*** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.3.0-rc1-ncs1 *** | Cannot open /dev/ttyACM0! | [00:00:00.003,143] mcuboot: Starting bootloader | | [00:00:00.009,582] mcuboot: Primary image: magic=good, swap_type=0x2, copy_done=0x1, image_ok=0x1 +-----------------------------+ [00:00:00.019,805] mcuboot: Boot source: none [00:00:00.025,421] mcuboot: Swap type: none [00:00:00.294,281] mcuboot: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0xc000 [00:00:00.302,124] mcuboot: Jumping to the first image slot *** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.3.0-rc1-ncs1 *** [00:00:30.927,429] smp_bt_sample: Connected [00:00:47.563,385] mcumgr_flash_mgmt: Erased 0x2d000 bytes of image slot [00:00:47.739,257] mcumgr_flash_mgmt: Erased 0x1000 bytes of image slot trailer uart:~$ *** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.3.0-rc1-ncs1 *** [00:00:00.003,204] mcuboot: Starting bootloader [00:00:00.009,643] mcuboot: Primary image: magic=good, swap_type=0x2, copy_done=0x1, image_ok=0x1 [00:00:00.019,836] mcuboot: Boot source: none [00:00:00.025,451] mcuboot: Swap type: test [00:00:17.743,133] mcuboot: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0xc000 [00:00:17.750,946] mcuboot: Jumping to the first image slot *** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.3.0-rc1-ncs1 *** [00:00:17.692,169] smp_bt_sample: Connected [00:03:16.260,620] bt_att: Unhandled ATT code 0x1d [00:03:17.310,913] smp_bt_sample: Disconnected (reason 0x13) [00:03:17.311,889] smp_bt_sample: Advertising successfully started uart:~$