/* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from * the file. * */ /** @file * * @defgroup ble_sdk_app_template_main main.c * @{ * @ingroup ble_sdk_app_template * @brief Template project main file. * * This file contains a template for creating a new application. It has the code necessary to wakeup * from button, advertise, get a connection restart advertising on disconnect and if no new * connection created go back to system-off mode. * It can easily be used as a starting point for creating a new application, the comments identified * with 'YOUR_JOB' indicates where and how you can customize. */ #include #include #include #include "nordic_common.h" #include "nrf.h" #include "app_error.h" #include "ble.h" #include "ble_hci.h" #include "ble_srv_common.h" #include "ble_advdata.h" #include "ble_advertising.h" #include "ble_conn_params.h" #include "boards.h" #include "softdevice_handler.h" #include "app_timer.h" #include "fstorage.h" #include "fds.h" #include "peer_manager.h" #include "nrf_drv_twi.h" #include "nrf_delay.h" #include "BME280.h" #include "BME280.c" #include "bsp.h" #include "bsp_btn_ble.h" #include "sensorsim.h" #include "nrf_gpio.h" #include "ble_hci.h" #include "ble_advdata.h" #include "ble_advertising.h" #include "ble_conn_state.h" #include "app_uart.h" #define NRF_LOG_MODULE_NAME "APP" #include "nrf_log.h" #include "nrf_log_ctrl.h" #define IS_SRVC_CHANGED_CHARACT_PRESENT 1 /**< Include or not the service_changed characteristic. if not enabled, the server's database cannot be changed for the lifetime of the device*/ #define UART_TX_BUF_SIZE 256 /**< UART TX buffer size. */ #define UART_RX_BUF_SIZE 256 /**< UART RX buffer size. */ #if (NRF_SD_BLE_API_VERSION == 3) #define NRF_BLE_MAX_MTU_SIZE GATT_MTU_SIZE_DEFAULT /**< MTU size used in the softdevice enabling and to reply to a BLE_GATTS_EVT_EXCHANGE_MTU_REQUEST event. */ #endif #define APP_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED BLE_GATT_STATUS_ATTERR_APP_BEGIN + 2 /**< Reply when unsupported features are requested. */ #define CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT 0 /**< Number of central links used by the application. When changing this number remember to adjust the RAM settings*/ #define PERIPHERAL_LINK_COUNT 1 /**< Number of peripheral links used by the application. When changing this number remember to adjust the RAM settings*/ #define DEVICE_NAME "Roambee" /**< Name of device. Will be included in the advertising data. */ #define MANUFACTURER_NAME "NordicSemiconductor" /**< Manufacturer. Will be passed to Device Information Service. */ #define APP_ADV_INTERVAL 300 /**< The advertising interval (in units of 0.625 ms. This value corresponds to 187.5 ms). */ #define APP_ADV_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS 180 /**< The advertising timeout in units of seconds. */ #define APP_CFG_NON_CONN_ADV_TIMEOUT 0 #define APP_TIMER_PRESCALER 0 /**< Value of the RTC1 PRESCALER register. */ #define APP_TIMER_OP_QUEUE_SIZE 4 /**< Size of timer operation queues. */ #define MIN_CONN_INTERVAL MSEC_TO_UNITS(100, UNIT_1_25_MS) /**< Minimum acceptable connection interval (0.1 seconds). */ #define MAX_CONN_INTERVAL MSEC_TO_UNITS(200, UNIT_1_25_MS) /**< Maximum acceptable connection interval (0.2 second). */ #define SLAVE_LATENCY 0 /**< Slave latency. */ #define CONN_SUP_TIMEOUT MSEC_TO_UNITS(4000, UNIT_10_MS) /**< Connection supervisory timeout (4 seconds). */ #define FIRST_CONN_PARAMS_UPDATE_DELAY APP_TIMER_TICKS(5000, APP_TIMER_PRESCALER) /**< Time from initiating event (connect or start of notification) to first time sd_ble_gap_conn_param_update is called (5 seconds). */ #define NEXT_CONN_PARAMS_UPDATE_DELAY APP_TIMER_TICKS(30000, APP_TIMER_PRESCALER) /**< Time between each call to sd_ble_gap_conn_param_update after the first call (30 seconds). */ #define MAX_CONN_PARAMS_UPDATE_COUNT 3 /**< Number of attempts before giving up the connection parameter negotiation. */ #define SEC_PARAM_BOND 1 /**< Perform bonding. */ #define SEC_PARAM_MITM 0 /**< Man In The Middle