# The west manifest file (west.yml) for the nRF Connect SDK (NCS). # # The per-workspace west configuration file, ncs/.west/config, # specifies the location of this manifest file like this: # # [manifest] # path = nrf # # See the west documentation for more information: # # https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/zephyr/guides/west/index.html manifest: # This west.yml requires west 0.7 or later, because the "import" # feature used below was introduced then. version: 0.7 # "remotes" is a list of locations where git repositories are cloned # and fetched from. remotes: # nRF Connect SDK GitHub organization. # NCS repositories are hosted here. - name: ncs url-base: https://github.com/NordicPlayground # Third-party repository sources: - name: zephyrproject url-base: https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos - name: throwtheswitch url-base: https://github.com/ThrowTheSwitch - name: armmbed url-base: https://github.com/ARMmbed # If not otherwise specified, the projects below should be obtained # from the ncs remote. defaults: remote: ncs # "projects" is a list of git repositories which make up the NCS # source code. projects: # The Zephyr RTOS fork in the NCS, along with the subset of its # modules which NCS imports directly. # # https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/zephyr/introduction/index.html # https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/zephyr/guides/modules.html - name: zephyr repo-path: fw-nrfconnect-zephyr revision: 13dc96f83bab742cab9e08c2a3cd71aa8e75e9ad import: # In addition to the zephyr repository itself, NCS also # imports the contents of zephyr/west.yml at the above # revision. Only the projects explicitly named in the # following whitelist are imported. # # Note that the zephyr west extensions (like 'build', 'flash', # 'debug', etc.) are automatically provided by this import, so # there's no need to add a redundant west-commands: key for # the zephyr project. # # Please keep this list sorted alphabetically. name-whitelist: - canopennode - ci-tools - civetweb - edtt - fatfs - hal_nordic - hal_st - libmetal - littlefs - loramac-node - lvgl - mbedtls - mipi-sys-t - net-tools - nrf_hw_models - open-amp - openthread - segger - tinycbor # NCS repositories. # # Some of these are also Zephyr modules which have NCS-specific # changes. - name: mcuboot repo-path: fw-nrfconnect-mcuboot revision: 8a6e16ec79845f9c821e8ec2048193f213f47096 path: bootloader/mcuboot - name: mcumgr repo-path: fw-nrfconnect-mcumgr revision: v0.0.1-ncs1 path: modules/lib/mcumgr - name: nrfxlib path: nrfxlib revision: b4a814f8a55f75d74c280ee6da35105e42920b5e # Other third-party repositories. - name: cmock path: test/cmock revision: c243b9a7a7b3c471023193992b46cf1bd1910450 remote: throwtheswitch - name: unity path: test/cmock/vendor/unity revision: 031f3bbe45f8adf504ca3d13e6f093869920b091 remote: throwtheswitch - name: mbedtls-nrf path: mbedtls repo-path: mbedtls revision: mbedtls-2.16.4 remote: armmbed # West-related configuration for the nrf repository. self: # This repository should be cloned to ncs/nrf. path: nrf # This line configures west extensions which are currently only # for internal use by NCS maintainers. west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml