/WaterHeaterManagement.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.671 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Label-Cluster-UserLabelCluster.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.672 INFO Parsing file /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/../../data_model/clusters/Mode_MicrowaveOven.xml [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.691 INFO Found an existing secure session to [1:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.694 INFO <<< [E:27122i S:54877 M:75947334] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.861 INFO >>> [E:27122i S:54877 M:15744156 (Ack:75947334)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.877 WARNING Allocating new controller with CaIndex: 1, FabricId: 0x0000000000000001, NodeId: 0x000000000001B66A, CatTags: [] [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.877 INFO <<< [E:27122i S:54877 M:75947335 (Ack:15744156)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.881 INFO Setting attestation nonce to random value [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.881 INFO Setting CSR nonce to random value [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.882 INFO Using device attestation PAA trust store path ./credentials/development/paa-root-certs. [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.884 INFO Generating NOC [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.887 INFO Validating NOC chain [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.889 INFO NOC chain validation successful [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.890 INFO Added new fabric at index: 0x2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.890 INFO Assigned compressed fabric ID: 0x96EFE1393B75EA86, node ID: 0x000000000001B66A [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.891 INFO Last Known Good Time: 2023-10-14T01:16:48 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.891 INFO New proposed Last Known Good Time: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.892 INFO Retaining current Last Known Good Time [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.893 INFO SetSdkKey: g/fs/c = b'\x15$\x00\x02)\x01\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.893 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.894 INFO SetSdkKey: f/2/m = b'\x15%\x00\xf1\xff,\x01\x00\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.895 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.896 INFO Metadata for Fabric 0x2 persisted to storage. [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.896 INFO SetSdkKey: f/2/n = b'\x150\x01\x01\x01$\x02\x017\x03$\x13\x02\x18&\x04\x80"\x81\'&\x05\x80%M:7\x06$\x15\x01&\x11j\xb6\x01\x00\x18$\x07\x01$\x08\x010\tA\x04=\xae\xcc\xc6=\x80\x91\x8d\x0e\xcd\xce\r\x8a;\xeak\xa2\x13&\xa6\xe7\x83(\xb4\xe9O\x1e\xe4\xb5\xe0\xe3\x1a~\xea\xab\x12\xf4\xe8T\x17\x87\xa5i>?\xc5u\x1fj,\x8al\xab\x04\x05\xcd\x82\xd3;\x9f\x9a\x00bz7\n5\x01(\x01\x18$\x02\x016\x03\x04\x02\x04\x01\x180\x04\x14\xd3a\x99)\xccH\x8b\xfc\x06\xfb\xb0\xa6\x8a\xccf\x1d\xe5 \x9f;0\x05\x14\x95\x80\xe4\x19r\x15\xcccz\xd7\x14\xe9\x99~~\t\xb2\xab\x14\xea\x180\x0b@\xb8o\xe4.\x136T\xc9\xbd\xacV8\xfdK\xe3\x0f\x17P\xbbo\x95mN\xdf\x85|XA\x9e\xa4\x1b\xfc\x1f\x1a\xc5\xbc^\x89Y\x88iP2$\xf1Bz\x9e\x97p\xf0\x1f\xbf\xaf\x87y>\xe9b\x8d\xe7N\xf9s\'\xe3\xaf\xa7\xa1lhU\xb2\x03\xc8_\x9d\xcb\x844\x1f6E\xe7m\x9c\x04\x91sp\x8f(#\xda\xa9Q\xa0P\'\xd97\n5\x01)\x01\x18$\x02`0\x04\x14\x95\x80\xe4\x19r\x15\xcccz\xd7\x14\xe9\x99~~\t\xb2\xab\x14\xea0\x05\x14\x9bP\x07\xb3\xdc(\xff4&\x91\x07>\tP>^wOT\x03\x180\x0b@\xc26\xd2\x18A\xa23\xb5\xd03M\x7f\x95\xbd\x05\xb2v!\xb6\xb5\x9a\x1djd\x18E\x8f\x9d\xacSw\x9d@\x80\xdc8A\xd4\xf8\x9d\xa1\xbd\xaa:\r\xb0\xfb\x80k\xf0\xd2\x13\x9a6l)\xaeN\xeb\xd6\xb4\x034@\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.898 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.900 INFO SetSdkKey: f/2/r = b'\x150\x01\x01\x01$\x02\x017\x03$\x14\x01\x18&\x04\x80"\x81\'&\x05\x80%M:7\x06$\x14\x01\x18$\x07\x01$\x08\x010\tA\x04\x13\xa8\xe6eXm\xfb\x94w\xc3X\xda\x03\x89i\xf51\xcf\x8e\xea\xa8)\xd88\x19\xc7\x93\x07\xf2N]\x14\xa4\xc7\x10\xc0\xf1CyL\x8d\x0e\t@\xfb\xbf*6N\x1b;s\x8e\xb9!&\xe0\x1d\xffvS39\xba7\n5\x01)\x01\x18$\x02`0\x04\x14\x9bP\x07\xb3\xdc(\xff4&\x91\x07>\tP>^wOT\x030\x05\x14\x9bP\x07\xb3\xdc(\xff4&\x91\x07>\tP>^wOT\x03\x180\x0b@(\x96\x9d\x8f&5Z\x16\xbb\xe9\xf2\xfe\x86t\xd1\r\x11\x91\x8d\x19p\xe8\x19\xdf8\x11\xacN\\\xc0\x1b\xf9Q\xd6\xf5\xc4\tf\x8e@\x81\xe6\x7f%~\x8e \xb4m\x15\x0f\xb2\xb4\xc8\xacV\xe1\xe0)rK\x8a\xd1\x81\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.900 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.901 INFO Committing Last Known Good Time to storage: 2023-10-14T01:16:48 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.902 INFO SetSdkKey: g/lkgt = b'\x15&\x00\x80\xa8\xbc,\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.902 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.903 INFO SetSdkKey: g/fidx = b'\x15$\x00\x036\x01\x04\x01\x04\x02\x18\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.904 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.905 INFO DeleteSdkKey: g/fs/c [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.905 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.906 INFO Joined the fabric at index 2. Fabric ID is 0x0000000000000001 (Compressed Fabric ID: 96EFE1393B75EA86) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.906 INFO *** Missing DeviceAttestationVerifier configuration at DeviceCommissioner init: using global default, consider passing one in CommissionerInitParams. [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.908 INFO Updating services using commissioning mode 0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.914 INFO Advertise operational node 96EFE1393B75EA86-000000000001B669 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.914 INFO PublishService 96EFE1393B75EA86-000000000001B669._matter._tcp39856.-1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.930 INFO mDNS service published: _matter._tcp; instance name: 96EFE1393B75EA86-000000000001B669 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.932 INFO Advertise operational node 96EFE1393B75EA86-000000000001B66A [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.932 INFO PublishService 96EFE1393B75EA86-000000000001B66A._matter._tcp39856.-1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.950 INFO mDNS service published: _matter._tcp; instance name: 96EFE1393B75EA86-000000000001B66A [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.952 INFO Advertise commission parameter vendorID=65521 productID=32769 discriminator=0000/00 cm=0 cp=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.952 INFO PublishService 60327207C7716DD2._matterd._udp5550.-1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.968 INFO mDNS service published: _matterd._udp; instance name: 60327207C7716DD2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.969 INFO Setting up group data for Fabric Index 2 with Compressed Fabric ID: [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.971 INFO SetSdkKey: f/2/k/0 = b'\x15$\x01\x00$\x02\x016\x03\x15$\x04\x00%\x05\x19\xbe0\x06\x10\xad\xec\x9f\x0c \x8b\x8aa`\xa1\x02\xa0}\xf6\x9b\x1e\x18\x15$\x04\x00$\x05\x000\x06\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x18\x15$\x04\x00$\x05\x000\x06\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x18\x18%\x07\xff\xff\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.971 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.973 INFO SetSdkKey: g/gfl = b'\x15$\x01\x02$\x02\x02\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.974 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.975 INFO SetSdkKey: f/2/g = b'\x15$\x01\x00$\x02\x00$\x03\x00$\x04\x00$\x05\x00$\x06\x01$\x07\x01\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.975 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.978 INFO [Test] test_TC_ACE_2_1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.980 INFO Starting test from /root/temp_python_testing/scripts/sdk/ [TC-ACE-2.1] Attribute read privilege enforcement - [DUT as Server] - 14 steps [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.982 INFO ***** Test Step precondition : DUT is commissioned [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.983 INFO ***** Test Step 1 : TH_commissioner performs a wildcard read [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.984 INFO ***** Test Step 2 : TH_commissioner reads the ACL attribute [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.984 INFO ***** Test Step 3 : Repeat steps 3a and 3b for each permission level [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.985 INFO Testing for 1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.985 INFO ***** Test Step 3a_kView : TH_commissioner gives TH_second_commissioner the specified privilege [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.987 INFO Found an existing secure session to [1:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:05.993 INFO <<< [E:27123i S:54877 M:75947336] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:06 (IM:WriteRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.231 INFO >>> [E:27123i S:54877 M:15744157 (Ack:75947336)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:07 (IM:WriteResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.245 INFO <<< [E:27123i S:54877 M:75947337 (Ack:15744157)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.246 INFO ***** Test Step 3b_kView : TH_second_controller reads all the attributes and checks for appropriate permission errors [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.248 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.251 INFO Resolving 96EFE1393B75EA86:0000000012344321 ... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.253 INFO Avahi resolve found [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.254 INFO Node ID resolved for 96EFE1393B75EA86:0000000012344321 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.256 INFO UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%docker0]:5540: new best score: 5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.256 INFO Checking node lookup status after 5 ms [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.257 INFO Keeping DNSSD lookup active [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.451 INFO Checking node lookup status after 200 ms [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.454 INFO Initiating session on local FabricIndex 2 from 0x000000000001B66A -> 0x0000000012344321 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.460 INFO <<< [E:27124i S:0 M:75885598] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074]:5540] --- Type 0000:30 (SecureChannel:CASE_Sigma1) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.462 INFO Sent Sigma1 msg [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.633 INFO >>> [E:27124i S:0 M:267654441 (Ack:75885598)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.799 INFO Avahi group established [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.820 INFO Avahi group established [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.838 INFO Avahi group established [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.943 INFO >>> [E:27124i S:0 M:267654442 (Ack:75885598)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:31 (SecureChannel:CASE_Sigma2) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.945 INFO Received Sigma2 msg [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.957 INFO <<< [E:27124i S:0 M:75885599 (Ack:267654442)] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:32 (SecureChannel:CASE_Sigma3) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:06.958 INFO Sent Sigma3 msg [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.094 INFO >>> [E:27124i S:0 M:267654443 (Ack:75885599)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.305 INFO >>> [E:27124i S:0 M:267654444 (Ack:75885599)] (U) Msg RX from 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:40 (SecureChannel:StatusReport) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.307 INFO Success status report received. Session was established [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.309 INFO SetSdkKey: f/2/s/0000000012344321 = b'\x150\x03\x10\xc5\x05\xf248\xb75\xdfj\x96\xaf\xc5}\r\x96\xe20\x04 \xa3\xad\xdeW\x98-}\x9e\xd7,\xc7\xcf1\xa1\xcb\x92\xdf\xd5\x91\x03vF\xbe.r0-r4\xaa=\x950\x05\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.309 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.312 INFO SetSdkKey: g/s/xQXyNDi3Nd9qlq/FfQ2W4g== = b'\x15$\x01\x02&\x02!C4\x12\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.312 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.314 INFO SetSdkKey: g/sri = b'\x16\x15$\x01\x01&\x02!C4\x12\x18\x15$\x01\x02&\x02!C4\x12\x18\x18' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.315 INFO Committing... [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.316 INFO SecureSession[0xffff80007b70, LSID:54878]: State change 'kEstablishing' --> 'kActive' [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.318 INFO <<< [E:27124i S:0 M:75885600 (Ack:267654444)] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.320 INFO <<< [E:27125i S:54878 M:60062266] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.513 INFO >>> [E:27125i S:54878 M:261620391 (Ack:60062266)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.526 INFO <<< [E:27125i S:54878 M:60062267 (Ack:261620391)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.526 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.530 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.533 INFO <<< [E:27126i S:54878 M:60062268] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.728 INFO >>> [E:27126i S:54878 M:261620392 (Ack:60062268)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.743 INFO <<< [E:27126i S:54878 M:60062269 (Ack:261620392)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.743 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.747 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.750 INFO <<< [E:27127i S:54878 M:60062270] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.934 INFO >>> [E:27127i S:54878 M:261620393 (Ack:60062270)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.947 INFO <<< [E:27127i S:54878 M:60062271 (Ack:261620393)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.948 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.951 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:07.953 INFO <<< [E:27128i S:54878 M:60062272] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.149 INFO >>> [E:27128i S:54878 M:261620394 (Ack:60062272)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.162 INFO <<< [E:27128i S:54878 M:60062273 (Ack:261620394)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.163 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.165 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.168 INFO <<< [E:27129i S:54878 M:60062274] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.359 INFO >>> [E:27129i S:54878 M:261620395 (Ack:60062274)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.374 INFO <<< [E:27129i S:54878 M:60062275 (Ack:261620395)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.374 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.377 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.379 INFO <<< [E:27130i S:54878 M:60062276] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.569 INFO >>> [E:27130i S:54878 M:261620396 (Ack:60062276)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.580 INFO <<< [E:27130i S:54878 M:60062277 (Ack:261620396)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.581 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.583 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.586 INFO <<< [E:27131i S:54878 M:60062278] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.787 INFO >>> [E:27131i S:54878 M:261620397 (Ack:60062278)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.800 INFO <<< [E:27131i S:54878 M:60062279 (Ack:261620397)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.800 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.804 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.806 INFO <<< [E:27132i S:54878 M:60062280] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:08.992 INFO >>> [E:27132i S:54878 M:261620398 (Ack:60062280)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.004 INFO <<< [E:27132i S:54878 M:60062281 (Ack:261620398)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.005 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.007 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.010 INFO <<< [E:27133i S:54878 M:60062282] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.208 INFO >>> [E:27133i S:54878 M:261620399 (Ack:60062282)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.220 INFO <<< [E:27133i S:54878 M:60062283 (Ack:261620399)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.220 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.223 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.226 INFO <<< [E:27134i S:54878 M:60062284] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.419 INFO >>> [E:27134i S:54878 M:261620400 (Ack:60062284)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.430 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.431 INFO <<< [E:27134i S:54878 M:60062285 (Ack:261620400)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.433 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.436 INFO <<< [E:27135i S:54878 M:60062286] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.628 INFO >>> [E:27135i S:54878 M:261620401 (Ack:60062286)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.638 INFO <<< [E:27135i S:54878 M:60062287 (Ack:261620401)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.639 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.641 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.644 INFO <<< [E:27136i S:54878 M:60062288] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.842 INFO >>> [E:27136i S:54878 M:261620402 (Ack:60062288)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.855 INFO <<< [E:27136i S:54878 M:60062289 (Ack:261620402)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.856 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.858 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:09.861 INFO <<< [E:27137i S:54878 M:60062290] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.053 INFO >>> [E:27137i S:54878 M:261620403 (Ack:60062290)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.063 INFO <<< [E:27137i S:54878 M:60062291 (Ack:261620403)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.064 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.066 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.070 INFO <<< [E:27138i S:54878 M:60062292] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.268 INFO >>> [E:27138i S:54878 M:261620404 (Ack:60062292)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.282 INFO <<< [E:27138i S:54878 M:60062293 (Ack:261620404)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.282 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.285 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.288 INFO <<< [E:27139i S:54878 M:60062294] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.478 INFO >>> [E:27139i S:54878 M:261620405 (Ack:60062294)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.492 INFO <<< [E:27139i S:54878 M:60062295 (Ack:261620405)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.492 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.495 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.498 INFO <<< [E:27140i S:54878 M:60062296] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.691 INFO >>> [E:27140i S:54878 M:261620406 (Ack:60062296)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.706 INFO <<< [E:27140i S:54878 M:60062297 (Ack:261620406)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.706 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.709 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.712 INFO <<< [E:27141i S:54878 M:60062298] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.908 INFO >>> [E:27141i S:54878 M:261620407 (Ack:60062298)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.922 INFO <<< [E:27141i S:54878 M:60062299 (Ack:261620407)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.922 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.925 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:10.928 INFO <<< [E:27142i S:54878 M:60062300] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.117 INFO >>> [E:27142i S:54878 M:261620408 (Ack:60062300)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.131 INFO <<< [E:27142i S:54878 M:60062301 (Ack:261620408)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.131 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.134 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.136 INFO <<< [E:27143i S:54878 M:60062302] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.326 INFO >>> [E:27143i S:54878 M:261620409 (Ack:60062302)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.339 INFO <<< [E:27143i S:54878 M:60062303 (Ack:261620409)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.340 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.343 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.345 INFO <<< [E:27144i S:54878 M:60062304] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.540 INFO >>> [E:27144i S:54878 M:261620410 (Ack:60062304)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.553 INFO <<< [E:27144i S:54878 M:60062305 (Ack:261620410)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.553 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.556 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.559 INFO <<< [E:27145i S:54878 M:60062306] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.755 INFO >>> [E:27145i S:54878 M:261620411 (Ack:60062306)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.766 INFO <<< [E:27145i S:54878 M:60062307 (Ack:261620411)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.767 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.770 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.773 INFO <<< [E:27146i S:54878 M:60062308] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.962 INFO >>> [E:27146i S:54878 M:261620412 (Ack:60062308)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.975 INFO <<< [E:27146i S:54878 M:60062309 (Ack:261620412)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.975 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.978 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:11.981 INFO <<< [E:27147i S:54878 M:60062310] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.178 INFO >>> [E:27147i S:54878 M:261620413 (Ack:60062310)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.191 INFO <<< [E:27147i S:54878 M:60062311 (Ack:261620413)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.192 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.195 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.198 INFO <<< [E:27148i S:54878 M:60062312] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.388 INFO >>> [E:27148i S:54878 M:261620414 (Ack:60062312)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.402 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.403 INFO <<< [E:27148i S:54878 M:60062313 (Ack:261620414)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.405 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.408 INFO <<< [E:27149i S:54878 M:60062314] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.598 INFO >>> [E:27149i S:54878 M:261620415 (Ack:60062314)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.610 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.610 INFO <<< [E:27149i S:54878 M:60062315 (Ack:261620415)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.613 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.616 INFO <<< [E:27150i S:54878 M:60062316] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.813 INFO >>> [E:27150i S:54878 M:261620416 (Ack:60062316)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.826 INFO <<< [E:27150i S:54878 M:60062317 (Ack:261620416)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.827 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.830 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:12.832 INFO <<< [E:27151i S:54878 M:60062318] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.023 INFO >>> [E:27151i S:54878 M:261620417 (Ack:60062318)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.036 INFO <<< [E:27151i S:54878 M:60062319 (Ack:261620417)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.036 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.039 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.042 INFO <<< [E:27152i S:54878 M:60062320] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.238 INFO >>> [E:27152i S:54878 M:261620418 (Ack:60062320)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.251 INFO <<< [E:27152i S:54878 M:60062321 (Ack:261620418)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.252 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.254 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.257 INFO <<< [E:27153i S:54878 M:60062322] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.450 INFO >>> [E:27153i S:54878 M:261620419 (Ack:60062322)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.463 INFO <<< [E:27153i S:54878 M:60062323 (Ack:261620419)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.463 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.466 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.469 INFO <<< [E:27154i S:54878 M:60062324] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.661 INFO >>> [E:27154i S:54878 M:261620420 (Ack:60062324)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.676 INFO <<< [E:27154i S:54878 M:60062325 (Ack:261620420)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.676 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=15 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.680 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.682 INFO <<< [E:27155i S:54878 M:60062326] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.873 INFO >>> [E:27155i S:54878 M:261620421 (Ack:60062326)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.888 INFO <<< [E:27155i S:54878 M:60062327 (Ack:261620421)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.888 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=16 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.891 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:13.894 INFO <<< [E:27156i S:54878 M:60062328] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.084 INFO >>> [E:27156i S:54878 M:261620422 (Ack:60062328)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.098 INFO <<< [E:27156i S:54878 M:60062329 (Ack:261620422)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.099 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=19 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.101 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.104 INFO <<< [E:27157i S:54878 M:60062330] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.296 INFO >>> [E:27157i S:54878 M:261620423 (Ack:60062330)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.311 INFO <<< [E:27157i S:54878 M:60062331 (Ack:261620423)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.312 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=21 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.314 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.317 INFO <<< [E:27158i S:54878 M:60062332] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.506 INFO >>> [E:27158i S:54878 M:261620424 (Ack:60062332)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.522 INFO <<< [E:27158i S:54878 M:60062333 (Ack:261620424)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.522 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=22 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.525 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.528 INFO <<< [E:27159i S:54878 M:60062334] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.715 INFO >>> [E:27159i S:54878 M:261620425 (Ack:60062334)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.725 INFO <<< [E:27159i S:54878 M:60062335 (Ack:261620425)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.726 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.729 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.732 INFO <<< [E:27160i S:54878 M:60062336] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.931 INFO >>> [E:27160i S:54878 M:261620426 (Ack:60062336)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.943 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.943 INFO <<< [E:27160i S:54878 M:60062337 (Ack:261620426)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.947 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:14.949 INFO <<< [E:27161i S:54878 M:60062338] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.142 INFO >>> [E:27161i S:54878 M:261620427 (Ack:60062338)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.156 INFO <<< [E:27161i S:54878 M:60062339 (Ack:261620427)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.157 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.159 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.162 INFO <<< [E:27162i S:54878 M:60062340] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.358 INFO >>> [E:27162i S:54878 M:261620428 (Ack:60062340)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.372 INFO <<< [E:27162i S:54878 M:60062341 (Ack:261620428)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.373 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.376 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.378 INFO <<< [E:27163i S:54878 M:60062342] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.564 INFO >>> [E:27163i S:54878 M:261620429 (Ack:60062342)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.575 INFO <<< [E:27163i S:54878 M:60062343 (Ack:261620429)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.576 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.579 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.582 INFO <<< [E:27164i S:54878 M:60062344] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.777 INFO >>> [E:27164i S:54878 M:261620430 (Ack:60062344)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.792 INFO <<< [E:27164i S:54878 M:60062345 (Ack:261620430)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.792 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.795 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.798 INFO <<< [E:27165i S:54878 M:60062346] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:15.986 INFO >>> [E:27165i S:54878 M:261620431 (Ack:60062346)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.000 INFO <<< [E:27165i S:54878 M:60062347 (Ack:261620431)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.000 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.003 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.006 INFO <<< [E:27166i S:54878 M:60062348] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.202 INFO >>> [E:27166i S:54878 M:261620432 (Ack:60062348)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.214 INFO <<< [E:27166i S:54878 M:60062349 (Ack:261620432)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.214 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.218 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.221 INFO <<< [E:27167i S:54878 M:60062350] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.415 INFO >>> [E:27167i S:54878 M:261620433 (Ack:60062350)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.429 INFO <<< [E:27167i S:54878 M:60062351 (Ack:261620433)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.429 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.432 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.434 INFO <<< [E:27168i S:54878 M:60062352] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.625 INFO >>> [E:27168i S:54878 M:261620434 (Ack:60062352)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.639 INFO <<< [E:27168i S:54878 M:60062353 (Ack:261620434)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.639 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.642 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.644 INFO <<< [E:27169i S:54878 M:60062354] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.837 INFO >>> [E:27169i S:54878 M:261620435 (Ack:60062354)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.852 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.852 INFO <<< [E:27169i S:54878 M:60062355 (Ack:261620435)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.855 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:16.858 INFO <<< [E:27170i S:54878 M:60062356] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.050 INFO >>> [E:27170i S:54878 M:261620436 (Ack:60062356)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.064 INFO <<< [E:27170i S:54878 M:60062357 (Ack:261620436)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.064 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.067 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.070 INFO <<< [E:27171i S:54878 M:60062358] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.264 INFO >>> [E:27171i S:54878 M:261620437 (Ack:60062358)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.279 INFO <<< [E:27171i S:54878 M:60062359 (Ack:261620437)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.280 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.282 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.285 INFO <<< [E:27172i S:54878 M:60062360] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.475 INFO >>> [E:27172i S:54878 M:261620438 (Ack:60062360)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.486 INFO <<< [E:27172i S:54878 M:60062361 (Ack:261620438)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.487 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.489 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.492 INFO <<< [E:27173i S:54878 M:60062362] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.686 INFO >>> [E:27173i S:54878 M:261620439 (Ack:60062362)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.699 INFO <<< [E:27173i S:54878 M:60062363 (Ack:261620439)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.700 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.703 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.705 INFO <<< [E:27174i S:54878 M:60062364] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.899 INFO >>> [E:27174i S:54878 M:261620440 (Ack:60062364)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.912 INFO <<< [E:27174i S:54878 M:60062365 (Ack:261620440)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.912 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.915 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:17.917 INFO <<< [E:27175i S:54878 M:60062366] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.114 INFO >>> [E:27175i S:54878 M:261620441 (Ack:60062366)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.127 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.127 INFO <<< [E:27175i S:54878 M:60062367 (Ack:261620441)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.131 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.133 INFO <<< [E:27176i S:54878 M:60062368] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.322 INFO >>> [E:27176i S:54878 M:261620442 (Ack:60062368)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.336 INFO <<< [E:27176i S:54878 M:60062369 (Ack:261620442)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.336 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.339 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.341 INFO <<< [E:27177i S:54878 M:60062370] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.533 INFO >>> [E:27177i S:54878 M:261620443 (Ack:60062370)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.542 INFO <<< [E:27177i S:54878 M:60062371 (Ack:261620443)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.543 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.546 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.549 INFO <<< [E:27178i S:54878 M:60062372] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.745 INFO >>> [E:27178i S:54878 M:261620444 (Ack:60062372)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.758 INFO <<< [E:27178i S:54878 M:60062373 (Ack:261620444)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.758 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.762 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.765 INFO <<< [E:27179i S:54878 M:60062374] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.956 INFO >>> [E:27179i S:54878 M:261620445 (Ack:60062374)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.972 INFO <<< [E:27179i S:54878 M:60062375 (Ack:261620445)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.972 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.975 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:18.978 INFO <<< [E:27180i S:54878 M:60062376] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.163 INFO >>> [E:27180i S:54878 M:261620446 (Ack:60062376)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.176 INFO <<< [E:27180i S:54878 M:60062377 (Ack:261620446)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.178 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.180 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.183 INFO <<< [E:27181i S:54878 M:60062378] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.374 INFO >>> [E:27181i S:54878 M:261620447 (Ack:60062378)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.388 INFO <<< [E:27181i S:54878 M:60062379 (Ack:261620447)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.388 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.391 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.393 INFO <<< [E:27182i S:54878 M:60062380] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.587 INFO >>> [E:27182i S:54878 M:261620448 (Ack:60062380)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.597 INFO <<< [E:27182i S:54878 M:60062381 (Ack:261620448)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.598 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.600 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.603 INFO <<< [E:27183i S:54878 M:60062382] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.808 INFO >>> [E:27183i S:54878 M:261620449 (Ack:60062382)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.822 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.823 INFO <<< [E:27183i S:54878 M:60062383 (Ack:261620449)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.826 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:19.829 INFO <<< [E:27184i S:54878 M:60062384] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.011 INFO >>> [E:27184i S:54878 M:261620450 (Ack:60062384)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.026 INFO <<< [E:27184i S:54878 M:60062385 (Ack:261620450)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.026 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.029 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.032 INFO <<< [E:27185i S:54878 M:60062386] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.221 INFO >>> [E:27185i S:54878 M:261620451 (Ack:60062386)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.235 INFO <<< [E:27185i S:54878 M:60062387 (Ack:261620451)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.236 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.239 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.241 INFO <<< [E:27186i S:54878 M:60062388] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.443 INFO >>> [E:27186i S:54878 M:261620452 (Ack:60062388)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.456 INFO <<< [E:27186i S:54878 M:60062389 (Ack:261620452)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.457 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.460 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.463 INFO <<< [E:27187i S:54878 M:60062390] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.649 INFO >>> [E:27187i S:54878 M:261620453 (Ack:60062390)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.664 INFO <<< [E:27187i S:54878 M:60062391 (Ack:261620453)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.665 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.668 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.671 INFO <<< [E:27188i S:54878 M:60062392] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.858 INFO >>> [E:27188i S:54878 M:261620454 (Ack:60062392)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.872 INFO <<< [E:27188i S:54878 M:60062393 (Ack:261620454)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.872 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.875 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:20.877 INFO <<< [E:27189i S:54878 M:60062394] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.067 INFO >>> [E:27189i S:54878 M:261620455 (Ack:60062394)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.082 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.082 INFO <<< [E:27189i S:54878 M:60062395 (Ack:261620455)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.085 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.088 INFO <<< [E:27190i S:54878 M:60062396] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.282 INFO >>> [E:27190i S:54878 M:261620456 (Ack:60062396)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.294 INFO <<< [E:27190i S:54878 M:60062397 (Ack:261620456)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.294 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.297 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.300 INFO <<< [E:27191i S:54878 M:60062398] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.491 INFO >>> [E:27191i S:54878 M:261620457 (Ack:60062398)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.505 INFO <<< [E:27191i S:54878 M:60062399 (Ack:261620457)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.505 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.508 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.511 INFO <<< [E:27192i S:54878 M:60062400] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.704 INFO >>> [E:27192i S:54878 M:261620458 (Ack:60062400)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.717 INFO <<< [E:27192i S:54878 M:60062401 (Ack:261620458)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.718 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.722 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.725 INFO <<< [E:27193i S:54878 M:60062402] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.910 INFO >>> [E:27193i S:54878 M:261620459 (Ack:60062402)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.923 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.924 INFO <<< [E:27193i S:54878 M:60062403 (Ack:261620459)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.926 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:21.929 INFO <<< [E:27194i S:54878 M:60062404] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.125 INFO >>> [E:27194i S:54878 M:261620460 (Ack:60062404)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.136 INFO <<< [E:27194i S:54878 M:60062405 (Ack:261620460)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.137 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.140 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.143 INFO <<< [E:27195i S:54878 M:60062406] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.336 INFO >>> [E:27195i S:54878 M:261620461 (Ack:60062406)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.350 INFO <<< [E:27195i S:54878 M:60062407 (Ack:261620461)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.351 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.354 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.357 INFO <<< [E:27196i S:54878 M:60062408] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.547 INFO >>> [E:27196i S:54878 M:261620462 (Ack:60062408)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.560 INFO <<< [E:27196i S:54878 M:60062409 (Ack:261620462)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.561 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.564 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.566 INFO <<< [E:27197i S:54878 M:60062410] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.758 INFO >>> [E:27197i S:54878 M:261620463 (Ack:60062410)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.770 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.770 INFO <<< [E:27197i S:54878 M:60062411 (Ack:261620463)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.773 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.776 INFO <<< [E:27198i S:54878 M:60062412] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.976 INFO >>> [E:27198i S:54878 M:261620464 (Ack:60062412)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.990 INFO <<< [E:27198i S:54878 M:60062413 (Ack:261620464)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.990 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.994 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:22.997 INFO <<< [E:27199i S:54878 M:60062414] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.184 INFO >>> [E:27199i S:54878 M:261620465 (Ack:60062414)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.199 INFO <<< [E:27199i S:54878 M:60062415 (Ack:261620465)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.200 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.202 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.205 INFO <<< [E:27200i S:54878 M:60062416] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.391 INFO >>> [E:27200i S:54878 M:261620466 (Ack:60062416)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.406 INFO <<< [E:27200i S:54878 M:60062417 (Ack:261620466)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.406 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.409 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.412 INFO <<< [E:27201i S:54878 M:60062418] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.603 INFO >>> [E:27201i S:54878 M:261620467 (Ack:60062418)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.613 INFO <<< [E:27201i S:54878 M:60062419 (Ack:261620467)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.614 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.617 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.620 INFO <<< [E:27202i S:54878 M:60062420] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.816 INFO >>> [E:27202i S:54878 M:261620468 (Ack:60062420)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.829 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.829 INFO <<< [E:27202i S:54878 M:60062421 (Ack:261620468)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.833 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:23.835 INFO <<< [E:27203i S:54878 M:60062422] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.028 INFO >>> [E:27203i S:54878 M:261620469 (Ack:60062422)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.043 INFO <<< [E:27203i S:54878 M:60062423 (Ack:261620469)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.044 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.046 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.049 INFO <<< [E:27204i S:54878 M:60062424] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.236 INFO >>> [E:27204i S:54878 M:261620470 (Ack:60062424)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.247 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.247 INFO <<< [E:27204i S:54878 M:60062425 (Ack:261620470)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.251 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.253 INFO <<< [E:27205i S:54878 M:60062426] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.448 INFO >>> [E:27205i S:54878 M:261620471 (Ack:60062426)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.459 INFO <<< [E:27205i S:54878 M:60062427 (Ack:261620471)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.460 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.463 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.466 INFO <<< [E:27206i S:54878 M:60062428] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.661 INFO >>> [E:27206i S:54878 M:261620472 (Ack:60062428)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.671 INFO <<< [E:27206i S:54878 M:60062429 (Ack:261620472)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.672 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.675 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.678 INFO <<< [E:27207i S:54878 M:60062430] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.873 INFO >>> [E:27207i S:54878 M:261620473 (Ack:60062430)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.887 INFO <<< [E:27207i S:54878 M:60062431 (Ack:261620473)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.888 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.891 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:24.894 INFO <<< [E:27208i S:54878 M:60062432] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.083 INFO >>> [E:27208i S:54878 M:261620474 (Ack:60062432)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.095 INFO <<< [E:27208i S:54878 M:60062433 (Ack:261620474)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.096 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.099 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.102 INFO <<< [E:27209i S:54878 M:60062434] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.292 INFO >>> [E:27209i S:54878 M:261620475 (Ack:60062434)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.305 INFO <<< [E:27209i S:54878 M:60062435 (Ack:261620475)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.306 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.309 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.311 INFO <<< [E:27210i S:54878 M:60062436] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.505 INFO >>> [E:27210i S:54878 M:261620476 (Ack:60062436)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.518 INFO <<< [E:27210i S:54878 M:60062437 (Ack:261620476)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.519 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.522 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.524 INFO <<< [E:27211i S:54878 M:60062438] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.718 INFO >>> [E:27211i S:54878 M:261620477 (Ack:60062438)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.729 INFO <<< [E:27211i S:54878 M:60062439 (Ack:261620477)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.730 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.733 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.735 INFO <<< [E:27212i S:54878 M:60062440] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.925 INFO >>> [E:27212i S:54878 M:261620478 (Ack:60062440)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.937 INFO <<< [E:27212i S:54878 M:60062441 (Ack:261620478)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.938 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.941 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:25.944 INFO <<< [E:27213i S:54878 M:60062442] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.141 INFO >>> [E:27213i S:54878 M:261620479 (Ack:60062442)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.154 INFO <<< [E:27213i S:54878 M:60062443 (Ack:261620479)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.155 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.158 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.160 INFO <<< [E:27214i S:54878 M:60062444] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.353 INFO >>> [E:27214i S:54878 M:261620480 (Ack:60062444)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.366 INFO <<< [E:27214i S:54878 M:60062445 (Ack:261620480)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.366 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.369 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.372 INFO <<< [E:27215i S:54878 M:60062446] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.563 INFO >>> [E:27215i S:54878 M:261620481 (Ack:60062446)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.574 INFO <<< [E:27215i S:54878 M:60062447 (Ack:261620481)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.575 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.578 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.581 INFO <<< [E:27216i S:54878 M:60062448] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.773 INFO >>> [E:27216i S:54878 M:261620482 (Ack:60062448)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.784 INFO <<< [E:27216i S:54878 M:60062449 (Ack:261620482)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.785 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.787 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.789 INFO <<< [E:27217i S:54878 M:60062450] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.985 INFO >>> [E:27217i S:54878 M:261620483 (Ack:60062450)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.997 INFO <<< [E:27217i S:54878 M:60062451 (Ack:261620483)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.997 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:26.999 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.002 INFO <<< [E:27218i S:54878 M:60062452] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.200 INFO >>> [E:27218i S:54878 M:261620484 (Ack:60062452)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.209 INFO <<< [E:27218i S:54878 M:60062453 (Ack:261620484)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.210 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.213 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.215 INFO <<< [E:27219i S:54878 M:60062454] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.410 INFO >>> [E:27219i S:54878 M:261620485 (Ack:60062454)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.422 INFO <<< [E:27219i S:54878 M:60062455 (Ack:261620485)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.422 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.426 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.428 INFO <<< [E:27220i S:54878 M:60062456] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.619 INFO >>> [E:27220i S:54878 M:261620486 (Ack:60062456)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.633 INFO <<< [E:27220i S:54878 M:60062457 (Ack:261620486)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.634 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.637 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.639 INFO <<< [E:27221i S:54878 M:60062458] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.835 INFO >>> [E:27221i S:54878 M:261620487 (Ack:60062458)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.849 INFO <<< [E:27221i S:54878 M:60062459 (Ack:261620487)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.849 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.852 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:27.855 INFO <<< [E:27222i S:54878 M:60062460] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.051 INFO >>> [E:27222i S:54878 M:261620488 (Ack:60062460)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.064 INFO <<< [E:27222i S:54878 M:60062461 (Ack:261620488)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.064 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.067 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.070 INFO <<< [E:27223i S:54878 M:60062462] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.263 INFO >>> [E:27223i S:54878 M:261620489 (Ack:60062462)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.276 INFO <<< [E:27223i S:54878 M:60062463 (Ack:261620489)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.277 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.281 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.283 INFO <<< [E:27224i S:54878 M:60062464] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.466 INFO >>> [E:27224i S:54878 M:261620490 (Ack:60062464)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.479 INFO <<< [E:27224i S:54878 M:60062465 (Ack:261620490)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.480 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.483 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.485 INFO <<< [E:27225i S:54878 M:60062466] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.680 INFO >>> [E:27225i S:54878 M:261620491 (Ack:60062466)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.693 INFO <<< [E:27225i S:54878 M:60062467 (Ack:261620491)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.694 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.697 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.700 INFO <<< [E:27226i S:54878 M:60062468] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.900 INFO >>> [E:27226i S:54878 M:261620492 (Ack:60062468)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.919 INFO <<< [E:27226i S:54878 M:60062469 (Ack:261620492)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.919 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.922 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:28.924 INFO <<< [E:27227i S:54878 M:60062470] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.105 INFO >>> [E:27227i S:54878 M:261620493 (Ack:60062470)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.118 INFO <<< [E:27227i S:54878 M:60062471 (Ack:261620493)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.119 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.121 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.124 INFO <<< [E:27228i S:54878 M:60062472] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.313 INFO >>> [E:27228i S:54878 M:261620494 (Ack:60062472)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.326 INFO <<< [E:27228i S:54878 M:60062473 (Ack:261620494)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.327 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.330 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.332 INFO <<< [E:27229i S:54878 M:60062474] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.526 INFO >>> [E:27229i S:54878 M:261620495 (Ack:60062474)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.539 INFO <<< [E:27229i S:54878 M:60062475 (Ack:261620495)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.540 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.542 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.545 INFO <<< [E:27230i S:54878 M:60062476] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.737 INFO >>> [E:27230i S:54878 M:261620496 (Ack:60062476)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.752 INFO <<< [E:27230i S:54878 M:60062477 (Ack:261620496)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.753 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.756 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.758 INFO <<< [E:27231i S:54878 M:60062478] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.949 INFO >>> [E:27231i S:54878 M:261620497 (Ack:60062478)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.963 INFO <<< [E:27231i S:54878 M:60062479 (Ack:261620497)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.964 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.967 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:29.970 INFO <<< [E:27232i S:54878 M:60062480] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.167 INFO >>> [E:27232i S:54878 M:261620498 (Ack:60062480)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.179 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.180 INFO <<< [E:27232i S:54878 M:60062481 (Ack:261620498)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.184 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.186 INFO <<< [E:27233i S:54878 M:60062482] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.373 INFO >>> [E:27233i S:54878 M:261620499 (Ack:60062482)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.387 INFO <<< [E:27233i S:54878 M:60062483 (Ack:261620499)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.387 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.390 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.392 INFO <<< [E:27234i S:54878 M:60062484] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.586 INFO >>> [E:27234i S:54878 M:261620500 (Ack:60062484)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.599 INFO <<< [E:27234i S:54878 M:60062485 (Ack:261620500)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.600 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.603 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.605 INFO <<< [E:27235i S:54878 M:60062486] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.801 INFO >>> [E:27235i S:54878 M:261620501 (Ack:60062486)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.815 INFO <<< [E:27235i S:54878 M:60062487 (Ack:261620501)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.816 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.818 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:30.821 INFO <<< [E:27236i S:54878 M:60062488] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.010 INFO >>> [E:27236i S:54878 M:261620502 (Ack:60062488)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.023 INFO <<< [E:27236i S:54878 M:60062489 (Ack:261620502)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.024 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.027 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.029 INFO <<< [E:27237i S:54878 M:60062490] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.223 INFO >>> [E:27237i S:54878 M:261620503 (Ack:60062490)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.236 INFO <<< [E:27237i S:54878 M:60062491 (Ack:261620503)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.236 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.239 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.242 INFO <<< [E:27238i S:54878 M:60062492] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.436 INFO >>> [E:27238i S:54878 M:261620504 (Ack:60062492)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.451 INFO <<< [E:27238i S:54878 M:60062493 (Ack:261620504)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.451 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.454 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.456 INFO <<< [E:27239i S:54878 M:60062494] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.646 INFO >>> [E:27239i S:54878 M:261620505 (Ack:60062494)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.659 INFO <<< [E:27239i S:54878 M:60062495 (Ack:261620505)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.660 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.663 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.665 INFO <<< [E:27240i S:54878 M:60062496] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.857 INFO >>> [E:27240i S:54878 M:261620506 (Ack:60062496)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.872 INFO <<< [E:27240i S:54878 M:60062497 (Ack:261620506)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.873 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.876 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:31.878 INFO <<< [E:27241i S:54878 M:60062498] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.067 INFO >>> [E:27241i S:54878 M:261620507 (Ack:60062498)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.082 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.082 INFO <<< [E:27241i S:54878 M:60062499 (Ack:261620507)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.085 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.088 INFO <<< [E:27242i S:54878 M:60062500] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.286 INFO >>> [E:27242i S:54878 M:261620508 (Ack:60062500)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.301 INFO <<< [E:27242i S:54878 M:60062501 (Ack:261620508)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.301 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.304 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.307 INFO <<< [E:27243i S:54878 M:60062502] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.498 INFO >>> [E:27243i S:54878 M:261620509 (Ack:60062502)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.513 INFO <<< [E:27243i S:54878 M:60062503 (Ack:261620509)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.513 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.516 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.519 INFO <<< [E:27244i S:54878 M:60062504] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.725 INFO >>> [E:27244i S:54878 M:261620510 (Ack:60062504)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.739 INFO <<< [E:27244i S:54878 M:60062505 (Ack:261620510)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.739 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.742 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.744 INFO <<< [E:27245i S:54878 M:60062506] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.938 INFO >>> [E:27245i S:54878 M:261620511 (Ack:60062506)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.952 INFO <<< [E:27245i S:54878 M:60062507 (Ack:261620511)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.952 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.955 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:32.957 INFO <<< [E:27246i S:54878 M:60062508] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.150 INFO >>> [E:27246i S:54878 M:261620512 (Ack:60062508)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.165 INFO <<< [E:27246i S:54878 M:60062509 (Ack:261620512)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.165 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=12 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.168 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.170 INFO <<< [E:27247i S:54878 M:60062510] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.360 INFO >>> [E:27247i S:54878 M:261620513 (Ack:60062510)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.374 INFO <<< [E:27247i S:54878 M:60062511 (Ack:261620513)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.375 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=13 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.378 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.380 INFO <<< [E:27248i S:54878 M:60062512] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.570 INFO >>> [E:27248i S:54878 M:261620514 (Ack:60062512)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.583 INFO <<< [E:27248i S:54878 M:60062513 (Ack:261620514)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.584 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=58 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.593 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.596 INFO <<< [E:27249i S:54878 M:60062514] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.785 INFO >>> [E:27249i S:54878 M:261620515 (Ack:60062514)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.798 INFO <<< [E:27249i S:54878 M:60062515 (Ack:261620515)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.798 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=59 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.801 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.804 INFO <<< [E:27250i S:54878 M:60062516] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:33.996 INFO >>> [E:27250i S:54878 M:261620516 (Ack:60062516)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.008 INFO <<< [E:27250i S:54878 M:60062517 (Ack:261620516)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.009 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=60 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.012 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.015 INFO <<< [E:27251i S:54878 M:60062518] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.207 INFO >>> [E:27251i S:54878 M:261620517 (Ack:60062518)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.220 INFO <<< [E:27251i S:54878 M:60062519 (Ack:261620517)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.221 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=61 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.224 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.227 INFO <<< [E:27252i S:54878 M:60062520] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.421 INFO >>> [E:27252i S:54878 M:261620518 (Ack:60062520)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.439 INFO <<< [E:27252i S:54878 M:60062521 (Ack:261620518)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.439 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=62 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.442 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.444 INFO <<< [E:27253i S:54878 M:60062522] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.629 INFO >>> [E:27253i S:54878 M:261620519 (Ack:60062522)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.645 INFO <<< [E:27253i S:54878 M:60062523 (Ack:261620519)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.645 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.648 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.650 INFO <<< [E:27254i S:54878 M:60062524] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.841 INFO >>> [E:27254i S:54878 M:261620520 (Ack:60062524)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.854 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.854 INFO <<< [E:27254i S:54878 M:60062525 (Ack:261620520)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.858 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:34.861 INFO <<< [E:27255i S:54878 M:60062526] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.053 INFO >>> [E:27255i S:54878 M:261620521 (Ack:60062526)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.067 INFO <<< [E:27255i S:54878 M:60062527 (Ack:261620521)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.068 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.070 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.073 INFO <<< [E:27256i S:54878 M:60062528] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.270 INFO >>> [E:27256i S:54878 M:261620522 (Ack:60062528)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.283 INFO <<< [E:27256i S:54878 M:60062529 (Ack:261620522)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.284 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.287 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.290 INFO <<< [E:27257i S:54878 M:60062530] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.478 INFO >>> [E:27257i S:54878 M:261620523 (Ack:60062530)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.491 INFO <<< [E:27257i S:54878 M:60062531 (Ack:261620523)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.491 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.494 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.497 INFO <<< [E:27258i S:54878 M:60062532] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.687 INFO >>> [E:27258i S:54878 M:261620524 (Ack:60062532)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.701 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.701 INFO <<< [E:27258i S:54878 M:60062533 (Ack:261620524)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.704 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.707 INFO <<< [E:27259i S:54878 M:60062534] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.897 INFO >>> [E:27259i S:54878 M:261620525 (Ack:60062534)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.911 INFO <<< [E:27259i S:54878 M:60062535 (Ack:261620525)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.911 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.914 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:35.917 INFO <<< [E:27260i S:54878 M:60062536] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.107 INFO >>> [E:27260i S:54878 M:261620526 (Ack:60062536)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.119 INFO <<< [E:27260i S:54878 M:60062537 (Ack:261620526)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.120 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.123 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.125 INFO <<< [E:27261i S:54878 M:60062538] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.321 INFO >>> [E:27261i S:54878 M:261620527 (Ack:60062538)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.333 INFO <<< [E:27261i S:54878 M:60062539 (Ack:261620527)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.333 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.337 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.340 INFO <<< [E:27262i S:54878 M:60062540] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.532 INFO >>> [E:27262i S:54878 M:261620528 (Ack:60062540)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.546 INFO <<< [E:27262i S:54878 M:60062541 (Ack:261620528)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.546 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.549 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.552 INFO <<< [E:27263i S:54878 M:60062542] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.743 INFO >>> [E:27263i S:54878 M:261620529 (Ack:60062542)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.754 INFO <<< [E:27263i S:54878 M:60062543 (Ack:261620529)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.755 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.758 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.760 INFO <<< [E:27264i S:54878 M:60062544] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.956 INFO >>> [E:27264i S:54878 M:261620530 (Ack:60062544)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.969 INFO <<< [E:27264i S:54878 M:60062545 (Ack:261620530)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.970 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.973 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:36.975 INFO <<< [E:27265i S:54878 M:60062546] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.164 INFO >>> [E:27265i S:54878 M:261620531 (Ack:60062546)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.177 INFO <<< [E:27265i S:54878 M:60062547 (Ack:261620531)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.178 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.181 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.184 INFO <<< [E:27266i S:54878 M:60062548] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.375 INFO >>> [E:27266i S:54878 M:261620532 (Ack:60062548)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.388 INFO <<< [E:27266i S:54878 M:60062549 (Ack:261620532)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.389 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.391 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.394 INFO <<< [E:27267i S:54878 M:60062550] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.586 INFO >>> [E:27267i S:54878 M:261620533 (Ack:60062550)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.599 INFO <<< [E:27267i S:54878 M:60062551 (Ack:261620533)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.599 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.602 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.604 INFO <<< [E:27268i S:54878 M:60062552] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.804 INFO >>> [E:27268i S:54878 M:261620534 (Ack:60062552)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.820 INFO <<< [E:27268i S:54878 M:60062553 (Ack:261620534)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.820 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.823 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:37.826 INFO <<< [E:27269i S:54878 M:60062554] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.008 INFO >>> [E:27269i S:54878 M:261620535 (Ack:60062554)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.022 INFO <<< [E:27269i S:54878 M:60062555 (Ack:261620535)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.023 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.025 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.028 INFO <<< [E:27270i S:54878 M:60062556] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.221 INFO >>> [E:27270i S:54878 M:261620536 (Ack:60062556)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.235 INFO <<< [E:27270i S:54878 M:60062557 (Ack:261620536)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.236 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.238 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.241 INFO <<< [E:27271i S:54878 M:60062558] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.453 INFO >>> [E:27271i S:54878 M:261620537 (Ack:60062558)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.466 INFO <<< [E:27271i S:54878 M:60062559 (Ack:261620537)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.467 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.470 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.473 INFO <<< [E:27272i S:54878 M:60062560] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.645 INFO >>> [E:27272i S:54878 M:261620538 (Ack:60062560)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.659 INFO <<< [E:27272i S:54878 M:60062561 (Ack:261620538)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.659 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.662 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.664 INFO <<< [E:27273i S:54878 M:60062562] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.856 INFO >>> [E:27273i S:54878 M:261620539 (Ack:60062562)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.871 INFO <<< [E:27273i S:54878 M:60062563 (Ack:261620539)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.871 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.874 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:38.877 INFO <<< [E:27274i S:54878 M:60062564] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.069 INFO >>> [E:27274i S:54878 M:261620540 (Ack:60062564)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.083 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.083 INFO <<< [E:27274i S:54878 M:60062565 (Ack:261620540)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.086 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.089 INFO <<< [E:27275i S:54878 M:60062566] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.283 INFO >>> [E:27275i S:54878 M:261620541 (Ack:60062566)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.295 INFO <<< [E:27275i S:54878 M:60062567 (Ack:261620541)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.296 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.299 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.302 INFO <<< [E:27276i S:54878 M:60062568] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.488 INFO >>> [E:27276i S:54878 M:261620542 (Ack:60062568)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.501 INFO <<< [E:27276i S:54878 M:60062569 (Ack:261620542)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.502 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.504 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.507 INFO <<< [E:27277i S:54878 M:60062570] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.701 INFO >>> [E:27277i S:54878 M:261620543 (Ack:60062570)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.716 INFO <<< [E:27277i S:54878 M:60062571 (Ack:261620543)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.716 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.719 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.722 INFO <<< [E:27278i S:54878 M:60062572] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.912 INFO >>> [E:27278i S:54878 M:261620544 (Ack:60062572)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.927 INFO <<< [E:27278i S:54878 M:60062573 (Ack:261620544)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.927 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.930 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:39.932 INFO <<< [E:27279i S:54878 M:60062574] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.125 INFO >>> [E:27279i S:54878 M:261620545 (Ack:60062574)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.136 INFO <<< [E:27279i S:54878 M:60062575 (Ack:261620545)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.136 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.139 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.144 INFO <<< [E:27280i S:54878 M:60062576] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.337 INFO >>> [E:27280i S:54878 M:261620546 (Ack:60062576)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.351 INFO <<< [E:27280i S:54878 M:60062577 (Ack:261620546)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.352 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.354 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.357 INFO <<< [E:27281i S:54878 M:60062578] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.552 INFO >>> [E:27281i S:54878 M:261620547 (Ack:60062578)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.565 INFO <<< [E:27281i S:54878 M:60062579 (Ack:261620547)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.566 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.569 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.571 INFO <<< [E:27282i S:54878 M:60062580] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.761 INFO >>> [E:27282i S:54878 M:261620548 (Ack:60062580)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.775 INFO <<< [E:27282i S:54878 M:60062581 (Ack:261620548)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.776 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.779 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.781 INFO <<< [E:27283i S:54878 M:60062582] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.971 INFO >>> [E:27283i S:54878 M:261620549 (Ack:60062582)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.986 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.987 INFO <<< [E:27283i S:54878 M:60062583 (Ack:261620549)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.990 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:40.992 INFO <<< [E:27284i S:54878 M:60062584] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.187 INFO >>> [E:27284i S:54878 M:261620550 (Ack:60062584)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.201 INFO <<< [E:27284i S:54878 M:60062585 (Ack:261620550)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.201 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.204 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.207 INFO <<< [E:27285i S:54878 M:60062586] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.397 INFO >>> [E:27285i S:54878 M:261620551 (Ack:60062586)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.410 INFO <<< [E:27285i S:54878 M:60062587 (Ack:261620551)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.411 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.414 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.416 INFO <<< [E:27286i S:54878 M:60062588] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.609 INFO >>> [E:27286i S:54878 M:261620552 (Ack:60062588)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.621 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.621 INFO <<< [E:27286i S:54878 M:60062589 (Ack:261620552)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.625 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.627 INFO <<< [E:27287i S:54878 M:60062590] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.816 INFO >>> [E:27287i S:54878 M:261620553 (Ack:60062590)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.830 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.830 INFO <<< [E:27287i S:54878 M:60062591 (Ack:261620553)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.834 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:41.836 INFO <<< [E:27288i S:54878 M:60062592] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.029 INFO >>> [E:27288i S:54878 M:261620554 (Ack:60062592)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.042 INFO <<< [E:27288i S:54878 M:60062593 (Ack:261620554)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.042 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.045 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.047 INFO <<< [E:27289i S:54878 M:60062594] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.242 INFO >>> [E:27289i S:54878 M:261620555 (Ack:60062594)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.255 INFO <<< [E:27289i S:54878 M:60062595 (Ack:261620555)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.255 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.258 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.261 INFO <<< [E:27290i S:54878 M:60062596] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.456 INFO >>> [E:27290i S:54878 M:261620556 (Ack:60062596)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.470 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.471 INFO <<< [E:27290i S:54878 M:60062597 (Ack:261620556)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.474 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.477 INFO <<< [E:27291i S:54878 M:60062598] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.661 INFO >>> [E:27291i S:54878 M:261620557 (Ack:60062598)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.671 INFO <<< [E:27291i S:54878 M:60062599 (Ack:261620557)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.671 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.674 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.677 INFO <<< [E:27292i S:54878 M:60062600] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.879 INFO >>> [E:27292i S:54878 M:261620558 (Ack:60062600)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.891 INFO <<< [E:27292i S:54878 M:60062601 (Ack:261620558)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.891 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.895 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:42.897 INFO <<< [E:27293i S:54878 M:60062602] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.086 INFO >>> [E:27293i S:54878 M:261620559 (Ack:60062602)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.099 INFO <<< [E:27293i S:54878 M:60062603 (Ack:261620559)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.100 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.102 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.105 INFO <<< [E:27294i S:54878 M:60062604] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.300 INFO >>> [E:27294i S:54878 M:261620560 (Ack:60062604)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.311 INFO <<< [E:27294i S:54878 M:60062605 (Ack:261620560)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.312 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.315 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.317 INFO <<< [E:27295i S:54878 M:60062606] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.510 INFO >>> [E:27295i S:54878 M:261620561 (Ack:60062606)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.523 INFO <<< [E:27295i S:54878 M:60062607 (Ack:261620561)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.523 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.526 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.528 INFO <<< [E:27296i S:54878 M:60062608] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.721 INFO >>> [E:27296i S:54878 M:261620562 (Ack:60062608)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.735 INFO <<< [E:27296i S:54878 M:60062609 (Ack:261620562)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.735 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.738 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.740 INFO <<< [E:27297i S:54878 M:60062610] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.933 INFO >>> [E:27297i S:54878 M:261620563 (Ack:60062610)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.944 INFO <<< [E:27297i S:54878 M:60062611 (Ack:261620563)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.945 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.948 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:43.951 INFO <<< [E:27298i S:54878 M:60062612] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.145 INFO >>> [E:27298i S:54878 M:261620564 (Ack:60062612)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.160 INFO <<< [E:27298i S:54878 M:60062613 (Ack:261620564)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.160 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.163 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.166 INFO <<< [E:27299i S:54878 M:60062614] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.359 INFO >>> [E:27299i S:54878 M:261620565 (Ack:60062614)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.372 INFO <<< [E:27299i S:54878 M:60062615 (Ack:261620565)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.372 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.376 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.379 INFO <<< [E:27300i S:54878 M:60062616] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.568 INFO >>> [E:27300i S:54878 M:261620566 (Ack:60062616)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.582 INFO <<< [E:27300i S:54878 M:60062617 (Ack:261620566)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.582 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.585 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.588 INFO <<< [E:27301i S:54878 M:60062618] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.782 INFO >>> [E:27301i S:54878 M:261620567 (Ack:60062618)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.796 INFO <<< [E:27301i S:54878 M:60062619 (Ack:261620567)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.796 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.799 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.801 INFO <<< [E:27302i S:54878 M:60062620] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:44.992 INFO >>> [E:27302i S:54878 M:261620568 (Ack:60062620)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.005 INFO <<< [E:27302i S:54878 M:60062621 (Ack:261620568)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.005 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.008 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.010 INFO <<< [E:27303i S:54878 M:60062622] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.205 INFO >>> [E:27303i S:54878 M:261620569 (Ack:60062622)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.218 INFO <<< [E:27303i S:54878 M:60062623 (Ack:261620569)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.218 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.222 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.225 INFO <<< [E:27304i S:54878 M:60062624] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.420 INFO >>> [E:27304i S:54878 M:261620570 (Ack:60062624)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.432 INFO <<< [E:27304i S:54878 M:60062625 (Ack:261620570)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.433 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.437 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.439 INFO <<< [E:27305i S:54878 M:60062626] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.630 INFO >>> [E:27305i S:54878 M:261620571 (Ack:60062626)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.644 INFO <<< [E:27305i S:54878 M:60062627 (Ack:261620571)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.645 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.648 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.650 INFO <<< [E:27306i S:54878 M:60062628] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.839 INFO >>> [E:27306i S:54878 M:261620572 (Ack:60062628)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.851 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.851 INFO <<< [E:27306i S:54878 M:60062629 (Ack:261620572)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.854 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:45.857 INFO <<< [E:27307i S:54878 M:60062630] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.048 INFO >>> [E:27307i S:54878 M:261620573 (Ack:60062630)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.061 INFO <<< [E:27307i S:54878 M:60062631 (Ack:261620573)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.062 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.064 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.067 INFO <<< [E:27308i S:54878 M:60062632] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.264 INFO >>> [E:27308i S:54878 M:261620574 (Ack:60062632)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.277 INFO <<< [E:27308i S:54878 M:60062633 (Ack:261620574)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.278 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.281 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.284 INFO <<< [E:27309i S:54878 M:60062634] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.474 INFO >>> [E:27309i S:54878 M:261620575 (Ack:60062634)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.487 INFO <<< [E:27309i S:54878 M:60062635 (Ack:261620575)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.487 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.490 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.493 INFO <<< [E:27310i S:54878 M:60062636] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.681 INFO >>> [E:27310i S:54878 M:261620576 (Ack:60062636)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.692 INFO <<< [E:27310i S:54878 M:60062637 (Ack:261620576)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.693 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.696 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.699 INFO <<< [E:27311i S:54878 M:60062638] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.894 INFO >>> [E:27311i S:54878 M:261620577 (Ack:60062638)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.908 INFO <<< [E:27311i S:54878 M:60062639 (Ack:261620577)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.908 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.911 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:46.913 INFO <<< [E:27312i S:54878 M:60062640] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.106 INFO >>> [E:27312i S:54878 M:261620578 (Ack:60062640)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.119 INFO <<< [E:27312i S:54878 M:60062641 (Ack:261620578)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.120 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.123 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.125 INFO <<< [E:27313i S:54878 M:60062642] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.315 INFO >>> [E:27313i S:54878 M:261620579 (Ack:60062642)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.330 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.330 INFO <<< [E:27313i S:54878 M:60062643 (Ack:261620579)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.333 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.336 INFO <<< [E:27314i S:54878 M:60062644] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.534 INFO >>> [E:27314i S:54878 M:261620580 (Ack:60062644)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.546 INFO <<< [E:27314i S:54878 M:60062645 (Ack:261620580)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.547 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.550 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.553 INFO <<< [E:27315i S:54878 M:60062646] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.741 INFO >>> [E:27315i S:54878 M:261620581 (Ack:60062646)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.754 INFO <<< [E:27315i S:54878 M:60062647 (Ack:261620581)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.754 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.757 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.760 INFO <<< [E:27316i S:54878 M:60062648] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.954 INFO >>> [E:27316i S:54878 M:261620582 (Ack:60062648)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.967 INFO <<< [E:27316i S:54878 M:60062649 (Ack:261620582)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.967 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.970 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:47.972 INFO <<< [E:27317i S:54878 M:60062650] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.163 INFO >>> [E:27317i S:54878 M:261620583 (Ack:60062650)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.176 INFO <<< [E:27317i S:54878 M:60062651 (Ack:261620583)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.177 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.180 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.182 INFO <<< [E:27318i S:54878 M:60062652] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.389 INFO >>> [E:27318i S:54878 M:261620584 (Ack:60062652)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.403 INFO <<< [E:27318i S:54878 M:60062653 (Ack:261620584)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.404 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.407 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.409 INFO <<< [E:27319i S:54878 M:60062654] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.600 INFO >>> [E:27319i S:54878 M:261620585 (Ack:60062654)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.614 INFO <<< [E:27319i S:54878 M:60062655 (Ack:261620585)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.614 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.618 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.620 INFO <<< [E:27320i S:54878 M:60062656] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.815 INFO >>> [E:27320i S:54878 M:261620586 (Ack:60062656)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.827 INFO <<< [E:27320i S:54878 M:60062657 (Ack:261620586)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.828 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.832 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:48.834 INFO <<< [E:27321i S:54878 M:60062658] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.020 INFO >>> [E:27321i S:54878 M:261620587 (Ack:60062658)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.032 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.032 INFO <<< [E:27321i S:54878 M:60062659 (Ack:261620587)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.036 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.039 INFO <<< [E:27322i S:54878 M:60062660] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.233 INFO >>> [E:27322i S:54878 M:261620588 (Ack:60062660)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.246 INFO <<< [E:27322i S:54878 M:60062661 (Ack:261620588)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.247 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.249 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.252 INFO <<< [E:27323i S:54878 M:60062662] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.444 INFO >>> [E:27323i S:54878 M:261620589 (Ack:60062662)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.457 INFO <<< [E:27323i S:54878 M:60062663 (Ack:261620589)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.457 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.460 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.463 INFO <<< [E:27324i S:54878 M:60062664] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.658 INFO >>> [E:27324i S:54878 M:261620590 (Ack:60062664)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.672 INFO <<< [E:27324i S:54878 M:60062665 (Ack:261620590)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.672 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.675 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.677 INFO <<< [E:27325i S:54878 M:60062666] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.871 INFO >>> [E:27325i S:54878 M:261620591 (Ack:60062666)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.882 INFO <<< [E:27325i S:54878 M:60062667 (Ack:261620591)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.883 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.886 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:49.889 INFO <<< [E:27326i S:54878 M:60062668] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.081 INFO >>> [E:27326i S:54878 M:261620592 (Ack:60062668)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.094 INFO <<< [E:27326i S:54878 M:60062669 (Ack:261620592)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.095 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=12 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.098 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.101 INFO <<< [E:27327i S:54878 M:60062670] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.295 INFO >>> [E:27327i S:54878 M:261620593 (Ack:60062670)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.308 INFO <<< [E:27327i S:54878 M:60062671 (Ack:261620593)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.308 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=14 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.312 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.314 INFO <<< [E:27328i S:54878 M:60062672] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.503 INFO >>> [E:27328i S:54878 M:261620594 (Ack:60062672)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.518 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=15 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.518 INFO <<< [E:27328i S:54878 M:60062673 (Ack:261620594)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.521 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.524 INFO <<< [E:27329i S:54878 M:60062674] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.714 INFO >>> [E:27329i S:54878 M:261620595 (Ack:60062674)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.729 INFO <<< [E:27329i S:54878 M:60062675 (Ack:261620595)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.730 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=16 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.732 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.735 INFO <<< [E:27330i S:54878 M:60062676] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.926 INFO >>> [E:27330i S:54878 M:261620596 (Ack:60062676)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.940 INFO <<< [E:27330i S:54878 M:60062677 (Ack:261620596)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.940 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=19 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.943 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:50.945 INFO <<< [E:27331i S:54878 M:60062678] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.142 INFO >>> [E:27331i S:54878 M:261620597 (Ack:60062678)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.153 INFO <<< [E:27331i S:54878 M:60062679 (Ack:261620597)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.153 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=25 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.157 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.159 INFO <<< [E:27332i S:54878 M:60062680] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.350 INFO >>> [E:27332i S:54878 M:261620598 (Ack:60062680)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.363 INFO <<< [E:27332i S:54878 M:60062681 (Ack:261620598)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.363 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=31 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.366 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.369 INFO <<< [E:27333i S:54878 M:60062682] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.558 INFO >>> [E:27333i S:54878 M:261620599 (Ack:60062682)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.572 INFO <<< [E:27333i S:54878 M:60062683 (Ack:261620599)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.572 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.575 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.577 INFO <<< [E:27334i S:54878 M:60062684] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.772 INFO >>> [E:27334i S:54878 M:261620600 (Ack:60062684)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.785 INFO <<< [E:27334i S:54878 M:60062685 (Ack:261620600)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.786 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.788 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.791 INFO <<< [E:27335i S:54878 M:60062686] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.983 INFO >>> [E:27335i S:54878 M:261620601 (Ack:60062686)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.996 INFO <<< [E:27335i S:54878 M:60062687 (Ack:261620601)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.996 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:51.999 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.002 INFO <<< [E:27336i S:54878 M:60062688] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.198 INFO >>> [E:27336i S:54878 M:261620602 (Ack:60062688)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.211 INFO <<< [E:27336i S:54878 M:60062689 (Ack:261620602)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.211 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.215 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.218 INFO <<< [E:27337i S:54878 M:60062690] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.406 INFO >>> [E:27337i S:54878 M:261620603 (Ack:60062690)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.420 INFO <<< [E:27337i S:54878 M:60062691 (Ack:261620603)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.420 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.423 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.426 INFO <<< [E:27338i S:54878 M:60062692] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.619 INFO >>> [E:27338i S:54878 M:261620604 (Ack:60062692)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.631 INFO <<< [E:27338i S:54878 M:60062693 (Ack:261620604)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.632 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.634 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.637 INFO <<< [E:27339i S:54878 M:60062694] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.838 INFO >>> [E:27339i S:54878 M:261620605 (Ack:60062694)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.854 INFO <<< [E:27339i S:54878 M:60062695 (Ack:261620605)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.854 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.857 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:52.860 INFO <<< [E:27340i S:54878 M:60062696] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.044 INFO >>> [E:27340i S:54878 M:261620606 (Ack:60062696)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.057 INFO <<< [E:27340i S:54878 M:60062697 (Ack:261620606)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.058 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.061 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.064 INFO <<< [E:27341i S:54878 M:60062698] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.253 INFO >>> [E:27341i S:54878 M:261620607 (Ack:60062698)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.266 INFO <<< [E:27341i S:54878 M:60062699 (Ack:261620607)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.266 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.269 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.272 INFO <<< [E:27342i S:54878 M:60062700] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.472 INFO >>> [E:27342i S:54878 M:261620608 (Ack:60062700)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.487 INFO <<< [E:27342i S:54878 M:60062701 (Ack:261620608)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.488 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.491 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.493 INFO <<< [E:27343i S:54878 M:60062702] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.676 INFO >>> [E:27343i S:54878 M:261620609 (Ack:60062702)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.685 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.686 INFO <<< [E:27343i S:54878 M:60062703 (Ack:261620609)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.689 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.692 INFO <<< [E:27344i S:54878 M:60062704] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.890 INFO >>> [E:27344i S:54878 M:261620610 (Ack:60062704)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.903 INFO <<< [E:27344i S:54878 M:60062705 (Ack:261620610)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.904 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.906 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:53.909 INFO <<< [E:27345i S:54878 M:60062706] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.101 INFO >>> [E:27345i S:54878 M:261620611 (Ack:60062706)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.115 INFO <<< [E:27345i S:54878 M:60062707 (Ack:261620611)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.116 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.119 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.121 INFO <<< [E:27346i S:54878 M:60062708] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.313 INFO >>> [E:27346i S:54878 M:261620612 (Ack:60062708)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.327 INFO <<< [E:27346i S:54878 M:60062709 (Ack:261620612)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.328 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.330 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.333 INFO <<< [E:27347i S:54878 M:60062710] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.523 INFO >>> [E:27347i S:54878 M:261620613 (Ack:60062710)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.539 INFO <<< [E:27347i S:54878 M:60062711 (Ack:261620613)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.540 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.543 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.546 INFO <<< [E:27348i S:54878 M:60062712] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.739 INFO >>> [E:27348i S:54878 M:261620614 (Ack:60062712)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.753 INFO <<< [E:27348i S:54878 M:60062713 (Ack:261620614)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.753 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.757 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.759 INFO <<< [E:27349i S:54878 M:60062714] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.945 INFO >>> [E:27349i S:54878 M:261620615 (Ack:60062714)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.958 INFO <<< [E:27349i S:54878 M:60062715 (Ack:261620615)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.958 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.961 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:54.964 INFO <<< [E:27350i S:54878 M:60062716] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.157 INFO >>> [E:27350i S:54878 M:261620616 (Ack:60062716)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.170 INFO <<< [E:27350i S:54878 M:60062717 (Ack:261620616)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.171 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.174 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.176 INFO <<< [E:27351i S:54878 M:60062718] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.370 INFO >>> [E:27351i S:54878 M:261620617 (Ack:60062718)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.383 INFO <<< [E:27351i S:54878 M:60062719 (Ack:261620617)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.384 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.386 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.389 INFO <<< [E:27352i S:54878 M:60062720] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.583 INFO >>> [E:27352i S:54878 M:261620618 (Ack:60062720)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.596 INFO <<< [E:27352i S:54878 M:60062721 (Ack:261620618)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.597 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.601 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.604 INFO <<< [E:27353i S:54878 M:60062722] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.791 INFO >>> [E:27353i S:54878 M:261620619 (Ack:60062722)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.803 INFO <<< [E:27353i S:54878 M:60062723 (Ack:261620619)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.804 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.807 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:55.810 INFO <<< [E:27354i S:54878 M:60062724] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.004 INFO >>> [E:27354i S:54878 M:261620620 (Ack:60062724)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.018 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.019 INFO <<< [E:27354i S:54878 M:60062725 (Ack:261620620)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.022 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.024 INFO <<< [E:27355i S:54878 M:60062726] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.218 INFO >>> [E:27355i S:54878 M:261620621 (Ack:60062726)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.231 INFO <<< [E:27355i S:54878 M:60062727 (Ack:261620621)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.232 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.235 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.237 INFO <<< [E:27356i S:54878 M:60062728] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.429 INFO >>> [E:27356i S:54878 M:261620622 (Ack:60062728)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.444 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.444 INFO <<< [E:27356i S:54878 M:60062729 (Ack:261620622)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.448 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.451 INFO <<< [E:27357i S:54878 M:60062730] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.638 INFO >>> [E:27357i S:54878 M:261620623 (Ack:60062730)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.652 INFO <<< [E:27357i S:54878 M:60062731 (Ack:261620623)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.653 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.656 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.659 INFO <<< [E:27358i S:54878 M:60062732] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.850 INFO >>> [E:27358i S:54878 M:261620624 (Ack:60062732)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.863 INFO <<< [E:27358i S:54878 M:60062733 (Ack:261620624)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.864 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.866 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:56.869 INFO <<< [E:27359i S:54878 M:60062734] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.061 INFO >>> [E:27359i S:54878 M:261620625 (Ack:60062734)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.075 INFO <<< [E:27359i S:54878 M:60062735 (Ack:261620625)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.075 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.078 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.081 INFO <<< [E:27360i S:54878 M:60062736] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.274 INFO >>> [E:27360i S:54878 M:261620626 (Ack:60062736)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.288 INFO <<< [E:27360i S:54878 M:60062737 (Ack:261620626)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.288 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.291 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.293 INFO <<< [E:27361i S:54878 M:60062738] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.484 INFO >>> [E:27361i S:54878 M:261620627 (Ack:60062738)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.498 INFO <<< [E:27361i S:54878 M:60062739 (Ack:261620627)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.499 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.501 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.504 INFO <<< [E:27362i S:54878 M:60062740] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.704 INFO >>> [E:27362i S:54878 M:261620628 (Ack:60062740)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.717 INFO <<< [E:27362i S:54878 M:60062741 (Ack:261620628)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.717 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.721 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.723 INFO <<< [E:27363i S:54878 M:60062742] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.909 INFO >>> [E:27363i S:54878 M:261620629 (Ack:60062742)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.923 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.923 INFO <<< [E:27363i S:54878 M:60062743 (Ack:261620629)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.926 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:57.929 INFO <<< [E:27364i S:54878 M:60062744] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.120 INFO >>> [E:27364i S:54878 M:261620630 (Ack:60062744)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.133 INFO <<< [E:27364i S:54878 M:60062745 (Ack:261620630)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.134 INFO Testing for 2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.135 INFO ***** Test Step 3a_kProxyView : TH_commissioner gives TH_second_commissioner the specified privilege [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.138 INFO Found an existing secure session to [1:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.144 INFO <<< [E:27365i S:54877 M:75947338] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:06 (IM:WriteRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.371 INFO >>> [E:27365i S:54877 M:15744158 (Ack:75947338)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:07 (IM:WriteResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.386 INFO <<< [E:27365i S:54877 M:75947339 (Ack:15744158)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.386 INFO ***** Test Step 3b_kProxyView : TH_second_controller reads all the attributes and checks for appropriate permission errors [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.388 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.390 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.393 INFO <<< [E:27366i S:54878 M:60062746] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.555 INFO >>> [E:27366i S:54878 M:261620631 (Ack:60062746)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.569 INFO <<< [E:27366i S:54878 M:60062747 (Ack:261620631)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.570 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.572 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.575 INFO <<< [E:27367i S:54878 M:60062748] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.772 INFO >>> [E:27367i S:54878 M:261620632 (Ack:60062748)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.786 INFO <<< [E:27367i S:54878 M:60062749 (Ack:261620632)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.786 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.789 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.792 INFO <<< [E:27368i S:54878 M:60062750] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.979 INFO >>> [E:27368i S:54878 M:261620633 (Ack:60062750)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.994 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.995 INFO <<< [E:27368i S:54878 M:60062751 (Ack:261620633)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:58.998 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.000 INFO <<< [E:27369i S:54878 M:60062752] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.190 INFO >>> [E:27369i S:54878 M:261620634 (Ack:60062752)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.204 INFO <<< [E:27369i S:54878 M:60062753 (Ack:261620634)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.204 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.207 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.210 INFO <<< [E:27370i S:54878 M:60062754] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.401 INFO >>> [E:27370i S:54878 M:261620635 (Ack:60062754)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.415 INFO <<< [E:27370i S:54878 M:60062755 (Ack:261620635)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.415 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.418 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.420 INFO <<< [E:27371i S:54878 M:60062756] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.611 INFO >>> [E:27371i S:54878 M:261620636 (Ack:60062756)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.622 INFO <<< [E:27371i S:54878 M:60062757 (Ack:261620636)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.623 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.626 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.628 INFO <<< [E:27372i S:54878 M:60062758] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.844 INFO >>> [E:27372i S:54878 M:261620637 (Ack:60062758)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.857 INFO <<< [E:27372i S:54878 M:60062759 (Ack:261620637)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.858 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.861 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:52:59.863 INFO <<< [E:27373i S:54878 M:60062760] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.051 INFO >>> [E:27373i S:54878 M:261620638 (Ack:60062760)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.065 INFO <<< [E:27373i S:54878 M:60062761 (Ack:261620638)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.066 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.069 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.071 INFO <<< [E:27374i S:54878 M:60062762] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.263 INFO >>> [E:27374i S:54878 M:261620639 (Ack:60062762)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.276 INFO <<< [E:27374i S:54878 M:60062763 (Ack:261620639)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.276 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.279 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.282 INFO <<< [E:27375i S:54878 M:60062764] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.474 INFO >>> [E:27375i S:54878 M:261620640 (Ack:60062764)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.485 INFO <<< [E:27375i S:54878 M:60062765 (Ack:261620640)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.486 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.489 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.491 INFO <<< [E:27376i S:54878 M:60062766] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.688 INFO >>> [E:27376i S:54878 M:261620641 (Ack:60062766)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.699 INFO <<< [E:27376i S:54878 M:60062767 (Ack:261620641)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.699 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.702 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.704 INFO <<< [E:27377i S:54878 M:60062768] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.904 INFO >>> [E:27377i S:54878 M:261620642 (Ack:60062768)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.918 INFO <<< [E:27377i S:54878 M:60062769 (Ack:261620642)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.918 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.921 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:00.924 INFO <<< [E:27378i S:54878 M:60062770] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.112 INFO >>> [E:27378i S:54878 M:261620643 (Ack:60062770)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.124 INFO <<< [E:27378i S:54878 M:60062771 (Ack:261620643)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.124 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.127 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.130 INFO <<< [E:27379i S:54878 M:60062772] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.324 INFO >>> [E:27379i S:54878 M:261620644 (Ack:60062772)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.336 INFO <<< [E:27379i S:54878 M:60062773 (Ack:261620644)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.338 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.340 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.343 INFO <<< [E:27380i S:54878 M:60062774] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.536 INFO >>> [E:27380i S:54878 M:261620645 (Ack:60062774)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.551 INFO <<< [E:27380i S:54878 M:60062775 (Ack:261620645)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.552 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.555 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.557 INFO <<< [E:27381i S:54878 M:60062776] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.748 INFO >>> [E:27381i S:54878 M:261620646 (Ack:60062776)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.761 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.762 INFO <<< [E:27381i S:54878 M:60062777 (Ack:261620646)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.764 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.767 INFO <<< [E:27382i S:54878 M:60062778] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.959 INFO >>> [E:27382i S:54878 M:261620647 (Ack:60062778)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.972 INFO <<< [E:27382i S:54878 M:60062779 (Ack:261620647)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.972 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.976 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:01.978 INFO <<< [E:27383i S:54878 M:60062780] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.166 INFO >>> [E:27383i S:54878 M:261620648 (Ack:60062780)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.179 INFO <<< [E:27383i S:54878 M:60062781 (Ack:261620648)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.179 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.182 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.184 INFO <<< [E:27384i S:54878 M:60062782] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.388 INFO >>> [E:27384i S:54878 M:261620649 (Ack:60062782)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.402 INFO <<< [E:27384i S:54878 M:60062783 (Ack:261620649)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.402 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.405 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.408 INFO <<< [E:27385i S:54878 M:60062784] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.600 INFO >>> [E:27385i S:54878 M:261620650 (Ack:60062784)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.614 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.614 INFO <<< [E:27385i S:54878 M:60062785 (Ack:261620650)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.617 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.620 INFO <<< [E:27386i S:54878 M:60062786] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.818 INFO >>> [E:27386i S:54878 M:261620651 (Ack:60062786)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.830 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.830 INFO <<< [E:27386i S:54878 M:60062787 (Ack:261620651)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.833 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:02.836 INFO <<< [E:27387i S:54878 M:60062788] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.025 INFO >>> [E:27387i S:54878 M:261620652 (Ack:60062788)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.039 INFO <<< [E:27387i S:54878 M:60062789 (Ack:261620652)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.039 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.042 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.045 INFO <<< [E:27388i S:54878 M:60062790] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.239 INFO >>> [E:27388i S:54878 M:261620653 (Ack:60062790)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.253 INFO <<< [E:27388i S:54878 M:60062791 (Ack:261620653)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.253 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.256 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.259 INFO <<< [E:27389i S:54878 M:60062792] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.446 INFO >>> [E:27389i S:54878 M:261620654 (Ack:60062792)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.457 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.457 INFO <<< [E:27389i S:54878 M:60062793 (Ack:261620654)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.461 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.463 INFO <<< [E:27390i S:54878 M:60062794] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.657 INFO >>> [E:27390i S:54878 M:261620655 (Ack:60062794)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.669 INFO <<< [E:27390i S:54878 M:60062795 (Ack:261620655)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.669 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.672 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.675 INFO <<< [E:27391i S:54878 M:60062796] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.871 INFO >>> [E:27391i S:54878 M:261620656 (Ack:60062796)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.883 INFO <<< [E:27391i S:54878 M:60062797 (Ack:261620656)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.884 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.887 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:03.890 INFO <<< [E:27392i S:54878 M:60062798] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.079 INFO >>> [E:27392i S:54878 M:261620657 (Ack:60062798)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.092 INFO <<< [E:27392i S:54878 M:60062799 (Ack:261620657)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.092 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.095 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.097 INFO <<< [E:27393i S:54878 M:60062800] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.288 INFO >>> [E:27393i S:54878 M:261620658 (Ack:60062800)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.301 INFO <<< [E:27393i S:54878 M:60062801 (Ack:261620658)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.301 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.304 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.306 INFO <<< [E:27394i S:54878 M:60062802] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.501 INFO >>> [E:27394i S:54878 M:261620659 (Ack:60062802)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.514 INFO <<< [E:27394i S:54878 M:60062803 (Ack:261620659)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.514 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.517 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.520 INFO <<< [E:27395i S:54878 M:60062804] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.713 INFO >>> [E:27395i S:54878 M:261620660 (Ack:60062804)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.724 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=15 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.725 INFO <<< [E:27395i S:54878 M:60062805 (Ack:261620660)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.729 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.731 INFO <<< [E:27396i S:54878 M:60062806] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.932 INFO >>> [E:27396i S:54878 M:261620661 (Ack:60062806)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.945 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=16 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.945 INFO <<< [E:27396i S:54878 M:60062807 (Ack:261620661)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.948 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:04.951 INFO <<< [E:27397i S:54878 M:60062808] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.135 INFO >>> [E:27397i S:54878 M:261620662 (Ack:60062808)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.150 INFO <<< [E:27397i S:54878 M:60062809 (Ack:261620662)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.150 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=19 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.153 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.156 INFO <<< [E:27398i S:54878 M:60062810] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.346 INFO >>> [E:27398i S:54878 M:261620663 (Ack:60062810)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.360 INFO <<< [E:27398i S:54878 M:60062811 (Ack:261620663)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.361 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=21 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.364 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.366 INFO <<< [E:27399i S:54878 M:60062812] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.561 INFO >>> [E:27399i S:54878 M:261620664 (Ack:60062812)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.573 INFO <<< [E:27399i S:54878 M:60062813 (Ack:261620664)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.573 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=22 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.576 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.579 INFO <<< [E:27400i S:54878 M:60062814] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.772 INFO >>> [E:27400i S:54878 M:261620665 (Ack:60062814)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.784 INFO <<< [E:27400i S:54878 M:60062815 (Ack:261620665)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.785 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.788 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.790 INFO <<< [E:27401i S:54878 M:60062816] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.981 INFO >>> [E:27401i S:54878 M:261620666 (Ack:60062816)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.994 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.994 INFO <<< [E:27401i S:54878 M:60062817 (Ack:261620666)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:05.997 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.000 INFO <<< [E:27402i S:54878 M:60062818] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.191 INFO >>> [E:27402i S:54878 M:261620667 (Ack:60062818)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.205 INFO <<< [E:27402i S:54878 M:60062819 (Ack:261620667)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.205 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.208 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.210 INFO <<< [E:27403i S:54878 M:60062820] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.408 INFO >>> [E:27403i S:54878 M:261620668 (Ack:60062820)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.421 INFO <<< [E:27403i S:54878 M:60062821 (Ack:261620668)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.421 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.425 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.427 INFO <<< [E:27404i S:54878 M:60062822] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.614 INFO >>> [E:27404i S:54878 M:261620669 (Ack:60062822)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.626 INFO <<< [E:27404i S:54878 M:60062823 (Ack:261620669)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.626 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.629 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.631 INFO <<< [E:27405i S:54878 M:60062824] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.824 INFO >>> [E:27405i S:54878 M:261620670 (Ack:60062824)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.838 INFO <<< [E:27405i S:54878 M:60062825 (Ack:261620670)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.838 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.841 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:06.844 INFO <<< [E:27406i S:54878 M:60062826] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.036 INFO >>> [E:27406i S:54878 M:261620671 (Ack:60062826)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.051 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.051 INFO <<< [E:27406i S:54878 M:60062827 (Ack:261620671)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.054 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.167 INFO <<< [E:27407i S:54878 M:60062828] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.249 INFO >>> [E:27407i S:54878 M:261620672 (Ack:60062828)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.263 INFO <<< [E:27407i S:54878 M:60062829 (Ack:261620672)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.264 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.266 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.269 INFO <<< [E:27408i S:54878 M:60062830] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.459 INFO >>> [E:27408i S:54878 M:261620673 (Ack:60062830)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.472 INFO <<< [E:27408i S:54878 M:60062831 (Ack:261620673)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.472 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.475 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.478 INFO <<< [E:27409i S:54878 M:60062832] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.670 INFO >>> [E:27409i S:54878 M:261620674 (Ack:60062832)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.683 INFO <<< [E:27409i S:54878 M:60062833 (Ack:261620674)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.685 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.687 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.690 INFO <<< [E:27410i S:54878 M:60062834] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.881 INFO >>> [E:27410i S:54878 M:261620675 (Ack:60062834)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.893 INFO <<< [E:27410i S:54878 M:60062835 (Ack:261620675)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.894 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.897 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:07.900 INFO <<< [E:27411i S:54878 M:60062836] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.094 INFO >>> [E:27411i S:54878 M:261620676 (Ack:60062836)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.105 INFO <<< [E:27411i S:54878 M:60062837 (Ack:261620676)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.106 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.109 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.112 INFO <<< [E:27412i S:54878 M:60062838] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.310 INFO >>> [E:27412i S:54878 M:261620677 (Ack:60062838)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.323 INFO <<< [E:27412i S:54878 M:60062839 (Ack:261620677)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.323 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.326 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.329 INFO <<< [E:27413i S:54878 M:60062840] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.514 INFO >>> [E:27413i S:54878 M:261620678 (Ack:60062840)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.527 INFO <<< [E:27413i S:54878 M:60062841 (Ack:261620678)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.527 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.530 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.533 INFO <<< [E:27414i S:54878 M:60062842] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.727 INFO >>> [E:27414i S:54878 M:261620679 (Ack:60062842)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.739 INFO <<< [E:27414i S:54878 M:60062843 (Ack:261620679)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.739 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.742 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.745 INFO <<< [E:27415i S:54878 M:60062844] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.939 INFO >>> [E:27415i S:54878 M:261620680 (Ack:60062844)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.952 INFO <<< [E:27415i S:54878 M:60062845 (Ack:261620680)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.952 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.955 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:08.958 INFO <<< [E:27416i S:54878 M:60062846] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.154 INFO >>> [E:27416i S:54878 M:261620681 (Ack:60062846)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.167 INFO <<< [E:27416i S:54878 M:60062847 (Ack:261620681)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.168 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.171 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.174 INFO <<< [E:27417i S:54878 M:60062848] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.358 INFO >>> [E:27417i S:54878 M:261620682 (Ack:60062848)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.372 INFO <<< [E:27417i S:54878 M:60062849 (Ack:261620682)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.372 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.375 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.377 INFO <<< [E:27418i S:54878 M:60062850] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.570 INFO >>> [E:27418i S:54878 M:261620683 (Ack:60062850)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.584 INFO <<< [E:27418i S:54878 M:60062851 (Ack:261620683)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.584 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.587 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.590 INFO <<< [E:27419i S:54878 M:60062852] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.787 INFO >>> [E:27419i S:54878 M:261620684 (Ack:60062852)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.802 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.802 INFO <<< [E:27419i S:54878 M:60062853 (Ack:261620684)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.806 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.809 INFO <<< [E:27420i S:54878 M:60062854] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:09.992 INFO >>> [E:27420i S:54878 M:261620685 (Ack:60062854)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.004 INFO <<< [E:27420i S:54878 M:60062855 (Ack:261620685)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.005 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.008 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.011 INFO <<< [E:27421i S:54878 M:60062856] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.204 INFO >>> [E:27421i S:54878 M:261620686 (Ack:60062856)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.218 INFO <<< [E:27421i S:54878 M:60062857 (Ack:261620686)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.219 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.222 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.224 INFO <<< [E:27422i S:54878 M:60062858] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.418 INFO >>> [E:27422i S:54878 M:261620687 (Ack:60062858)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.431 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.431 INFO <<< [E:27422i S:54878 M:60062859 (Ack:261620687)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.435 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.437 INFO <<< [E:27423i S:54878 M:60062860] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.630 INFO >>> [E:27423i S:54878 M:261620688 (Ack:60062860)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.643 INFO <<< [E:27423i S:54878 M:60062861 (Ack:261620688)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.644 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.646 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.649 INFO <<< [E:27424i S:54878 M:60062862] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.846 INFO >>> [E:27424i S:54878 M:261620689 (Ack:60062862)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.859 INFO <<< [E:27424i S:54878 M:60062863 (Ack:261620689)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.859 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.863 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:10.866 INFO <<< [E:27425i S:54878 M:60062864] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.051 INFO >>> [E:27425i S:54878 M:261620690 (Ack:60062864)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.066 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.067 INFO <<< [E:27425i S:54878 M:60062865 (Ack:261620690)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.069 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.072 INFO <<< [E:27426i S:54878 M:60062866] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.264 INFO >>> [E:27426i S:54878 M:261620691 (Ack:60062866)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.278 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.279 INFO <<< [E:27426i S:54878 M:60062867 (Ack:261620691)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.282 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.284 INFO <<< [E:27427i S:54878 M:60062868] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.482 INFO >>> [E:27427i S:54878 M:261620692 (Ack:60062868)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.496 INFO <<< [E:27427i S:54878 M:60062869 (Ack:261620692)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.497 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.499 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.502 INFO <<< [E:27428i S:54878 M:60062870] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.688 INFO >>> [E:27428i S:54878 M:261620693 (Ack:60062870)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.704 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.704 INFO <<< [E:27428i S:54878 M:60062871 (Ack:261620693)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.707 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.710 INFO <<< [E:27429i S:54878 M:60062872] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.896 INFO >>> [E:27429i S:54878 M:261620694 (Ack:60062872)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.910 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.911 INFO <<< [E:27429i S:54878 M:60062873 (Ack:261620694)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.913 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:11.916 INFO <<< [E:27430i S:54878 M:60062874] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.110 INFO >>> [E:27430i S:54878 M:261620695 (Ack:60062874)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.124 INFO <<< [E:27430i S:54878 M:60062875 (Ack:261620695)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.125 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.127 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.130 INFO <<< [E:27431i S:54878 M:60062876] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.318 INFO >>> [E:27431i S:54878 M:261620696 (Ack:60062876)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.332 INFO <<< [E:27431i S:54878 M:60062877 (Ack:261620696)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.332 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.335 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.338 INFO <<< [E:27432i S:54878 M:60062878] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.534 INFO >>> [E:27432i S:54878 M:261620697 (Ack:60062878)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.548 INFO <<< [E:27432i S:54878 M:60062879 (Ack:261620697)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.548 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.551 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.553 INFO <<< [E:27433i S:54878 M:60062880] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.749 INFO >>> [E:27433i S:54878 M:261620698 (Ack:60062880)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.762 INFO <<< [E:27433i S:54878 M:60062881 (Ack:261620698)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.763 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.766 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.769 INFO <<< [E:27434i S:54878 M:60062882] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.958 INFO >>> [E:27434i S:54878 M:261620699 (Ack:60062882)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.971 INFO <<< [E:27434i S:54878 M:60062883 (Ack:261620699)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.971 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.974 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:12.977 INFO <<< [E:27435i S:54878 M:60062884] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.169 INFO >>> [E:27435i S:54878 M:261620700 (Ack:60062884)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.182 INFO <<< [E:27435i S:54878 M:60062885 (Ack:261620700)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.182 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.185 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.187 INFO <<< [E:27436i S:54878 M:60062886] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.384 INFO >>> [E:27436i S:54878 M:261620701 (Ack:60062886)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.397 INFO <<< [E:27436i S:54878 M:60062887 (Ack:261620701)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.398 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.401 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.403 INFO <<< [E:27437i S:54878 M:60062888] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.597 INFO >>> [E:27437i S:54878 M:261620702 (Ack:60062888)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.614 INFO <<< [E:27437i S:54878 M:60062889 (Ack:261620702)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.614 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.617 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.619 INFO <<< [E:27438i S:54878 M:60062890] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.806 INFO >>> [E:27438i S:54878 M:261620703 (Ack:60062890)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.820 INFO <<< [E:27438i S:54878 M:60062891 (Ack:261620703)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.820 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.823 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:13.826 INFO <<< [E:27439i S:54878 M:60062892] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.018 INFO >>> [E:27439i S:54878 M:261620704 (Ack:60062892)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.032 INFO <<< [E:27439i S:54878 M:60062893 (Ack:261620704)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.032 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.035 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.038 INFO <<< [E:27440i S:54878 M:60062894] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.228 INFO >>> [E:27440i S:54878 M:261620705 (Ack:60062894)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.243 INFO <<< [E:27440i S:54878 M:60062895 (Ack:261620705)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.243 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.246 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.248 INFO <<< [E:27441i S:54878 M:60062896] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.439 INFO >>> [E:27441i S:54878 M:261620706 (Ack:60062896)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.454 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.454 INFO <<< [E:27441i S:54878 M:60062897 (Ack:261620706)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.457 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.460 INFO <<< [E:27442i S:54878 M:60062898] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.651 INFO >>> [E:27442i S:54878 M:261620707 (Ack:60062898)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.664 INFO <<< [E:27442i S:54878 M:60062899 (Ack:261620707)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.664 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.667 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.669 INFO <<< [E:27443i S:54878 M:60062900] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.861 INFO >>> [E:27443i S:54878 M:261620708 (Ack:60062900)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.874 INFO <<< [E:27443i S:54878 M:60062901 (Ack:261620708)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.875 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.877 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:14.880 INFO <<< [E:27444i S:54878 M:60062902] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.074 INFO >>> [E:27444i S:54878 M:261620709 (Ack:60062902)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.085 INFO <<< [E:27444i S:54878 M:60062903 (Ack:261620709)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.086 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.089 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.091 INFO <<< [E:27445i S:54878 M:60062904] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.285 INFO >>> [E:27445i S:54878 M:261620710 (Ack:60062904)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.299 INFO <<< [E:27445i S:54878 M:60062905 (Ack:261620710)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.299 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.302 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.304 INFO <<< [E:27446i S:54878 M:60062906] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.499 INFO >>> [E:27446i S:54878 M:261620711 (Ack:60062906)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.509 INFO <<< [E:27446i S:54878 M:60062907 (Ack:261620711)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.510 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.513 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.516 INFO <<< [E:27447i S:54878 M:60062908] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.707 INFO >>> [E:27447i S:54878 M:261620712 (Ack:60062908)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.719 INFO <<< [E:27447i S:54878 M:60062909 (Ack:261620712)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.720 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.723 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.726 INFO <<< [E:27448i S:54878 M:60062910] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.920 INFO >>> [E:27448i S:54878 M:261620713 (Ack:60062910)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.936 INFO <<< [E:27448i S:54878 M:60062911 (Ack:261620713)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.936 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.939 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:15.942 INFO <<< [E:27449i S:54878 M:60062912] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.136 INFO >>> [E:27449i S:54878 M:261620714 (Ack:60062912)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.150 INFO <<< [E:27449i S:54878 M:60062913 (Ack:261620714)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.150 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.154 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.156 INFO <<< [E:27450i S:54878 M:60062914] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.346 INFO >>> [E:27450i S:54878 M:261620715 (Ack:60062914)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.360 INFO <<< [E:27450i S:54878 M:60062915 (Ack:261620715)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.361 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.363 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.366 INFO <<< [E:27451i S:54878 M:60062916] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.556 INFO >>> [E:27451i S:54878 M:261620716 (Ack:60062916)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.569 INFO <<< [E:27451i S:54878 M:60062917 (Ack:261620716)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.570 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.572 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.575 INFO <<< [E:27452i S:54878 M:60062918] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.771 INFO >>> [E:27452i S:54878 M:261620717 (Ack:60062918)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.783 INFO <<< [E:27452i S:54878 M:60062919 (Ack:261620717)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.783 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.786 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.788 INFO <<< [E:27453i S:54878 M:60062920] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.979 INFO >>> [E:27453i S:54878 M:261620718 (Ack:60062920)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.991 INFO <<< [E:27453i S:54878 M:60062921 (Ack:261620718)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.992 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.995 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:16.997 INFO <<< [E:27454i S:54878 M:60062922] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.192 INFO >>> [E:27454i S:54878 M:261620719 (Ack:60062922)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.206 INFO <<< [E:27454i S:54878 M:60062923 (Ack:261620719)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.207 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.209 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.212 INFO <<< [E:27455i S:54878 M:60062924] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.402 INFO >>> [E:27455i S:54878 M:261620720 (Ack:60062924)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.416 INFO <<< [E:27455i S:54878 M:60062925 (Ack:261620720)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.416 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.419 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.421 INFO <<< [E:27456i S:54878 M:60062926] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.614 INFO >>> [E:27456i S:54878 M:261620721 (Ack:60062926)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.627 INFO <<< [E:27456i S:54878 M:60062927 (Ack:261620721)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.627 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.630 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.632 INFO <<< [E:27457i S:54878 M:60062928] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.826 INFO >>> [E:27457i S:54878 M:261620722 (Ack:60062928)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.838 INFO <<< [E:27457i S:54878 M:60062929 (Ack:261620722)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.838 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.841 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:17.844 INFO <<< [E:27458i S:54878 M:60062930] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.037 INFO >>> [E:27458i S:54878 M:261620723 (Ack:60062930)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.049 INFO <<< [E:27458i S:54878 M:60062931 (Ack:261620723)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.050 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.053 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.055 INFO <<< [E:27459i S:54878 M:60062932] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.248 INFO >>> [E:27459i S:54878 M:261620724 (Ack:60062932)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.260 INFO <<< [E:27459i S:54878 M:60062933 (Ack:261620724)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.261 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.264 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.267 INFO <<< [E:27460i S:54878 M:60062934] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.466 INFO >>> [E:27460i S:54878 M:261620725 (Ack:60062934)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.477 INFO <<< [E:27460i S:54878 M:60062935 (Ack:261620725)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.477 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.480 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.483 INFO <<< [E:27461i S:54878 M:60062936] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.675 INFO >>> [E:27461i S:54878 M:261620726 (Ack:60062936)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.687 INFO <<< [E:27461i S:54878 M:60062937 (Ack:261620726)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.687 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.691 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.694 INFO <<< [E:27462i S:54878 M:60062938] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.893 INFO >>> [E:27462i S:54878 M:261620727 (Ack:60062938)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.908 INFO <<< [E:27462i S:54878 M:60062939 (Ack:261620727)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.909 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.912 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:18.914 INFO <<< [E:27463i S:54878 M:60062940] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.106 INFO >>> [E:27463i S:54878 M:261620728 (Ack:60062940)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.121 INFO <<< [E:27463i S:54878 M:60062941 (Ack:261620728)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.121 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.124 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.127 INFO <<< [E:27464i S:54878 M:60062942] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.318 INFO >>> [E:27464i S:54878 M:261620729 (Ack:60062942)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.331 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.331 INFO <<< [E:27464i S:54878 M:60062943 (Ack:261620729)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.335 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.338 INFO <<< [E:27465i S:54878 M:60062944] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.525 INFO >>> [E:27465i S:54878 M:261620730 (Ack:60062944)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.539 INFO <<< [E:27465i S:54878 M:60062945 (Ack:261620730)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.540 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.542 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.545 INFO <<< [E:27466i S:54878 M:60062946] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.738 INFO >>> [E:27466i S:54878 M:261620731 (Ack:60062946)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.751 INFO <<< [E:27466i S:54878 M:60062947 (Ack:261620731)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.751 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.754 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.757 INFO <<< [E:27467i S:54878 M:60062948] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.957 INFO >>> [E:27467i S:54878 M:261620732 (Ack:60062948)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.975 INFO <<< [E:27467i S:54878 M:60062949 (Ack:261620732)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.976 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.978 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:19.981 INFO <<< [E:27468i S:54878 M:60062950] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.160 INFO >>> [E:27468i S:54878 M:261620733 (Ack:60062950)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.174 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.175 INFO <<< [E:27468i S:54878 M:60062951 (Ack:261620733)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.178 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.181 INFO <<< [E:27469i S:54878 M:60062952] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.368 INFO >>> [E:27469i S:54878 M:261620734 (Ack:60062952)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.382 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.382 INFO <<< [E:27469i S:54878 M:60062953 (Ack:261620734)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.385 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.388 INFO <<< [E:27470i S:54878 M:60062954] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.582 INFO >>> [E:27470i S:54878 M:261620735 (Ack:60062954)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.596 INFO <<< [E:27470i S:54878 M:60062955 (Ack:261620735)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.597 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.600 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.602 INFO <<< [E:27471i S:54878 M:60062956] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.792 INFO >>> [E:27471i S:54878 M:261620736 (Ack:60062956)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.808 INFO <<< [E:27471i S:54878 M:60062957 (Ack:261620736)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.808 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.811 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.813 INFO <<< [E:27472i S:54878 M:60062958] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:20.999 INFO >>> [E:27472i S:54878 M:261620737 (Ack:60062958)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.012 INFO <<< [E:27472i S:54878 M:60062959 (Ack:261620737)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.013 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.016 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.018 INFO <<< [E:27473i S:54878 M:60062960] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.217 INFO >>> [E:27473i S:54878 M:261620738 (Ack:60062960)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.231 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.231 INFO <<< [E:27473i S:54878 M:60062961 (Ack:261620738)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.234 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.237 INFO <<< [E:27474i S:54878 M:60062962] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.426 INFO >>> [E:27474i S:54878 M:261620739 (Ack:60062962)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.440 INFO <<< [E:27474i S:54878 M:60062963 (Ack:261620739)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.441 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.443 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.446 INFO <<< [E:27475i S:54878 M:60062964] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.637 INFO >>> [E:27475i S:54878 M:261620740 (Ack:60062964)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.650 INFO <<< [E:27475i S:54878 M:60062965 (Ack:261620740)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.651 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.654 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.657 INFO <<< [E:27476i S:54878 M:60062966] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.844 INFO >>> [E:27476i S:54878 M:261620741 (Ack:60062966)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.858 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.859 INFO <<< [E:27476i S:54878 M:60062967 (Ack:261620741)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.862 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:21.864 INFO <<< [E:27477i S:54878 M:60062968] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.058 INFO >>> [E:27477i S:54878 M:261620742 (Ack:60062968)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.072 INFO <<< [E:27477i S:54878 M:60062969 (Ack:261620742)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.073 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.075 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.078 INFO <<< [E:27478i S:54878 M:60062970] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.268 INFO >>> [E:27478i S:54878 M:261620743 (Ack:60062970)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.282 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.283 INFO <<< [E:27478i S:54878 M:60062971 (Ack:261620743)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.286 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.288 INFO <<< [E:27479i S:54878 M:60062972] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.482 INFO >>> [E:27479i S:54878 M:261620744 (Ack:60062972)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.496 INFO <<< [E:27479i S:54878 M:60062973 (Ack:261620744)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.497 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.500 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.503 INFO <<< [E:27480i S:54878 M:60062974] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.691 INFO >>> [E:27480i S:54878 M:261620745 (Ack:60062974)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.705 INFO <<< [E:27480i S:54878 M:60062975 (Ack:261620745)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.705 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.708 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.711 INFO <<< [E:27481i S:54878 M:60062976] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.902 INFO >>> [E:27481i S:54878 M:261620746 (Ack:60062976)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.916 INFO <<< [E:27481i S:54878 M:60062977 (Ack:261620746)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.916 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.919 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:22.922 INFO <<< [E:27482i S:54878 M:60062978] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.116 INFO >>> [E:27482i S:54878 M:261620747 (Ack:60062978)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.129 INFO <<< [E:27482i S:54878 M:60062979 (Ack:261620747)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.130 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.133 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.135 INFO <<< [E:27483i S:54878 M:60062980] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.332 INFO >>> [E:27483i S:54878 M:261620748 (Ack:60062980)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.349 INFO <<< [E:27483i S:54878 M:60062981 (Ack:261620748)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.349 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.352 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.354 INFO <<< [E:27484i S:54878 M:60062982] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.543 INFO >>> [E:27484i S:54878 M:261620749 (Ack:60062982)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.556 INFO <<< [E:27484i S:54878 M:60062983 (Ack:261620749)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.557 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.560 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.563 INFO <<< [E:27485i S:54878 M:60062984] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.748 INFO >>> [E:27485i S:54878 M:261620750 (Ack:60062984)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.760 INFO <<< [E:27485i S:54878 M:60062985 (Ack:261620750)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.761 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.764 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.767 INFO <<< [E:27486i S:54878 M:60062986] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.961 INFO >>> [E:27486i S:54878 M:261620751 (Ack:60062986)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.975 INFO <<< [E:27486i S:54878 M:60062987 (Ack:261620751)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.976 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.979 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:23.981 INFO <<< [E:27487i S:54878 M:60062988] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.172 INFO >>> [E:27487i S:54878 M:261620752 (Ack:60062988)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.186 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=12 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.187 INFO <<< [E:27487i S:54878 M:60062989 (Ack:261620752)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.190 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.192 INFO <<< [E:27488i S:54878 M:60062990] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.384 INFO >>> [E:27488i S:54878 M:261620753 (Ack:60062990)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.397 INFO <<< [E:27488i S:54878 M:60062991 (Ack:261620753)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.397 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=13 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.401 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.404 INFO <<< [E:27489i S:54878 M:60062992] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.595 INFO >>> [E:27489i S:54878 M:261620754 (Ack:60062992)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.607 INFO <<< [E:27489i S:54878 M:60062993 (Ack:261620754)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.608 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=58 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.610 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.613 INFO <<< [E:27490i S:54878 M:60062994] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.807 INFO >>> [E:27490i S:54878 M:261620755 (Ack:60062994)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.820 INFO <<< [E:27490i S:54878 M:60062995 (Ack:261620755)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.821 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=59 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.824 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:24.826 INFO <<< [E:27491i S:54878 M:60062996] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.020 INFO >>> [E:27491i S:54878 M:261620756 (Ack:60062996)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.035 INFO <<< [E:27491i S:54878 M:60062997 (Ack:261620756)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.036 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=60 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.039 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.041 INFO <<< [E:27492i S:54878 M:60062998] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.231 INFO >>> [E:27492i S:54878 M:261620757 (Ack:60062998)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.245 INFO <<< [E:27492i S:54878 M:60062999 (Ack:261620757)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.245 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=61 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.248 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.251 INFO <<< [E:27493i S:54878 M:60063000] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.448 INFO >>> [E:27493i S:54878 M:261620758 (Ack:60063000)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.462 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=62 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.463 INFO <<< [E:27493i S:54878 M:60063001 (Ack:261620758)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.466 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.469 INFO <<< [E:27494i S:54878 M:60063002] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.654 INFO >>> [E:27494i S:54878 M:261620759 (Ack:60063002)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.668 INFO <<< [E:27494i S:54878 M:60063003 (Ack:261620759)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.669 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.671 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.674 INFO <<< [E:27495i S:54878 M:60063004] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.865 INFO >>> [E:27495i S:54878 M:261620760 (Ack:60063004)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.879 INFO <<< [E:27495i S:54878 M:60063005 (Ack:261620760)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.879 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.882 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:25.885 INFO <<< [E:27496i S:54878 M:60063006] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.078 INFO >>> [E:27496i S:54878 M:261620761 (Ack:60063006)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.093 INFO <<< [E:27496i S:54878 M:60063007 (Ack:261620761)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.094 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.096 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.099 INFO <<< [E:27497i S:54878 M:60063008] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.297 INFO >>> [E:27497i S:54878 M:261620762 (Ack:60063008)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.311 INFO <<< [E:27497i S:54878 M:60063009 (Ack:261620762)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.311 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.315 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.318 INFO <<< [E:27498i S:54878 M:60063010] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.498 INFO >>> [E:27498i S:54878 M:261620763 (Ack:60063010)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.511 INFO <<< [E:27498i S:54878 M:60063011 (Ack:261620763)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.512 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.515 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.517 INFO <<< [E:27499i S:54878 M:60063012] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.714 INFO >>> [E:27499i S:54878 M:261620764 (Ack:60063012)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.725 INFO <<< [E:27499i S:54878 M:60063013 (Ack:261620764)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.726 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.729 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.733 INFO <<< [E:27500i S:54878 M:60063014] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.922 INFO >>> [E:27500i S:54878 M:261620765 (Ack:60063014)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.935 INFO <<< [E:27500i S:54878 M:60063015 (Ack:261620765)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.936 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.939 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:26.941 INFO <<< [E:27501i S:54878 M:60063016] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.133 INFO >>> [E:27501i S:54878 M:261620766 (Ack:60063016)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.145 INFO <<< [E:27501i S:54878 M:60063017 (Ack:261620766)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.145 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.149 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.152 INFO <<< [E:27502i S:54878 M:60063018] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.343 INFO >>> [E:27502i S:54878 M:261620767 (Ack:60063018)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.357 INFO <<< [E:27502i S:54878 M:60063019 (Ack:261620767)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.358 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.361 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.363 INFO <<< [E:27503i S:54878 M:60063020] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.554 INFO >>> [E:27503i S:54878 M:261620768 (Ack:60063020)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.568 INFO <<< [E:27503i S:54878 M:60063021 (Ack:261620768)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.568 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.571 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.574 INFO <<< [E:27504i S:54878 M:60063022] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.768 INFO >>> [E:27504i S:54878 M:261620769 (Ack:60063022)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.782 INFO <<< [E:27504i S:54878 M:60063023 (Ack:261620769)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.782 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.785 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.787 INFO <<< [E:27505i S:54878 M:60063024] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.982 INFO >>> [E:27505i S:54878 M:261620770 (Ack:60063024)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.995 INFO <<< [E:27505i S:54878 M:60063025 (Ack:261620770)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.995 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:27.999 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.002 INFO <<< [E:27506i S:54878 M:60063026] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.190 INFO >>> [E:27506i S:54878 M:261620771 (Ack:60063026)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.203 INFO <<< [E:27506i S:54878 M:60063027 (Ack:261620771)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.204 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.206 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.209 INFO <<< [E:27507i S:54878 M:60063028] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.401 INFO >>> [E:27507i S:54878 M:261620772 (Ack:60063028)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.415 INFO <<< [E:27507i S:54878 M:60063029 (Ack:261620772)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.416 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.419 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.421 INFO <<< [E:27508i S:54878 M:60063030] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.613 INFO >>> [E:27508i S:54878 M:261620773 (Ack:60063030)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.627 INFO <<< [E:27508i S:54878 M:60063031 (Ack:261620773)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.627 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.630 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.633 INFO <<< [E:27509i S:54878 M:60063032] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.834 INFO >>> [E:27509i S:54878 M:261620774 (Ack:60063032)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.849 INFO <<< [E:27509i S:54878 M:60063033 (Ack:261620774)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.850 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.853 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:28.855 INFO <<< [E:27510i S:54878 M:60063034] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.037 INFO >>> [E:27510i S:54878 M:261620775 (Ack:60063034)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.051 INFO <<< [E:27510i S:54878 M:60063035 (Ack:261620775)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.051 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.054 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.056 INFO <<< [E:27511i S:54878 M:60063036] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.249 INFO >>> [E:27511i S:54878 M:261620776 (Ack:60063036)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.263 INFO <<< [E:27511i S:54878 M:60063037 (Ack:261620776)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.263 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.266 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.268 INFO <<< [E:27512i S:54878 M:60063038] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.482 INFO >>> [E:27512i S:54878 M:261620777 (Ack:60063038)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.495 INFO <<< [E:27512i S:54878 M:60063039 (Ack:261620777)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.496 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.499 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.502 INFO <<< [E:27513i S:54878 M:60063040] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.675 INFO >>> [E:27513i S:54878 M:261620778 (Ack:60063040)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.688 INFO <<< [E:27513i S:54878 M:60063041 (Ack:261620778)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.689 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.692 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.694 INFO <<< [E:27514i S:54878 M:60063042] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.887 INFO >>> [E:27514i S:54878 M:261620779 (Ack:60063042)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.902 INFO <<< [E:27514i S:54878 M:60063043 (Ack:261620779)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.902 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.905 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:29.907 INFO <<< [E:27515i S:54878 M:60063044] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.104 INFO >>> [E:27515i S:54878 M:261620780 (Ack:60063044)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.117 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.118 INFO <<< [E:27515i S:54878 M:60063045 (Ack:261620780)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.121 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.124 INFO <<< [E:27516i S:54878 M:60063046] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.315 INFO >>> [E:27516i S:54878 M:261620781 (Ack:60063046)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.327 INFO <<< [E:27516i S:54878 M:60063047 (Ack:261620781)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.328 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.331 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.336 INFO <<< [E:27517i S:54878 M:60063048] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.521 INFO >>> [E:27517i S:54878 M:261620782 (Ack:60063048)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.535 INFO <<< [E:27517i S:54878 M:60063049 (Ack:261620782)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.535 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.538 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.541 INFO <<< [E:27518i S:54878 M:60063050] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.733 INFO >>> [E:27518i S:54878 M:261620783 (Ack:60063050)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.746 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.746 INFO <<< [E:27518i S:54878 M:60063051 (Ack:261620783)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.749 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.752 INFO <<< [E:27519i S:54878 M:60063052] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.945 INFO >>> [E:27519i S:54878 M:261620784 (Ack:60063052)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.958 INFO <<< [E:27519i S:54878 M:60063053 (Ack:261620784)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.958 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.962 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:30.965 INFO <<< [E:27520i S:54878 M:60063054] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.157 INFO >>> [E:27520i S:54878 M:261620785 (Ack:60063054)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.169 INFO <<< [E:27520i S:54878 M:60063055 (Ack:261620785)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.170 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.173 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.176 INFO <<< [E:27521i S:54878 M:60063056] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.368 INFO >>> [E:27521i S:54878 M:261620786 (Ack:60063056)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.383 INFO <<< [E:27521i S:54878 M:60063057 (Ack:261620786)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.384 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.386 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.389 INFO <<< [E:27522i S:54878 M:60063058] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.579 INFO >>> [E:27522i S:54878 M:261620787 (Ack:60063058)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.593 INFO <<< [E:27522i S:54878 M:60063059 (Ack:261620787)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.594 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.597 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.599 INFO <<< [E:27523i S:54878 M:60063060] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.792 INFO >>> [E:27523i S:54878 M:261620788 (Ack:60063060)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.807 INFO <<< [E:27523i S:54878 M:60063061 (Ack:261620788)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.807 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.810 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:31.813 INFO <<< [E:27524i S:54878 M:60063062] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.003 INFO >>> [E:27524i S:54878 M:261620789 (Ack:60063062)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.018 INFO <<< [E:27524i S:54878 M:60063063 (Ack:261620789)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.018 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.021 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.024 INFO <<< [E:27525i S:54878 M:60063064] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.223 INFO >>> [E:27525i S:54878 M:261620790 (Ack:60063064)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.236 INFO <<< [E:27525i S:54878 M:60063065 (Ack:261620790)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.237 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.240 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.243 INFO <<< [E:27526i S:54878 M:60063066] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.429 INFO >>> [E:27526i S:54878 M:261620791 (Ack:60063066)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.441 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.441 INFO <<< [E:27526i S:54878 M:60063067 (Ack:261620791)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.443 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.446 INFO <<< [E:27527i S:54878 M:60063068] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.641 INFO >>> [E:27527i S:54878 M:261620792 (Ack:60063068)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.655 INFO <<< [E:27527i S:54878 M:60063069 (Ack:261620792)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.655 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.658 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.661 INFO <<< [E:27528i S:54878 M:60063070] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.853 INFO >>> [E:27528i S:54878 M:261620793 (Ack:60063070)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.868 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.868 INFO <<< [E:27528i S:54878 M:60063071 (Ack:261620793)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.871 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:32.874 INFO <<< [E:27529i S:54878 M:60063072] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.062 INFO >>> [E:27529i S:54878 M:261620794 (Ack:60063072)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.075 INFO <<< [E:27529i S:54878 M:60063073 (Ack:261620794)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.076 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.078 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.081 INFO <<< [E:27530i S:54878 M:60063074] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.275 INFO >>> [E:27530i S:54878 M:261620795 (Ack:60063074)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.287 INFO <<< [E:27530i S:54878 M:60063075 (Ack:261620795)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.287 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.290 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.292 INFO <<< [E:27531i S:54878 M:60063076] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.488 INFO >>> [E:27531i S:54878 M:261620796 (Ack:60063076)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.500 INFO <<< [E:27531i S:54878 M:60063077 (Ack:261620796)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.501 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.504 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.507 INFO <<< [E:27532i S:54878 M:60063078] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.697 INFO >>> [E:27532i S:54878 M:261620797 (Ack:60063078)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.711 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.712 INFO <<< [E:27532i S:54878 M:60063079 (Ack:261620797)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.715 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.717 INFO <<< [E:27533i S:54878 M:60063080] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.916 INFO >>> [E:27533i S:54878 M:261620798 (Ack:60063080)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.929 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.929 INFO <<< [E:27533i S:54878 M:60063081 (Ack:261620798)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.932 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:33.935 INFO <<< [E:27534i S:54878 M:60063082] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.121 INFO >>> [E:27534i S:54878 M:261620799 (Ack:60063082)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.133 INFO <<< [E:27534i S:54878 M:60063083 (Ack:261620799)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.134 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.136 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.139 INFO <<< [E:27535i S:54878 M:60063084] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.334 INFO >>> [E:27535i S:54878 M:261620800 (Ack:60063084)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.348 INFO <<< [E:27535i S:54878 M:60063085 (Ack:261620800)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.348 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.351 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.353 INFO <<< [E:27536i S:54878 M:60063086] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.543 INFO >>> [E:27536i S:54878 M:261620801 (Ack:60063086)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.558 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.558 INFO <<< [E:27536i S:54878 M:60063087 (Ack:261620801)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.561 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.564 INFO <<< [E:27537i S:54878 M:60063088] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.754 INFO >>> [E:27537i S:54878 M:261620802 (Ack:60063088)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.767 INFO <<< [E:27537i S:54878 M:60063089 (Ack:261620802)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.767 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.770 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.772 INFO <<< [E:27538i S:54878 M:60063090] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.965 INFO >>> [E:27538i S:54878 M:261620803 (Ack:60063090)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.978 INFO <<< [E:27538i S:54878 M:60063091 (Ack:261620803)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.979 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.981 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:34.984 INFO <<< [E:27539i S:54878 M:60063092] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.180 INFO >>> [E:27539i S:54878 M:261620804 (Ack:60063092)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.195 INFO <<< [E:27539i S:54878 M:60063093 (Ack:261620804)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.195 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.198 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.201 INFO <<< [E:27540i S:54878 M:60063094] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.394 INFO >>> [E:27540i S:54878 M:261620805 (Ack:60063094)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.407 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.407 INFO <<< [E:27540i S:54878 M:60063095 (Ack:261620805)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.411 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.413 INFO <<< [E:27541i S:54878 M:60063096] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.602 INFO >>> [E:27541i S:54878 M:261620806 (Ack:60063096)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.616 INFO <<< [E:27541i S:54878 M:60063097 (Ack:261620806)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.617 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.620 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.623 INFO <<< [E:27542i S:54878 M:60063098] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.811 INFO >>> [E:27542i S:54878 M:261620807 (Ack:60063098)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.822 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.823 INFO <<< [E:27542i S:54878 M:60063099 (Ack:261620807)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.826 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:35.829 INFO <<< [E:27543i S:54878 M:60063100] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.024 INFO >>> [E:27543i S:54878 M:261620808 (Ack:60063100)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.036 INFO <<< [E:27543i S:54878 M:60063101 (Ack:261620808)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.036 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.040 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.043 INFO <<< [E:27544i S:54878 M:60063102] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.236 INFO >>> [E:27544i S:54878 M:261620809 (Ack:60063102)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.247 INFO <<< [E:27544i S:54878 M:60063103 (Ack:261620809)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.248 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.250 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.253 INFO <<< [E:27545i S:54878 M:60063104] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.453 INFO >>> [E:27545i S:54878 M:261620810 (Ack:60063104)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.467 INFO <<< [E:27545i S:54878 M:60063105 (Ack:261620810)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.468 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.470 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.473 INFO <<< [E:27546i S:54878 M:60063106] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.659 INFO >>> [E:27546i S:54878 M:261620811 (Ack:60063106)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.671 INFO <<< [E:27546i S:54878 M:60063107 (Ack:261620811)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.671 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.674 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.677 INFO <<< [E:27547i S:54878 M:60063108] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.870 INFO >>> [E:27547i S:54878 M:261620812 (Ack:60063108)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.884 INFO <<< [E:27547i S:54878 M:60063109 (Ack:261620812)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.884 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.887 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:36.889 INFO <<< [E:27548i S:54878 M:60063110] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.084 INFO >>> [E:27548i S:54878 M:261620813 (Ack:60063110)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.095 INFO <<< [E:27548i S:54878 M:60063111 (Ack:261620813)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.096 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.099 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.101 INFO <<< [E:27549i S:54878 M:60063112] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.296 INFO >>> [E:27549i S:54878 M:261620814 (Ack:60063112)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.310 INFO <<< [E:27549i S:54878 M:60063113 (Ack:261620814)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.311 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.314 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.317 INFO <<< [E:27550i S:54878 M:60063114] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.507 INFO >>> [E:27550i S:54878 M:261620815 (Ack:60063114)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.521 INFO <<< [E:27550i S:54878 M:60063115 (Ack:261620815)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.521 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.525 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.528 INFO <<< [E:27551i S:54878 M:60063116] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.717 INFO >>> [E:27551i S:54878 M:261620816 (Ack:60063116)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.731 INFO <<< [E:27551i S:54878 M:60063117 (Ack:261620816)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.732 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.734 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.737 INFO <<< [E:27552i S:54878 M:60063118] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.927 INFO >>> [E:27552i S:54878 M:261620817 (Ack:60063118)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.939 INFO <<< [E:27552i S:54878 M:60063119 (Ack:261620817)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.939 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.942 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:37.946 INFO <<< [E:27553i S:54878 M:60063120] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.141 INFO >>> [E:27553i S:54878 M:261620818 (Ack:60063120)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.157 INFO <<< [E:27553i S:54878 M:60063121 (Ack:261620818)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.158 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.161 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.163 INFO <<< [E:27554i S:54878 M:60063122] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.355 INFO >>> [E:27554i S:54878 M:261620819 (Ack:60063122)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.367 INFO <<< [E:27554i S:54878 M:60063123 (Ack:261620819)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.367 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.371 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.374 INFO <<< [E:27555i S:54878 M:60063124] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.576 INFO >>> [E:27555i S:54878 M:261620820 (Ack:60063124)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.589 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.589 INFO <<< [E:27555i S:54878 M:60063125 (Ack:261620820)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.593 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.595 INFO <<< [E:27556i S:54878 M:60063126] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.783 INFO >>> [E:27556i S:54878 M:261620821 (Ack:60063126)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.798 INFO <<< [E:27556i S:54878 M:60063127 (Ack:261620821)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.799 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.801 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.804 INFO <<< [E:27557i S:54878 M:60063128] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:38.995 INFO >>> [E:27557i S:54878 M:261620822 (Ack:60063128)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.010 INFO <<< [E:27557i S:54878 M:60063129 (Ack:261620822)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.010 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.013 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.016 INFO <<< [E:27558i S:54878 M:60063130] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.210 INFO >>> [E:27558i S:54878 M:261620823 (Ack:60063130)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.225 INFO <<< [E:27558i S:54878 M:60063131 (Ack:261620823)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.225 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.228 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.231 INFO <<< [E:27559i S:54878 M:60063132] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.418 INFO >>> [E:27559i S:54878 M:261620824 (Ack:60063132)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.430 INFO <<< [E:27559i S:54878 M:60063133 (Ack:261620824)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.431 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.434 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.438 INFO <<< [E:27560i S:54878 M:60063134] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.631 INFO >>> [E:27560i S:54878 M:261620825 (Ack:60063134)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.644 INFO <<< [E:27560i S:54878 M:60063135 (Ack:261620825)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.644 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.648 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.650 INFO <<< [E:27561i S:54878 M:60063136] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.847 INFO >>> [E:27561i S:54878 M:261620826 (Ack:60063136)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.859 INFO <<< [E:27561i S:54878 M:60063137 (Ack:261620826)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.859 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.863 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:39.866 INFO <<< [E:27562i S:54878 M:60063138] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.054 INFO >>> [E:27562i S:54878 M:261620827 (Ack:60063138)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.067 INFO <<< [E:27562i S:54878 M:60063139 (Ack:261620827)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.068 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.070 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.073 INFO <<< [E:27563i S:54878 M:60063140] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.261 INFO >>> [E:27563i S:54878 M:261620828 (Ack:60063140)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.275 INFO <<< [E:27563i S:54878 M:60063141 (Ack:261620828)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.275 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.278 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.281 INFO <<< [E:27564i S:54878 M:60063142] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.471 INFO >>> [E:27564i S:54878 M:261620829 (Ack:60063142)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.483 INFO <<< [E:27564i S:54878 M:60063143 (Ack:261620829)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.483 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.486 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.489 INFO <<< [E:27565i S:54878 M:60063144] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.687 INFO >>> [E:27565i S:54878 M:261620830 (Ack:60063144)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.700 INFO <<< [E:27565i S:54878 M:60063145 (Ack:261620830)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.700 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.703 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.706 INFO <<< [E:27566i S:54878 M:60063146] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.902 INFO >>> [E:27566i S:54878 M:261620831 (Ack:60063146)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.914 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.914 INFO <<< [E:27566i S:54878 M:60063147 (Ack:261620831)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.918 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:40.921 INFO <<< [E:27567i S:54878 M:60063148] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.107 INFO >>> [E:27567i S:54878 M:261620832 (Ack:60063148)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.120 INFO <<< [E:27567i S:54878 M:60063149 (Ack:261620832)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.120 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=12 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.123 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.126 INFO <<< [E:27568i S:54878 M:60063150] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.320 INFO >>> [E:27568i S:54878 M:261620833 (Ack:60063150)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.334 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=14 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.335 INFO <<< [E:27568i S:54878 M:60063151 (Ack:261620833)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.338 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.340 INFO <<< [E:27569i S:54878 M:60063152] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.530 INFO >>> [E:27569i S:54878 M:261620834 (Ack:60063152)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.544 INFO <<< [E:27569i S:54878 M:60063153 (Ack:261620834)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.545 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=15 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.548 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.550 INFO <<< [E:27570i S:54878 M:60063154] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.741 INFO >>> [E:27570i S:54878 M:261620835 (Ack:60063154)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.755 INFO <<< [E:27570i S:54878 M:60063155 (Ack:261620835)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.755 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=16 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.758 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.761 INFO <<< [E:27571i S:54878 M:60063156] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.950 INFO >>> [E:27571i S:54878 M:261620836 (Ack:60063156)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.964 INFO <<< [E:27571i S:54878 M:60063157 (Ack:261620836)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.964 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=19 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.967 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:41.970 INFO <<< [E:27572i S:54878 M:60063158] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.169 INFO >>> [E:27572i S:54878 M:261620837 (Ack:60063158)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.181 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=25 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.181 INFO <<< [E:27572i S:54878 M:60063159 (Ack:261620837)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.185 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.188 INFO <<< [E:27573i S:54878 M:60063160] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.376 INFO >>> [E:27573i S:54878 M:261620838 (Ack:60063160)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.390 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=31 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.391 INFO <<< [E:27573i S:54878 M:60063161 (Ack:261620838)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.394 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.396 INFO <<< [E:27574i S:54878 M:60063162] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.588 INFO >>> [E:27574i S:54878 M:261620839 (Ack:60063162)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.600 INFO <<< [E:27574i S:54878 M:60063163 (Ack:261620839)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.601 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.604 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.606 INFO <<< [E:27575i S:54878 M:60063164] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.800 INFO >>> [E:27575i S:54878 M:261620840 (Ack:60063164)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.814 INFO <<< [E:27575i S:54878 M:60063165 (Ack:261620840)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.815 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.818 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:42.820 INFO <<< [E:27576i S:54878 M:60063166] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.012 INFO >>> [E:27576i S:54878 M:261620841 (Ack:60063166)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.025 INFO <<< [E:27576i S:54878 M:60063167 (Ack:261620841)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.026 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.028 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.031 INFO <<< [E:27577i S:54878 M:60063168] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.230 INFO >>> [E:27577i S:54878 M:261620842 (Ack:60063168)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.244 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.244 INFO <<< [E:27577i S:54878 M:60063169 (Ack:261620842)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.248 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.250 INFO <<< [E:27578i S:54878 M:60063170] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.437 INFO >>> [E:27578i S:54878 M:261620843 (Ack:60063170)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.452 INFO <<< [E:27578i S:54878 M:60063171 (Ack:261620843)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.453 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.455 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.458 INFO <<< [E:27579i S:54878 M:60063172] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.646 INFO >>> [E:27579i S:54878 M:261620844 (Ack:60063172)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.703 INFO <<< [E:27579i S:54878 M:60063173 (Ack:261620844)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.703 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.706 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.709 INFO <<< [E:27580i S:54878 M:60063174] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.863 INFO >>> [E:27580i S:54878 M:261620845 (Ack:60063174)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.879 INFO <<< [E:27580i S:54878 M:60063175 (Ack:261620845)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.880 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.883 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:43.885 INFO <<< [E:27581i S:54878 M:60063176] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.072 INFO >>> [E:27581i S:54878 M:261620846 (Ack:60063176)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.085 INFO <<< [E:27581i S:54878 M:60063177 (Ack:261620846)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.085 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.089 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.091 INFO <<< [E:27582i S:54878 M:60063178] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.284 INFO >>> [E:27582i S:54878 M:261620847 (Ack:60063178)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.299 INFO <<< [E:27582i S:54878 M:60063179 (Ack:261620847)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.299 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.302 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.304 INFO <<< [E:27583i S:54878 M:60063180] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.496 INFO >>> [E:27583i S:54878 M:261620848 (Ack:60063180)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.508 INFO <<< [E:27583i S:54878 M:60063181 (Ack:261620848)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.509 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.512 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.515 INFO <<< [E:27584i S:54878 M:60063182] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.705 INFO >>> [E:27584i S:54878 M:261620849 (Ack:60063182)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.717 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.717 INFO <<< [E:27584i S:54878 M:60063183 (Ack:261620849)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.721 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.723 INFO <<< [E:27585i S:54878 M:60063184] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.918 INFO >>> [E:27585i S:54878 M:261620850 (Ack:60063184)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.931 INFO <<< [E:27585i S:54878 M:60063185 (Ack:261620850)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.932 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.934 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:44.937 INFO <<< [E:27586i S:54878 M:60063186] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.132 INFO >>> [E:27586i S:54878 M:261620851 (Ack:60063186)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.147 INFO <<< [E:27586i S:54878 M:60063187 (Ack:261620851)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.148 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.151 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.153 INFO <<< [E:27587i S:54878 M:60063188] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.338 INFO >>> [E:27587i S:54878 M:261620852 (Ack:60063188)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.352 INFO <<< [E:27587i S:54878 M:60063189 (Ack:261620852)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.352 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.355 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.357 INFO <<< [E:27588i S:54878 M:60063190] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.550 INFO >>> [E:27588i S:54878 M:261620853 (Ack:60063190)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.563 INFO <<< [E:27588i S:54878 M:60063191 (Ack:261620853)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.564 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.566 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.569 INFO <<< [E:27589i S:54878 M:60063192] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.765 INFO >>> [E:27589i S:54878 M:261620854 (Ack:60063192)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.778 INFO <<< [E:27589i S:54878 M:60063193 (Ack:261620854)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.778 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.782 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.784 INFO <<< [E:27590i S:54878 M:60063194] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.975 INFO >>> [E:27590i S:54878 M:261620855 (Ack:60063194)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.989 INFO <<< [E:27590i S:54878 M:60063195 (Ack:261620855)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.990 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.993 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:45.995 INFO <<< [E:27591i S:54878 M:60063196] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.185 INFO >>> [E:27591i S:54878 M:261620856 (Ack:60063196)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.199 INFO <<< [E:27591i S:54878 M:60063197 (Ack:261620856)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.200 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.203 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.205 INFO <<< [E:27592i S:54878 M:60063198] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.395 INFO >>> [E:27592i S:54878 M:261620857 (Ack:60063198)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.408 INFO <<< [E:27592i S:54878 M:60063199 (Ack:261620857)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.408 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.411 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.413 INFO <<< [E:27593i S:54878 M:60063200] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.607 INFO >>> [E:27593i S:54878 M:261620858 (Ack:60063200)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.620 INFO <<< [E:27593i S:54878 M:60063201 (Ack:261620858)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.620 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.624 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.626 INFO <<< [E:27594i S:54878 M:60063202] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.817 INFO >>> [E:27594i S:54878 M:261620859 (Ack:60063202)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.831 INFO <<< [E:27594i S:54878 M:60063203 (Ack:261620859)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.831 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.834 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:46.837 INFO <<< [E:27595i S:54878 M:60063204] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.029 INFO >>> [E:27595i S:54878 M:261620860 (Ack:60063204)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.043 INFO <<< [E:27595i S:54878 M:60063205 (Ack:261620860)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.043 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.046 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.049 INFO <<< [E:27596i S:54878 M:60063206] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.245 INFO >>> [E:27596i S:54878 M:261620861 (Ack:60063206)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.257 INFO <<< [E:27596i S:54878 M:60063207 (Ack:261620861)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.257 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.260 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.263 INFO <<< [E:27597i S:54878 M:60063208] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.452 INFO >>> [E:27597i S:54878 M:261620862 (Ack:60063208)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.466 INFO <<< [E:27597i S:54878 M:60063209 (Ack:261620862)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.468 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.470 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.473 INFO <<< [E:27598i S:54878 M:60063210] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.666 INFO >>> [E:27598i S:54878 M:261620863 (Ack:60063210)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.679 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.680 INFO <<< [E:27598i S:54878 M:60063211 (Ack:261620863)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.683 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.685 INFO <<< [E:27599i S:54878 M:60063212] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.875 INFO >>> [E:27599i S:54878 M:261620864 (Ack:60063212)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.887 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.887 INFO <<< [E:27599i S:54878 M:60063213 (Ack:261620864)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.891 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:47.894 INFO <<< [E:27600i S:54878 M:60063214] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.085 INFO >>> [E:27600i S:54878 M:261620865 (Ack:60063214)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.099 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.099 INFO <<< [E:27600i S:54878 M:60063215 (Ack:261620865)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.102 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.105 INFO <<< [E:27601i S:54878 M:60063216] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.295 INFO >>> [E:27601i S:54878 M:261620866 (Ack:60063216)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.311 INFO <<< [E:27601i S:54878 M:60063217 (Ack:261620866)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.312 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.314 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.317 INFO <<< [E:27602i S:54878 M:60063218] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.621 INFO >>> [E:27602i S:54878 M:261620867 (Ack:60063218)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.637 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.637 INFO <<< [E:27602i S:54878 M:60063219 (Ack:261620867)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.641 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.644 INFO <<< [E:27603i S:54878 M:60063220] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.854 INFO >>> [E:27603i S:54878 M:261620868 (Ack:60063220)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.868 INFO <<< [E:27603i S:54878 M:60063221 (Ack:261620868)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.868 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.871 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:48.874 INFO <<< [E:27604i S:54878 M:60063222] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.059 INFO >>> [E:27604i S:54878 M:261620869 (Ack:60063222)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.072 INFO <<< [E:27604i S:54878 M:60063223 (Ack:261620869)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.072 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.075 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.078 INFO <<< [E:27605i S:54878 M:60063224] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.275 INFO >>> [E:27605i S:54878 M:261620870 (Ack:60063224)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.287 INFO Testing for 3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.287 INFO <<< [E:27605i S:54878 M:60063225 (Ack:261620870)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.289 INFO ***** Test Step 3a_kOperate : TH_commissioner gives TH_second_commissioner the specified privilege [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.292 INFO Found an existing secure session to [1:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.297 INFO <<< [E:27606i S:54877 M:75947340] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:06 (IM:WriteRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.525 INFO >>> [E:27606i S:54877 M:15744159 (Ack:75947340)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:07 (IM:WriteResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.540 INFO <<< [E:27606i S:54877 M:75947341 (Ack:15744159)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.541 INFO ***** Test Step 3b_kOperate : TH_second_controller reads all the attributes and checks for appropriate permission errors [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.542 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.544 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.547 INFO <<< [E:27607i S:54878 M:60063226] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.713 INFO >>> [E:27607i S:54878 M:261620871 (Ack:60063226)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.727 INFO <<< [E:27607i S:54878 M:60063227 (Ack:261620871)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.727 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.730 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.733 INFO <<< [E:27608i S:54878 M:60063228] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.929 INFO >>> [E:27608i S:54878 M:261620872 (Ack:60063228)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.942 INFO <<< [E:27608i S:54878 M:60063229 (Ack:261620872)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.943 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.946 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:49.949 INFO <<< [E:27609i S:54878 M:60063230] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.134 INFO >>> [E:27609i S:54878 M:261620873 (Ack:60063230)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.148 INFO <<< [E:27609i S:54878 M:60063231 (Ack:261620873)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.148 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.151 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.154 INFO <<< [E:27610i S:54878 M:60063232] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.344 INFO >>> [E:27610i S:54878 M:261620874 (Ack:60063232)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.358 INFO <<< [E:27610i S:54878 M:60063233 (Ack:261620874)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.359 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.362 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.364 INFO <<< [E:27611i S:54878 M:60063234] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.554 INFO >>> [E:27611i S:54878 M:261620875 (Ack:60063234)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.568 INFO <<< [E:27611i S:54878 M:60063235 (Ack:261620875)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.568 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.571 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.574 INFO <<< [E:27612i S:54878 M:60063236] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.768 INFO >>> [E:27612i S:54878 M:261620876 (Ack:60063236)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.780 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.781 INFO <<< [E:27612i S:54878 M:60063237 (Ack:261620876)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.785 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.787 INFO <<< [E:27613i S:54878 M:60063238] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.983 INFO >>> [E:27613i S:54878 M:261620877 (Ack:60063238)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.997 INFO <<< [E:27613i S:54878 M:60063239 (Ack:261620877)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:50.997 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.001 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.003 INFO <<< [E:27614i S:54878 M:60063240] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.190 INFO >>> [E:27614i S:54878 M:261620878 (Ack:60063240)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.202 INFO <<< [E:27614i S:54878 M:60063241 (Ack:261620878)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.203 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.205 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.208 INFO <<< [E:27615i S:54878 M:60063242] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.400 INFO >>> [E:27615i S:54878 M:261620879 (Ack:60063242)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.414 INFO <<< [E:27615i S:54878 M:60063243 (Ack:261620879)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.414 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.417 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.420 INFO <<< [E:27616i S:54878 M:60063244] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.615 INFO >>> [E:27616i S:54878 M:261620880 (Ack:60063244)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.628 INFO <<< [E:27616i S:54878 M:60063245 (Ack:261620880)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.628 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.631 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.634 INFO <<< [E:27617i S:54878 M:60063246] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.824 INFO >>> [E:27617i S:54878 M:261620881 (Ack:60063246)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.836 INFO <<< [E:27617i S:54878 M:60063247 (Ack:261620881)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.836 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.839 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:51.842 INFO <<< [E:27618i S:54878 M:60063248] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.035 INFO >>> [E:27618i S:54878 M:261620882 (Ack:60063248)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.051 INFO <<< [E:27618i S:54878 M:60063249 (Ack:261620882)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.051 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.054 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.056 INFO <<< [E:27619i S:54878 M:60063250] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.245 INFO >>> [E:27619i S:54878 M:261620883 (Ack:60063250)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.259 INFO <<< [E:27619i S:54878 M:60063251 (Ack:261620883)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.259 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.262 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.265 INFO <<< [E:27620i S:54878 M:60063252] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.457 INFO >>> [E:27620i S:54878 M:261620884 (Ack:60063252)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.471 INFO <<< [E:27620i S:54878 M:60063253 (Ack:261620884)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.471 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.474 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.477 INFO <<< [E:27621i S:54878 M:60063254] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.669 INFO >>> [E:27621i S:54878 M:261620885 (Ack:60063254)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.683 INFO <<< [E:27621i S:54878 M:60063255 (Ack:261620885)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.684 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.686 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.689 INFO <<< [E:27622i S:54878 M:60063256] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.881 INFO >>> [E:27622i S:54878 M:261620886 (Ack:60063256)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.895 INFO <<< [E:27622i S:54878 M:60063257 (Ack:261620886)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.896 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.898 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:52.901 INFO <<< [E:27623i S:54878 M:60063258] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.096 INFO >>> [E:27623i S:54878 M:261620887 (Ack:60063258)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.109 INFO <<< [E:27623i S:54878 M:60063259 (Ack:261620887)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.110 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.113 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.116 INFO <<< [E:27624i S:54878 M:60063260] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.303 INFO >>> [E:27624i S:54878 M:261620888 (Ack:60063260)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.316 INFO <<< [E:27624i S:54878 M:60063261 (Ack:261620888)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.317 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.320 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.322 INFO <<< [E:27625i S:54878 M:60063262] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.513 INFO >>> [E:27625i S:54878 M:261620889 (Ack:60063262)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.527 INFO <<< [E:27625i S:54878 M:60063263 (Ack:261620889)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.527 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.530 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.533 INFO <<< [E:27626i S:54878 M:60063264] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.726 INFO >>> [E:27626i S:54878 M:261620890 (Ack:60063264)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.742 INFO <<< [E:27626i S:54878 M:60063265 (Ack:261620890)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.742 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.745 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.748 INFO <<< [E:27627i S:54878 M:60063266] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.942 INFO >>> [E:27627i S:54878 M:261620891 (Ack:60063266)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.954 INFO <<< [E:27627i S:54878 M:60063267 (Ack:261620891)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.954 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.957 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:53.960 INFO <<< [E:27628i S:54878 M:60063268] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.150 INFO >>> [E:27628i S:54878 M:261620892 (Ack:60063268)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.164 INFO <<< [E:27628i S:54878 M:60063269 (Ack:261620892)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.164 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.167 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.170 INFO <<< [E:27629i S:54878 M:60063270] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.366 INFO >>> [E:27629i S:54878 M:261620893 (Ack:60063270)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.375 INFO <<< [E:27629i S:54878 M:60063271 (Ack:261620893)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.376 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.379 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.382 INFO <<< [E:27630i S:54878 M:60063272] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.573 INFO >>> [E:27630i S:54878 M:261620894 (Ack:60063272)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.585 INFO <<< [E:27630i S:54878 M:60063273 (Ack:261620894)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.585 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.588 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.591 INFO <<< [E:27631i S:54878 M:60063274] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.782 INFO >>> [E:27631i S:54878 M:261620895 (Ack:60063274)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.795 INFO <<< [E:27631i S:54878 M:60063275 (Ack:261620895)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.796 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.798 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.801 INFO <<< [E:27632i S:54878 M:60063276] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:54.996 INFO >>> [E:27632i S:54878 M:261620896 (Ack:60063276)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.010 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.010 INFO <<< [E:27632i S:54878 M:60063277 (Ack:261620896)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.013 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.015 INFO <<< [E:27633i S:54878 M:60063278] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.209 INFO >>> [E:27633i S:54878 M:261620897 (Ack:60063278)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.222 INFO <<< [E:27633i S:54878 M:60063279 (Ack:261620897)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.223 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.225 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.228 INFO <<< [E:27634i S:54878 M:60063280] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.420 INFO >>> [E:27634i S:54878 M:261620898 (Ack:60063280)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.434 INFO <<< [E:27634i S:54878 M:60063281 (Ack:261620898)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.435 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.438 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.440 INFO <<< [E:27635i S:54878 M:60063282] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.630 INFO >>> [E:27635i S:54878 M:261620899 (Ack:60063282)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.642 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.642 INFO <<< [E:27635i S:54878 M:60063283 (Ack:261620899)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.646 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.649 INFO <<< [E:27636i S:54878 M:60063284] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.844 INFO >>> [E:27636i S:54878 M:261620900 (Ack:60063284)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.855 INFO <<< [E:27636i S:54878 M:60063285 (Ack:261620900)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.856 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=15 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.859 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:55.861 INFO <<< [E:27637i S:54878 M:60063286] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.061 INFO >>> [E:27637i S:54878 M:261620901 (Ack:60063286)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.074 INFO <<< [E:27637i S:54878 M:60063287 (Ack:261620901)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.074 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=16 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.078 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.081 INFO <<< [E:27638i S:54878 M:60063288] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.268 INFO >>> [E:27638i S:54878 M:261620902 (Ack:60063288)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.278 INFO <<< [E:27638i S:54878 M:60063289 (Ack:261620902)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.279 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=19 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.282 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.284 INFO <<< [E:27639i S:54878 M:60063290] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.477 INFO >>> [E:27639i S:54878 M:261620903 (Ack:60063290)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.491 INFO <<< [E:27639i S:54878 M:60063291 (Ack:261620903)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.491 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=21 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.494 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.497 INFO <<< [E:27640i S:54878 M:60063292] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.690 INFO >>> [E:27640i S:54878 M:261620904 (Ack:60063292)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.703 INFO <<< [E:27640i S:54878 M:60063293 (Ack:261620904)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.704 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=22 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.706 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.709 INFO <<< [E:27641i S:54878 M:60063294] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.902 INFO >>> [E:27641i S:54878 M:261620905 (Ack:60063294)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.916 INFO <<< [E:27641i S:54878 M:60063295 (Ack:261620905)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.916 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.919 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:56.921 INFO <<< [E:27642i S:54878 M:60063296] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.113 INFO >>> [E:27642i S:54878 M:261620906 (Ack:60063296)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.128 INFO <<< [E:27642i S:54878 M:60063297 (Ack:261620906)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.128 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.131 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.134 INFO <<< [E:27643i S:54878 M:60063298] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.325 INFO >>> [E:27643i S:54878 M:261620907 (Ack:60063298)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.336 INFO <<< [E:27643i S:54878 M:60063299 (Ack:261620907)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.337 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.340 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.343 INFO <<< [E:27644i S:54878 M:60063300] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.544 INFO >>> [E:27644i S:54878 M:261620908 (Ack:60063300)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.561 INFO <<< [E:27644i S:54878 M:60063301 (Ack:261620908)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.562 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.564 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.567 INFO <<< [E:27645i S:54878 M:60063302] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.747 INFO >>> [E:27645i S:54878 M:261620909 (Ack:60063302)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.761 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.762 INFO <<< [E:27645i S:54878 M:60063303 (Ack:261620909)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.765 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.768 INFO <<< [E:27646i S:54878 M:60063304] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.960 INFO >>> [E:27646i S:54878 M:261620910 (Ack:60063304)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.973 INFO <<< [E:27646i S:54878 M:60063305 (Ack:261620910)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.974 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.976 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:57.979 INFO <<< [E:27647i S:54878 M:60063306] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.171 INFO >>> [E:27647i S:54878 M:261620911 (Ack:60063306)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.181 INFO <<< [E:27647i S:54878 M:60063307 (Ack:261620911)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.182 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.184 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.187 INFO <<< [E:27648i S:54878 M:60063308] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.383 INFO >>> [E:27648i S:54878 M:261620912 (Ack:60063308)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.396 INFO <<< [E:27648i S:54878 M:60063309 (Ack:261620912)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.396 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.401 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.403 INFO <<< [E:27649i S:54878 M:60063310] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.595 INFO >>> [E:27649i S:54878 M:261620913 (Ack:60063310)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.610 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.610 INFO <<< [E:27649i S:54878 M:60063311 (Ack:261620913)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.613 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.616 INFO <<< [E:27650i S:54878 M:60063312] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.807 INFO >>> [E:27650i S:54878 M:261620914 (Ack:60063312)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.820 INFO <<< [E:27650i S:54878 M:60063313 (Ack:261620914)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.820 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.823 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:58.826 INFO <<< [E:27651i S:54878 M:60063314] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.017 INFO >>> [E:27651i S:54878 M:261620915 (Ack:60063314)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.031 INFO <<< [E:27651i S:54878 M:60063315 (Ack:261620915)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.032 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.034 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.037 INFO <<< [E:27652i S:54878 M:60063316] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.228 INFO >>> [E:27652i S:54878 M:261620916 (Ack:60063316)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.239 INFO <<< [E:27652i S:54878 M:60063317 (Ack:261620916)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.240 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.243 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.245 INFO <<< [E:27653i S:54878 M:60063318] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.444 INFO >>> [E:27653i S:54878 M:261620917 (Ack:60063318)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.457 INFO <<< [E:27653i S:54878 M:60063319 (Ack:261620917)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.458 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.461 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.464 INFO <<< [E:27654i S:54878 M:60063320] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.653 INFO >>> [E:27654i S:54878 M:261620918 (Ack:60063320)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.666 INFO <<< [E:27654i S:54878 M:60063321 (Ack:261620918)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.667 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.670 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.672 INFO <<< [E:27655i S:54878 M:60063322] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.862 INFO >>> [E:27655i S:54878 M:261620919 (Ack:60063322)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.876 INFO <<< [E:27655i S:54878 M:60063323 (Ack:261620919)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.876 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.879 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:53:59.881 INFO <<< [E:27656i S:54878 M:60063324] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.076 INFO >>> [E:27656i S:54878 M:261620920 (Ack:60063324)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.087 INFO <<< [E:27656i S:54878 M:60063325 (Ack:261620920)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.088 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.091 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.094 INFO <<< [E:27657i S:54878 M:60063326] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.291 INFO >>> [E:27657i S:54878 M:261620921 (Ack:60063326)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.303 INFO <<< [E:27657i S:54878 M:60063327 (Ack:261620921)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.304 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.307 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.309 INFO <<< [E:27658i S:54878 M:60063328] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.500 INFO >>> [E:27658i S:54878 M:261620922 (Ack:60063328)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.514 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.515 INFO <<< [E:27658i S:54878 M:60063329 (Ack:261620922)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.518 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.521 INFO <<< [E:27659i S:54878 M:60063330] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.709 INFO >>> [E:27659i S:54878 M:261620923 (Ack:60063330)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.721 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.721 INFO <<< [E:27659i S:54878 M:60063331 (Ack:261620923)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.725 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.728 INFO <<< [E:27660i S:54878 M:60063332] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.926 INFO >>> [E:27660i S:54878 M:261620924 (Ack:60063332)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.939 INFO <<< [E:27660i S:54878 M:60063333 (Ack:261620924)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.939 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.942 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:00.945 INFO <<< [E:27661i S:54878 M:60063334] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.133 INFO >>> [E:27661i S:54878 M:261620925 (Ack:60063334)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.145 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.145 INFO <<< [E:27661i S:54878 M:60063335 (Ack:261620925)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.148 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.151 INFO <<< [E:27662i S:54878 M:60063336] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.347 INFO >>> [E:27662i S:54878 M:261620926 (Ack:60063336)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.361 INFO <<< [E:27662i S:54878 M:60063337 (Ack:261620926)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.362 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.365 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.368 INFO <<< [E:27663i S:54878 M:60063338] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.557 INFO >>> [E:27663i S:54878 M:261620927 (Ack:60063338)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.571 INFO <<< [E:27663i S:54878 M:60063339 (Ack:261620927)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.571 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.574 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.576 INFO <<< [E:27664i S:54878 M:60063340] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.768 INFO >>> [E:27664i S:54878 M:261620928 (Ack:60063340)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.782 INFO <<< [E:27664i S:54878 M:60063341 (Ack:261620928)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.782 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.785 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.787 INFO <<< [E:27665i S:54878 M:60063342] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:01.985 INFO >>> [E:27665i S:54878 M:261620929 (Ack:60063342)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.001 INFO <<< [E:27665i S:54878 M:60063343 (Ack:261620929)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.002 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.005 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.008 INFO <<< [E:27666i S:54878 M:60063344] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.194 INFO >>> [E:27666i S:54878 M:261620930 (Ack:60063344)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.207 INFO <<< [E:27666i S:54878 M:60063345 (Ack:261620930)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.207 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.210 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.212 INFO <<< [E:27667i S:54878 M:60063346] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.405 INFO >>> [E:27667i S:54878 M:261620931 (Ack:60063346)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.419 INFO <<< [E:27667i S:54878 M:60063347 (Ack:261620931)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.419 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.422 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.425 INFO <<< [E:27668i S:54878 M:60063348] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.621 INFO >>> [E:27668i S:54878 M:261620932 (Ack:60063348)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.632 INFO <<< [E:27668i S:54878 M:60063349 (Ack:261620932)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.633 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.636 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.639 INFO <<< [E:27669i S:54878 M:60063350] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.829 INFO >>> [E:27669i S:54878 M:261620933 (Ack:60063350)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.840 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.841 INFO <<< [E:27669i S:54878 M:60063351 (Ack:261620933)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.845 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:02.847 INFO <<< [E:27670i S:54878 M:60063352] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.042 INFO >>> [E:27670i S:54878 M:261620934 (Ack:60063352)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.057 INFO <<< [E:27670i S:54878 M:60063353 (Ack:261620934)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.057 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.060 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.063 INFO <<< [E:27671i S:54878 M:60063354] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.252 INFO >>> [E:27671i S:54878 M:261620935 (Ack:60063354)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.262 INFO <<< [E:27671i S:54878 M:60063355 (Ack:261620935)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.263 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.266 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.269 INFO <<< [E:27672i S:54878 M:60063356] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.463 INFO >>> [E:27672i S:54878 M:261620936 (Ack:60063356)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.478 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.479 INFO <<< [E:27672i S:54878 M:60063357 (Ack:261620936)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.482 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.484 INFO <<< [E:27673i S:54878 M:60063358] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.676 INFO >>> [E:27673i S:54878 M:261620937 (Ack:60063358)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.690 INFO <<< [E:27673i S:54878 M:60063359 (Ack:261620937)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.690 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.693 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.695 INFO <<< [E:27674i S:54878 M:60063360] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.891 INFO >>> [E:27674i S:54878 M:261620938 (Ack:60063360)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.905 INFO <<< [E:27674i S:54878 M:60063361 (Ack:261620938)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.905 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.908 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:03.911 INFO <<< [E:27675i S:54878 M:60063362] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.098 INFO >>> [E:27675i S:54878 M:261620939 (Ack:60063362)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.112 INFO <<< [E:27675i S:54878 M:60063363 (Ack:261620939)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.113 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.115 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.118 INFO <<< [E:27676i S:54878 M:60063364] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.310 INFO >>> [E:27676i S:54878 M:261620940 (Ack:60063364)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.323 INFO <<< [E:27676i S:54878 M:60063365 (Ack:261620940)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.323 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.326 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.329 INFO <<< [E:27677i S:54878 M:60063366] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.520 INFO >>> [E:27677i S:54878 M:261620941 (Ack:60063366)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.535 INFO <<< [E:27677i S:54878 M:60063367 (Ack:261620941)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.536 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.538 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.541 INFO <<< [E:27678i S:54878 M:60063368] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.733 INFO >>> [E:27678i S:54878 M:261620942 (Ack:60063368)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.746 INFO <<< [E:27678i S:54878 M:60063369 (Ack:261620942)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.747 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.749 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.752 INFO <<< [E:27679i S:54878 M:60063370] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.944 INFO >>> [E:27679i S:54878 M:261620943 (Ack:60063370)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.959 INFO <<< [E:27679i S:54878 M:60063371 (Ack:261620943)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.959 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.962 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:04.964 INFO <<< [E:27680i S:54878 M:60063372] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.163 INFO >>> [E:27680i S:54878 M:261620944 (Ack:60063372)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.175 INFO <<< [E:27680i S:54878 M:60063373 (Ack:261620944)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.176 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.180 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.182 INFO <<< [E:27681i S:54878 M:60063374] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.369 INFO >>> [E:27681i S:54878 M:261620945 (Ack:60063374)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.382 INFO <<< [E:27681i S:54878 M:60063375 (Ack:261620945)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.383 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.385 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.388 INFO <<< [E:27682i S:54878 M:60063376] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.582 INFO >>> [E:27682i S:54878 M:261620946 (Ack:60063376)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.595 INFO <<< [E:27682i S:54878 M:60063377 (Ack:261620946)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.596 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.598 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.601 INFO <<< [E:27683i S:54878 M:60063378] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.812 INFO >>> [E:27683i S:54878 M:261620947 (Ack:60063378)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.824 INFO <<< [E:27683i S:54878 M:60063379 (Ack:261620947)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.825 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.828 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:05.830 INFO <<< [E:27684i S:54878 M:60063380] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.005 INFO >>> [E:27684i S:54878 M:261620948 (Ack:60063380)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.019 INFO <<< [E:27684i S:54878 M:60063381 (Ack:261620948)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.020 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.022 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.025 INFO <<< [E:27685i S:54878 M:60063382] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.219 INFO >>> [E:27685i S:54878 M:261620949 (Ack:60063382)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.231 INFO <<< [E:27685i S:54878 M:60063383 (Ack:261620949)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.231 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.234 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.237 INFO <<< [E:27686i S:54878 M:60063384] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.428 INFO >>> [E:27686i S:54878 M:261620950 (Ack:60063384)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.443 INFO <<< [E:27686i S:54878 M:60063385 (Ack:261620950)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.443 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.446 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.449 INFO <<< [E:27687i S:54878 M:60063386] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.640 INFO >>> [E:27687i S:54878 M:261620951 (Ack:60063386)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.653 INFO <<< [E:27687i S:54878 M:60063387 (Ack:261620951)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.653 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.657 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.659 INFO <<< [E:27688i S:54878 M:60063388] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.852 INFO >>> [E:27688i S:54878 M:261620952 (Ack:60063388)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.866 INFO <<< [E:27688i S:54878 M:60063389 (Ack:261620952)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.866 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.869 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:06.872 INFO <<< [E:27689i S:54878 M:60063390] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.063 INFO >>> [E:27689i S:54878 M:261620953 (Ack:60063390)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.076 INFO <<< [E:27689i S:54878 M:60063391 (Ack:261620953)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.077 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.079 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.082 INFO <<< [E:27690i S:54878 M:60063392] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.280 INFO >>> [E:27690i S:54878 M:261620954 (Ack:60063392)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.294 INFO <<< [E:27690i S:54878 M:60063393 (Ack:261620954)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.294 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.297 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.300 INFO <<< [E:27691i S:54878 M:60063394] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.484 INFO >>> [E:27691i S:54878 M:261620955 (Ack:60063394)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.498 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.499 INFO <<< [E:27691i S:54878 M:60063395 (Ack:261620955)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.502 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.504 INFO <<< [E:27692i S:54878 M:60063396] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.699 INFO >>> [E:27692i S:54878 M:261620956 (Ack:60063396)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.710 INFO <<< [E:27692i S:54878 M:60063397 (Ack:261620956)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.711 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.715 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.717 INFO <<< [E:27693i S:54878 M:60063398] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.909 INFO >>> [E:27693i S:54878 M:261620957 (Ack:60063398)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.922 INFO <<< [E:27693i S:54878 M:60063399 (Ack:261620957)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.922 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.925 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:07.928 INFO <<< [E:27694i S:54878 M:60063400] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.120 INFO >>> [E:27694i S:54878 M:261620958 (Ack:60063400)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.134 INFO <<< [E:27694i S:54878 M:60063401 (Ack:261620958)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.134 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.137 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.140 INFO <<< [E:27695i S:54878 M:60063402] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.332 INFO >>> [E:27695i S:54878 M:261620959 (Ack:60063402)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.343 INFO <<< [E:27695i S:54878 M:60063403 (Ack:261620959)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.344 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.347 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.350 INFO <<< [E:27696i S:54878 M:60063404] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.543 INFO >>> [E:27696i S:54878 M:261620960 (Ack:60063404)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.558 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.558 INFO <<< [E:27696i S:54878 M:60063405 (Ack:261620960)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.561 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.564 INFO <<< [E:27697i S:54878 M:60063406] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.757 INFO >>> [E:27697i S:54878 M:261620961 (Ack:60063406)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.771 INFO <<< [E:27697i S:54878 M:60063407 (Ack:261620961)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.771 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.774 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.777 INFO <<< [E:27698i S:54878 M:60063408] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.971 INFO >>> [E:27698i S:54878 M:261620962 (Ack:60063408)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.982 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.982 INFO <<< [E:27698i S:54878 M:60063409 (Ack:261620962)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.985 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:08.988 INFO <<< [E:27699i S:54878 M:60063410] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.181 INFO >>> [E:27699i S:54878 M:261620963 (Ack:60063410)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.193 INFO <<< [E:27699i S:54878 M:60063411 (Ack:261620963)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.193 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.196 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.198 INFO <<< [E:27700i S:54878 M:60063412] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.396 INFO >>> [E:27700i S:54878 M:261620964 (Ack:60063412)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.407 INFO <<< [E:27700i S:54878 M:60063413 (Ack:261620964)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.407 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.410 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.413 INFO <<< [E:27701i S:54878 M:60063414] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.604 INFO >>> [E:27701i S:54878 M:261620965 (Ack:60063414)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.618 INFO <<< [E:27701i S:54878 M:60063415 (Ack:261620965)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.618 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.621 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.624 INFO <<< [E:27702i S:54878 M:60063416] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.816 INFO >>> [E:27702i S:54878 M:261620966 (Ack:60063416)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.830 INFO <<< [E:27702i S:54878 M:60063417 (Ack:261620966)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.831 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.834 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:09.836 INFO <<< [E:27703i S:54878 M:60063418] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.028 INFO >>> [E:27703i S:54878 M:261620967 (Ack:60063418)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.040 INFO <<< [E:27703i S:54878 M:60063419 (Ack:261620967)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.040 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.043 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.046 INFO <<< [E:27704i S:54878 M:60063420] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.245 INFO >>> [E:27704i S:54878 M:261620968 (Ack:60063420)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.258 INFO <<< [E:27704i S:54878 M:60063421 (Ack:261620968)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.258 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.261 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.264 INFO <<< [E:27705i S:54878 M:60063422] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.459 INFO >>> [E:27705i S:54878 M:261620969 (Ack:60063422)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.472 INFO <<< [E:27705i S:54878 M:60063423 (Ack:261620969)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.472 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.475 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.478 INFO <<< [E:27706i S:54878 M:60063424] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.666 INFO >>> [E:27706i S:54878 M:261620970 (Ack:60063424)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.679 INFO <<< [E:27706i S:54878 M:60063425 (Ack:261620970)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.680 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.682 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.685 INFO <<< [E:27707i S:54878 M:60063426] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.876 INFO >>> [E:27707i S:54878 M:261620971 (Ack:60063426)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.890 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.891 INFO <<< [E:27707i S:54878 M:60063427 (Ack:261620971)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.893 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:10.896 INFO <<< [E:27708i S:54878 M:60063428] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.096 INFO >>> [E:27708i S:54878 M:261620972 (Ack:60063428)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.113 INFO <<< [E:27708i S:54878 M:60063429 (Ack:261620972)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.114 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.116 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.119 INFO <<< [E:27709i S:54878 M:60063430] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.299 INFO >>> [E:27709i S:54878 M:261620973 (Ack:60063430)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.307 INFO <<< [E:27709i S:54878 M:60063431 (Ack:261620973)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.308 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.311 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.314 INFO <<< [E:27710i S:54878 M:60063432] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.512 INFO >>> [E:27710i S:54878 M:261620974 (Ack:60063432)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.526 INFO <<< [E:27710i S:54878 M:60063433 (Ack:261620974)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.527 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.529 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.532 INFO <<< [E:27711i S:54878 M:60063434] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.721 INFO >>> [E:27711i S:54878 M:261620975 (Ack:60063434)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.734 INFO <<< [E:27711i S:54878 M:60063435 (Ack:261620975)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.736 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.739 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.741 INFO <<< [E:27712i S:54878 M:60063436] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.935 INFO >>> [E:27712i S:54878 M:261620976 (Ack:60063436)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.948 INFO <<< [E:27712i S:54878 M:60063437 (Ack:261620976)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.949 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.951 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:11.954 INFO <<< [E:27713i S:54878 M:60063438] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.144 INFO >>> [E:27713i S:54878 M:261620977 (Ack:60063438)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.157 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.158 INFO <<< [E:27713i S:54878 M:60063439 (Ack:261620977)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.161 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.164 INFO <<< [E:27714i S:54878 M:60063440] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.360 INFO >>> [E:27714i S:54878 M:261620978 (Ack:60063440)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.374 INFO <<< [E:27714i S:54878 M:60063441 (Ack:261620978)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.374 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.378 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.381 INFO <<< [E:27715i S:54878 M:60063442] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.570 INFO >>> [E:27715i S:54878 M:261620979 (Ack:60063442)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.581 INFO <<< [E:27715i S:54878 M:60063443 (Ack:261620979)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.582 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.585 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.588 INFO <<< [E:27716i S:54878 M:60063444] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.778 INFO >>> [E:27716i S:54878 M:261620980 (Ack:60063444)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.787 INFO <<< [E:27716i S:54878 M:60063445 (Ack:261620980)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.788 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.791 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.793 INFO <<< [E:27717i S:54878 M:60063446] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:12.992 INFO >>> [E:27717i S:54878 M:261620981 (Ack:60063446)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.003 INFO <<< [E:27717i S:54878 M:60063447 (Ack:261620981)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.005 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.008 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.010 INFO <<< [E:27718i S:54878 M:60063448] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.203 INFO >>> [E:27718i S:54878 M:261620982 (Ack:60063448)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.218 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.218 INFO <<< [E:27718i S:54878 M:60063449 (Ack:261620982)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.222 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.224 INFO <<< [E:27719i S:54878 M:60063450] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.414 INFO >>> [E:27719i S:54878 M:261620983 (Ack:60063450)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.429 INFO <<< [E:27719i S:54878 M:60063451 (Ack:261620983)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.429 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.432 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.435 INFO <<< [E:27720i S:54878 M:60063452] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.629 INFO >>> [E:27720i S:54878 M:261620984 (Ack:60063452)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.645 INFO <<< [E:27720i S:54878 M:60063453 (Ack:261620984)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.645 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.648 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.651 INFO <<< [E:27721i S:54878 M:60063454] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.838 INFO >>> [E:27721i S:54878 M:261620985 (Ack:60063454)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.851 INFO <<< [E:27721i S:54878 M:60063455 (Ack:261620985)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.852 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.855 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:13.857 INFO <<< [E:27722i S:54878 M:60063456] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.049 INFO >>> [E:27722i S:54878 M:261620986 (Ack:60063456)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.064 INFO <<< [E:27722i S:54878 M:60063457 (Ack:261620986)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.065 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.068 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.070 INFO <<< [E:27723i S:54878 M:60063458] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.258 INFO >>> [E:27723i S:54878 M:261620987 (Ack:60063458)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.270 INFO <<< [E:27723i S:54878 M:60063459 (Ack:261620987)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.270 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.273 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.276 INFO <<< [E:27724i S:54878 M:60063460] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.479 INFO >>> [E:27724i S:54878 M:261620988 (Ack:60063460)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.496 INFO <<< [E:27724i S:54878 M:60063461 (Ack:261620988)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.496 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.499 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.502 INFO <<< [E:27725i S:54878 M:60063462] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.687 INFO >>> [E:27725i S:54878 M:261620989 (Ack:60063462)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.702 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.703 INFO <<< [E:27725i S:54878 M:60063463 (Ack:261620989)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.706 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.709 INFO <<< [E:27726i S:54878 M:60063464] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.897 INFO >>> [E:27726i S:54878 M:261620990 (Ack:60063464)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.911 INFO <<< [E:27726i S:54878 M:60063465 (Ack:261620990)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.912 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.914 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:14.917 INFO <<< [E:27727i S:54878 M:60063466] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.106 INFO >>> [E:27727i S:54878 M:261620991 (Ack:60063466)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.119 INFO <<< [E:27727i S:54878 M:60063467 (Ack:261620991)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.120 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.123 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.125 INFO <<< [E:27728i S:54878 M:60063468] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.319 INFO >>> [E:27728i S:54878 M:261620992 (Ack:60063468)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.334 INFO <<< [E:27728i S:54878 M:60063469 (Ack:261620992)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.334 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=12 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.338 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.340 INFO <<< [E:27729i S:54878 M:60063470] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.533 INFO >>> [E:27729i S:54878 M:261620993 (Ack:60063470)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.547 INFO <<< [E:27729i S:54878 M:60063471 (Ack:261620993)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.548 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=13 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.550 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.553 INFO <<< [E:27730i S:54878 M:60063472] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.743 INFO >>> [E:27730i S:54878 M:261620994 (Ack:60063472)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.758 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=58 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.758 INFO <<< [E:27730i S:54878 M:60063473 (Ack:261620994)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.761 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.764 INFO <<< [E:27731i S:54878 M:60063474] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.955 INFO >>> [E:27731i S:54878 M:261620995 (Ack:60063474)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.968 INFO <<< [E:27731i S:54878 M:60063475 (Ack:261620995)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.968 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=59 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.971 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:15.974 INFO <<< [E:27732i S:54878 M:60063476] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.169 INFO >>> [E:27732i S:54878 M:261620996 (Ack:60063476)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.181 INFO <<< [E:27732i S:54878 M:60063477 (Ack:261620996)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.182 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=60 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.184 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.187 INFO <<< [E:27733i S:54878 M:60063478] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.380 INFO >>> [E:27733i S:54878 M:261620997 (Ack:60063478)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.393 INFO <<< [E:27733i S:54878 M:60063479 (Ack:261620997)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.394 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=61 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.397 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.399 INFO <<< [E:27734i S:54878 M:60063480] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.594 INFO >>> [E:27734i S:54878 M:261620998 (Ack:60063480)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.610 INFO <<< [E:27734i S:54878 M:60063481 (Ack:261620998)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.610 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=62 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.613 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.615 INFO <<< [E:27735i S:54878 M:60063482] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.800 INFO >>> [E:27735i S:54878 M:261620999 (Ack:60063482)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.813 INFO <<< [E:27735i S:54878 M:60063483 (Ack:261620999)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.814 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.817 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:16.820 INFO <<< [E:27736i S:54878 M:60063484] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.012 INFO >>> [E:27736i S:54878 M:261621000 (Ack:60063484)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.028 INFO <<< [E:27736i S:54878 M:60063485 (Ack:261621000)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.028 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.031 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.033 INFO <<< [E:27737i S:54878 M:60063486] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.224 INFO >>> [E:27737i S:54878 M:261621001 (Ack:60063486)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.237 INFO <<< [E:27737i S:54878 M:60063487 (Ack:261621001)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.238 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.241 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.243 INFO <<< [E:27738i S:54878 M:60063488] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.446 INFO >>> [E:27738i S:54878 M:261621002 (Ack:60063488)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.462 INFO <<< [E:27738i S:54878 M:60063489 (Ack:261621002)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.463 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.467 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.470 INFO <<< [E:27739i S:54878 M:60063490] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.647 INFO >>> [E:27739i S:54878 M:261621003 (Ack:60063490)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.658 INFO <<< [E:27739i S:54878 M:60063491 (Ack:261621003)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.659 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.662 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.665 INFO <<< [E:27740i S:54878 M:60063492] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.856 INFO >>> [E:27740i S:54878 M:261621004 (Ack:60063492)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.871 INFO <<< [E:27740i S:54878 M:60063493 (Ack:261621004)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.871 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.874 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:17.876 INFO <<< [E:27741i S:54878 M:60063494] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.067 INFO >>> [E:27741i S:54878 M:261621005 (Ack:60063494)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.078 INFO <<< [E:27741i S:54878 M:60063495 (Ack:261621005)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.078 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.081 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.084 INFO <<< [E:27742i S:54878 M:60063496] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.281 INFO >>> [E:27742i S:54878 M:261621006 (Ack:60063496)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.294 INFO <<< [E:27742i S:54878 M:60063497 (Ack:261621006)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.295 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.298 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.300 INFO <<< [E:27743i S:54878 M:60063498] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.491 INFO >>> [E:27743i S:54878 M:261621007 (Ack:60063498)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.505 INFO <<< [E:27743i S:54878 M:60063499 (Ack:261621007)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.506 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.509 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.512 INFO <<< [E:27744i S:54878 M:60063500] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.703 INFO >>> [E:27744i S:54878 M:261621008 (Ack:60063500)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.716 INFO <<< [E:27744i S:54878 M:60063501 (Ack:261621008)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.717 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.720 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.723 INFO <<< [E:27745i S:54878 M:60063502] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.915 INFO >>> [E:27745i S:54878 M:261621009 (Ack:60063502)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.931 INFO <<< [E:27745i S:54878 M:60063503 (Ack:261621009)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.931 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.934 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:18.937 INFO <<< [E:27746i S:54878 M:60063504] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.131 INFO >>> [E:27746i S:54878 M:261621010 (Ack:60063504)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.144 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.145 INFO <<< [E:27746i S:54878 M:60063505 (Ack:261621010)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.148 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.151 INFO <<< [E:27747i S:54878 M:60063506] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.337 INFO >>> [E:27747i S:54878 M:261621011 (Ack:60063506)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.352 INFO <<< [E:27747i S:54878 M:60063507 (Ack:261621011)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.352 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.355 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.357 INFO <<< [E:27748i S:54878 M:60063508] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.547 INFO >>> [E:27748i S:54878 M:261621012 (Ack:60063508)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.557 INFO <<< [E:27748i S:54878 M:60063509 (Ack:261621012)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.558 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.561 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.565 INFO <<< [E:27749i S:54878 M:60063510] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.759 INFO >>> [E:27749i S:54878 M:261621013 (Ack:60063510)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.771 INFO <<< [E:27749i S:54878 M:60063511 (Ack:261621013)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.772 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.775 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.778 INFO <<< [E:27750i S:54878 M:60063512] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.980 INFO >>> [E:27750i S:54878 M:261621014 (Ack:60063512)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.997 INFO <<< [E:27750i S:54878 M:60063513 (Ack:261621014)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:19.998 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.001 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.003 INFO <<< [E:27751i S:54878 M:60063514] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.180 INFO >>> [E:27751i S:54878 M:261621015 (Ack:60063514)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.193 INFO <<< [E:27751i S:54878 M:60063515 (Ack:261621015)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.193 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.196 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.199 INFO <<< [E:27752i S:54878 M:60063516] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.388 INFO >>> [E:27752i S:54878 M:261621016 (Ack:60063516)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.402 INFO <<< [E:27752i S:54878 M:60063517 (Ack:261621016)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.403 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.405 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.408 INFO <<< [E:27753i S:54878 M:60063518] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.620 INFO >>> [E:27753i S:54878 M:261621017 (Ack:60063518)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.633 INFO <<< [E:27753i S:54878 M:60063519 (Ack:261621017)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.634 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.638 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.640 INFO <<< [E:27754i S:54878 M:60063520] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.815 INFO >>> [E:27754i S:54878 M:261621018 (Ack:60063520)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.828 INFO <<< [E:27754i S:54878 M:60063521 (Ack:261621018)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.828 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.831 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:20.834 INFO <<< [E:27755i S:54878 M:60063522] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.028 INFO >>> [E:27755i S:54878 M:261621019 (Ack:60063522)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.044 INFO <<< [E:27755i S:54878 M:60063523 (Ack:261621019)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.044 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.047 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.050 INFO <<< [E:27756i S:54878 M:60063524] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.239 INFO >>> [E:27756i S:54878 M:261621020 (Ack:60063524)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.251 INFO <<< [E:27756i S:54878 M:60063525 (Ack:261621020)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.252 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.255 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.258 INFO <<< [E:27757i S:54878 M:60063526] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.453 INFO >>> [E:27757i S:54878 M:261621021 (Ack:60063526)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.466 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.466 INFO <<< [E:27757i S:54878 M:60063527 (Ack:261621021)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.470 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.473 INFO <<< [E:27758i S:54878 M:60063528] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.663 INFO >>> [E:27758i S:54878 M:261621022 (Ack:60063528)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.674 INFO <<< [E:27758i S:54878 M:60063529 (Ack:261621022)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.675 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.678 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.681 INFO <<< [E:27759i S:54878 M:60063530] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.871 INFO >>> [E:27759i S:54878 M:261621023 (Ack:60063530)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.885 INFO <<< [E:27759i S:54878 M:60063531 (Ack:261621023)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.886 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.888 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:21.891 INFO <<< [E:27760i S:54878 M:60063532] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.077 INFO >>> [E:27760i S:54878 M:261621024 (Ack:60063532)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.092 INFO <<< [E:27760i S:54878 M:60063533 (Ack:261621024)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.094 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.096 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.099 INFO <<< [E:27761i S:54878 M:60063534] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.292 INFO >>> [E:27761i S:54878 M:261621025 (Ack:60063534)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.306 INFO <<< [E:27761i S:54878 M:60063535 (Ack:261621025)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.306 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.309 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.311 INFO <<< [E:27762i S:54878 M:60063536] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.504 INFO >>> [E:27762i S:54878 M:261621026 (Ack:60063536)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.517 INFO <<< [E:27762i S:54878 M:60063537 (Ack:261621026)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.517 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.520 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.523 INFO <<< [E:27763i S:54878 M:60063538] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.713 INFO >>> [E:27763i S:54878 M:261621027 (Ack:60063538)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.727 INFO <<< [E:27763i S:54878 M:60063539 (Ack:261621027)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.728 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.730 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.733 INFO <<< [E:27764i S:54878 M:60063540] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.924 INFO >>> [E:27764i S:54878 M:261621028 (Ack:60063540)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.937 INFO <<< [E:27764i S:54878 M:60063541 (Ack:261621028)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.937 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.941 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:22.943 INFO <<< [E:27765i S:54878 M:60063542] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.136 INFO >>> [E:27765i S:54878 M:261621029 (Ack:60063542)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.149 INFO <<< [E:27765i S:54878 M:60063543 (Ack:261621029)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.150 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.153 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.156 INFO <<< [E:27766i S:54878 M:60063544] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.354 INFO >>> [E:27766i S:54878 M:261621030 (Ack:60063544)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.366 INFO <<< [E:27766i S:54878 M:60063545 (Ack:261621030)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.367 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.370 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.373 INFO <<< [E:27767i S:54878 M:60063546] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.561 INFO >>> [E:27767i S:54878 M:261621031 (Ack:60063546)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.573 INFO <<< [E:27767i S:54878 M:60063547 (Ack:261621031)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.574 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.577 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.580 INFO <<< [E:27768i S:54878 M:60063548] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.769 INFO >>> [E:27768i S:54878 M:261621032 (Ack:60063548)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.783 INFO <<< [E:27768i S:54878 M:60063549 (Ack:261621032)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.783 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.786 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.789 INFO <<< [E:27769i S:54878 M:60063550] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.980 INFO >>> [E:27769i S:54878 M:261621033 (Ack:60063550)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.993 INFO <<< [E:27769i S:54878 M:60063551 (Ack:261621033)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.994 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.996 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:23.999 INFO <<< [E:27770i S:54878 M:60063552] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.192 INFO >>> [E:27770i S:54878 M:261621034 (Ack:60063552)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.205 INFO <<< [E:27770i S:54878 M:60063553 (Ack:261621034)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.206 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.208 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.211 INFO <<< [E:27771i S:54878 M:60063554] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.407 INFO >>> [E:27771i S:54878 M:261621035 (Ack:60063554)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.421 INFO <<< [E:27771i S:54878 M:60063555 (Ack:261621035)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.421 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.424 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.427 INFO <<< [E:27772i S:54878 M:60063556] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.616 INFO >>> [E:27772i S:54878 M:261621036 (Ack:60063556)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.630 INFO <<< [E:27772i S:54878 M:60063557 (Ack:261621036)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.631 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.634 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.636 INFO <<< [E:27773i S:54878 M:60063558] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.826 INFO >>> [E:27773i S:54878 M:261621037 (Ack:60063558)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.840 INFO <<< [E:27773i S:54878 M:60063559 (Ack:261621037)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.840 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.843 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:24.846 INFO <<< [E:27774i S:54878 M:60063560] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.046 INFO >>> [E:27774i S:54878 M:261621038 (Ack:60063560)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.058 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.059 INFO <<< [E:27774i S:54878 M:60063561 (Ack:261621038)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.062 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.066 INFO <<< [E:27775i S:54878 M:60063562] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.249 INFO >>> [E:27775i S:54878 M:261621039 (Ack:60063562)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.263 INFO <<< [E:27775i S:54878 M:60063563 (Ack:261621039)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.264 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.266 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.269 INFO <<< [E:27776i S:54878 M:60063564] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.468 INFO >>> [E:27776i S:54878 M:261621040 (Ack:60063564)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.482 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.483 INFO <<< [E:27776i S:54878 M:60063565 (Ack:261621040)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.486 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.488 INFO <<< [E:27777i S:54878 M:60063566] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.671 INFO >>> [E:27777i S:54878 M:261621041 (Ack:60063566)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.682 INFO <<< [E:27777i S:54878 M:60063567 (Ack:261621041)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.682 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.686 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.689 INFO <<< [E:27778i S:54878 M:60063568] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.885 INFO >>> [E:27778i S:54878 M:261621042 (Ack:60063568)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.897 INFO <<< [E:27778i S:54878 M:60063569 (Ack:261621042)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.898 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.901 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:25.903 INFO <<< [E:27779i S:54878 M:60063570] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.095 INFO >>> [E:27779i S:54878 M:261621043 (Ack:60063570)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.110 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.111 INFO <<< [E:27779i S:54878 M:60063571 (Ack:261621043)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.114 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.116 INFO <<< [E:27780i S:54878 M:60063572] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.307 INFO >>> [E:27780i S:54878 M:261621044 (Ack:60063572)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.319 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.320 INFO <<< [E:27780i S:54878 M:60063573 (Ack:261621044)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.323 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.325 INFO <<< [E:27781i S:54878 M:60063574] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.524 INFO >>> [E:27781i S:54878 M:261621045 (Ack:60063574)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.536 INFO <<< [E:27781i S:54878 M:60063575 (Ack:261621045)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.536 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.540 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.543 INFO <<< [E:27782i S:54878 M:60063576] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.729 INFO >>> [E:27782i S:54878 M:261621046 (Ack:60063576)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.743 INFO <<< [E:27782i S:54878 M:60063577 (Ack:261621046)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.743 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.746 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.749 INFO <<< [E:27783i S:54878 M:60063578] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.942 INFO >>> [E:27783i S:54878 M:261621047 (Ack:60063578)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.955 INFO <<< [E:27783i S:54878 M:60063579 (Ack:261621047)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.956 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.960 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:26.963 INFO <<< [E:27784i S:54878 M:60063580] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.152 INFO >>> [E:27784i S:54878 M:261621048 (Ack:60063580)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.166 INFO <<< [E:27784i S:54878 M:60063581 (Ack:261621048)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.166 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.169 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.172 INFO <<< [E:27785i S:54878 M:60063582] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.364 INFO >>> [E:27785i S:54878 M:261621049 (Ack:60063582)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.377 INFO <<< [E:27785i S:54878 M:60063583 (Ack:261621049)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.378 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.381 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.384 INFO <<< [E:27786i S:54878 M:60063584] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.583 INFO >>> [E:27786i S:54878 M:261621050 (Ack:60063584)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.596 INFO <<< [E:27786i S:54878 M:60063585 (Ack:261621050)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.597 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.600 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.603 INFO <<< [E:27787i S:54878 M:60063586] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.792 INFO >>> [E:27787i S:54878 M:261621051 (Ack:60063586)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.806 INFO <<< [E:27787i S:54878 M:60063587 (Ack:261621051)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.807 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.810 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.813 INFO <<< [E:27788i S:54878 M:60063588] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:27.998 INFO >>> [E:27788i S:54878 M:261621052 (Ack:60063588)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.011 INFO <<< [E:27788i S:54878 M:60063589 (Ack:261621052)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.012 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.015 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.017 INFO <<< [E:27789i S:54878 M:60063590] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.207 INFO >>> [E:27789i S:54878 M:261621053 (Ack:60063590)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.221 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.222 INFO <<< [E:27789i S:54878 M:60063591 (Ack:261621053)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.225 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.228 INFO <<< [E:27790i S:54878 M:60063592] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.423 INFO >>> [E:27790i S:54878 M:261621054 (Ack:60063592)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.437 INFO <<< [E:27790i S:54878 M:60063593 (Ack:261621054)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.438 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.441 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.443 INFO <<< [E:27791i S:54878 M:60063594] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.636 INFO >>> [E:27791i S:54878 M:261621055 (Ack:60063594)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.649 INFO <<< [E:27791i S:54878 M:60063595 (Ack:261621055)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.649 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.653 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.655 INFO <<< [E:27792i S:54878 M:60063596] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.852 INFO >>> [E:27792i S:54878 M:261621056 (Ack:60063596)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.864 INFO <<< [E:27792i S:54878 M:60063597 (Ack:261621056)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.865 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.868 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:28.871 INFO <<< [E:27793i S:54878 M:60063598] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.065 INFO >>> [E:27793i S:54878 M:261621057 (Ack:60063598)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.079 INFO <<< [E:27793i S:54878 M:60063599 (Ack:261621057)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.080 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.082 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.085 INFO <<< [E:27794i S:54878 M:60063600] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.275 INFO >>> [E:27794i S:54878 M:261621058 (Ack:60063600)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.291 INFO <<< [E:27794i S:54878 M:60063601 (Ack:261621058)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.292 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.294 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.297 INFO <<< [E:27795i S:54878 M:60063602] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.485 INFO >>> [E:27795i S:54878 M:261621059 (Ack:60063602)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.499 INFO <<< [E:27795i S:54878 M:60063603 (Ack:261621059)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.500 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.503 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.505 INFO <<< [E:27796i S:54878 M:60063604] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.702 INFO >>> [E:27796i S:54878 M:261621060 (Ack:60063604)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.715 INFO <<< [E:27796i S:54878 M:60063605 (Ack:261621060)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.715 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.719 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.721 INFO <<< [E:27797i S:54878 M:60063606] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.910 INFO >>> [E:27797i S:54878 M:261621061 (Ack:60063606)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.923 INFO <<< [E:27797i S:54878 M:60063607 (Ack:261621061)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.924 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.926 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:29.929 INFO <<< [E:27798i S:54878 M:60063608] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.120 INFO >>> [E:27798i S:54878 M:261621062 (Ack:60063608)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.135 INFO <<< [E:27798i S:54878 M:60063609 (Ack:261621062)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.136 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.139 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.141 INFO <<< [E:27799i S:54878 M:60063610] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.330 INFO >>> [E:27799i S:54878 M:261621063 (Ack:60063610)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.344 INFO <<< [E:27799i S:54878 M:60063611 (Ack:261621063)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.344 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.347 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.350 INFO <<< [E:27800i S:54878 M:60063612] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.543 INFO >>> [E:27800i S:54878 M:261621064 (Ack:60063612)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.556 INFO <<< [E:27800i S:54878 M:60063613 (Ack:261621064)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.557 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.559 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.562 INFO <<< [E:27801i S:54878 M:60063614] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.757 INFO >>> [E:27801i S:54878 M:261621065 (Ack:60063614)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.771 INFO <<< [E:27801i S:54878 M:60063615 (Ack:261621065)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.771 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.774 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.777 INFO <<< [E:27802i S:54878 M:60063616] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.973 INFO >>> [E:27802i S:54878 M:261621066 (Ack:60063616)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.985 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.985 INFO <<< [E:27802i S:54878 M:60063617 (Ack:261621066)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.988 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:30.991 INFO <<< [E:27803i S:54878 M:60063618] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.177 INFO >>> [E:27803i S:54878 M:261621067 (Ack:60063618)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.189 INFO <<< [E:27803i S:54878 M:60063619 (Ack:261621067)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.190 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.193 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.195 INFO <<< [E:27804i S:54878 M:60063620] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.389 INFO >>> [E:27804i S:54878 M:261621068 (Ack:60063620)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.403 INFO <<< [E:27804i S:54878 M:60063621 (Ack:261621068)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.404 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.406 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.409 INFO <<< [E:27805i S:54878 M:60063622] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.604 INFO >>> [E:27805i S:54878 M:261621069 (Ack:60063622)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.616 INFO <<< [E:27805i S:54878 M:60063623 (Ack:261621069)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.617 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.620 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.622 INFO <<< [E:27806i S:54878 M:60063624] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.813 INFO >>> [E:27806i S:54878 M:261621070 (Ack:60063624)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.828 INFO <<< [E:27806i S:54878 M:60063625 (Ack:261621070)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.829 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.833 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:31.835 INFO <<< [E:27807i S:54878 M:60063626] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.028 INFO >>> [E:27807i S:54878 M:261621071 (Ack:60063626)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.040 INFO <<< [E:27807i S:54878 M:60063627 (Ack:261621071)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.041 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.044 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.047 INFO <<< [E:27808i S:54878 M:60063628] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.234 INFO >>> [E:27808i S:54878 M:261621072 (Ack:60063628)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.248 INFO <<< [E:27808i S:54878 M:60063629 (Ack:261621072)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.248 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=12 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.251 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.253 INFO <<< [E:27809i S:54878 M:60063630] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.446 INFO >>> [E:27809i S:54878 M:261621073 (Ack:60063630)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.460 INFO <<< [E:27809i S:54878 M:60063631 (Ack:261621073)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.460 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=14 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.463 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.466 INFO <<< [E:27810i S:54878 M:60063632] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.657 INFO >>> [E:27810i S:54878 M:261621074 (Ack:60063632)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.672 INFO <<< [E:27810i S:54878 M:60063633 (Ack:261621074)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.673 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=15 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.675 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.678 INFO <<< [E:27811i S:54878 M:60063634] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.869 INFO >>> [E:27811i S:54878 M:261621075 (Ack:60063634)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.880 INFO <<< [E:27811i S:54878 M:60063635 (Ack:261621075)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.881 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=16 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.884 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:32.887 INFO <<< [E:27812i S:54878 M:60063636] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.081 INFO >>> [E:27812i S:54878 M:261621076 (Ack:60063636)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.094 INFO <<< [E:27812i S:54878 M:60063637 (Ack:261621076)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.095 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=19 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.098 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.101 INFO <<< [E:27813i S:54878 M:60063638] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.313 INFO >>> [E:27813i S:54878 M:261621077 (Ack:60063638)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.325 INFO <<< [E:27813i S:54878 M:60063639 (Ack:261621077)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.326 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=25 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.329 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.332 INFO <<< [E:27814i S:54878 M:60063640] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.514 INFO >>> [E:27814i S:54878 M:261621078 (Ack:60063640)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.527 INFO <<< [E:27814i S:54878 M:60063641 (Ack:261621078)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.528 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=31 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.530 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.533 INFO <<< [E:27815i S:54878 M:60063642] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.725 INFO >>> [E:27815i S:54878 M:261621079 (Ack:60063642)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.738 INFO <<< [E:27815i S:54878 M:60063643 (Ack:261621079)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.739 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.741 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.744 INFO <<< [E:27816i S:54878 M:60063644] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.939 INFO >>> [E:27816i S:54878 M:261621080 (Ack:60063644)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.949 INFO <<< [E:27816i S:54878 M:60063645 (Ack:261621080)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.950 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.953 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:33.956 INFO <<< [E:27817i S:54878 M:60063646] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.150 INFO >>> [E:27817i S:54878 M:261621081 (Ack:60063646)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.165 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.166 INFO <<< [E:27817i S:54878 M:60063647 (Ack:261621081)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.169 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.171 INFO <<< [E:27818i S:54878 M:60063648] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.368 INFO >>> [E:27818i S:54878 M:261621082 (Ack:60063648)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.382 INFO <<< [E:27818i S:54878 M:60063649 (Ack:261621082)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.383 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.386 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.389 INFO <<< [E:27819i S:54878 M:60063650] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.573 INFO >>> [E:27819i S:54878 M:261621083 (Ack:60063650)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.582 INFO <<< [E:27819i S:54878 M:60063651 (Ack:261621083)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.583 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.586 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.589 INFO <<< [E:27820i S:54878 M:60063652] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.786 INFO >>> [E:27820i S:54878 M:261621084 (Ack:60063652)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.799 INFO <<< [E:27820i S:54878 M:60063653 (Ack:261621084)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.799 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.802 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:34.805 INFO <<< [E:27821i S:54878 M:60063654] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.002 INFO >>> [E:27821i S:54878 M:261621085 (Ack:60063654)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.018 INFO <<< [E:27821i S:54878 M:60063655 (Ack:261621085)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.019 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.022 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.024 INFO <<< [E:27822i S:54878 M:60063656] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.208 INFO >>> [E:27822i S:54878 M:261621086 (Ack:60063656)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.223 INFO <<< [E:27822i S:54878 M:60063657 (Ack:261621086)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.223 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.226 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.228 INFO <<< [E:27823i S:54878 M:60063658] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.418 INFO >>> [E:27823i S:54878 M:261621087 (Ack:60063658)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.430 INFO <<< [E:27823i S:54878 M:60063659 (Ack:261621087)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.430 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.433 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.436 INFO <<< [E:27824i S:54878 M:60063660] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.637 INFO >>> [E:27824i S:54878 M:261621088 (Ack:60063660)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.650 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.650 INFO <<< [E:27824i S:54878 M:60063661 (Ack:261621088)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.654 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.657 INFO <<< [E:27825i S:54878 M:60063662] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.841 INFO >>> [E:27825i S:54878 M:261621089 (Ack:60063662)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.854 INFO <<< [E:27825i S:54878 M:60063663 (Ack:261621089)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.855 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.857 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:35.860 INFO <<< [E:27826i S:54878 M:60063664] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.051 INFO >>> [E:27826i S:54878 M:261621090 (Ack:60063664)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.064 INFO <<< [E:27826i S:54878 M:60063665 (Ack:261621090)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.064 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.067 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.070 INFO <<< [E:27827i S:54878 M:60063666] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.262 INFO >>> [E:27827i S:54878 M:261621091 (Ack:60063666)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.277 INFO <<< [E:27827i S:54878 M:60063667 (Ack:261621091)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.277 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.280 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.282 INFO <<< [E:27828i S:54878 M:60063668] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.473 INFO >>> [E:27828i S:54878 M:261621092 (Ack:60063668)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.487 INFO <<< [E:27828i S:54878 M:60063669 (Ack:261621092)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.488 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.490 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.493 INFO <<< [E:27829i S:54878 M:60063670] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.685 INFO >>> [E:27829i S:54878 M:261621093 (Ack:60063670)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.701 INFO <<< [E:27829i S:54878 M:60063671 (Ack:261621093)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.702 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.704 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.707 INFO <<< [E:27830i S:54878 M:60063672] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.901 INFO >>> [E:27830i S:54878 M:261621094 (Ack:60063672)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.914 INFO <<< [E:27830i S:54878 M:60063673 (Ack:261621094)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.915 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.918 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:36.921 INFO <<< [E:27831i S:54878 M:60063674] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.104 INFO >>> [E:27831i S:54878 M:261621095 (Ack:60063674)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.117 INFO <<< [E:27831i S:54878 M:60063675 (Ack:261621095)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.118 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.121 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.123 INFO <<< [E:27832i S:54878 M:60063676] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.318 INFO >>> [E:27832i S:54878 M:261621096 (Ack:60063676)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.331 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.332 INFO <<< [E:27832i S:54878 M:60063677 (Ack:261621096)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.335 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.337 INFO <<< [E:27833i S:54878 M:60063678] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.530 INFO >>> [E:27833i S:54878 M:261621097 (Ack:60063678)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.543 INFO <<< [E:27833i S:54878 M:60063679 (Ack:261621097)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.544 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.546 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.549 INFO <<< [E:27834i S:54878 M:60063680] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.738 INFO >>> [E:27834i S:54878 M:261621098 (Ack:60063680)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.752 INFO <<< [E:27834i S:54878 M:60063681 (Ack:261621098)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.752 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.755 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.757 INFO <<< [E:27835i S:54878 M:60063682] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.947 INFO >>> [E:27835i S:54878 M:261621099 (Ack:60063682)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.961 INFO <<< [E:27835i S:54878 M:60063683 (Ack:261621099)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.962 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.965 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:37.967 INFO <<< [E:27836i S:54878 M:60063684] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.161 INFO >>> [E:27836i S:54878 M:261621100 (Ack:60063684)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.174 INFO <<< [E:27836i S:54878 M:60063685 (Ack:261621100)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.175 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.178 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.180 INFO <<< [E:27837i S:54878 M:60063686] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.377 INFO >>> [E:27837i S:54878 M:261621101 (Ack:60063686)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.390 INFO <<< [E:27837i S:54878 M:60063687 (Ack:261621101)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.390 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.393 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.396 INFO <<< [E:27838i S:54878 M:60063688] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.590 INFO >>> [E:27838i S:54878 M:261621102 (Ack:60063688)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.604 INFO <<< [E:27838i S:54878 M:60063689 (Ack:261621102)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.604 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.607 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.610 INFO <<< [E:27839i S:54878 M:60063690] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.799 INFO >>> [E:27839i S:54878 M:261621103 (Ack:60063690)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.813 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.814 INFO <<< [E:27839i S:54878 M:60063691 (Ack:261621103)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.817 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:38.820 INFO <<< [E:27840i S:54878 M:60063692] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.013 INFO >>> [E:27840i S:54878 M:261621104 (Ack:60063692)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.027 INFO <<< [E:27840i S:54878 M:60063693 (Ack:261621104)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.027 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.030 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.033 INFO <<< [E:27841i S:54878 M:60063694] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.227 INFO >>> [E:27841i S:54878 M:261621105 (Ack:60063694)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.239 INFO <<< [E:27841i S:54878 M:60063695 (Ack:261621105)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.240 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.242 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.245 INFO <<< [E:27842i S:54878 M:60063696] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.437 INFO >>> [E:27842i S:54878 M:261621106 (Ack:60063696)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.453 INFO <<< [E:27842i S:54878 M:60063697 (Ack:261621106)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.453 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.456 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.458 INFO <<< [E:27843i S:54878 M:60063698] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.647 INFO >>> [E:27843i S:54878 M:261621107 (Ack:60063698)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.659 INFO <<< [E:27843i S:54878 M:60063699 (Ack:261621107)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.660 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.663 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.666 INFO <<< [E:27844i S:54878 M:60063700] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.864 INFO >>> [E:27844i S:54878 M:261621108 (Ack:60063700)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.878 INFO <<< [E:27844i S:54878 M:60063701 (Ack:261621108)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.878 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.882 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:39.885 INFO <<< [E:27845i S:54878 M:60063702] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.069 INFO >>> [E:27845i S:54878 M:261621109 (Ack:60063702)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.081 INFO <<< [E:27845i S:54878 M:60063703 (Ack:261621109)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.081 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.084 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.086 INFO <<< [E:27846i S:54878 M:60063704] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.282 INFO >>> [E:27846i S:54878 M:261621110 (Ack:60063704)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.296 INFO <<< [E:27846i S:54878 M:60063705 (Ack:261621110)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.297 INFO Testing for 4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.297 INFO ***** Test Step 3a_kManage : TH_commissioner gives TH_second_commissioner the specified privilege [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.300 INFO Found an existing secure session to [1:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.307 INFO <<< [E:27847i S:54877 M:75947342] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:06 (IM:WriteRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.534 INFO >>> [E:27847i S:54877 M:15744160 (Ack:75947342)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:07 (IM:WriteResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.549 INFO <<< [E:27847i S:54877 M:75947343 (Ack:15744160)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.549 INFO ***** Test Step 3b_kManage : TH_second_controller reads all the attributes and checks for appropriate permission errors [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.551 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.553 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.556 INFO <<< [E:27848i S:54878 M:60063706] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.715 INFO >>> [E:27848i S:54878 M:261621111 (Ack:60063706)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.730 INFO <<< [E:27848i S:54878 M:60063707 (Ack:261621111)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.731 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.733 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.736 INFO <<< [E:27849i S:54878 M:60063708] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.930 INFO >>> [E:27849i S:54878 M:261621112 (Ack:60063708)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.943 INFO <<< [E:27849i S:54878 M:60063709 (Ack:261621112)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.943 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.947 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:40.949 INFO <<< [E:27850i S:54878 M:60063710] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.142 INFO >>> [E:27850i S:54878 M:261621113 (Ack:60063710)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.156 INFO <<< [E:27850i S:54878 M:60063711 (Ack:261621113)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.156 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.159 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.161 INFO <<< [E:27851i S:54878 M:60063712] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.353 INFO >>> [E:27851i S:54878 M:261621114 (Ack:60063712)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.366 INFO <<< [E:27851i S:54878 M:60063713 (Ack:261621114)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.367 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.369 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.372 INFO <<< [E:27852i S:54878 M:60063714] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.564 INFO >>> [E:27852i S:54878 M:261621115 (Ack:60063714)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.575 INFO <<< [E:27852i S:54878 M:60063715 (Ack:261621115)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.576 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.579 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.581 INFO <<< [E:27853i S:54878 M:60063716] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.773 INFO >>> [E:27853i S:54878 M:261621116 (Ack:60063716)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.785 INFO <<< [E:27853i S:54878 M:60063717 (Ack:261621116)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.786 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.789 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.792 INFO <<< [E:27854i S:54878 M:60063718] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:41.991 INFO >>> [E:27854i S:54878 M:261621117 (Ack:60063718)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.004 INFO <<< [E:27854i S:54878 M:60063719 (Ack:261621117)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.004 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.007 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.010 INFO <<< [E:27855i S:54878 M:60063720] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.201 INFO >>> [E:27855i S:54878 M:261621118 (Ack:60063720)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.212 INFO <<< [E:27855i S:54878 M:60063721 (Ack:261621118)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.213 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.216 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.219 INFO <<< [E:27856i S:54878 M:60063722] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.411 INFO >>> [E:27856i S:54878 M:261621119 (Ack:60063722)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.424 INFO <<< [E:27856i S:54878 M:60063723 (Ack:261621119)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.425 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.428 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.430 INFO <<< [E:27857i S:54878 M:60063724] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.620 INFO >>> [E:27857i S:54878 M:261621120 (Ack:60063724)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.632 INFO <<< [E:27857i S:54878 M:60063725 (Ack:261621120)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.632 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.635 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.638 INFO <<< [E:27858i S:54878 M:60063726] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.834 INFO >>> [E:27858i S:54878 M:261621121 (Ack:60063726)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.847 INFO <<< [E:27858i S:54878 M:60063727 (Ack:261621121)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.848 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.851 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:42.854 INFO <<< [E:27859i S:54878 M:60063728] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.041 INFO >>> [E:27859i S:54878 M:261621122 (Ack:60063728)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.055 INFO <<< [E:27859i S:54878 M:60063729 (Ack:261621122)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.056 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.058 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.061 INFO <<< [E:27860i S:54878 M:60063730] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.253 INFO >>> [E:27860i S:54878 M:261621123 (Ack:60063730)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.267 INFO <<< [E:27860i S:54878 M:60063731 (Ack:261621123)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.267 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.270 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.272 INFO <<< [E:27861i S:54878 M:60063732] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.462 INFO >>> [E:27861i S:54878 M:261621124 (Ack:60063732)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.474 INFO <<< [E:27861i S:54878 M:60063733 (Ack:261621124)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.474 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.478 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.481 INFO <<< [E:27862i S:54878 M:60063734] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.679 INFO >>> [E:27862i S:54878 M:261621125 (Ack:60063734)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.693 INFO <<< [E:27862i S:54878 M:60063735 (Ack:261621125)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.693 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.696 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.699 INFO <<< [E:27863i S:54878 M:60063736] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.888 INFO >>> [E:27863i S:54878 M:261621126 (Ack:60063736)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.903 INFO <<< [E:27863i S:54878 M:60063737 (Ack:261621126)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.903 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.906 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:43.908 INFO <<< [E:27864i S:54878 M:60063738] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.104 INFO >>> [E:27864i S:54878 M:261621127 (Ack:60063738)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.117 INFO <<< [E:27864i S:54878 M:60063739 (Ack:261621127)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.117 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.121 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.124 INFO <<< [E:27865i S:54878 M:60063740] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.310 INFO >>> [E:27865i S:54878 M:261621128 (Ack:60063740)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.323 INFO <<< [E:27865i S:54878 M:60063741 (Ack:261621128)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.323 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.326 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.329 INFO <<< [E:27866i S:54878 M:60063742] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.524 INFO >>> [E:27866i S:54878 M:261621129 (Ack:60063742)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.538 INFO <<< [E:27866i S:54878 M:60063743 (Ack:261621129)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.539 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.542 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.544 INFO <<< [E:27867i S:54878 M:60063744] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.733 INFO >>> [E:27867i S:54878 M:261621130 (Ack:60063744)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.747 INFO <<< [E:27867i S:54878 M:60063745 (Ack:261621130)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.747 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.750 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.753 INFO <<< [E:27868i S:54878 M:60063746] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.952 INFO >>> [E:27868i S:54878 M:261621131 (Ack:60063746)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.962 INFO <<< [E:27868i S:54878 M:60063747 (Ack:261621131)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.963 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.966 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:44.969 INFO <<< [E:27869i S:54878 M:60063748] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.156 INFO >>> [E:27869i S:54878 M:261621132 (Ack:60063748)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.167 INFO <<< [E:27869i S:54878 M:60063749 (Ack:261621132)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.168 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.171 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.173 INFO <<< [E:27870i S:54878 M:60063750] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.373 INFO >>> [E:27870i S:54878 M:261621133 (Ack:60063750)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.385 INFO <<< [E:27870i S:54878 M:60063751 (Ack:261621133)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.386 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.389 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.392 INFO <<< [E:27871i S:54878 M:60063752] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.579 INFO >>> [E:27871i S:54878 M:261621134 (Ack:60063752)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.595 INFO <<< [E:27871i S:54878 M:60063753 (Ack:261621134)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.595 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.598 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.600 INFO <<< [E:27872i S:54878 M:60063754] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.793 INFO >>> [E:27872i S:54878 M:261621135 (Ack:60063754)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.807 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.807 INFO <<< [E:27872i S:54878 M:60063755 (Ack:261621135)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.811 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:45.814 INFO <<< [E:27873i S:54878 M:60063756] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.005 INFO >>> [E:27873i S:54878 M:261621136 (Ack:60063756)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.019 INFO <<< [E:27873i S:54878 M:60063757 (Ack:261621136)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.019 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.022 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.024 INFO <<< [E:27874i S:54878 M:60063758] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.215 INFO >>> [E:27874i S:54878 M:261621137 (Ack:60063758)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.227 INFO <<< [E:27874i S:54878 M:60063759 (Ack:261621137)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.228 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.231 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.233 INFO <<< [E:27875i S:54878 M:60063760] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.425 INFO >>> [E:27875i S:54878 M:261621138 (Ack:60063760)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.436 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.437 INFO <<< [E:27875i S:54878 M:60063761 (Ack:261621138)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.441 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.444 INFO <<< [E:27876i S:54878 M:60063762] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.637 INFO >>> [E:27876i S:54878 M:261621139 (Ack:60063762)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.651 INFO <<< [E:27876i S:54878 M:60063763 (Ack:261621139)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.652 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.654 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.657 INFO <<< [E:27877i S:54878 M:60063764] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.846 INFO >>> [E:27877i S:54878 M:261621140 (Ack:60063764)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.859 INFO <<< [E:27877i S:54878 M:60063765 (Ack:261621140)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.860 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=15 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.862 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:46.865 INFO <<< [E:27878i S:54878 M:60063766] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.066 INFO >>> [E:27878i S:54878 M:261621141 (Ack:60063766)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.079 INFO <<< [E:27878i S:54878 M:60063767 (Ack:261621141)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.080 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=16 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.082 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.085 INFO <<< [E:27879i S:54878 M:60063768] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.271 INFO >>> [E:27879i S:54878 M:261621142 (Ack:60063768)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.286 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=19 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.286 INFO <<< [E:27879i S:54878 M:60063769 (Ack:261621142)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.289 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.291 INFO <<< [E:27880i S:54878 M:60063770] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.485 INFO >>> [E:27880i S:54878 M:261621143 (Ack:60063770)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.500 INFO <<< [E:27880i S:54878 M:60063771 (Ack:261621143)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.501 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=21 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.504 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.506 INFO <<< [E:27881i S:54878 M:60063772] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.695 INFO >>> [E:27881i S:54878 M:261621144 (Ack:60063772)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.707 INFO <<< [E:27881i S:54878 M:60063773 (Ack:261621144)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.708 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=22 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.710 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.713 INFO <<< [E:27882i S:54878 M:60063774] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.905 INFO >>> [E:27882i S:54878 M:261621145 (Ack:60063774)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.918 INFO <<< [E:27882i S:54878 M:60063775 (Ack:261621145)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.918 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.921 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:47.924 INFO <<< [E:27883i S:54878 M:60063776] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.119 INFO >>> [E:27883i S:54878 M:261621146 (Ack:60063776)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.133 INFO <<< [E:27883i S:54878 M:60063777 (Ack:261621146)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.133 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.136 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.138 INFO <<< [E:27884i S:54878 M:60063778] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.332 INFO >>> [E:27884i S:54878 M:261621147 (Ack:60063778)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.347 INFO <<< [E:27884i S:54878 M:60063779 (Ack:261621147)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.348 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.350 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.353 INFO <<< [E:27885i S:54878 M:60063780] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.551 INFO >>> [E:27885i S:54878 M:261621148 (Ack:60063780)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.565 INFO <<< [E:27885i S:54878 M:60063781 (Ack:261621148)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.566 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.569 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.571 INFO <<< [E:27886i S:54878 M:60063782] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.752 INFO >>> [E:27886i S:54878 M:261621149 (Ack:60063782)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.766 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.767 INFO <<< [E:27886i S:54878 M:60063783 (Ack:261621149)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.770 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.772 INFO <<< [E:27887i S:54878 M:60063784] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.964 INFO >>> [E:27887i S:54878 M:261621150 (Ack:60063784)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.978 INFO <<< [E:27887i S:54878 M:60063785 (Ack:261621150)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.978 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.981 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:48.984 INFO <<< [E:27888i S:54878 M:60063786] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.176 INFO >>> [E:27888i S:54878 M:261621151 (Ack:60063786)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.190 INFO <<< [E:27888i S:54878 M:60063787 (Ack:261621151)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.190 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.193 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.196 INFO <<< [E:27889i S:54878 M:60063788] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.386 INFO >>> [E:27889i S:54878 M:261621152 (Ack:60063788)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.400 INFO <<< [E:27889i S:54878 M:60063789 (Ack:261621152)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.401 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.403 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.406 INFO <<< [E:27890i S:54878 M:60063790] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.596 INFO >>> [E:27890i S:54878 M:261621153 (Ack:60063790)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.610 INFO <<< [E:27890i S:54878 M:60063791 (Ack:261621153)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.610 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.613 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.616 INFO <<< [E:27891i S:54878 M:60063792] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.807 INFO >>> [E:27891i S:54878 M:261621154 (Ack:60063792)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.820 INFO <<< [E:27891i S:54878 M:60063793 (Ack:261621154)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.821 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.823 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:49.826 INFO <<< [E:27892i S:54878 M:60063794] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.022 INFO >>> [E:27892i S:54878 M:261621155 (Ack:60063794)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.035 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.036 INFO <<< [E:27892i S:54878 M:60063795 (Ack:261621155)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.039 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.041 INFO <<< [E:27893i S:54878 M:60063796] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.231 INFO >>> [E:27893i S:54878 M:261621156 (Ack:60063796)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.245 INFO <<< [E:27893i S:54878 M:60063797 (Ack:261621156)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.245 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.248 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.251 INFO <<< [E:27894i S:54878 M:60063798] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.445 INFO >>> [E:27894i S:54878 M:261621157 (Ack:60063798)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.456 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.457 INFO <<< [E:27894i S:54878 M:60063799 (Ack:261621157)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.460 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.463 INFO <<< [E:27895i S:54878 M:60063800] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.653 INFO >>> [E:27895i S:54878 M:261621158 (Ack:60063800)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.664 INFO <<< [E:27895i S:54878 M:60063801 (Ack:261621158)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.665 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.668 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.671 INFO <<< [E:27896i S:54878 M:60063802] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.864 INFO >>> [E:27896i S:54878 M:261621159 (Ack:60063802)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.879 INFO <<< [E:27896i S:54878 M:60063803 (Ack:261621159)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.880 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.882 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:50.885 INFO <<< [E:27897i S:54878 M:60063804] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.076 INFO >>> [E:27897i S:54878 M:261621160 (Ack:60063804)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.087 INFO <<< [E:27897i S:54878 M:60063805 (Ack:261621160)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.088 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.090 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.093 INFO <<< [E:27898i S:54878 M:60063806] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.289 INFO >>> [E:27898i S:54878 M:261621161 (Ack:60063806)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.301 INFO <<< [E:27898i S:54878 M:60063807 (Ack:261621161)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.302 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.305 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.308 INFO <<< [E:27899i S:54878 M:60063808] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.497 INFO >>> [E:27899i S:54878 M:261621162 (Ack:60063808)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.511 INFO <<< [E:27899i S:54878 M:60063809 (Ack:261621162)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.512 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.514 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.517 INFO <<< [E:27900i S:54878 M:60063810] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.709 INFO >>> [E:27900i S:54878 M:261621163 (Ack:60063810)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.723 INFO <<< [E:27900i S:54878 M:60063811 (Ack:261621163)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.724 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.726 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.729 INFO <<< [E:27901i S:54878 M:60063812] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.922 INFO >>> [E:27901i S:54878 M:261621164 (Ack:60063812)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.935 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.935 INFO <<< [E:27901i S:54878 M:60063813 (Ack:261621164)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.939 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:51.941 INFO <<< [E:27902i S:54878 M:60063814] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.125 INFO >>> [E:27902i S:54878 M:261621165 (Ack:60063814)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.140 INFO <<< [E:27902i S:54878 M:60063815 (Ack:261621165)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.140 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.143 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.146 INFO <<< [E:27903i S:54878 M:60063816] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.341 INFO >>> [E:27903i S:54878 M:261621166 (Ack:60063816)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.354 INFO <<< [E:27903i S:54878 M:60063817 (Ack:261621166)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.354 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.357 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.359 INFO <<< [E:27904i S:54878 M:60063818] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.552 INFO >>> [E:27904i S:54878 M:261621167 (Ack:60063818)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.565 INFO <<< [E:27904i S:54878 M:60063819 (Ack:261621167)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.566 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.568 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.571 INFO <<< [E:27905i S:54878 M:60063820] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.765 INFO >>> [E:27905i S:54878 M:261621168 (Ack:60063820)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.775 INFO <<< [E:27905i S:54878 M:60063821 (Ack:261621168)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.777 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.779 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.782 INFO <<< [E:27906i S:54878 M:60063822] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.978 INFO >>> [E:27906i S:54878 M:261621169 (Ack:60063822)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.991 INFO <<< [E:27906i S:54878 M:60063823 (Ack:261621169)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.992 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.995 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:52.998 INFO <<< [E:27907i S:54878 M:60063824] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.186 INFO >>> [E:27907i S:54878 M:261621170 (Ack:60063824)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.201 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.201 INFO <<< [E:27907i S:54878 M:60063825 (Ack:261621170)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.204 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.207 INFO <<< [E:27908i S:54878 M:60063826] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.402 INFO >>> [E:27908i S:54878 M:261621171 (Ack:60063826)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.416 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.416 INFO <<< [E:27908i S:54878 M:60063827 (Ack:261621171)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.419 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.421 INFO <<< [E:27909i S:54878 M:60063828] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.614 INFO >>> [E:27909i S:54878 M:261621172 (Ack:60063828)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.626 INFO <<< [E:27909i S:54878 M:60063829 (Ack:261621172)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.626 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.630 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.633 INFO <<< [E:27910i S:54878 M:60063830] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.822 INFO >>> [E:27910i S:54878 M:261621173 (Ack:60063830)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.835 INFO <<< [E:27910i S:54878 M:60063831 (Ack:261621173)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.836 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.839 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:53.841 INFO <<< [E:27911i S:54878 M:60063832] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.034 INFO >>> [E:27911i S:54878 M:261621174 (Ack:60063832)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.048 INFO <<< [E:27911i S:54878 M:60063833 (Ack:261621174)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.048 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.051 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.054 INFO <<< [E:27912i S:54878 M:60063834] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.248 INFO >>> [E:27912i S:54878 M:261621175 (Ack:60063834)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.262 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.262 INFO <<< [E:27912i S:54878 M:60063835 (Ack:261621175)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.265 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.268 INFO <<< [E:27913i S:54878 M:60063836] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.458 INFO >>> [E:27913i S:54878 M:261621176 (Ack:60063836)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.472 INFO <<< [E:27913i S:54878 M:60063837 (Ack:261621176)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.472 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.475 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.478 INFO <<< [E:27914i S:54878 M:60063838] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.664 INFO >>> [E:27914i S:54878 M:261621177 (Ack:60063838)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.675 INFO <<< [E:27914i S:54878 M:60063839 (Ack:261621177)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.675 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.679 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.681 INFO <<< [E:27915i S:54878 M:60063840] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.882 INFO >>> [E:27915i S:54878 M:261621178 (Ack:60063840)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.896 INFO <<< [E:27915i S:54878 M:60063841 (Ack:261621178)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.897 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.900 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:54.902 INFO <<< [E:27916i S:54878 M:60063842] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.090 INFO >>> [E:27916i S:54878 M:261621179 (Ack:60063842)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.102 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.103 INFO <<< [E:27916i S:54878 M:60063843 (Ack:261621179)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.106 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.109 INFO <<< [E:27917i S:54878 M:60063844] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.302 INFO >>> [E:27917i S:54878 M:261621180 (Ack:60063844)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.316 INFO <<< [E:27917i S:54878 M:60063845 (Ack:261621180)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.317 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.319 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.322 INFO <<< [E:27918i S:54878 M:60063846] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.510 INFO >>> [E:27918i S:54878 M:261621181 (Ack:60063846)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.524 INFO <<< [E:27918i S:54878 M:60063847 (Ack:261621181)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.524 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.527 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.530 INFO <<< [E:27919i S:54878 M:60063848] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.721 INFO >>> [E:27919i S:54878 M:261621182 (Ack:60063848)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.736 INFO <<< [E:27919i S:54878 M:60063849 (Ack:261621182)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.737 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.740 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.742 INFO <<< [E:27920i S:54878 M:60063850] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.939 INFO >>> [E:27920i S:54878 M:261621183 (Ack:60063850)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.952 INFO <<< [E:27920i S:54878 M:60063851 (Ack:261621183)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.953 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.956 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:55.959 INFO <<< [E:27921i S:54878 M:60063852] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.153 INFO >>> [E:27921i S:54878 M:261621184 (Ack:60063852)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.166 INFO <<< [E:27921i S:54878 M:60063853 (Ack:261621184)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.167 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.170 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.173 INFO <<< [E:27922i S:54878 M:60063854] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.358 INFO >>> [E:27922i S:54878 M:261621185 (Ack:60063854)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.371 INFO <<< [E:27922i S:54878 M:60063855 (Ack:261621185)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.371 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.374 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.377 INFO <<< [E:27923i S:54878 M:60063856] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.572 INFO >>> [E:27923i S:54878 M:261621186 (Ack:60063856)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.582 INFO <<< [E:27923i S:54878 M:60063857 (Ack:261621186)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.582 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.586 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.589 INFO <<< [E:27924i S:54878 M:60063858] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.784 INFO >>> [E:27924i S:54878 M:261621187 (Ack:60063858)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.797 INFO <<< [E:27924i S:54878 M:60063859 (Ack:261621187)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.797 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.800 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.803 INFO <<< [E:27925i S:54878 M:60063860] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:56.993 INFO >>> [E:27925i S:54878 M:261621188 (Ack:60063860)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.007 INFO <<< [E:27925i S:54878 M:60063861 (Ack:261621188)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.007 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.010 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.013 INFO <<< [E:27926i S:54878 M:60063862] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.204 INFO >>> [E:27926i S:54878 M:261621189 (Ack:60063862)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.218 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.219 INFO <<< [E:27926i S:54878 M:60063863 (Ack:261621189)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.221 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.224 INFO <<< [E:27927i S:54878 M:60063864] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.415 INFO >>> [E:27927i S:54878 M:261621190 (Ack:60063864)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.428 INFO <<< [E:27927i S:54878 M:60063865 (Ack:261621190)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.428 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.431 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.434 INFO <<< [E:27928i S:54878 M:60063866] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.628 INFO >>> [E:27928i S:54878 M:261621191 (Ack:60063866)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.639 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.639 INFO <<< [E:27928i S:54878 M:60063867 (Ack:261621191)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.643 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.646 INFO <<< [E:27929i S:54878 M:60063868] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.839 INFO >>> [E:27929i S:54878 M:261621192 (Ack:60063868)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.855 INFO <<< [E:27929i S:54878 M:60063869 (Ack:261621192)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.855 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.858 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:57.861 INFO <<< [E:27930i S:54878 M:60063870] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.049 INFO >>> [E:27930i S:54878 M:261621193 (Ack:60063870)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.061 INFO <<< [E:27930i S:54878 M:60063871 (Ack:261621193)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.061 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.064 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.067 INFO <<< [E:27931i S:54878 M:60063872] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.266 INFO >>> [E:27931i S:54878 M:261621194 (Ack:60063872)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.279 INFO <<< [E:27931i S:54878 M:60063873 (Ack:261621194)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.279 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.283 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.286 INFO <<< [E:27932i S:54878 M:60063874] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.471 INFO >>> [E:27932i S:54878 M:261621195 (Ack:60063874)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.479 INFO <<< [E:27932i S:54878 M:60063875 (Ack:261621195)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.480 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.482 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.485 INFO <<< [E:27933i S:54878 M:60063876] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.682 INFO >>> [E:27933i S:54878 M:261621196 (Ack:60063876)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.691 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.691 INFO <<< [E:27933i S:54878 M:60063877 (Ack:261621196)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.694 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.697 INFO <<< [E:27934i S:54878 M:60063878] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.891 INFO >>> [E:27934i S:54878 M:261621197 (Ack:60063878)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.903 INFO <<< [E:27934i S:54878 M:60063879 (Ack:261621197)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.904 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.907 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:58.909 INFO <<< [E:27935i S:54878 M:60063880] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.103 INFO >>> [E:27935i S:54878 M:261621198 (Ack:60063880)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.114 INFO <<< [E:27935i S:54878 M:60063881 (Ack:261621198)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.114 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.116 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.119 INFO <<< [E:27936i S:54878 M:60063882] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.317 INFO >>> [E:27936i S:54878 M:261621199 (Ack:60063882)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.331 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.331 INFO <<< [E:27936i S:54878 M:60063883 (Ack:261621199)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.335 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.337 INFO <<< [E:27937i S:54878 M:60063884] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.525 INFO >>> [E:27937i S:54878 M:261621200 (Ack:60063884)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.539 INFO <<< [E:27937i S:54878 M:60063885 (Ack:261621200)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.540 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.543 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.545 INFO <<< [E:27938i S:54878 M:60063886] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.735 INFO >>> [E:27938i S:54878 M:261621201 (Ack:60063886)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.747 INFO <<< [E:27938i S:54878 M:60063887 (Ack:261621201)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.747 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.751 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.754 INFO <<< [E:27939i S:54878 M:60063888] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.949 INFO >>> [E:27939i S:54878 M:261621202 (Ack:60063888)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.961 INFO <<< [E:27939i S:54878 M:60063889 (Ack:261621202)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.961 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.965 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:54:59.967 INFO <<< [E:27940i S:54878 M:60063890] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.162 INFO >>> [E:27940i S:54878 M:261621203 (Ack:60063890)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.174 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.174 INFO <<< [E:27940i S:54878 M:60063891 (Ack:261621203)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.177 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.180 INFO <<< [E:27941i S:54878 M:60063892] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.373 INFO >>> [E:27941i S:54878 M:261621204 (Ack:60063892)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.386 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.387 INFO <<< [E:27941i S:54878 M:60063893 (Ack:261621204)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.390 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.392 INFO <<< [E:27942i S:54878 M:60063894] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.582 INFO >>> [E:27942i S:54878 M:261621205 (Ack:60063894)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.593 INFO <<< [E:27942i S:54878 M:60063895 (Ack:261621205)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.594 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.597 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.600 INFO <<< [E:27943i S:54878 M:60063896] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.794 INFO >>> [E:27943i S:54878 M:261621206 (Ack:60063896)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.807 INFO <<< [E:27943i S:54878 M:60063897 (Ack:261621206)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.807 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.810 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:00.813 INFO <<< [E:27944i S:54878 M:60063898] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.009 INFO >>> [E:27944i S:54878 M:261621207 (Ack:60063898)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.024 INFO <<< [E:27944i S:54878 M:60063899 (Ack:261621207)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.024 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.027 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.029 INFO <<< [E:27945i S:54878 M:60063900] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.223 INFO >>> [E:27945i S:54878 M:261621208 (Ack:60063900)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.236 INFO <<< [E:27945i S:54878 M:60063901 (Ack:261621208)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.236 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.240 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.242 INFO <<< [E:27946i S:54878 M:60063902] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.431 INFO >>> [E:27946i S:54878 M:261621209 (Ack:60063902)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.443 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.443 INFO <<< [E:27946i S:54878 M:60063903 (Ack:261621209)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.447 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.450 INFO <<< [E:27947i S:54878 M:60063904] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.637 INFO >>> [E:27947i S:54878 M:261621210 (Ack:60063904)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.649 INFO <<< [E:27947i S:54878 M:60063905 (Ack:261621210)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.650 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.653 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.655 INFO <<< [E:27948i S:54878 M:60063906] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.853 INFO >>> [E:27948i S:54878 M:261621211 (Ack:60063906)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.867 INFO <<< [E:27948i S:54878 M:60063907 (Ack:261621211)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.867 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.870 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:01.873 INFO <<< [E:27949i S:54878 M:60063908] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.078 INFO >>> [E:27949i S:54878 M:261621212 (Ack:60063908)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.095 INFO <<< [E:27949i S:54878 M:60063909 (Ack:261621212)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.096 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.099 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.102 INFO <<< [E:27950i S:54878 M:60063910] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.275 INFO >>> [E:27950i S:54878 M:261621213 (Ack:60063910)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.288 INFO <<< [E:27950i S:54878 M:60063911 (Ack:261621213)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.289 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.292 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.294 INFO <<< [E:27951i S:54878 M:60063912] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.486 INFO >>> [E:27951i S:54878 M:261621214 (Ack:60063912)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.500 INFO <<< [E:27951i S:54878 M:60063913 (Ack:261621214)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.500 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.503 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.506 INFO <<< [E:27952i S:54878 M:60063914] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.696 INFO >>> [E:27952i S:54878 M:261621215 (Ack:60063914)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.710 INFO <<< [E:27952i S:54878 M:60063915 (Ack:261621215)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.711 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.714 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.716 INFO <<< [E:27953i S:54878 M:60063916] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.908 INFO >>> [E:27953i S:54878 M:261621216 (Ack:60063916)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.922 INFO <<< [E:27953i S:54878 M:60063917 (Ack:261621216)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.922 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.925 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:02.928 INFO <<< [E:27954i S:54878 M:60063918] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.119 INFO >>> [E:27954i S:54878 M:261621217 (Ack:60063918)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.128 INFO <<< [E:27954i S:54878 M:60063919 (Ack:261621217)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.129 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.132 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.134 INFO <<< [E:27955i S:54878 M:60063920] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.332 INFO >>> [E:27955i S:54878 M:261621218 (Ack:60063920)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.345 INFO <<< [E:27955i S:54878 M:60063921 (Ack:261621218)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.346 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.348 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.351 INFO <<< [E:27956i S:54878 M:60063922] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.544 INFO >>> [E:27956i S:54878 M:261621219 (Ack:60063922)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.559 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.559 INFO <<< [E:27956i S:54878 M:60063923 (Ack:261621219)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.562 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.564 INFO <<< [E:27957i S:54878 M:60063924] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.754 INFO >>> [E:27957i S:54878 M:261621220 (Ack:60063924)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.768 INFO <<< [E:27957i S:54878 M:60063925 (Ack:261621220)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.769 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.772 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.774 INFO <<< [E:27958i S:54878 M:60063926] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.964 INFO >>> [E:27958i S:54878 M:261621221 (Ack:60063926)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.977 INFO <<< [E:27958i S:54878 M:60063927 (Ack:261621221)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.978 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.981 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:03.983 INFO <<< [E:27959i S:54878 M:60063928] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.177 INFO >>> [E:27959i S:54878 M:261621222 (Ack:60063928)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.189 INFO <<< [E:27959i S:54878 M:60063929 (Ack:261621222)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.189 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.195 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.198 INFO <<< [E:27960i S:54878 M:60063930] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.391 INFO >>> [E:27960i S:54878 M:261621223 (Ack:60063930)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.407 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.407 INFO <<< [E:27960i S:54878 M:60063931 (Ack:261621223)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.410 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.412 INFO <<< [E:27961i S:54878 M:60063932] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.601 INFO >>> [E:27961i S:54878 M:261621224 (Ack:60063932)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.613 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.613 INFO <<< [E:27961i S:54878 M:60063933 (Ack:261621224)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.616 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.619 INFO <<< [E:27962i S:54878 M:60063934] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.811 INFO >>> [E:27962i S:54878 M:261621225 (Ack:60063934)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.826 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.826 INFO <<< [E:27962i S:54878 M:60063935 (Ack:261621225)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.829 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:04.832 INFO <<< [E:27963i S:54878 M:60063936] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.026 INFO >>> [E:27963i S:54878 M:261621226 (Ack:60063936)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.039 INFO <<< [E:27963i S:54878 M:60063937 (Ack:261621226)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.039 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.042 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.044 INFO <<< [E:27964i S:54878 M:60063938] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.237 INFO >>> [E:27964i S:54878 M:261621227 (Ack:60063938)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.252 INFO <<< [E:27964i S:54878 M:60063939 (Ack:261621227)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.253 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.255 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.258 INFO <<< [E:27965i S:54878 M:60063940] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.454 INFO >>> [E:27965i S:54878 M:261621228 (Ack:60063940)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.470 INFO <<< [E:27965i S:54878 M:60063941 (Ack:261621228)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.471 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.474 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.476 INFO <<< [E:27966i S:54878 M:60063942] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.663 INFO >>> [E:27966i S:54878 M:261621229 (Ack:60063942)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.677 INFO <<< [E:27966i S:54878 M:60063943 (Ack:261621229)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.678 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.680 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.683 INFO <<< [E:27967i S:54878 M:60063944] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.869 INFO >>> [E:27967i S:54878 M:261621230 (Ack:60063944)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.882 INFO <<< [E:27967i S:54878 M:60063945 (Ack:261621230)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.883 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.886 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:05.888 INFO <<< [E:27968i S:54878 M:60063946] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.084 INFO >>> [E:27968i S:54878 M:261621231 (Ack:60063946)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.098 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.099 INFO <<< [E:27968i S:54878 M:60063947 (Ack:261621231)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.101 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.105 INFO <<< [E:27969i S:54878 M:60063948] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.294 INFO >>> [E:27969i S:54878 M:261621232 (Ack:60063948)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.308 INFO <<< [E:27969i S:54878 M:60063949 (Ack:261621232)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.309 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=12 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.312 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.314 INFO <<< [E:27970i S:54878 M:60063950] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.504 INFO >>> [E:27970i S:54878 M:261621233 (Ack:60063950)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.519 INFO <<< [E:27970i S:54878 M:60063951 (Ack:261621233)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.519 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=13 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.522 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.524 INFO <<< [E:27971i S:54878 M:60063952] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.717 INFO >>> [E:27971i S:54878 M:261621234 (Ack:60063952)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.730 INFO <<< [E:27971i S:54878 M:60063953 (Ack:261621234)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.731 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=58 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.734 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.736 INFO <<< [E:27972i S:54878 M:60063954] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.930 INFO >>> [E:27972i S:54878 M:261621235 (Ack:60063954)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.942 INFO <<< [E:27972i S:54878 M:60063955 (Ack:261621235)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.942 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=59 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.946 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:06.949 INFO <<< [E:27973i S:54878 M:60063956] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.140 INFO >>> [E:27973i S:54878 M:261621236 (Ack:60063956)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.155 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=60 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.155 INFO <<< [E:27973i S:54878 M:60063957 (Ack:261621236)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.158 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.160 INFO <<< [E:27974i S:54878 M:60063958] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.350 INFO >>> [E:27974i S:54878 M:261621237 (Ack:60063958)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.364 INFO <<< [E:27974i S:54878 M:60063959 (Ack:261621237)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.364 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=61 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.367 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.370 INFO <<< [E:27975i S:54878 M:60063960] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.567 INFO >>> [E:27975i S:54878 M:261621238 (Ack:60063960)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.582 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=62 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.582 INFO <<< [E:27975i S:54878 M:60063961 (Ack:261621238)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.586 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.588 INFO <<< [E:27976i S:54878 M:60063962] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.773 INFO >>> [E:27976i S:54878 M:261621239 (Ack:60063962)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.787 INFO <<< [E:27976i S:54878 M:60063963 (Ack:261621239)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.787 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.790 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.793 INFO <<< [E:27977i S:54878 M:60063964] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:07.986 INFO >>> [E:27977i S:54878 M:261621240 (Ack:60063964)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.001 INFO <<< [E:27977i S:54878 M:60063965 (Ack:261621240)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.001 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.004 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.007 INFO <<< [E:27978i S:54878 M:60063966] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.195 INFO >>> [E:27978i S:54878 M:261621241 (Ack:60063966)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.208 INFO <<< [E:27978i S:54878 M:60063967 (Ack:261621241)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.209 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.212 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.214 INFO <<< [E:27979i S:54878 M:60063968] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.412 INFO >>> [E:27979i S:54878 M:261621242 (Ack:60063968)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.426 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.426 INFO <<< [E:27979i S:54878 M:60063969 (Ack:261621242)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.429 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.432 INFO <<< [E:27980i S:54878 M:60063970] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.618 INFO >>> [E:27980i S:54878 M:261621243 (Ack:60063970)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.631 INFO <<< [E:27980i S:54878 M:60063971 (Ack:261621243)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.632 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.635 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.637 INFO <<< [E:27981i S:54878 M:60063972] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.832 INFO >>> [E:27981i S:54878 M:261621244 (Ack:60063972)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.844 INFO <<< [E:27981i S:54878 M:60063973 (Ack:261621244)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.845 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.848 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:08.850 INFO <<< [E:27982i S:54878 M:60063974] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.039 INFO >>> [E:27982i S:54878 M:261621245 (Ack:60063974)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.054 INFO <<< [E:27982i S:54878 M:60063975 (Ack:261621245)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.054 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.057 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.059 INFO <<< [E:27983i S:54878 M:60063976] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.251 INFO >>> [E:27983i S:54878 M:261621246 (Ack:60063976)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.264 INFO <<< [E:27983i S:54878 M:60063977 (Ack:261621246)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.265 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.268 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.270 INFO <<< [E:27984i S:54878 M:60063978] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.463 INFO >>> [E:27984i S:54878 M:261621247 (Ack:60063978)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.474 INFO <<< [E:27984i S:54878 M:60063979 (Ack:261621247)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.475 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.477 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.480 INFO <<< [E:27985i S:54878 M:60063980] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.674 INFO >>> [E:27985i S:54878 M:261621248 (Ack:60063980)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.689 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.689 INFO <<< [E:27985i S:54878 M:60063981 (Ack:261621248)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.692 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.695 INFO <<< [E:27986i S:54878 M:60063982] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.885 INFO >>> [E:27986i S:54878 M:261621249 (Ack:60063982)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.898 INFO <<< [E:27986i S:54878 M:60063983 (Ack:261621249)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.898 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.901 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:09.904 INFO <<< [E:27987i S:54878 M:60063984] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.100 INFO >>> [E:27987i S:54878 M:261621250 (Ack:60063984)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.114 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.114 INFO <<< [E:27987i S:54878 M:60063985 (Ack:261621250)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.117 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.120 INFO <<< [E:27988i S:54878 M:60063986] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.309 INFO >>> [E:27988i S:54878 M:261621251 (Ack:60063986)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.324 INFO <<< [E:27988i S:54878 M:60063987 (Ack:261621251)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.324 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.327 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.329 INFO <<< [E:27989i S:54878 M:60063988] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.520 INFO >>> [E:27989i S:54878 M:261621252 (Ack:60063988)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.536 INFO <<< [E:27989i S:54878 M:60063989 (Ack:261621252)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.536 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.539 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.541 INFO <<< [E:27990i S:54878 M:60063990] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.727 INFO >>> [E:27990i S:54878 M:261621253 (Ack:60063990)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.740 INFO <<< [E:27990i S:54878 M:60063991 (Ack:261621253)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.740 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.744 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.746 INFO <<< [E:27991i S:54878 M:60063992] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.947 INFO >>> [E:27991i S:54878 M:261621254 (Ack:60063992)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.962 INFO <<< [E:27991i S:54878 M:60063993 (Ack:261621254)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.963 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.965 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:10.968 INFO <<< [E:27992i S:54878 M:60063994] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.152 INFO >>> [E:27992i S:54878 M:261621255 (Ack:60063994)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.166 INFO <<< [E:27992i S:54878 M:60063995 (Ack:261621255)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.167 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.170 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.172 INFO <<< [E:27993i S:54878 M:60063996] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.366 INFO >>> [E:27993i S:54878 M:261621256 (Ack:60063996)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.380 INFO <<< [E:27993i S:54878 M:60063997 (Ack:261621256)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.380 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.383 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.386 INFO <<< [E:27994i S:54878 M:60063998] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.594 INFO >>> [E:27994i S:54878 M:261621257 (Ack:60063998)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.608 INFO <<< [E:27994i S:54878 M:60063999 (Ack:261621257)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.609 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.611 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.614 INFO <<< [E:27995i S:54878 M:60064000] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.784 INFO >>> [E:27995i S:54878 M:261621258 (Ack:60064000)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.798 INFO <<< [E:27995i S:54878 M:60064001 (Ack:261621258)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.799 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.801 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:11.804 INFO <<< [E:27996i S:54878 M:60064002] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.016 INFO >>> [E:27996i S:54878 M:261621259 (Ack:60064002)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.031 INFO <<< [E:27996i S:54878 M:60064003 (Ack:261621259)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.032 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.034 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.037 INFO <<< [E:27997i S:54878 M:60064004] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.230 INFO >>> [E:27997i S:54878 M:261621260 (Ack:60064004)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.243 INFO <<< [E:27997i S:54878 M:60064005 (Ack:261621260)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.243 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.247 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.250 INFO <<< [E:27998i S:54878 M:60064006] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.439 INFO >>> [E:27998i S:54878 M:261621261 (Ack:60064006)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.453 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.453 INFO <<< [E:27998i S:54878 M:60064007 (Ack:261621261)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.456 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.459 INFO <<< [E:27999i S:54878 M:60064008] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.647 INFO >>> [E:27999i S:54878 M:261621262 (Ack:60064008)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.663 INFO <<< [E:27999i S:54878 M:60064009 (Ack:261621262)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.664 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.667 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.670 INFO <<< [E:28000i S:54878 M:60064010] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.861 INFO >>> [E:28000i S:54878 M:261621263 (Ack:60064010)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.874 INFO <<< [E:28000i S:54878 M:60064011 (Ack:261621263)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.875 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.877 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:12.880 INFO <<< [E:28001i S:54878 M:60064012] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.071 INFO >>> [E:28001i S:54878 M:261621264 (Ack:60064012)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.086 INFO <<< [E:28001i S:54878 M:60064013 (Ack:261621264)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.086 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.089 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.092 INFO <<< [E:28002i S:54878 M:60064014] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.281 INFO >>> [E:28002i S:54878 M:261621265 (Ack:60064014)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.293 INFO <<< [E:28002i S:54878 M:60064015 (Ack:261621265)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.293 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.296 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.299 INFO <<< [E:28003i S:54878 M:60064016] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.493 INFO >>> [E:28003i S:54878 M:261621266 (Ack:60064016)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.506 INFO <<< [E:28003i S:54878 M:60064017 (Ack:261621266)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.507 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.510 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.512 INFO <<< [E:28004i S:54878 M:60064018] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.708 INFO >>> [E:28004i S:54878 M:261621267 (Ack:60064018)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.720 INFO <<< [E:28004i S:54878 M:60064019 (Ack:261621267)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.720 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.723 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.726 INFO <<< [E:28005i S:54878 M:60064020] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.918 INFO >>> [E:28005i S:54878 M:261621268 (Ack:60064020)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.931 INFO <<< [E:28005i S:54878 M:60064021 (Ack:261621268)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.932 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.935 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:13.937 INFO <<< [E:28006i S:54878 M:60064022] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.127 INFO >>> [E:28006i S:54878 M:261621269 (Ack:60064022)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.140 INFO <<< [E:28006i S:54878 M:60064023 (Ack:261621269)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.141 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.143 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.146 INFO <<< [E:28007i S:54878 M:60064024] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.344 INFO >>> [E:28007i S:54878 M:261621270 (Ack:60064024)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.358 INFO <<< [E:28007i S:54878 M:60064025 (Ack:261621270)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.358 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.361 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.364 INFO <<< [E:28008i S:54878 M:60064026] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.554 INFO >>> [E:28008i S:54878 M:261621271 (Ack:60064026)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.567 INFO <<< [E:28008i S:54878 M:60064027 (Ack:261621271)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.568 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.570 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.573 INFO <<< [E:28009i S:54878 M:60064028] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.765 INFO >>> [E:28009i S:54878 M:261621272 (Ack:60064028)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.776 INFO <<< [E:28009i S:54878 M:60064029 (Ack:261621272)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.776 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.779 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.782 INFO <<< [E:28010i S:54878 M:60064030] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.973 INFO >>> [E:28010i S:54878 M:261621273 (Ack:60064030)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.983 INFO <<< [E:28010i S:54878 M:60064031 (Ack:261621273)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.984 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.987 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:14.989 INFO <<< [E:28011i S:54878 M:60064032] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.185 INFO >>> [E:28011i S:54878 M:261621274 (Ack:60064032)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.199 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.199 INFO <<< [E:28011i S:54878 M:60064033 (Ack:261621274)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.202 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.204 INFO <<< [E:28012i S:54878 M:60064034] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.395 INFO >>> [E:28012i S:54878 M:261621275 (Ack:60064034)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.402 INFO <<< [E:28012i S:54878 M:60064035 (Ack:261621275)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.403 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.406 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.408 INFO <<< [E:28013i S:54878 M:60064036] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.605 INFO >>> [E:28013i S:54878 M:261621276 (Ack:60064036)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.617 INFO <<< [E:28013i S:54878 M:60064037 (Ack:261621276)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.617 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.620 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.623 INFO <<< [E:28014i S:54878 M:60064038] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.816 INFO >>> [E:28014i S:54878 M:261621277 (Ack:60064038)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.830 INFO <<< [E:28014i S:54878 M:60064039 (Ack:261621277)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.830 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.833 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:15.836 INFO <<< [E:28015i S:54878 M:60064040] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.034 INFO >>> [E:28015i S:54878 M:261621278 (Ack:60064040)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.046 INFO <<< [E:28015i S:54878 M:60064041 (Ack:261621278)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.047 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.050 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.053 INFO <<< [E:28016i S:54878 M:60064042] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.241 INFO >>> [E:28016i S:54878 M:261621279 (Ack:60064042)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.254 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.254 INFO <<< [E:28016i S:54878 M:60064043 (Ack:261621279)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.257 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.260 INFO <<< [E:28017i S:54878 M:60064044] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.453 INFO >>> [E:28017i S:54878 M:261621280 (Ack:60064044)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.465 INFO <<< [E:28017i S:54878 M:60064045 (Ack:261621280)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.465 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.468 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.471 INFO <<< [E:28018i S:54878 M:60064046] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.663 INFO >>> [E:28018i S:54878 M:261621281 (Ack:60064046)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.672 INFO <<< [E:28018i S:54878 M:60064047 (Ack:261621281)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.673 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.676 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.679 INFO <<< [E:28019i S:54878 M:60064048] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.874 INFO >>> [E:28019i S:54878 M:261621282 (Ack:60064048)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.887 INFO <<< [E:28019i S:54878 M:60064049 (Ack:261621282)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.888 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.891 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:16.893 INFO <<< [E:28020i S:54878 M:60064050] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.087 INFO >>> [E:28020i S:54878 M:261621283 (Ack:60064050)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.102 INFO <<< [E:28020i S:54878 M:60064051 (Ack:261621283)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.103 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.105 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.108 INFO <<< [E:28021i S:54878 M:60064052] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.299 INFO >>> [E:28021i S:54878 M:261621284 (Ack:60064052)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.315 INFO <<< [E:28021i S:54878 M:60064053 (Ack:261621284)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.316 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.319 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.321 INFO <<< [E:28022i S:54878 M:60064054] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.511 INFO >>> [E:28022i S:54878 M:261621285 (Ack:60064054)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.526 INFO <<< [E:28022i S:54878 M:60064055 (Ack:261621285)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.527 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.529 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.532 INFO <<< [E:28023i S:54878 M:60064056] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.720 INFO >>> [E:28023i S:54878 M:261621286 (Ack:60064056)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.735 INFO <<< [E:28023i S:54878 M:60064057 (Ack:261621286)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.736 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.739 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.741 INFO <<< [E:28024i S:54878 M:60064058] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.936 INFO >>> [E:28024i S:54878 M:261621287 (Ack:60064058)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.951 INFO <<< [E:28024i S:54878 M:60064059 (Ack:261621287)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.952 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.954 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:17.957 INFO <<< [E:28025i S:54878 M:60064060] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.147 INFO >>> [E:28025i S:54878 M:261621288 (Ack:60064060)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.161 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.162 INFO <<< [E:28025i S:54878 M:60064061 (Ack:261621288)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.165 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.167 INFO <<< [E:28026i S:54878 M:60064062] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.357 INFO >>> [E:28026i S:54878 M:261621289 (Ack:60064062)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.369 INFO <<< [E:28026i S:54878 M:60064063 (Ack:261621289)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.370 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.373 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.376 INFO <<< [E:28027i S:54878 M:60064064] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.569 INFO >>> [E:28027i S:54878 M:261621290 (Ack:60064064)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.581 INFO <<< [E:28027i S:54878 M:60064065 (Ack:261621290)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.582 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.585 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.588 INFO <<< [E:28028i S:54878 M:60064066] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.784 INFO >>> [E:28028i S:54878 M:261621291 (Ack:60064066)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.797 INFO <<< [E:28028i S:54878 M:60064067 (Ack:261621291)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.797 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.800 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:18.803 INFO <<< [E:28029i S:54878 M:60064068] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.001 INFO >>> [E:28029i S:54878 M:261621292 (Ack:60064068)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.015 INFO <<< [E:28029i S:54878 M:60064069 (Ack:261621292)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.015 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.018 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.020 INFO <<< [E:28030i S:54878 M:60064070] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.212 INFO >>> [E:28030i S:54878 M:261621293 (Ack:60064070)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.226 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.226 INFO <<< [E:28030i S:54878 M:60064071 (Ack:261621293)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.229 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.231 INFO <<< [E:28031i S:54878 M:60064072] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.428 INFO >>> [E:28031i S:54878 M:261621294 (Ack:60064072)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.443 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.443 INFO <<< [E:28031i S:54878 M:60064073 (Ack:261621294)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.446 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.449 INFO <<< [E:28032i S:54878 M:60064074] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.639 INFO >>> [E:28032i S:54878 M:261621295 (Ack:60064074)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.653 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.653 INFO <<< [E:28032i S:54878 M:60064075 (Ack:261621295)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.657 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.660 INFO <<< [E:28033i S:54878 M:60064076] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.845 INFO >>> [E:28033i S:54878 M:261621296 (Ack:60064076)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.858 INFO <<< [E:28033i S:54878 M:60064077 (Ack:261621296)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.859 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.862 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:19.865 INFO <<< [E:28034i S:54878 M:60064078] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.059 INFO >>> [E:28034i S:54878 M:261621297 (Ack:60064078)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.072 INFO <<< [E:28034i S:54878 M:60064079 (Ack:261621297)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.073 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.075 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.078 INFO <<< [E:28035i S:54878 M:60064080] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.271 INFO >>> [E:28035i S:54878 M:261621298 (Ack:60064080)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.287 INFO <<< [E:28035i S:54878 M:60064081 (Ack:261621298)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.288 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.291 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.293 INFO <<< [E:28036i S:54878 M:60064082] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.483 INFO >>> [E:28036i S:54878 M:261621299 (Ack:60064082)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.499 INFO <<< [E:28036i S:54878 M:60064083 (Ack:261621299)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.500 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.502 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.505 INFO <<< [E:28037i S:54878 M:60064084] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.695 INFO >>> [E:28037i S:54878 M:261621300 (Ack:60064084)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.712 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.713 INFO <<< [E:28037i S:54878 M:60064085 (Ack:261621300)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.716 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.718 INFO <<< [E:28038i S:54878 M:60064086] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.904 INFO >>> [E:28038i S:54878 M:261621301 (Ack:60064086)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.918 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.919 INFO <<< [E:28038i S:54878 M:60064087 (Ack:261621301)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.922 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:20.924 INFO <<< [E:28039i S:54878 M:60064088] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.116 INFO >>> [E:28039i S:54878 M:261621302 (Ack:60064088)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.127 INFO <<< [E:28039i S:54878 M:60064089 (Ack:261621302)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.128 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.131 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.133 INFO <<< [E:28040i S:54878 M:60064090] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.327 INFO >>> [E:28040i S:54878 M:261621303 (Ack:60064090)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.342 INFO <<< [E:28040i S:54878 M:60064091 (Ack:261621303)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.343 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.345 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.348 INFO <<< [E:28041i S:54878 M:60064092] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.536 INFO >>> [E:28041i S:54878 M:261621304 (Ack:60064092)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.549 INFO <<< [E:28041i S:54878 M:60064093 (Ack:261621304)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.551 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.554 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.556 INFO <<< [E:28042i S:54878 M:60064094] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.748 INFO >>> [E:28042i S:54878 M:261621305 (Ack:60064094)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.758 INFO <<< [E:28042i S:54878 M:60064095 (Ack:261621305)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.759 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.761 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.764 INFO <<< [E:28043i S:54878 M:60064096] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.965 INFO >>> [E:28043i S:54878 M:261621306 (Ack:60064096)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.975 INFO <<< [E:28043i S:54878 M:60064097 (Ack:261621306)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.976 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.978 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:21.981 INFO <<< [E:28044i S:54878 M:60064098] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.171 INFO >>> [E:28044i S:54878 M:261621307 (Ack:60064098)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.185 INFO <<< [E:28044i S:54878 M:60064099 (Ack:261621307)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.185 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.188 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.190 INFO <<< [E:28045i S:54878 M:60064100] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.382 INFO >>> [E:28045i S:54878 M:261621308 (Ack:60064100)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.395 INFO <<< [E:28045i S:54878 M:60064101 (Ack:261621308)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.396 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.398 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.401 INFO <<< [E:28046i S:54878 M:60064102] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.593 INFO >>> [E:28046i S:54878 M:261621309 (Ack:60064102)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.605 INFO <<< [E:28046i S:54878 M:60064103 (Ack:261621309)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.606 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.609 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.611 INFO <<< [E:28047i S:54878 M:60064104] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.807 INFO >>> [E:28047i S:54878 M:261621310 (Ack:60064104)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.819 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.819 INFO <<< [E:28047i S:54878 M:60064105 (Ack:261621310)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.823 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:22.825 INFO <<< [E:28048i S:54878 M:60064106] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.022 INFO >>> [E:28048i S:54878 M:261621311 (Ack:60064106)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.034 INFO <<< [E:28048i S:54878 M:60064107 (Ack:261621311)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.034 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.038 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.041 INFO <<< [E:28049i S:54878 M:60064108] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.225 INFO >>> [E:28049i S:54878 M:261621312 (Ack:60064108)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.239 INFO <<< [E:28049i S:54878 M:60064109 (Ack:261621312)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.240 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=12 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.242 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.245 INFO <<< [E:28050i S:54878 M:60064110] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.440 INFO >>> [E:28050i S:54878 M:261621313 (Ack:60064110)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.453 INFO <<< [E:28050i S:54878 M:60064111 (Ack:261621313)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.454 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=14 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.457 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.460 INFO <<< [E:28051i S:54878 M:60064112] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.653 INFO >>> [E:28051i S:54878 M:261621314 (Ack:60064112)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.665 INFO <<< [E:28051i S:54878 M:60064113 (Ack:261621314)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.666 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=15 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.669 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.672 INFO <<< [E:28052i S:54878 M:60064114] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.865 INFO >>> [E:28052i S:54878 M:261621315 (Ack:60064114)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.878 INFO <<< [E:28052i S:54878 M:60064115 (Ack:261621315)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.879 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=16 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.882 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:23.884 INFO <<< [E:28053i S:54878 M:60064116] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.075 INFO >>> [E:28053i S:54878 M:261621316 (Ack:60064116)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.090 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=19 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.090 INFO <<< [E:28053i S:54878 M:60064117 (Ack:261621316)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.093 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.096 INFO <<< [E:28054i S:54878 M:60064118] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.292 INFO >>> [E:28054i S:54878 M:261621317 (Ack:60064118)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.305 INFO <<< [E:28054i S:54878 M:60064119 (Ack:261621317)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.305 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=25 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.308 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.311 INFO <<< [E:28055i S:54878 M:60064120] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.499 INFO >>> [E:28055i S:54878 M:261621318 (Ack:60064120)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.511 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=31 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.512 INFO <<< [E:28055i S:54878 M:60064121 (Ack:261621318)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.515 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.518 INFO <<< [E:28056i S:54878 M:60064122] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.712 INFO >>> [E:28056i S:54878 M:261621319 (Ack:60064122)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.727 INFO <<< [E:28056i S:54878 M:60064123 (Ack:261621319)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.727 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.730 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.733 INFO <<< [E:28057i S:54878 M:60064124] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.922 INFO >>> [E:28057i S:54878 M:261621320 (Ack:60064124)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.934 INFO <<< [E:28057i S:54878 M:60064125 (Ack:261621320)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.935 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.938 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:24.941 INFO <<< [E:28058i S:54878 M:60064126] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.136 INFO >>> [E:28058i S:54878 M:261621321 (Ack:60064126)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.151 INFO <<< [E:28058i S:54878 M:60064127 (Ack:261621321)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.151 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.154 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.157 INFO <<< [E:28059i S:54878 M:60064128] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.352 INFO >>> [E:28059i S:54878 M:261621322 (Ack:60064128)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.366 INFO <<< [E:28059i S:54878 M:60064129 (Ack:261621322)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.367 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.370 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.373 INFO <<< [E:28060i S:54878 M:60064130] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.558 INFO >>> [E:28060i S:54878 M:261621323 (Ack:60064130)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.570 INFO <<< [E:28060i S:54878 M:60064131 (Ack:261621323)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.571 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.574 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.576 INFO <<< [E:28061i S:54878 M:60064132] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.769 INFO >>> [E:28061i S:54878 M:261621324 (Ack:60064132)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.782 INFO <<< [E:28061i S:54878 M:60064133 (Ack:261621324)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.782 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.785 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.788 INFO <<< [E:28062i S:54878 M:60064134] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:25.991 INFO >>> [E:28062i S:54878 M:261621325 (Ack:60064134)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.008 INFO <<< [E:28062i S:54878 M:60064135 (Ack:261621325)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.009 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.012 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.014 INFO <<< [E:28063i S:54878 M:60064136] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.197 INFO >>> [E:28063i S:54878 M:261621326 (Ack:60064136)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.208 INFO <<< [E:28063i S:54878 M:60064137 (Ack:261621326)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.209 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.212 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.215 INFO <<< [E:28064i S:54878 M:60064138] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.407 INFO >>> [E:28064i S:54878 M:261621327 (Ack:60064138)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.421 INFO <<< [E:28064i S:54878 M:60064139 (Ack:261621327)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.422 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.425 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.427 INFO <<< [E:28065i S:54878 M:60064140] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.625 INFO >>> [E:28065i S:54878 M:261621328 (Ack:60064140)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.637 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.638 INFO <<< [E:28065i S:54878 M:60064141 (Ack:261621328)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.641 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.644 INFO <<< [E:28066i S:54878 M:60064142] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.835 INFO >>> [E:28066i S:54878 M:261621329 (Ack:60064142)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.850 INFO <<< [E:28066i S:54878 M:60064143 (Ack:261621329)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.850 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.853 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:26.855 INFO <<< [E:28067i S:54878 M:60064144] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.044 INFO >>> [E:28067i S:54878 M:261621330 (Ack:60064144)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.056 INFO <<< [E:28067i S:54878 M:60064145 (Ack:261621330)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.056 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.059 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.062 INFO <<< [E:28068i S:54878 M:60064146] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.271 INFO >>> [E:28068i S:54878 M:261621331 (Ack:60064146)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.284 INFO <<< [E:28068i S:54878 M:60064147 (Ack:261621331)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.285 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.290 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.293 INFO <<< [E:28069i S:54878 M:60064148] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.480 INFO >>> [E:28069i S:54878 M:261621332 (Ack:60064148)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.492 INFO <<< [E:28069i S:54878 M:60064149 (Ack:261621332)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.493 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.496 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.499 INFO <<< [E:28070i S:54878 M:60064150] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.694 INFO >>> [E:28070i S:54878 M:261621333 (Ack:60064150)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.709 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.709 INFO <<< [E:28070i S:54878 M:60064151 (Ack:261621333)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.713 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.715 INFO <<< [E:28071i S:54878 M:60064152] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.911 INFO >>> [E:28071i S:54878 M:261621334 (Ack:60064152)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.924 INFO <<< [E:28071i S:54878 M:60064153 (Ack:261621334)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.924 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.928 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:27.930 INFO <<< [E:28072i S:54878 M:60064154] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.120 INFO >>> [E:28072i S:54878 M:261621335 (Ack:60064154)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.134 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.135 INFO <<< [E:28072i S:54878 M:60064155 (Ack:261621335)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.137 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.140 INFO <<< [E:28073i S:54878 M:60064156] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.330 INFO >>> [E:28073i S:54878 M:261621336 (Ack:60064156)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.343 INFO <<< [E:28073i S:54878 M:60064157 (Ack:261621336)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.344 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.346 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.349 INFO <<< [E:28074i S:54878 M:60064158] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.543 INFO >>> [E:28074i S:54878 M:261621337 (Ack:60064158)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.556 INFO <<< [E:28074i S:54878 M:60064159 (Ack:261621337)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.556 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.559 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.562 INFO <<< [E:28075i S:54878 M:60064160] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.751 INFO >>> [E:28075i S:54878 M:261621338 (Ack:60064160)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.764 INFO <<< [E:28075i S:54878 M:60064161 (Ack:261621338)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.764 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.767 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.769 INFO <<< [E:28076i S:54878 M:60064162] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.962 INFO >>> [E:28076i S:54878 M:261621339 (Ack:60064162)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.974 INFO <<< [E:28076i S:54878 M:60064163 (Ack:261621339)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.974 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.978 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:28.981 INFO <<< [E:28077i S:54878 M:60064164] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.173 INFO >>> [E:28077i S:54878 M:261621340 (Ack:60064164)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.187 INFO <<< [E:28077i S:54878 M:60064165 (Ack:261621340)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.187 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.190 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.193 INFO <<< [E:28078i S:54878 M:60064166] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.387 INFO >>> [E:28078i S:54878 M:261621341 (Ack:60064166)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.400 INFO <<< [E:28078i S:54878 M:60064167 (Ack:261621341)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.401 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.403 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.406 INFO <<< [E:28079i S:54878 M:60064168] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.596 INFO >>> [E:28079i S:54878 M:261621342 (Ack:60064168)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.607 INFO <<< [E:28079i S:54878 M:60064169 (Ack:261621342)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.607 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.610 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.613 INFO <<< [E:28080i S:54878 M:60064170] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.811 INFO >>> [E:28080i S:54878 M:261621343 (Ack:60064170)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.826 INFO <<< [E:28080i S:54878 M:60064171 (Ack:261621343)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.826 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.829 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:29.832 INFO <<< [E:28081i S:54878 M:60064172] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.023 INFO >>> [E:28081i S:54878 M:261621344 (Ack:60064172)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.035 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.035 INFO <<< [E:28081i S:54878 M:60064173 (Ack:261621344)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.039 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.042 INFO <<< [E:28082i S:54878 M:60064174] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.234 INFO >>> [E:28082i S:54878 M:261621345 (Ack:60064174)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.247 INFO <<< [E:28082i S:54878 M:60064175 (Ack:261621345)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.247 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.250 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.252 INFO <<< [E:28083i S:54878 M:60064176] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.448 INFO >>> [E:28083i S:54878 M:261621346 (Ack:60064176)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.463 INFO <<< [E:28083i S:54878 M:60064177 (Ack:261621346)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.463 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.466 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.469 INFO <<< [E:28084i S:54878 M:60064178] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.663 INFO >>> [E:28084i S:54878 M:261621347 (Ack:60064178)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.672 INFO <<< [E:28084i S:54878 M:60064179 (Ack:261621347)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.672 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.675 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.677 INFO <<< [E:28085i S:54878 M:60064180] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.876 INFO >>> [E:28085i S:54878 M:261621348 (Ack:60064180)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.889 INFO <<< [E:28085i S:54878 M:60064181 (Ack:261621348)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.890 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.893 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:30.896 INFO <<< [E:28086i S:54878 M:60064182] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.085 INFO >>> [E:28086i S:54878 M:261621349 (Ack:60064182)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.098 INFO <<< [E:28086i S:54878 M:60064183 (Ack:261621349)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.099 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.102 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.105 INFO <<< [E:28087i S:54878 M:60064184] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.293 INFO >>> [E:28087i S:54878 M:261621350 (Ack:60064184)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.307 INFO <<< [E:28087i S:54878 M:60064185 (Ack:261621350)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.307 INFO Testing for 5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.308 INFO ***** Test Step 3a_kAdminister : TH_commissioner gives TH_second_commissioner the specified privilege [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.311 INFO Found an existing secure session to [1:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.316 INFO <<< [E:28088i S:54877 M:75947344] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:06 (IM:WriteRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.549 INFO >>> [E:28088i S:54877 M:15744161 (Ack:75947344)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:07 (IM:WriteResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.565 INFO <<< [E:28088i S:54877 M:75947345 (Ack:15744161)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.565 INFO ***** Test Step 3b_kAdminister : TH_second_controller reads all the attributes and checks for appropriate permission errors [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.567 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.569 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.571 INFO <<< [E:28089i S:54878 M:60064186] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.732 INFO >>> [E:28089i S:54878 M:261621351 (Ack:60064186)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.746 INFO <<< [E:28089i S:54878 M:60064187 (Ack:261621351)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.747 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.749 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.751 INFO <<< [E:28090i S:54878 M:60064188] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.953 INFO >>> [E:28090i S:54878 M:261621352 (Ack:60064188)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.966 INFO <<< [E:28090i S:54878 M:60064189 (Ack:261621352)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.966 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.969 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:31.972 INFO <<< [E:28091i S:54878 M:60064190] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.157 INFO >>> [E:28091i S:54878 M:261621353 (Ack:60064190)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.171 INFO <<< [E:28091i S:54878 M:60064191 (Ack:261621353)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.172 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.175 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.177 INFO <<< [E:28092i S:54878 M:60064192] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.367 INFO >>> [E:28092i S:54878 M:261621354 (Ack:60064192)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.382 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.383 INFO <<< [E:28092i S:54878 M:60064193 (Ack:261621354)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.385 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.388 INFO <<< [E:28093i S:54878 M:60064194] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.580 INFO >>> [E:28093i S:54878 M:261621355 (Ack:60064194)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.595 INFO <<< [E:28093i S:54878 M:60064195 (Ack:261621355)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.595 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.598 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.601 INFO <<< [E:28094i S:54878 M:60064196] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.792 INFO >>> [E:28094i S:54878 M:261621356 (Ack:60064196)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.808 INFO <<< [E:28094i S:54878 M:60064197 (Ack:261621356)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.808 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.811 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:32.814 INFO <<< [E:28095i S:54878 M:60064198] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.007 INFO >>> [E:28095i S:54878 M:261621357 (Ack:60064198)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.020 INFO <<< [E:28095i S:54878 M:60064199 (Ack:261621357)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.020 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.023 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.027 INFO <<< [E:28096i S:54878 M:60064200] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.211 INFO >>> [E:28096i S:54878 M:261621358 (Ack:60064200)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.224 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.225 INFO <<< [E:28096i S:54878 M:60064201 (Ack:261621358)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.228 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.231 INFO <<< [E:28097i S:54878 M:60064202] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.423 INFO >>> [E:28097i S:54878 M:261621359 (Ack:60064202)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.438 INFO <<< [E:28097i S:54878 M:60064203 (Ack:261621359)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.438 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.441 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.444 INFO <<< [E:28098i S:54878 M:60064204] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.641 INFO >>> [E:28098i S:54878 M:261621360 (Ack:60064204)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.657 INFO <<< [E:28098i S:54878 M:60064205 (Ack:261621360)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.657 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.661 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.663 INFO <<< [E:28099i S:54878 M:60064206] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.846 INFO >>> [E:28099i S:54878 M:261621361 (Ack:60064206)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.860 INFO <<< [E:28099i S:54878 M:60064207 (Ack:261621361)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.860 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.863 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:33.866 INFO <<< [E:28100i S:54878 M:60064208] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.054 INFO >>> [E:28100i S:54878 M:261621362 (Ack:60064208)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.067 INFO <<< [E:28100i S:54878 M:60064209 (Ack:261621362)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.068 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.071 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.073 INFO <<< [E:28101i S:54878 M:60064210] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.264 INFO >>> [E:28101i S:54878 M:261621363 (Ack:60064210)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.277 INFO <<< [E:28101i S:54878 M:60064211 (Ack:261621363)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.278 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.281 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.283 INFO <<< [E:28102i S:54878 M:60064212] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.582 INFO >>> [E:28102i S:54878 M:261621364 (Ack:60064212)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.595 INFO <<< [E:28102i S:54878 M:60064213 (Ack:261621364)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.595 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.598 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.601 INFO <<< [E:28103i S:54878 M:60064214] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.803 INFO >>> [E:28103i S:54878 M:261621365 (Ack:60064214)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.810 INFO <<< [E:28103i S:54878 M:60064215 (Ack:261621365)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.810 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.813 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:34.816 INFO <<< [E:28104i S:54878 M:60064216] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.007 INFO >>> [E:28104i S:54878 M:261621366 (Ack:60064216)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.021 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.021 INFO <<< [E:28104i S:54878 M:60064217 (Ack:261621366)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.024 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.026 INFO <<< [E:28105i S:54878 M:60064218] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.223 INFO >>> [E:28105i S:54878 M:261621367 (Ack:60064218)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.236 INFO <<< [E:28105i S:54878 M:60064219 (Ack:261621367)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.236 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.239 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.242 INFO <<< [E:28106i S:54878 M:60064220] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.428 INFO >>> [E:28106i S:54878 M:261621368 (Ack:60064220)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.442 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=31,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.443 INFO <<< [E:28106i S:54878 M:60064221 (Ack:261621368)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.446 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.449 INFO <<< [E:28107i S:54878 M:60064222] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.640 INFO >>> [E:28107i S:54878 M:261621369 (Ack:60064222)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.652 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.653 INFO <<< [E:28107i S:54878 M:60064223 (Ack:261621369)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.656 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.659 INFO <<< [E:28108i S:54878 M:60064224] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.851 INFO >>> [E:28108i S:54878 M:261621370 (Ack:60064224)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.867 INFO <<< [E:28108i S:54878 M:60064225 (Ack:261621370)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.868 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.870 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:35.873 INFO <<< [E:28109i S:54878 M:60064226] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.066 INFO >>> [E:28109i S:54878 M:261621371 (Ack:60064226)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.077 INFO <<< [E:28109i S:54878 M:60064227 (Ack:261621371)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.077 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.080 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.083 INFO <<< [E:28110i S:54878 M:60064228] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.271 INFO >>> [E:28110i S:54878 M:261621372 (Ack:60064228)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.285 INFO <<< [E:28110i S:54878 M:60064229 (Ack:261621372)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.285 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.288 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.291 INFO <<< [E:28111i S:54878 M:60064230] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.490 INFO >>> [E:28111i S:54878 M:261621373 (Ack:60064230)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.498 INFO <<< [E:28111i S:54878 M:60064231 (Ack:261621373)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.499 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.502 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.505 INFO <<< [E:28112i S:54878 M:60064232] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.693 INFO >>> [E:28112i S:54878 M:261621374 (Ack:60064232)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.706 INFO <<< [E:28112i S:54878 M:60064233 (Ack:261621374)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.707 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.709 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.712 INFO <<< [E:28113i S:54878 M:60064234] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.907 INFO >>> [E:28113i S:54878 M:261621375 (Ack:60064234)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.922 INFO <<< [E:28113i S:54878 M:60064235 (Ack:261621375)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.922 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.925 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:36.927 INFO <<< [E:28114i S:54878 M:60064236] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.119 INFO >>> [E:28114i S:54878 M:261621376 (Ack:60064236)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.134 INFO <<< [E:28114i S:54878 M:60064237 (Ack:261621376)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.134 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.138 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.140 INFO <<< [E:28115i S:54878 M:60064238] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.333 INFO >>> [E:28115i S:54878 M:261621377 (Ack:60064238)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.347 INFO <<< [E:28115i S:54878 M:60064239 (Ack:261621377)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.347 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.350 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.352 INFO <<< [E:28116i S:54878 M:60064240] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.544 INFO >>> [E:28116i S:54878 M:261621378 (Ack:60064240)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.555 INFO <<< [E:28116i S:54878 M:60064241 (Ack:261621378)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.556 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.558 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.561 INFO <<< [E:28117i S:54878 M:60064242] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.755 INFO >>> [E:28117i S:54878 M:261621379 (Ack:60064242)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.768 INFO <<< [E:28117i S:54878 M:60064243 (Ack:261621379)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.768 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.771 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.774 INFO <<< [E:28118i S:54878 M:60064244] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.965 INFO >>> [E:28118i S:54878 M:261621380 (Ack:60064244)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.977 INFO <<< [E:28118i S:54878 M:60064245 (Ack:261621380)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.977 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=15 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.981 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:37.984 INFO <<< [E:28119i S:54878 M:60064246] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.183 INFO >>> [E:28119i S:54878 M:261621381 (Ack:60064246)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.194 INFO <<< [E:28119i S:54878 M:60064247 (Ack:261621381)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.195 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=16 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.199 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.202 INFO <<< [E:28120i S:54878 M:60064248] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.391 INFO >>> [E:28120i S:54878 M:261621382 (Ack:60064248)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.406 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=19 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.406 INFO <<< [E:28120i S:54878 M:60064249 (Ack:261621382)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.409 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.411 INFO <<< [E:28121i S:54878 M:60064250] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.601 INFO >>> [E:28121i S:54878 M:261621383 (Ack:60064250)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.614 INFO <<< [E:28121i S:54878 M:60064251 (Ack:261621383)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.615 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=21 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.618 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.620 INFO <<< [E:28122i S:54878 M:60064252] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.811 INFO >>> [E:28122i S:54878 M:261621384 (Ack:60064252)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.826 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=22 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.826 INFO <<< [E:28122i S:54878 M:60064253 (Ack:261621384)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.829 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:38.832 INFO <<< [E:28123i S:54878 M:60064254] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.025 INFO >>> [E:28123i S:54878 M:261621385 (Ack:60064254)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.038 INFO <<< [E:28123i S:54878 M:60064255 (Ack:261621385)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.038 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.041 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.044 INFO <<< [E:28124i S:54878 M:60064256] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.238 INFO >>> [E:28124i S:54878 M:261621386 (Ack:60064256)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.250 INFO <<< [E:28124i S:54878 M:60064257 (Ack:261621386)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.251 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.254 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.256 INFO <<< [E:28125i S:54878 M:60064258] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.449 INFO >>> [E:28125i S:54878 M:261621387 (Ack:60064258)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.465 INFO <<< [E:28125i S:54878 M:60064259 (Ack:261621387)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.465 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.468 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.471 INFO <<< [E:28126i S:54878 M:60064260] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.664 INFO >>> [E:28126i S:54878 M:261621388 (Ack:60064260)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.677 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.677 INFO <<< [E:28126i S:54878 M:60064261 (Ack:261621388)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.681 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.683 INFO <<< [E:28127i S:54878 M:60064262] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.872 INFO >>> [E:28127i S:54878 M:261621389 (Ack:60064262)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.886 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=40,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.886 INFO <<< [E:28127i S:54878 M:60064263 (Ack:261621389)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.889 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:39.892 INFO <<< [E:28128i S:54878 M:60064264] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.082 INFO >>> [E:28128i S:54878 M:261621390 (Ack:60064264)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.096 INFO <<< [E:28128i S:54878 M:60064265 (Ack:261621390)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.096 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.099 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.101 INFO <<< [E:28129i S:54878 M:60064266] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.292 INFO >>> [E:28129i S:54878 M:261621391 (Ack:60064266)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.305 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.306 INFO <<< [E:28129i S:54878 M:60064267 (Ack:261621391)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.309 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.311 INFO <<< [E:28130i S:54878 M:60064268] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.504 INFO >>> [E:28130i S:54878 M:261621392 (Ack:60064268)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.516 INFO <<< [E:28130i S:54878 M:60064269 (Ack:261621392)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.516 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.519 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.522 INFO <<< [E:28131i S:54878 M:60064270] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.718 INFO >>> [E:28131i S:54878 M:261621393 (Ack:60064270)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.731 INFO <<< [E:28131i S:54878 M:60064271 (Ack:261621393)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.732 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.734 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.737 INFO <<< [E:28132i S:54878 M:60064272] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.927 INFO >>> [E:28132i S:54878 M:261621394 (Ack:60064272)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.942 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.943 INFO <<< [E:28132i S:54878 M:60064273 (Ack:261621394)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.946 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:40.948 INFO <<< [E:28133i S:54878 M:60064274] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.140 INFO >>> [E:28133i S:54878 M:261621395 (Ack:60064274)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.153 INFO <<< [E:28133i S:54878 M:60064275 (Ack:261621395)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.153 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.156 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.159 INFO <<< [E:28134i S:54878 M:60064276] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.349 INFO >>> [E:28134i S:54878 M:261621396 (Ack:60064276)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.364 INFO <<< [E:28134i S:54878 M:60064277 (Ack:261621396)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.364 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.367 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.369 INFO <<< [E:28135i S:54878 M:60064278] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.567 INFO >>> [E:28135i S:54878 M:261621397 (Ack:60064278)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.579 INFO <<< [E:28135i S:54878 M:60064279 (Ack:261621397)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.581 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.583 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.586 INFO <<< [E:28136i S:54878 M:60064280] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.773 INFO >>> [E:28136i S:54878 M:261621398 (Ack:60064280)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.786 INFO <<< [E:28136i S:54878 M:60064281 (Ack:261621398)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.787 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=42,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.790 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.792 INFO <<< [E:28137i S:54878 M:60064282] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.982 INFO >>> [E:28137i S:54878 M:261621399 (Ack:60064282)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.996 INFO <<< [E:28137i S:54878 M:60064283 (Ack:261621399)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:41.997 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.000 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.002 INFO <<< [E:28138i S:54878 M:60064284] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.194 INFO >>> [E:28138i S:54878 M:261621400 (Ack:60064284)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.207 INFO <<< [E:28138i S:54878 M:60064285 (Ack:261621400)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.208 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.211 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.213 INFO <<< [E:28139i S:54878 M:60064286] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.415 INFO >>> [E:28139i S:54878 M:261621401 (Ack:60064286)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.427 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.428 INFO <<< [E:28139i S:54878 M:60064287 (Ack:261621401)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.431 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.434 INFO <<< [E:28140i S:54878 M:60064288] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.622 INFO >>> [E:28140i S:54878 M:261621402 (Ack:60064288)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.636 INFO <<< [E:28140i S:54878 M:60064289 (Ack:261621402)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.636 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.639 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.642 INFO <<< [E:28141i S:54878 M:60064290] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.834 INFO >>> [E:28141i S:54878 M:261621403 (Ack:60064290)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.847 INFO <<< [E:28141i S:54878 M:60064291 (Ack:261621403)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.847 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.850 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:42.853 INFO <<< [E:28142i S:54878 M:60064292] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.047 INFO >>> [E:28142i S:54878 M:261621404 (Ack:60064292)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.061 INFO <<< [E:28142i S:54878 M:60064293 (Ack:261621404)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.061 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.064 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.067 INFO <<< [E:28143i S:54878 M:60064294] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.257 INFO >>> [E:28143i S:54878 M:261621405 (Ack:60064294)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.270 INFO <<< [E:28143i S:54878 M:60064295 (Ack:261621405)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.271 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=43,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.274 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.277 INFO <<< [E:28144i S:54878 M:60064296] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.468 INFO >>> [E:28144i S:54878 M:261621406 (Ack:60064296)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.480 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.481 INFO <<< [E:28144i S:54878 M:60064297 (Ack:261621406)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.484 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.487 INFO <<< [E:28145i S:54878 M:60064298] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.681 INFO >>> [E:28145i S:54878 M:261621407 (Ack:60064298)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.693 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.693 INFO <<< [E:28145i S:54878 M:60064299 (Ack:261621407)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.697 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.699 INFO <<< [E:28146i S:54878 M:60064300] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.891 INFO >>> [E:28146i S:54878 M:261621408 (Ack:60064300)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.902 INFO <<< [E:28146i S:54878 M:60064301 (Ack:261621408)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.903 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.906 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:43.908 INFO <<< [E:28147i S:54878 M:60064302] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.109 INFO >>> [E:28147i S:54878 M:261621409 (Ack:60064302)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.122 INFO <<< [E:28147i S:54878 M:60064303 (Ack:261621409)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.123 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.126 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.129 INFO <<< [E:28148i S:54878 M:60064304] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.314 INFO >>> [E:28148i S:54878 M:261621410 (Ack:60064304)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.328 INFO <<< [E:28148i S:54878 M:60064305 (Ack:261621410)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.329 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.331 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.334 INFO <<< [E:28149i S:54878 M:60064306] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.530 INFO >>> [E:28149i S:54878 M:261621411 (Ack:60064306)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.543 INFO <<< [E:28149i S:54878 M:60064307 (Ack:261621411)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.543 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.546 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.549 INFO <<< [E:28150i S:54878 M:60064308] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.742 INFO >>> [E:28150i S:54878 M:261621412 (Ack:60064308)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.755 INFO <<< [E:28150i S:54878 M:60064309 (Ack:261621412)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.756 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.759 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.762 INFO <<< [E:28151i S:54878 M:60064310] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.952 INFO >>> [E:28151i S:54878 M:261621413 (Ack:60064310)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.964 INFO <<< [E:28151i S:54878 M:60064311 (Ack:261621413)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.965 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=44,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.968 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:44.971 INFO <<< [E:28152i S:54878 M:60064312] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.162 INFO >>> [E:28152i S:54878 M:261621414 (Ack:60064312)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.176 INFO <<< [E:28152i S:54878 M:60064313 (Ack:261621414)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.176 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.179 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.182 INFO <<< [E:28153i S:54878 M:60064314] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.374 INFO >>> [E:28153i S:54878 M:261621415 (Ack:60064314)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.386 INFO <<< [E:28153i S:54878 M:60064315 (Ack:261621415)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.387 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.390 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.392 INFO <<< [E:28154i S:54878 M:60064316] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.584 INFO >>> [E:28154i S:54878 M:261621416 (Ack:60064316)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.599 INFO <<< [E:28154i S:54878 M:60064317 (Ack:261621416)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.599 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.602 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.605 INFO <<< [E:28155i S:54878 M:60064318] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.797 INFO >>> [E:28155i S:54878 M:261621417 (Ack:60064318)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.811 INFO <<< [E:28155i S:54878 M:60064319 (Ack:261621417)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.812 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.815 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:45.817 INFO <<< [E:28156i S:54878 M:60064320] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.015 INFO >>> [E:28156i S:54878 M:261621418 (Ack:60064320)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.027 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.027 INFO <<< [E:28156i S:54878 M:60064321 (Ack:261621418)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.031 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.034 INFO <<< [E:28157i S:54878 M:60064322] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.223 INFO >>> [E:28157i S:54878 M:261621419 (Ack:60064322)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.237 INFO <<< [E:28157i S:54878 M:60064323 (Ack:261621419)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.237 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=45,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.240 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.242 INFO <<< [E:28158i S:54878 M:60064324] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.432 INFO >>> [E:28158i S:54878 M:261621420 (Ack:60064324)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.446 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.447 INFO <<< [E:28158i S:54878 M:60064325 (Ack:261621420)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.449 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.452 INFO <<< [E:28159i S:54878 M:60064326] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.645 INFO >>> [E:28159i S:54878 M:261621421 (Ack:60064326)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.660 INFO <<< [E:28159i S:54878 M:60064327 (Ack:261621421)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.660 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.663 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.665 INFO <<< [E:28160i S:54878 M:60064328] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.862 INFO >>> [E:28160i S:54878 M:261621422 (Ack:60064328)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.876 INFO <<< [E:28160i S:54878 M:60064329 (Ack:261621422)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.877 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.879 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:46.882 INFO <<< [E:28161i S:54878 M:60064330] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.071 INFO >>> [E:28161i S:54878 M:261621423 (Ack:60064330)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.085 INFO <<< [E:28161i S:54878 M:60064331 (Ack:261621423)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.085 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.088 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.091 INFO <<< [E:28162i S:54878 M:60064332] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.285 INFO >>> [E:28162i S:54878 M:261621424 (Ack:60064332)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.298 INFO <<< [E:28162i S:54878 M:60064333 (Ack:261621424)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.299 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.301 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.304 INFO <<< [E:28163i S:54878 M:60064334] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.493 INFO >>> [E:28163i S:54878 M:261621425 (Ack:60064334)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.505 INFO <<< [E:28163i S:54878 M:60064335 (Ack:261621425)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.506 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=46,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.509 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.512 INFO <<< [E:28164i S:54878 M:60064336] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.703 INFO >>> [E:28164i S:54878 M:261621426 (Ack:60064336)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.715 INFO <<< [E:28164i S:54878 M:60064337 (Ack:261621426)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.716 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.719 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.721 INFO <<< [E:28165i S:54878 M:60064338] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.917 INFO >>> [E:28165i S:54878 M:261621427 (Ack:60064338)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.930 INFO <<< [E:28165i S:54878 M:60064339 (Ack:261621427)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.932 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.934 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:47.936 INFO <<< [E:28166i S:54878 M:60064340] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.129 INFO >>> [E:28166i S:54878 M:261621428 (Ack:60064340)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.139 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.139 INFO <<< [E:28166i S:54878 M:60064341 (Ack:261621428)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.142 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.145 INFO <<< [E:28167i S:54878 M:60064342] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.336 INFO >>> [E:28167i S:54878 M:261621429 (Ack:60064342)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.349 INFO <<< [E:28167i S:54878 M:60064343 (Ack:261621429)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.349 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.352 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.355 INFO <<< [E:28168i S:54878 M:60064344] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.547 INFO >>> [E:28168i S:54878 M:261621430 (Ack:60064344)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.561 INFO <<< [E:28168i S:54878 M:60064345 (Ack:261621430)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.561 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.564 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.567 INFO <<< [E:28169i S:54878 M:60064346] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.760 INFO >>> [E:28169i S:54878 M:261621431 (Ack:60064346)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.774 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.775 INFO <<< [E:28169i S:54878 M:60064347 (Ack:261621431)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.777 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.780 INFO <<< [E:28170i S:54878 M:60064348] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.971 INFO >>> [E:28170i S:54878 M:261621432 (Ack:60064348)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.984 INFO <<< [E:28170i S:54878 M:60064349 (Ack:261621432)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.985 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.987 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:48.990 INFO <<< [E:28171i S:54878 M:60064350] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.189 INFO >>> [E:28171i S:54878 M:261621433 (Ack:60064350)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.200 INFO <<< [E:28171i S:54878 M:60064351 (Ack:261621433)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.201 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.204 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.207 INFO <<< [E:28172i S:54878 M:60064352] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.407 INFO >>> [E:28172i S:54878 M:261621434 (Ack:60064352)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.419 INFO <<< [E:28172i S:54878 M:60064353 (Ack:261621434)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.420 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.423 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.425 INFO <<< [E:28173i S:54878 M:60064354] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.611 INFO >>> [E:28173i S:54878 M:261621435 (Ack:60064354)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.624 INFO <<< [E:28173i S:54878 M:60064355 (Ack:261621435)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.624 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=48,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.628 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.630 INFO <<< [E:28174i S:54878 M:60064356] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.823 INFO >>> [E:28174i S:54878 M:261621436 (Ack:60064356)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.837 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.838 INFO <<< [E:28174i S:54878 M:60064357 (Ack:261621436)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.841 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:49.843 INFO <<< [E:28175i S:54878 M:60064358] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.031 INFO >>> [E:28175i S:54878 M:261621437 (Ack:60064358)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.046 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.046 INFO <<< [E:28175i S:54878 M:60064359 (Ack:261621437)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.049 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.052 INFO <<< [E:28176i S:54878 M:60064360] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.250 INFO >>> [E:28176i S:54878 M:261621438 (Ack:60064360)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.263 INFO <<< [E:28176i S:54878 M:60064361 (Ack:261621438)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.264 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.267 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.269 INFO <<< [E:28177i S:54878 M:60064362] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.457 INFO >>> [E:28177i S:54878 M:261621439 (Ack:60064362)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.473 INFO <<< [E:28177i S:54878 M:60064363 (Ack:261621439)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.473 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.476 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.478 INFO <<< [E:28178i S:54878 M:60064364] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.666 INFO >>> [E:28178i S:54878 M:261621440 (Ack:60064364)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.677 INFO <<< [E:28178i S:54878 M:60064365 (Ack:261621440)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.677 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.681 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.683 INFO <<< [E:28179i S:54878 M:60064366] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.878 INFO >>> [E:28179i S:54878 M:261621441 (Ack:60064366)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.892 INFO <<< [E:28179i S:54878 M:60064367 (Ack:261621441)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.892 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.895 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:50.897 INFO <<< [E:28180i S:54878 M:60064368] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.092 INFO >>> [E:28180i S:54878 M:261621442 (Ack:60064368)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.107 INFO <<< [E:28180i S:54878 M:60064369 (Ack:261621442)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.107 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.110 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.112 INFO <<< [E:28181i S:54878 M:60064370] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.302 INFO >>> [E:28181i S:54878 M:261621443 (Ack:60064370)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.317 INFO <<< [E:28181i S:54878 M:60064371 (Ack:261621443)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.317 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.320 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.322 INFO <<< [E:28182i S:54878 M:60064372] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.510 INFO >>> [E:28182i S:54878 M:261621444 (Ack:60064372)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.522 INFO <<< [E:28182i S:54878 M:60064373 (Ack:261621444)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.523 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.526 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.529 INFO <<< [E:28183i S:54878 M:60064374] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.722 INFO >>> [E:28183i S:54878 M:261621445 (Ack:60064374)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.734 INFO <<< [E:28183i S:54878 M:60064375 (Ack:261621445)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.735 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.738 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.741 INFO <<< [E:28184i S:54878 M:60064376] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.936 INFO >>> [E:28184i S:54878 M:261621446 (Ack:60064376)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.950 INFO <<< [E:28184i S:54878 M:60064377 (Ack:261621446)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.951 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.954 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:51.956 INFO <<< [E:28185i S:54878 M:60064378] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.145 INFO >>> [E:28185i S:54878 M:261621447 (Ack:60064378)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.161 INFO <<< [E:28185i S:54878 M:60064379 (Ack:261621447)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.161 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.164 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.167 INFO <<< [E:28186i S:54878 M:60064380] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.358 INFO >>> [E:28186i S:54878 M:261621448 (Ack:60064380)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.370 INFO <<< [E:28186i S:54878 M:60064381 (Ack:261621448)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.371 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.375 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.377 INFO <<< [E:28187i S:54878 M:60064382] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.574 INFO >>> [E:28187i S:54878 M:261621449 (Ack:60064382)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.590 INFO <<< [E:28187i S:54878 M:60064383 (Ack:261621449)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.591 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.594 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.596 INFO <<< [E:28188i S:54878 M:60064384] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.782 INFO >>> [E:28188i S:54878 M:261621450 (Ack:60064384)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.795 INFO <<< [E:28188i S:54878 M:60064385 (Ack:261621450)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.795 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=49,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.798 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.801 INFO <<< [E:28189i S:54878 M:60064386] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:52.993 INFO >>> [E:28189i S:54878 M:261621451 (Ack:60064386)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.007 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.007 INFO <<< [E:28189i S:54878 M:60064387 (Ack:261621451)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.010 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.013 INFO <<< [E:28190i S:54878 M:60064388] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.210 INFO >>> [E:28190i S:54878 M:261621452 (Ack:60064388)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.228 INFO <<< [E:28190i S:54878 M:60064389 (Ack:261621452)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.228 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.231 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.234 INFO <<< [E:28191i S:54878 M:60064390] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.414 INFO >>> [E:28191i S:54878 M:261621453 (Ack:60064390)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.427 INFO <<< [E:28191i S:54878 M:60064391 (Ack:261621453)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.427 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.430 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.433 INFO <<< [E:28192i S:54878 M:60064392] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.627 INFO >>> [E:28192i S:54878 M:261621454 (Ack:60064392)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.640 INFO <<< [E:28192i S:54878 M:60064393 (Ack:261621454)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.640 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.643 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.646 INFO <<< [E:28193i S:54878 M:60064394] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.841 INFO >>> [E:28193i S:54878 M:261621455 (Ack:60064394)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.856 INFO <<< [E:28193i S:54878 M:60064395 (Ack:261621455)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.856 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.859 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:53.862 INFO <<< [E:28194i S:54878 M:60064396] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.049 INFO >>> [E:28194i S:54878 M:261621456 (Ack:60064396)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.063 INFO <<< [E:28194i S:54878 M:60064397 (Ack:261621456)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.064 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.067 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.069 INFO <<< [E:28195i S:54878 M:60064398] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.260 INFO >>> [E:28195i S:54878 M:261621457 (Ack:60064398)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.275 INFO <<< [E:28195i S:54878 M:60064399 (Ack:261621457)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.276 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.279 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.281 INFO <<< [E:28196i S:54878 M:60064400] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.476 INFO >>> [E:28196i S:54878 M:261621458 (Ack:60064400)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.490 INFO <<< [E:28196i S:54878 M:60064401 (Ack:261621458)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.490 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.493 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.496 INFO <<< [E:28197i S:54878 M:60064402] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.685 INFO >>> [E:28197i S:54878 M:261621459 (Ack:60064402)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.698 INFO <<< [E:28197i S:54878 M:60064403 (Ack:261621459)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.698 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=51,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.702 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.704 INFO <<< [E:28198i S:54878 M:60064404] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.896 INFO >>> [E:28198i S:54878 M:261621460 (Ack:60064404)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.910 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.910 INFO <<< [E:28198i S:54878 M:60064405 (Ack:261621460)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.913 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:54.916 INFO <<< [E:28199i S:54878 M:60064406] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.106 INFO >>> [E:28199i S:54878 M:261621461 (Ack:60064406)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.119 INFO <<< [E:28199i S:54878 M:60064407 (Ack:261621461)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.120 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.122 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.125 INFO <<< [E:28200i S:54878 M:60064408] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.320 INFO >>> [E:28200i S:54878 M:261621462 (Ack:60064408)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.331 INFO <<< [E:28200i S:54878 M:60064409 (Ack:261621462)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.332 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.334 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.337 INFO <<< [E:28201i S:54878 M:60064410] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.530 INFO >>> [E:28201i S:54878 M:261621463 (Ack:60064410)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.542 INFO <<< [E:28201i S:54878 M:60064411 (Ack:261621463)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.543 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.546 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.549 INFO <<< [E:28202i S:54878 M:60064412] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.738 INFO >>> [E:28202i S:54878 M:261621464 (Ack:60064412)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.751 INFO <<< [E:28202i S:54878 M:60064413 (Ack:261621464)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.752 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.755 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.757 INFO <<< [E:28203i S:54878 M:60064414] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.950 INFO >>> [E:28203i S:54878 M:261621465 (Ack:60064414)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.965 INFO <<< [E:28203i S:54878 M:60064415 (Ack:261621465)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.966 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.969 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:55.971 INFO <<< [E:28204i S:54878 M:60064416] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.163 INFO >>> [E:28204i S:54878 M:261621466 (Ack:60064416)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.177 INFO <<< [E:28204i S:54878 M:60064417 (Ack:261621466)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.177 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.180 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.182 INFO <<< [E:28205i S:54878 M:60064418] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.372 INFO >>> [E:28205i S:54878 M:261621467 (Ack:60064418)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.386 INFO <<< [E:28205i S:54878 M:60064419 (Ack:261621467)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.387 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.390 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.392 INFO <<< [E:28206i S:54878 M:60064420] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.587 INFO >>> [E:28206i S:54878 M:261621468 (Ack:60064420)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.603 INFO <<< [E:28206i S:54878 M:60064421 (Ack:261621468)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.604 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=8 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.607 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.609 INFO <<< [E:28207i S:54878 M:60064422] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.796 INFO >>> [E:28207i S:54878 M:261621469 (Ack:60064422)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.812 INFO <<< [E:28207i S:54878 M:60064423 (Ack:261621469)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.812 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=9 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.816 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:56.819 INFO <<< [E:28208i S:54878 M:60064424] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.004 INFO >>> [E:28208i S:54878 M:261621470 (Ack:60064424)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.012 INFO <<< [E:28208i S:54878 M:60064425 (Ack:261621470)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.013 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.016 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.019 INFO <<< [E:28209i S:54878 M:60064426] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.214 INFO >>> [E:28209i S:54878 M:261621471 (Ack:60064426)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.227 INFO <<< [E:28209i S:54878 M:60064427 (Ack:261621471)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.228 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.230 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.233 INFO <<< [E:28210i S:54878 M:60064428] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.422 INFO >>> [E:28210i S:54878 M:261621472 (Ack:60064428)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.438 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=12 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.438 INFO <<< [E:28210i S:54878 M:60064429 (Ack:261621472)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.441 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.443 INFO <<< [E:28211i S:54878 M:60064430] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.634 INFO >>> [E:28211i S:54878 M:261621473 (Ack:60064430)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.647 INFO <<< [E:28211i S:54878 M:60064431 (Ack:261621473)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.648 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=13 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.650 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.653 INFO <<< [E:28212i S:54878 M:60064432] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.846 INFO >>> [E:28212i S:54878 M:261621474 (Ack:60064432)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.860 INFO <<< [E:28212i S:54878 M:60064433 (Ack:261621474)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.860 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=58 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.863 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:57.866 INFO <<< [E:28213i S:54878 M:60064434] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.060 INFO >>> [E:28213i S:54878 M:261621475 (Ack:60064434)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.073 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=59 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.074 INFO <<< [E:28213i S:54878 M:60064435 (Ack:261621475)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.077 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.079 INFO <<< [E:28214i S:54878 M:60064436] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.269 INFO >>> [E:28214i S:54878 M:261621476 (Ack:60064436)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.282 INFO <<< [E:28214i S:54878 M:60064437 (Ack:261621476)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.283 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=60 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.286 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.289 INFO <<< [E:28215i S:54878 M:60064438] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.480 INFO >>> [E:28215i S:54878 M:261621477 (Ack:60064438)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.495 INFO <<< [E:28215i S:54878 M:60064439 (Ack:261621477)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.495 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=61 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.498 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.501 INFO <<< [E:28216i S:54878 M:60064440] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.698 INFO >>> [E:28216i S:54878 M:261621478 (Ack:60064440)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.712 INFO <<< [E:28216i S:54878 M:60064441 (Ack:261621478)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.712 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=62 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.716 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.718 INFO <<< [E:28217i S:54878 M:60064442] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.905 INFO >>> [E:28217i S:54878 M:261621479 (Ack:60064442)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.920 INFO <<< [E:28217i S:54878 M:60064443 (Ack:261621479)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.921 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.924 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:58.926 INFO <<< [E:28218i S:54878 M:60064444] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.217 INFO >>> [E:28218i S:54878 M:261621480 (Ack:60064444)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.231 INFO <<< [E:28218i S:54878 M:60064445 (Ack:261621480)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.232 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.234 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.237 INFO <<< [E:28219i S:54878 M:60064446] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.429 INFO >>> [E:28219i S:54878 M:261621481 (Ack:60064446)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.444 INFO <<< [E:28219i S:54878 M:60064447 (Ack:261621481)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.444 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.447 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.449 INFO <<< [E:28220i S:54878 M:60064448] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.644 INFO >>> [E:28220i S:54878 M:261621482 (Ack:60064448)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.659 INFO <<< [E:28220i S:54878 M:60064449 (Ack:261621482)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.659 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.662 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.665 INFO <<< [E:28221i S:54878 M:60064450] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.852 INFO >>> [E:28221i S:54878 M:261621483 (Ack:60064450)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.866 INFO <<< [E:28221i S:54878 M:60064451 (Ack:261621483)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.867 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=53,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.870 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:55:59.872 INFO <<< [E:28222i S:54878 M:60064452] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.061 INFO >>> [E:28222i S:54878 M:261621484 (Ack:60064452)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.074 INFO <<< [E:28222i S:54878 M:60064453 (Ack:261621484)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.075 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.078 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.080 INFO <<< [E:28223i S:54878 M:60064454] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.274 INFO >>> [E:28223i S:54878 M:261621485 (Ack:60064454)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.286 INFO <<< [E:28223i S:54878 M:60064455 (Ack:261621485)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.286 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.289 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.292 INFO <<< [E:28224i S:54878 M:60064456] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.480 INFO >>> [E:28224i S:54878 M:261621486 (Ack:60064456)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.494 INFO <<< [E:28224i S:54878 M:60064457 (Ack:261621486)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.495 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.497 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.500 INFO <<< [E:28225i S:54878 M:60064458] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.693 INFO >>> [E:28225i S:54878 M:261621487 (Ack:60064458)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.704 INFO <<< [E:28225i S:54878 M:60064459 (Ack:261621487)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.705 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.708 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.710 INFO <<< [E:28226i S:54878 M:60064460] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.904 INFO >>> [E:28226i S:54878 M:261621488 (Ack:60064460)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.918 INFO <<< [E:28226i S:54878 M:60064461 (Ack:261621488)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.919 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.921 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:00.924 INFO <<< [E:28227i S:54878 M:60064462] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.118 INFO >>> [E:28227i S:54878 M:261621489 (Ack:60064462)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.133 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.134 INFO <<< [E:28227i S:54878 M:60064463 (Ack:261621489)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.137 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.139 INFO <<< [E:28228i S:54878 M:60064464] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.330 INFO >>> [E:28228i S:54878 M:261621490 (Ack:60064464)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.344 INFO <<< [E:28228i S:54878 M:60064465 (Ack:261621490)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.344 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.348 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.350 INFO <<< [E:28229i S:54878 M:60064466] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.541 INFO >>> [E:28229i S:54878 M:261621491 (Ack:60064466)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.554 INFO <<< [E:28229i S:54878 M:60064467 (Ack:261621491)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.555 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=60,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.558 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.561 INFO <<< [E:28230i S:54878 M:60064468] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.752 INFO >>> [E:28230i S:54878 M:261621492 (Ack:60064468)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.764 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.765 INFO <<< [E:28230i S:54878 M:60064469 (Ack:261621492)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.768 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:01.770 INFO <<< [E:28231i S:54878 M:60064470] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.000 INFO >>> [E:28231i S:54878 M:261621493 (Ack:60064470)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.017 INFO <<< [E:28231i S:54878 M:60064471 (Ack:261621493)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.018 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.021 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.023 INFO <<< [E:28232i S:54878 M:60064472] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.179 INFO >>> [E:28232i S:54878 M:261621494 (Ack:60064472)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.195 INFO <<< [E:28232i S:54878 M:60064473 (Ack:261621494)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.196 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.199 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.201 INFO <<< [E:28233i S:54878 M:60064474] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.384 INFO >>> [E:28233i S:54878 M:261621495 (Ack:60064474)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.398 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.398 INFO <<< [E:28233i S:54878 M:60064475 (Ack:261621495)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.401 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.404 INFO <<< [E:28234i S:54878 M:60064476] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.595 INFO >>> [E:28234i S:54878 M:261621496 (Ack:60064476)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.607 INFO <<< [E:28234i S:54878 M:60064477 (Ack:261621496)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.608 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.611 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.613 INFO <<< [E:28235i S:54878 M:60064478] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.828 INFO >>> [E:28235i S:54878 M:261621497 (Ack:60064478)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.842 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.842 INFO <<< [E:28235i S:54878 M:60064479 (Ack:261621497)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.846 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:02.848 INFO <<< [E:28236i S:54878 M:60064480] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.020 INFO >>> [E:28236i S:54878 M:261621498 (Ack:60064480)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.032 INFO <<< [E:28236i S:54878 M:60064481 (Ack:261621498)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.033 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.036 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.038 INFO <<< [E:28237i S:54878 M:60064482] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.232 INFO >>> [E:28237i S:54878 M:261621499 (Ack:60064482)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.246 INFO <<< [E:28237i S:54878 M:60064483 (Ack:261621499)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.247 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.250 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.253 INFO <<< [E:28238i S:54878 M:60064484] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.449 INFO >>> [E:28238i S:54878 M:261621500 (Ack:60064484)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.461 INFO <<< [E:28238i S:54878 M:60064485 (Ack:261621500)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.461 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.464 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.467 INFO <<< [E:28239i S:54878 M:60064486] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.661 INFO >>> [E:28239i S:54878 M:261621501 (Ack:60064486)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.671 INFO <<< [E:28239i S:54878 M:60064487 (Ack:261621501)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.672 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.679 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.681 INFO <<< [E:28240i S:54878 M:60064488] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.864 INFO >>> [E:28240i S:54878 M:261621502 (Ack:60064488)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.878 INFO <<< [E:28240i S:54878 M:60064489 (Ack:261621502)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.878 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=62,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.881 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:03.884 INFO <<< [E:28241i S:54878 M:60064490] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.078 INFO >>> [E:28241i S:54878 M:261621503 (Ack:60064490)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.091 INFO <<< [E:28241i S:54878 M:60064491 (Ack:261621503)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.092 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.094 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.097 INFO <<< [E:28242i S:54878 M:60064492] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.290 INFO >>> [E:28242i S:54878 M:261621504 (Ack:60064492)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.304 INFO <<< [E:28242i S:54878 M:60064493 (Ack:261621504)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.304 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.307 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.309 INFO <<< [E:28243i S:54878 M:60064494] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.500 INFO >>> [E:28243i S:54878 M:261621505 (Ack:60064494)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.514 INFO <<< [E:28243i S:54878 M:60064495 (Ack:261621505)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.515 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.517 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.520 INFO <<< [E:28244i S:54878 M:60064496] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.712 INFO >>> [E:28244i S:54878 M:261621506 (Ack:60064496)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.724 INFO <<< [E:28244i S:54878 M:60064497 (Ack:261621506)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.724 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.727 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.730 INFO <<< [E:28245i S:54878 M:60064498] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.925 INFO >>> [E:28245i S:54878 M:261621507 (Ack:60064498)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.938 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.938 INFO <<< [E:28245i S:54878 M:60064499 (Ack:261621507)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.941 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:04.943 INFO <<< [E:28246i S:54878 M:60064500] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.135 INFO >>> [E:28246i S:54878 M:261621508 (Ack:60064500)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.146 INFO <<< [E:28246i S:54878 M:60064501 (Ack:261621508)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.147 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.150 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.153 INFO <<< [E:28247i S:54878 M:60064502] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.348 INFO >>> [E:28247i S:54878 M:261621509 (Ack:60064502)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.363 INFO <<< [E:28247i S:54878 M:60064503 (Ack:261621509)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.363 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.366 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.369 INFO <<< [E:28248i S:54878 M:60064504] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.562 INFO >>> [E:28248i S:54878 M:261621510 (Ack:60064504)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.574 INFO <<< [E:28248i S:54878 M:60064505 (Ack:261621510)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.575 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.578 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.581 INFO <<< [E:28249i S:54878 M:60064506] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.771 INFO >>> [E:28249i S:54878 M:261621511 (Ack:60064506)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.783 INFO <<< [E:28249i S:54878 M:60064507 (Ack:261621511)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.784 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=63,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.787 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.790 INFO <<< [E:28250i S:54878 M:60064508] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.982 INFO >>> [E:28250i S:54878 M:261621512 (Ack:60064508)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.996 INFO <<< [E:28250i S:54878 M:60064509 (Ack:261621512)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:05.997 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.000 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.002 INFO <<< [E:28251i S:54878 M:60064510] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.194 INFO >>> [E:28251i S:54878 M:261621513 (Ack:60064510)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.206 INFO <<< [E:28251i S:54878 M:60064511 (Ack:261621513)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.207 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.209 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.212 INFO <<< [E:28252i S:54878 M:60064512] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.404 INFO >>> [E:28252i S:54878 M:261621514 (Ack:60064512)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.415 INFO <<< [E:28252i S:54878 M:60064513 (Ack:261621514)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.415 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.420 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.422 INFO <<< [E:28253i S:54878 M:60064514] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.615 INFO >>> [E:28253i S:54878 M:261621515 (Ack:60064514)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.630 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.630 INFO <<< [E:28253i S:54878 M:60064515 (Ack:261621515)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.633 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.635 INFO <<< [E:28254i S:54878 M:60064516] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.826 INFO >>> [E:28254i S:54878 M:261621516 (Ack:60064516)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.840 INFO <<< [E:28254i S:54878 M:60064517 (Ack:261621516)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.840 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.843 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:06.846 INFO <<< [E:28255i S:54878 M:60064518] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.038 INFO >>> [E:28255i S:54878 M:261621517 (Ack:60064518)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.051 INFO <<< [E:28255i S:54878 M:60064519 (Ack:261621517)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.052 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.055 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.057 INFO <<< [E:28256i S:54878 M:60064520] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.253 INFO >>> [E:28256i S:54878 M:261621518 (Ack:60064520)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.266 INFO <<< [E:28256i S:54878 M:60064521 (Ack:261621518)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.266 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.270 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.273 INFO <<< [E:28257i S:54878 M:60064522] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.463 INFO >>> [E:28257i S:54878 M:261621519 (Ack:60064522)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.476 INFO <<< [E:28257i S:54878 M:60064523 (Ack:261621519)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.476 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=0,cluster_id=70,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.480 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.482 INFO <<< [E:28258i S:54878 M:60064524] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.674 INFO >>> [E:28258i S:54878 M:261621520 (Ack:60064524)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.688 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.689 INFO <<< [E:28258i S:54878 M:60064525 (Ack:261621520)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.692 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.694 INFO <<< [E:28259i S:54878 M:60064526] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.886 INFO >>> [E:28259i S:54878 M:261621521 (Ack:60064526)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.897 INFO <<< [E:28259i S:54878 M:60064527 (Ack:261621521)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.897 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.901 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:07.904 INFO <<< [E:28260i S:54878 M:60064528] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.095 INFO >>> [E:28260i S:54878 M:261621522 (Ack:60064528)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.108 INFO <<< [E:28260i S:54878 M:60064529 (Ack:261621522)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.108 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.111 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.113 INFO <<< [E:28261i S:54878 M:60064530] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.308 INFO >>> [E:28261i S:54878 M:261621523 (Ack:60064530)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.323 INFO <<< [E:28261i S:54878 M:60064531 (Ack:261621523)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.323 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.326 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.328 INFO <<< [E:28262i S:54878 M:60064532] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.518 INFO >>> [E:28262i S:54878 M:261621524 (Ack:60064532)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.530 INFO <<< [E:28262i S:54878 M:60064533 (Ack:261621524)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.531 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.534 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.537 INFO <<< [E:28263i S:54878 M:60064534] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.733 INFO >>> [E:28263i S:54878 M:261621525 (Ack:60064534)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.746 INFO <<< [E:28263i S:54878 M:60064535 (Ack:261621525)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.746 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.749 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.752 INFO <<< [E:28264i S:54878 M:60064536] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.940 INFO >>> [E:28264i S:54878 M:261621526 (Ack:60064536)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.954 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=3,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.954 INFO <<< [E:28264i S:54878 M:60064537 (Ack:261621526)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.957 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:08.959 INFO <<< [E:28265i S:54878 M:60064538] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.154 INFO >>> [E:28265i S:54878 M:261621527 (Ack:60064538)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.167 INFO <<< [E:28265i S:54878 M:60064539 (Ack:261621527)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.168 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.170 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.173 INFO <<< [E:28266i S:54878 M:60064540] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.364 INFO >>> [E:28266i S:54878 M:261621528 (Ack:60064540)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.377 INFO <<< [E:28266i S:54878 M:60064541 (Ack:261621528)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.378 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.380 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.383 INFO <<< [E:28267i S:54878 M:60064542] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.578 INFO >>> [E:28267i S:54878 M:261621529 (Ack:60064542)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.592 INFO <<< [E:28267i S:54878 M:60064543 (Ack:261621529)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.592 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.595 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.598 INFO <<< [E:28268i S:54878 M:60064544] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.793 INFO >>> [E:28268i S:54878 M:261621530 (Ack:60064544)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.807 INFO <<< [E:28268i S:54878 M:60064545 (Ack:261621530)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.807 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.810 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:09.812 INFO <<< [E:28269i S:54878 M:60064546] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.003 INFO >>> [E:28269i S:54878 M:261621531 (Ack:60064546)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.016 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.017 INFO <<< [E:28269i S:54878 M:60064547 (Ack:261621531)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.020 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.023 INFO <<< [E:28270i S:54878 M:60064548] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.212 INFO >>> [E:28270i S:54878 M:261621532 (Ack:60064548)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.226 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=4,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.226 INFO <<< [E:28270i S:54878 M:60064549 (Ack:261621532)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.229 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.232 INFO <<< [E:28271i S:54878 M:60064550] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.422 INFO >>> [E:28271i S:54878 M:261621533 (Ack:60064550)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.436 INFO <<< [E:28271i S:54878 M:60064551 (Ack:261621533)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.437 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.439 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.442 INFO <<< [E:28272i S:54878 M:60064552] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.635 INFO >>> [E:28272i S:54878 M:261621534 (Ack:60064552)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.651 INFO <<< [E:28272i S:54878 M:60064553 (Ack:261621534)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.652 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.655 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.657 INFO <<< [E:28273i S:54878 M:60064554] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.847 INFO >>> [E:28273i S:54878 M:261621535 (Ack:60064554)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.861 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.861 INFO <<< [E:28273i S:54878 M:60064555 (Ack:261621535)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.864 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:10.867 INFO <<< [E:28274i S:54878 M:60064556] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.058 INFO >>> [E:28274i S:54878 M:261621536 (Ack:60064556)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.072 INFO <<< [E:28274i S:54878 M:60064557 (Ack:261621536)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.072 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.075 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.077 INFO <<< [E:28275i S:54878 M:60064558] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.271 INFO >>> [E:28275i S:54878 M:261621537 (Ack:60064558)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.285 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.285 INFO <<< [E:28275i S:54878 M:60064559 (Ack:261621537)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.289 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.291 INFO <<< [E:28276i S:54878 M:60064560] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.478 INFO >>> [E:28276i S:54878 M:261621538 (Ack:60064560)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.492 INFO <<< [E:28276i S:54878 M:60064561 (Ack:261621538)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.492 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.496 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.498 INFO <<< [E:28277i S:54878 M:60064562] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.694 INFO >>> [E:28277i S:54878 M:261621539 (Ack:60064562)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.705 INFO <<< [E:28277i S:54878 M:60064563 (Ack:261621539)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.705 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.708 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.711 INFO <<< [E:28278i S:54878 M:60064564] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.907 INFO >>> [E:28278i S:54878 M:261621540 (Ack:60064564)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.920 INFO <<< [E:28278i S:54878 M:60064565 (Ack:261621540)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.921 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.924 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:11.926 INFO <<< [E:28279i S:54878 M:60064566] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.113 INFO >>> [E:28279i S:54878 M:261621541 (Ack:60064566)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.127 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=29,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.127 INFO <<< [E:28279i S:54878 M:60064567 (Ack:261621541)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.130 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.133 INFO <<< [E:28280i S:54878 M:60064568] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.323 INFO >>> [E:28280i S:54878 M:261621542 (Ack:60064568)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.335 INFO <<< [E:28280i S:54878 M:60064569 (Ack:261621542)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.336 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.338 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.341 INFO <<< [E:28281i S:54878 M:60064570] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.538 INFO >>> [E:28281i S:54878 M:261621543 (Ack:60064570)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.552 INFO <<< [E:28281i S:54878 M:60064571 (Ack:261621543)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.552 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.555 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.558 INFO <<< [E:28282i S:54878 M:60064572] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.749 INFO >>> [E:28282i S:54878 M:261621544 (Ack:60064572)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.763 INFO <<< [E:28282i S:54878 M:60064573 (Ack:261621544)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.764 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.767 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.769 INFO <<< [E:28283i S:54878 M:60064574] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.960 INFO >>> [E:28283i S:54878 M:261621545 (Ack:60064574)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.975 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.975 INFO <<< [E:28283i S:54878 M:60064575 (Ack:261621545)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.978 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:12.980 INFO <<< [E:28284i S:54878 M:60064576] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.176 INFO >>> [E:28284i S:54878 M:261621546 (Ack:60064576)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.189 INFO <<< [E:28284i S:54878 M:60064577 (Ack:261621546)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.190 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.193 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.196 INFO <<< [E:28285i S:54878 M:60064578] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.385 INFO >>> [E:28285i S:54878 M:261621547 (Ack:60064578)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.401 INFO <<< [E:28285i S:54878 M:60064579 (Ack:261621547)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.401 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=30,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.404 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.406 INFO <<< [E:28286i S:54878 M:60064580] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.596 INFO >>> [E:28286i S:54878 M:261621548 (Ack:60064580)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.610 INFO <<< [E:28286i S:54878 M:60064581 (Ack:261621548)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.610 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.613 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.616 INFO <<< [E:28287i S:54878 M:60064582] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.807 INFO >>> [E:28287i S:54878 M:261621549 (Ack:60064582)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.822 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.822 INFO <<< [E:28287i S:54878 M:60064583 (Ack:261621549)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.825 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:13.827 INFO <<< [E:28288i S:54878 M:60064584] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.018 INFO >>> [E:28288i S:54878 M:261621550 (Ack:60064584)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.030 INFO <<< [E:28288i S:54878 M:60064585 (Ack:261621550)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.030 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=2 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.034 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.037 INFO <<< [E:28289i S:54878 M:60064586] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.236 INFO >>> [E:28289i S:54878 M:261621551 (Ack:60064586)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.248 INFO <<< [E:28289i S:54878 M:60064587 (Ack:261621551)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.248 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.252 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.255 INFO <<< [E:28290i S:54878 M:60064588] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.443 INFO >>> [E:28290i S:54878 M:261621552 (Ack:60064588)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.456 INFO <<< [E:28290i S:54878 M:60064589 (Ack:261621552)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.457 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=12 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.459 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.462 INFO <<< [E:28291i S:54878 M:60064590] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.653 INFO >>> [E:28291i S:54878 M:261621553 (Ack:60064590)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.667 INFO <<< [E:28291i S:54878 M:60064591 (Ack:261621553)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.667 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=14 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.670 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.673 INFO <<< [E:28292i S:54878 M:60064592] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.862 INFO >>> [E:28292i S:54878 M:261621554 (Ack:60064592)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.875 INFO <<< [E:28292i S:54878 M:60064593 (Ack:261621554)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.876 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=15 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.879 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:14.881 INFO <<< [E:28293i S:54878 M:60064594] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.074 INFO >>> [E:28293i S:54878 M:261621555 (Ack:60064594)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.085 INFO <<< [E:28293i S:54878 M:60064595 (Ack:261621555)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.086 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=16 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.089 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.092 INFO <<< [E:28294i S:54878 M:60064596] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.289 INFO >>> [E:28294i S:54878 M:261621556 (Ack:60064596)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.301 INFO <<< [E:28294i S:54878 M:60064597 (Ack:261621556)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.301 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=19 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.305 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.307 INFO <<< [E:28295i S:54878 M:60064598] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.504 INFO >>> [E:28295i S:54878 M:261621557 (Ack:60064598)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.518 INFO <<< [E:28295i S:54878 M:60064599 (Ack:261621557)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.518 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=25 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.521 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.524 INFO <<< [E:28296i S:54878 M:60064600] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.709 INFO >>> [E:28296i S:54878 M:261621558 (Ack:60064600)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.722 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=31 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.722 INFO <<< [E:28296i S:54878 M:60064601 (Ack:261621558)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.725 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.727 INFO <<< [E:28297i S:54878 M:60064602] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.922 INFO >>> [E:28297i S:54878 M:261621559 (Ack:60064602)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.936 INFO <<< [E:28297i S:54878 M:60064603 (Ack:261621559)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.936 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.939 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:15.942 INFO <<< [E:28298i S:54878 M:60064604] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.134 INFO >>> [E:28298i S:54878 M:261621560 (Ack:60064604)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.146 INFO <<< [E:28298i S:54878 M:60064605 (Ack:261621560)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.147 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.150 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.152 INFO <<< [E:28299i S:54878 M:60064606] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.344 INFO >>> [E:28299i S:54878 M:261621561 (Ack:60064606)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.356 INFO <<< [E:28299i S:54878 M:60064607 (Ack:261621561)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.357 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.360 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.363 INFO <<< [E:28300i S:54878 M:60064608] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.562 INFO >>> [E:28300i S:54878 M:261621562 (Ack:60064608)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.575 INFO <<< [E:28300i S:54878 M:60064609 (Ack:261621562)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.575 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.578 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.581 INFO <<< [E:28301i S:54878 M:60064610] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.768 INFO >>> [E:28301i S:54878 M:261621563 (Ack:60064610)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.781 INFO <<< [E:28301i S:54878 M:60064611 (Ack:261621563)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.781 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=47,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.784 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.786 INFO <<< [E:28302i S:54878 M:60064612] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.983 INFO >>> [E:28302i S:54878 M:261621564 (Ack:60064612)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.994 INFO <<< [E:28302i S:54878 M:60064613 (Ack:261621564)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.995 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:16.998 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.000 INFO <<< [E:28303i S:54878 M:60064614] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.199 INFO >>> [E:28303i S:54878 M:261621565 (Ack:60064614)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.217 INFO <<< [E:28303i S:54878 M:60064615 (Ack:261621565)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.217 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.220 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.222 INFO <<< [E:28304i S:54878 M:60064616] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.400 INFO >>> [E:28304i S:54878 M:261621566 (Ack:60064616)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.415 INFO <<< [E:28304i S:54878 M:60064617 (Ack:261621566)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.415 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.418 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.420 INFO <<< [E:28305i S:54878 M:60064618] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.630 INFO >>> [E:28305i S:54878 M:261621567 (Ack:60064618)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.643 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.644 INFO <<< [E:28305i S:54878 M:60064619 (Ack:261621567)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.647 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.649 INFO <<< [E:28306i S:54878 M:60064620] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.830 INFO >>> [E:28306i S:54878 M:261621568 (Ack:60064620)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.844 INFO <<< [E:28306i S:54878 M:60064621 (Ack:261621568)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.844 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.847 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:17.850 INFO <<< [E:28307i S:54878 M:60064622] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.039 INFO >>> [E:28307i S:54878 M:261621569 (Ack:60064622)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.054 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=64,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.054 INFO <<< [E:28307i S:54878 M:60064623 (Ack:261621569)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.057 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.060 INFO <<< [E:28308i S:54878 M:60064624] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.248 INFO >>> [E:28308i S:54878 M:261621570 (Ack:60064624)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.260 INFO <<< [E:28308i S:54878 M:60064625 (Ack:261621570)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.261 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.263 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.266 INFO <<< [E:28309i S:54878 M:60064626] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.462 INFO >>> [E:28309i S:54878 M:261621571 (Ack:60064626)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.477 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.477 INFO <<< [E:28309i S:54878 M:60064627 (Ack:261621571)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.480 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.482 INFO <<< [E:28310i S:54878 M:60064628] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.671 INFO >>> [E:28310i S:54878 M:261621572 (Ack:60064628)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.684 INFO <<< [E:28310i S:54878 M:60064629 (Ack:261621572)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.684 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.689 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.692 INFO <<< [E:28311i S:54878 M:60064630] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.885 INFO >>> [E:28311i S:54878 M:261621573 (Ack:60064630)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.899 INFO <<< [E:28311i S:54878 M:60064631 (Ack:261621573)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.900 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.902 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:18.905 INFO <<< [E:28312i S:54878 M:60064632] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.096 INFO >>> [E:28312i S:54878 M:261621574 (Ack:60064632)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.113 INFO <<< [E:28312i S:54878 M:60064633 (Ack:261621574)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.113 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.116 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.119 INFO <<< [E:28313i S:54878 M:60064634] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.308 INFO >>> [E:28313i S:54878 M:261621575 (Ack:60064634)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.320 INFO <<< [E:28313i S:54878 M:60064635 (Ack:261621575)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.321 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=65,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.323 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.326 INFO <<< [E:28314i S:54878 M:60064636] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.518 INFO >>> [E:28314i S:54878 M:261621576 (Ack:60064636)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.531 INFO <<< [E:28314i S:54878 M:60064637 (Ack:261621576)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.531 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.534 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.537 INFO <<< [E:28315i S:54878 M:60064638] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.731 INFO >>> [E:28315i S:54878 M:261621577 (Ack:60064638)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.746 INFO <<< [E:28315i S:54878 M:60064639 (Ack:261621577)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.746 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=1 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.749 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.752 INFO <<< [E:28316i S:54878 M:60064640] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.941 INFO >>> [E:28316i S:54878 M:261621578 (Ack:60064640)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.953 INFO <<< [E:28316i S:54878 M:60064641 (Ack:261621578)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.954 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=3 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.957 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:19.960 INFO <<< [E:28317i S:54878 M:60064642] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.152 INFO >>> [E:28317i S:54878 M:261621579 (Ack:60064642)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.165 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=4 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.166 INFO <<< [E:28317i S:54878 M:60064643 (Ack:261621579)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.169 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.171 INFO <<< [E:28318i S:54878 M:60064644] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.365 INFO >>> [E:28318i S:54878 M:261621580 (Ack:60064644)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.378 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=5 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.378 INFO <<< [E:28318i S:54878 M:60064645 (Ack:261621580)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.381 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.383 INFO <<< [E:28319i S:54878 M:60064646] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.576 INFO >>> [E:28319i S:54878 M:261621581 (Ack:60064646)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.587 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=6 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.587 INFO <<< [E:28319i S:54878 M:60064647 (Ack:261621581)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.591 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.593 INFO <<< [E:28320i S:54878 M:60064648] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.787 INFO >>> [E:28320i S:54878 M:261621582 (Ack:60064648)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.799 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=7 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.799 INFO <<< [E:28320i S:54878 M:60064649 (Ack:261621582)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.802 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.805 INFO <<< [E:28321i S:54878 M:60064650] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:20.999 INFO >>> [E:28321i S:54878 M:261621583 (Ack:60064650)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.012 INFO <<< [E:28321i S:54878 M:60064651 (Ack:261621583)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.013 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=10 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.016 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.018 INFO <<< [E:28322i S:54878 M:60064652] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.212 INFO >>> [E:28322i S:54878 M:261621584 (Ack:60064652)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.226 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=11 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.227 INFO <<< [E:28322i S:54878 M:60064653 (Ack:261621584)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.229 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.232 INFO <<< [E:28323i S:54878 M:60064654] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.423 INFO >>> [E:28323i S:54878 M:261621585 (Ack:60064654)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.437 INFO <<< [E:28323i S:54878 M:60064655 (Ack:261621585)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.437 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65528 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.440 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.442 INFO <<< [E:28324i S:54878 M:60064656] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.634 INFO >>> [E:28324i S:54878 M:261621586 (Ack:60064656)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.648 INFO <<< [E:28324i S:54878 M:60064657 (Ack:261621586)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.648 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65529 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.650 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.654 INFO <<< [E:28325i S:54878 M:60064658] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.849 INFO >>> [E:28325i S:54878 M:261621587 (Ack:60064658)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.863 INFO <<< [E:28325i S:54878 M:60064659 (Ack:261621587)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.864 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65531 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.866 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:21.869 INFO <<< [E:28326i S:54878 M:60064660] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.065 INFO >>> [E:28326i S:54878 M:261621588 (Ack:60064660)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.078 INFO <<< [E:28326i S:54878 M:60064661 (Ack:261621588)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.078 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65532 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.081 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.084 INFO <<< [E:28327i S:54878 M:60064662] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.272 INFO >>> [E:28327i S:54878 M:261621589 (Ack:60064662)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.288 INFO <<< [E:28327i S:54878 M:60064663 (Ack:261621589)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.288 INFO TYZ endpoint_id=1,cluster_id=92,attribute_id=65533 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.291 INFO Found an existing secure session to [2:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.293 INFO <<< [E:28328i S:54878 M:60064664] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.482 INFO >>> [E:28328i S:54878 M:261621590 (Ack:60064664)] (S) Msg RX from 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.495 INFO <<< [E:28328i S:54878 M:60064665 (Ack:261621590)] (S) Msg TX to 2:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.500 INFO Found an existing secure session to [1:0000000012344321]! [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.505 INFO <<< [E:28329i S:54877 M:75947346] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0001:06 (IM:WriteRequest) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.728 INFO >>> [E:28329i S:54877 M:15744162 (Ack:75947346)] (S) Msg RX from 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] --- Type 0001:07 (IM:WriteResponse) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.739 INFO <<< [E:28329i S:54877 M:75947347 (Ack:15744162)] (S) Msg TX to 1:0000000012344321 [EA86] [UDP:[fd80:5bee:dd34:1:b7b:f22f:aac0:e074%wpan0]:5540] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck) [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.742 INFO Finished test in 256764ms [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.744 INFO [Test] test_TC_ACE_2_1 PASS [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.749 INFO ########################################################### [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.749 INFO Problems found: [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.749 INFO =============== [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.750 INFO Problem: ProblemSeverity.WARNING test_name: Spec XML parsing location: Endpoint: 0, Cluster: 257 (0x101) DoorLock, Command: 32 (0x20) problem: Command with unknown direction spec_location: [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.750 INFO Problem: ProblemSeverity.WARNING test_name: Spec XML parsing location: Endpoint: 0, Cluster: 257 (0x101) DoorLock, Command: 33 (0x21) problem: Command with unknown direction spec_location: [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.751 INFO ########################################################### [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.752 INFO Summary for test class AccessChecker: Error 0, Executed 1, Failed 0, Passed 1, Requested 1, Skipped 0 [MatterTest] 09-27 06:56:22.757 INFO Summary for test run MatterTest@09-27-2024_06-51-50-301: Total time elapsed 272.45298690200434s Artifacts are saved in "/tmp/matter_testing/logs/MatterTest/09-27-2024_06-51-50-301" Test summary saved in "/tmp/matter_testing/logs/MatterTest/09-27-2024_06-51-50-301/test_summary.yaml" Test results: Error 0, Executed 2, Failed 0, Passed 2, Requested 2, Skipped 0 INFO:root:Finished test set, ran for 272454052.0ms DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:Shutting down the commissioner DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:Shutting down the controller DEBUG:chip.native.IN:Expiring all sessions for fabric 0x1!! DEBUG:chip.native.IN:SecureSession[0xffff80010020]: MarkForEviction Type:2 LSID:54877 INFO:chip.native.SC:SecureSession[0xffff80010020, LSID:54877]: State change 'kActive' --> 'kPendingEviction' DEBUG:chip.native.IN:SecureSession[0xffff80010020]: Released - Type:2 LSID:54877 INFO:chip.native.FP:Forgetting fabric 0x1 INFO:chip.native.TS:Pending Last Known Good Time: 2023-10-14T01:16:48 DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:StorageAdapter::GetKeyValue: Key = g/lkgt, Value = 0xffff8f44d820 (18) DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:Key Found 8 INFO:chip.native.TS:Previous Last Known Good Time: 2023-10-14T01:16:48 INFO:chip.native.TS:Reverted Last Known Good Time to previous value DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:Shutting down the commissioner DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:Shutting down the controller DEBUG:chip.native.IN:Expiring all sessions for fabric 0x2!! DEBUG:chip.native.IN:SecureSession[0xffff80007b70]: MarkForEviction Type:2 LSID:54878 INFO:chip.native.SC:SecureSession[0xffff80007b70, LSID:54878]: State change 'kActive' --> 'kPendingEviction' DEBUG:chip.native.IN:SecureSession[0xffff80007b70]: Released - Type:2 LSID:54878 INFO:chip.native.FP:Forgetting fabric 0x2 INFO:chip.native.TS:Pending Last Known Good Time: 2023-10-14T01:16:48 DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:StorageAdapter::GetKeyValue: Key = g/lkgt, Value = 0xffff8f44d820 (18) DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:Key Found 8 INFO:chip.native.TS:Previous Last Known Good Time: 2023-10-14T01:16:48 INFO:chip.native.TS:Reverted Last Known Good Time to previous value ERROR:chip.native.CTL:Shutting down the stack... DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:Shutting down the System State, this will teardown the CHIP Stack DEBUG:chip.native.IN:SecureSession[0xaaaafd1745b0]: Released - Type:2 LSID:54875 DEBUG:chip.native.DMG:All ReadHandler-s are clean, clear GlobalDirtySet INFO:chip.native.FP:Shutting down FabricTable INFO:chip.native.TS:Pending Last Known Good Time: 2023-10-14T01:16:48 DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:StorageAdapter::GetKeyValue: Key = g/lkgt, Value = 0xfffff2e0cde0 (18) DEBUG:chip.native.CTL:Key Found 8 INFO:chip.native.TS:Previous Last Known Good Time: 2023-10-14T01:16:48 INFO:chip.native.TS:Reverted Last Known Good Time to previous value INFO:chip.native.DL:writing settings to file (/tmp/chip_counters.ini-yhm9E1) INFO:chip.native.DL:renamed tmp file to file (/tmp/chip_counters.ini) INFO:chip.native.DL:NVS set: chip-counters/total-operational-hours = 0 (0x0) ERROR:chip.native.DL:Inet Layer shutdown ERROR:chip.native.DL:BLE shutdown ERROR:chip.native.DL:System Layer shutdown INFO:root:Final result: PASS !