protection not required. */ #define SEC_PARAM_LESC 0 /**< LE Secure Connections not enabled. */ #define SEC_PARAM_KEYPRESS 0 /**< Keypress notifications not enabled. */ #define SEC_PARAM_IO_CAPABILITIES BLE_GAP_IO_CAPS_NONE /**< No I/O capabilities. */ #define SEC_PARAM_OOB 0 /**< Out Of Band data not available. */ #define SEC_PARAM_MIN_KEY_SIZE 7 /**< Minimum encryption key size. */ #define SEC_PARAM_MAX_KEY_SIZE 16 /**< Maximum encryption key size. */ #define DEAD_BEEF 0xDEADBEEF /**< Value used as error code on stack dump, can be used to identify stack location on stack unwind. */ static uint16_t m_conn_handle = BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID; /**< Handle of the current connection. */ float readFloatPressure( void ); float readTempC( void ); float readFloatHumidity( void ); /* YOUR_JOB: Declare all services structure your application is using static ble_xx_service_t m_xxs; static ble_yy_service_t m_yys; */ // YOUR_JOB: Use UUIDs for service(s) used in your application. static ble_uuid_t m_adv_uuids[] = {{0xFFE1, BLE_UUID_TYPE_BLE}}; /**< Universally unique service identifiers. */ static void advertising_start(void); /**@brief Callback function for asserts in the SoftDevice. * * @details This function will be called in case of an assert in the SoftDevice. * * @warning This handler is an example only and does not fit a final product. You need to analyze * how your product is supposed to react in case of Assert. * @warning On assert from the SoftDevice, the system can only recover on reset. * * @param[in] line_num Line number of the failing ASSERT call. * @param[in] file_name File name of the failing ASSERT call. */ void assert_nrf_callback(uint16_t line_num, const uint8_t * p_file_name) { app_error_handler(DEAD_BEEF, line_num, p_file_name); } void uart_error_handle(app_uart_evt_t * p_event) { if (p_event->evt_type == APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR) { APP_ERROR_HANDLER(p_event->data.error_communication); } else if (p_event->evt_type == APP_UART_FIFO_ERROR) { APP_ERROR_HANDLER(p_event->data.error_code); } } /**@brief Function for handling Peer Manager events. * * @param[in] p_evt Peer Manager event. */ static void pm_evt_handler(pm_evt_t const * p_evt) { ret_code_t err_code; switch (p_evt->evt_id) { case PM_EVT_BONDED_PEER_CONNECTED: { NRF_LOG_INFO("Connected to a previously bonded device.\r\n"); } break; case PM_EVT_CONN_SEC_SUCCEEDED: { NRF_LOG_INFO("Connection secured. Role: %d. conn_handle: %d, Procedure: %d\r\n", ble_conn_state_role(p_evt->conn_handle), p_evt->conn_handle, p_evt->params.conn_sec_succeeded.procedure); } break; case PM_EVT_CONN_SEC_FAILED: { /* Often, when securing fails, it shouldn't be restarted, for security reasons. * Other times, it can be restarted directly. * Sometimes it can be restarted, but only after changing some Security Parameters. * Sometimes, it cannot be restarted until the link is disconnected and reconnected. * Sometimes it is impossible, to secure the link, or the peer device does not support it. * How to handle this error is highly application dependent. */ } break; case PM_EVT_CONN_SEC_CONFIG_REQ: { // Reject pairing request from an already bonded peer. pm_conn_sec_config_t conn_sec_config = {.allow_repairing = false}; pm_conn_sec_config_reply(p_evt->conn_handle, &conn_sec_config); } break; case PM_EVT_STORAGE_FULL: { // Run garbage collection on the flash. err_code = fds_gc(); if (err_code == FDS_ERR_BUSY || err_code == FDS_ERR_NO_SPACE_IN_QUEUES) { // Retry. } else { APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } } break; case PM_EVT_PEERS_DELETE_SUCCEEDED: { advertising_start(); } break; case PM_EVT_LOCAL_DB_CACHE_APPLY_FAILED: { // The local database has likely changed, send service changed indications. pm_local_database_has_changed(); } break; case PM_EVT_PEER_DATA_UPDATE_FAILED: { // Assert. APP_ERROR_CHECK(p_evt->params.peer_data_update_failed.error); } break; case PM_EVT_PEER_DELETE_FAILED: { // Assert. APP_ERROR_CHECK(p_evt->params.peer_delete_failed.error); } break; case PM_EVT_PEERS_DELETE_FAILED: { // Assert. APP_ERROR_CHECK(p_evt->params.peers_delete_failed_evt.error); } break; case PM_EVT_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: { // Assert. APP_ERROR_CHECK(p_evt->params.error_unexpected.error); } break; case PM_EVT_CONN_SEC_START: case PM_EVT_PEER_DATA_UPDATE_SUCCEEDED: case PM_EVT_PEER_DELETE_SUCCEEDED: case PM_EVT_LOCAL_DB_CACHE_APPLIED: case PM_EVT_SERVICE_CHANGED_IND_SENT: case PM_EVT_SERVICE_CHANGED_IND_CONFIRMED: default: break; } } /**@brief Function for the Timer initialization. * * @details Initializes the timer module. This creates and starts application timers. */ static void timers_init(void) { // Initialize timer module. APP_TIMER_INIT(APP_TIMER_PRESCALER, APP_TIMER_OP_QUEUE_SIZE, false); // Create timers. /* YOUR_JOB: Create any timers to be used by the application. Below is an example of how to create a timer. For every new timer needed, increase the value of the macro APP_TIMER_MAX_TIMERS by one. uint32_t err_code; err_code = app_timer_create(&m_app_timer_id, APP_TIMER_MODE_REPEATED, timer_timeout_handler); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); */ } /**@brief Function for the GAP initialization. * * @details This function sets up all the necessary GAP (Generic Access Profile) parameters of the * device including the device name, appearance, and the preferred connection parameters. */ static void gap_params_init(void) { uint32_t err_code; ble_gap_conn_params_t gap_conn_params; ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t sec_mode; BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&sec_mode); err_code = sd_ble_gap_device_name_set(&sec_mode, (const uint8_t *)DEVICE_NAME, strlen(DEVICE_NAME)); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); /* YOUR_JOB: Use an appearance value matching the application's use case. err_code = sd_ble_gap_appearance_set(BLE_APPEARANCE_); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); */ memset(&gap_conn_params, 0, sizeof(gap_conn_params)); gap_conn_params.min_conn_interval = MIN_CONN_INTERVAL; gap_conn_params.max_conn_interval = MAX_CONN_INTERVAL; gap_conn_params.slave_latency = SLAVE_LATENCY; gap_conn_params.conn_sup_timeout = CONN_SUP_TIMEOUT; err_code = sd_ble_gap_ppcp_set(&gap_conn_params); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } /**@brief Function for handling the YYY Service events. * YOUR_JOB implement a service handler function depending on the event the service you are using can generate * * @details This function will be called for all YY Service events which are passed to * the application. * * @param[in] p_yy_service YY Service structure. * @param[in] p_evt Event received from the YY Service. * * static void on_yys_evt(ble_yy_service_t * p_yy_service, ble_yy_service_evt_t * p_evt) { switch (p_evt->evt_type) { case BLE_YY_NAME_EVT_WRITE: APPL_LOG("[APPL]: charact written with value %s. \r\n", p_evt->params.char_xx.value.p_str); break; default: // No implementation needed. break; } }*/ /**@brief Function for initializing services that will be used by the application. */ static void services_init(void) { /* YOUR_JOB: Add code to initialize the services used by the application. uint32_t err_code; ble_xxs_init_t xxs_init; ble_yys_init_t yys_init; // Initialize XXX Service. memset(&xxs_init, 0, sizeof(xxs_init)); xxs_init.evt_handler = NULL; xxs_init.is_xxx_notify_supported = true; xxs_init.ble_xx_initial_value.level = 100; err_code = ble_bas_init(&m_xxs, &xxs_init); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // Initialize YYY Service. memset(&yys_init, 0, sizeof(yys_init)); yys_init.evt_handler = on_yys_evt; yys_init.ble_yy_initial_value.counter = 0; err_code = ble_yy_service_init(&yys_init, &yy_init); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); */ } /**@brief Function for handling the Connection Parameters Module. * * @details This function will be called for all events in the Connection Parameters Module which * are passed to the application. * @note All this function does is to disconnect. This could have been done by simply * setting the disconnect_on_fail config parameter, but instead we use the event * handler mechanism to demonstrate its use. * * @param[in] p_evt Event received from the Connection Parameters Module. */ static void on_conn_params_evt(ble_conn_params_evt_t * p_evt) { uint32_t err_code; if (p_evt->evt_type == BLE_CONN_PARAMS_EVT_FAILED) { err_code = sd_ble_gap_disconnect(m_conn_handle, BLE_HCI_CONN_INTERVAL_UNACCEPTABLE); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } } /**@brief Function for handling a Connection Parameters error. * * @param[in] nrf_error Error code containing information about what went wrong. */ static void conn_params_error_handler(uint32_t nrf_error) { APP_ERROR_HANDLER(nrf_error); } /**@brief Function for initializing the Connection Parameters module. */ static void conn_params_init(void) { uint32_t err_code; ble_conn_params_init_t cp_init; memset(&cp_init, 0, sizeof(cp_init)); cp_init.p_conn_params = NULL; cp_init.first_conn_params_update_delay = FIRST_CONN_PARAMS_UPDATE_DELAY; cp_init.next_conn_params_update_delay = NEXT_CONN_PARAMS_UPDATE_DELAY; cp_init.max_conn_params_update_count = MAX_CONN_PARAMS_UPDATE_COUNT; cp_init.start_on_notify_cccd_handle = BLE_GATT_HANDLE_INVALID; cp_init.disconnect_on_fail = false; cp_init.evt_handler = on_conn_params_evt; cp_init.error_handler = conn_params_error_handler; err_code = ble_conn_params_init(&cp_init); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } /**@brief Function for starting timers. */ static void application_timers_start(void) { /* YOUR_JOB: Start your timers. below is an example of how to start a timer. uint32_t err_code; err_code = app_timer_start(m_app_timer_id, TIMER_INTERVAL, NULL); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); */ } /**@brief Function for putting the chip into sleep mode. * * @note This function will not return. */ static void sleep_mode_enter(void) { uint32_t err_code = bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_IDLE); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // Prepare wakeup buttons. err_code = bsp_btn_ble_sleep_mode_prepare(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // Go to system-off mode (this function will not return; wakeup will cause a reset). err_code = sd_power_system_off(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } /**@brief Function for handling advertising events. * * @details This function will be called for advertising events which are passed to the application. * * @param[in] ble_adv_evt Advertising event. */ static void on_adv_evt(ble_adv_evt_t ble_adv_evt) { uint32_t err_code; switch (ble_adv_evt) { case BLE_ADV_EVT_FAST: NRF_LOG_INFO("Fast advertising\r\n"); err_code = bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_ADVERTISING); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); break; case BLE_ADV_EVT_IDLE: sleep_mode_enter(); break; default: break; } } /**@brief Function for handling the Application's BLE Stack events. * * @param[in] p_ble_evt Bluetooth stack event. */ static void on_ble_evt(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt) { uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS; switch (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id) { case BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED: NRF_LOG_INFO("Disconnected.\r\n"); err_code = bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_IDLE); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); break; // BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED case BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED: NRF_LOG_INFO("Connected.\r\n"); err_code = bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_CONNECTED); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); m_conn_handle = p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle; break; // BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED case BLE_GATTC_EVT_TIMEOUT: // Disconnect on GATT Client timeout event. NRF_LOG_DEBUG("GATT Client Timeout.\r\n"); err_code = sd_ble_gap_disconnect(p_ble_evt->evt.gattc_evt.conn_handle, BLE_HCI_REMOTE_USER_TERMINATED_CONNECTION); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); break; // BLE_GATTC_EVT_TIMEOUT case BLE_GATTS_EVT_TIMEOUT: // Disconnect on GATT Server timeout event. NRF_LOG_DEBUG("GATT Server Timeout.\r\n"); err_code = sd_ble_gap_disconnect(p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.conn_handle, BLE_HCI_REMOTE_USER_TERMINATED_CONNECTION); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); break; // BLE_GATTS_EVT_TIMEOUT case BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_REQUEST: err_code = sd_ble_user_mem_reply(p_ble_evt->evt.gattc_evt.conn_handle, NULL); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); break; // BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_REQUEST case BLE_GATTS_EVT_RW_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST: { ble_gatts_evt_rw_authorize_request_t req; ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply_params_t auth_reply; req = p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.authorize_request; if (req.type != BLE_GATTS_AUTHORIZE_TYPE_INVALID) { if ((req.request.write.op == BLE_GATTS_OP_PREP_WRITE_REQ) || (req.request.write.op == BLE_GATTS_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_NOW) || (req.request.write.op == BLE_GATTS_OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_CANCEL)) { if (req.type == BLE_GATTS_AUTHORIZE_TYPE_WRITE) { auth_reply.type = BLE_GATTS_AUTHORIZE_TYPE_WRITE; } else { auth_reply.type = BLE_GATTS_AUTHORIZE_TYPE_READ; } auth_reply.params.write.gatt_status = APP_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED; err_code = sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply(p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.conn_handle, &auth_reply); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } } } break; // BLE_GATTS_EVT_RW_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST #if (NRF_SD_BLE_API_VERSION == 3) case BLE_GATTS_EVT_EXCHANGE_MTU_REQUEST: err_code = sd_ble_gatts_exchange_mtu_reply(p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.conn_handle, NRF_BLE_MAX_MTU_SIZE); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); break; // BLE_GATTS_EVT_EXCHANGE_MTU_REQUEST #endif default: // No implementation needed. break; } } /**@brief Function for dispatching a BLE stack event to all modules with a BLE stack event handler. * * @details This function is called from the BLE Stack event interrupt handler after a BLE stack * event has been received. * * @param[in] p_ble_evt Bluetooth stack event. */ static void ble_evt_dispatch(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt) { /** The Connection state module has to be fed BLE events in order to function correctly * Remember to call ble_conn_state_on_ble_evt before calling any ble_conns_state_* functions. */ ble_conn_state_on_ble_evt(p_ble_evt); pm_on_ble_evt(p_ble_evt); ble_conn_params_on_ble_evt(p_ble_evt); bsp_btn_ble_on_ble_evt(p_ble_evt); on_ble_evt(p_ble_evt); ble_advertising_on_ble_evt(p_ble_evt); /*YOUR_JOB add calls to _on_ble_evt functions from each service your application is using ble_xxs_on_ble_evt(&m_xxs, p_ble_evt); ble_yys_on_ble_evt(&m_yys, p_ble_evt); */ } /**@brief Function for dispatching a system event to interested modules. * * @details This function is called from the System event interrupt handler after a system * event has been received. * * @param[in] sys_evt System stack event. */ static void sys_evt_dispatch(uint32_t sys_evt) { // Dispatch the system event to the fstorage module, where it will be // dispatched to the Flash Data Storage (FDS) module. fs_sys_event_handler(sys_evt); // Dispatch to the Advertising module last, since it will check if there are any // pending flash operations in fstorage. Let fstorage process system events first, // so that it can report correctly to the Advertising module. ble_advertising_on_sys_evt(sys_evt); } /**@brief Function for initializing the BLE stack. * * @details Initializes the SoftDevice and the BLE event interrupt. */ static void ble_stack_init(void) { uint32_t err_code; nrf_clock_lf_cfg_t clock_lf_cfg = NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC; // Initialize the SoftDevice handler module. SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT(&clock_lf_cfg, NULL); ble_enable_params_t ble_enable_params; err_code = softdevice_enable_get_default_config(CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT, PERIPHERAL_LINK_COUNT, &ble_enable_params); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // Check the ram settings against the used number of links CHECK_RAM_START_ADDR(CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT, PERIPHERAL_LINK_COUNT); // Enable BLE stack. #if (NRF_SD_BLE_API_VERSION == 3) ble_enable_params.gatt_enable_params.att_mtu = NRF_BLE_MAX_MTU_SIZE; #endif err_code = softdevice_enable(&ble_enable_params); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // Register with the SoftDevice handler module for BLE events. err_code = softdevice_ble_evt_handler_set(ble_evt_dispatch); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // Register with the SoftDevice handler module for BLE events. err_code = softdevice_sys_evt_handler_set(sys_evt_dispatch); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } /**@brief Function for the Peer Manager initialization. * * @param[in] erase_bonds Indicates whether bonding information should be cleared from * persistent storage during initialization of the Peer Manager. */ static void peer_manager_init(bool erase_bonds) { ble_gap_sec_params_t sec_param; ret_code_t err_code; err_code = pm_init(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); if (erase_bonds) { err_code = pm_peers_delete(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } memset(&sec_param, 0, sizeof(ble_gap_sec_params_t)); // Security parameters to be used for all security procedures. sec_param.bond = SEC_PARAM_BOND; sec_param.mitm = SEC_PARAM_MITM; sec_param.lesc = SEC_PARAM_LESC; sec_param.keypress = SEC_PARAM_KEYPRESS; sec_param.io_caps = SEC_PARAM_IO_CAPABILITIES; sec_param.oob = SEC_PARAM_OOB; sec_param.min_key_size = SEC_PARAM_MIN_KEY_SIZE; sec_param.max_key_size = SEC_PARAM_MAX_KEY_SIZE; sec_param.kdist_own.enc = 1; sec_param.kdist_own.id = 1; sec_param.kdist_peer.enc = 1; sec_param.kdist_peer.id = 1; err_code = pm_sec_params_set(&sec_param); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); err_code = pm_register(pm_evt_handler); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } /**@brief Function for handling events from the BSP module. * * @param[in] event Event generated when button is pressed. */ static void bsp_event_handler(bsp_event_t event) { uint32_t err_code; switch (event) { case BSP_EVENT_SLEEP: sleep_mode_enter(); break; // BSP_EVENT_SLEEP case BSP_EVENT_DISCONNECT: err_code = sd_ble_gap_disconnect(m_conn_handle, BLE_HCI_REMOTE_USER_TERMINATED_CONNECTION); if (err_code != NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE) { APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } break; // BSP_EVENT_DISCONNECT case BSP_EVENT_WHITELIST_OFF: if (m_conn_handle == BLE_CONN_HANDLE_INVALID) { err_code = ble_advertising_restart_without_whitelist(); if (err_code != NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE) { APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } } break; // BSP_EVENT_KEY_0 default: break; } } void split(int prs,int * x, int * y) { *x = prs & 0xff; nrf_delay_ms(50); *y = (prs>>8) & 0xff; nrf_delay_ms(50); return; } /**@brief Function for initializing the Advertising functionality. */ static void advertising_init(void) { uint32_t err_code; ble_advdata_t advdata; ble_adv_modes_config_t options; int32_t iTemperature = 0; int32_t iHumidity = 0; int32_t iPressure = 0; int p_msb,p_lsb, t_msb, t_lsb, h_msb, h_lsb; int i = 0; nrf_delay_ms(10); iTemperature = readTempC(); nrf_delay_ms(100); iPressure = readFloatPressure(); iPressure = (iPressure/100); nrf_delay_ms(10); iHumidity = readFloatHumidity(); nrf_delay_ms(10); int p_value = iPressure; nrf_delay_ms(50); split(iHumidity, &h_lsb, &h_msb); split(iTemperature, &t_lsb, &t_msb); split(p_value,&p_lsb, &p_msb); // Variables used for manufacturer specific data ble_advdata_manuf_data_t adv_manuf_data; uint8_array_t adv_manuf_data_array; uint8_t adv_manuf_data_data[13]; // --------------------------------------------- // Build advertising data struct to pass into @ref ble_advertising_init. memset(&advdata, 0, sizeof(advdata)); advdata.name_type = BLE_ADVDATA_FULL_NAME; advdata.include_appearance = false; advdata.flags = BLE_GAP_ADV_FLAGS_LE_ONLY_GENERAL_DISC_MODE; advdata.uuids_complete.uuid_cnt = sizeof(m_adv_uuids) / sizeof(m_adv_uuids[0]); advdata.uuids_complete.p_uuids = m_adv_uuids; // Configuration of manufacturer specific data adv_manuf_data_data[0] = 0xA1; adv_manuf_data_data[1] = 0x02; adv_manuf_data_data[2] = 0x04; adv_manuf_data_data[3] = t_msb; adv_manuf_data_data[4] = t_lsb; adv_manuf_data_data[5] = 0x64; adv_manuf_data_data[6] = i; adv_manuf_data_data[7] = h_msb; adv_manuf_data_data[8] = h_lsb; adv_manuf_data_data[9] = p_msb; adv_manuf_data_data[10] = p_lsb; adv_manuf_data_data[11] = 0x00; adv_manuf_data_data[12] = 0x3E; adv_manuf_data_array.p_data = adv_manuf_data_data; adv_manuf_data_array.size = 13; adv_manuf_data.company_identifier = 0xFFE1; adv_manuf_data.data = adv_manuf_data_array; advdata.p_manuf_specific_data = &adv_manuf_data; // --------------------------------------------- memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); options.ble_adv_fast_enabled = true; options.ble_adv_fast_interval = APP_ADV_INTERVAL; options.ble_adv_fast_timeout = APP_CFG_NON_CONN_ADV_TIMEOUT; err_code = ble_advertising_init(&advdata, NULL, &options, on_adv_evt, NULL); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); i++; } /**@brief Function for initializing buttons and leds. * * @param[out] p_erase_bonds Will be true if the clear bonding button was pressed to wake the application up. */ static void buttons_leds_init(bool * p_erase_bonds) { bsp_event_t startup_event; uint32_t err_code = bsp_init(BSP_INIT_LED | BSP_INIT_BUTTONS, APP_TIMER_TICKS(100, APP_TIMER_PRESCALER), bsp_event_handler); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); err_code = bsp_btn_ble_init(NULL, &startup_event); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); *p_erase_bonds = (startup_event == BSP_EVENT_CLEAR_BONDING_DATA); } /**@brief Function for the Power manager. */ static void power_manage(void) { uint32_t err_code = sd_app_evt_wait(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } /**@brief Function for starting advertising. */ static void advertising_start(void) { uint32_t err_code = ble_advertising_start(BLE_ADV_MODE_FAST); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } /**@brief Function for application main entry. */ int main(void) { uint32_t err_code; bool erase_bonds; // Initialize. err_code = NRF_LOG_INIT(NULL); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); timers_init(); const app_uart_comm_params_t comm_params = { RX_PIN_NUMBER, TX_PIN_NUMBER, RTS_PIN_NUMBER, CTS_PIN_NUMBER, APP_UART_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLED, false, UART_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud115200 }; APP_UART_FIFO_INIT(&comm_params, UART_RX_BUF_SIZE, UART_TX_BUF_SIZE, uart_error_handle, APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOWEST, err_code); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); printf("BME280\r\n"); twi_init(); nrf_delay_ms(1000); calibratebme280(); buttons_leds_init(&erase_bonds); ble_stack_init(); peer_manager_init(erase_bonds); if (erase_bonds == true) { NRF_LOG_INFO("Bonds erased!\r\n"); } gap_params_init(); advertising_init(); services_init(); conn_params_init(); // Start execution. NRF_LOG_INFO("Template started\r\n"); application_timers_start(); err_code = ble_advertising_start(BLE_ADV_MODE_FAST); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // Enter main loop. for (;;) { if (NRF_LOG_PROCESS() == false) { power_manage(); } } } /** * @} */