nRF Connect, 2017-04-21 DfuTarg (CA:A4:3F:76:B4:9D) V 09:30:16.392 Connecting to CA:A4:3F:76:B4:9D... D 09:30:16.392 gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false, TRANSPORT_LE) D 09:30:28.091 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED D 09:30:28.097 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 0 and new state: CONNECTED (2) I 09:30:28.097 Connected to CA:A4:3F:76:B4:9D V 09:30:28.119 Discovering services... D 09:30:28.119 gatt.discoverServices() D 09:30:29.064 [Callback] Services discovered with status: 0 I 09:30:29.067 Services discovered V 09:30:29.080 Generic Access (0x1800) - Device Name [R W] (0x2A00) - Appearance [R] (0x2A01) - Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters [R] (0x2A04) Generic Attribute (0x1801) - Service Changed [I] (0x2A05) Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902) Device Firmware Update Service (00001530-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) - DFU Packet [WNR] (00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) - DFU Control Point [N W] (00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902) - DFU Version [R] (00001534-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) V 09:30:35.121 [DFU] DFU service started V 09:30:35.121 [DFU] Opening file... I 09:30:35.131 [DFU] Image file opened (146660 bytes in total) D 09:30:35.131 [DFU] wait(1000) D 09:30:36.134 [DFU] wait(1000) V 09:30:37.136 [DFU] Connecting to DFU target... D 09:30:37.139 [DFU] gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false) I 09:30:37.154 [DFU] Connected to CA:A4:3F:76:B4:9D V 09:30:37.164 [DFU] Discovering services... D 09:30:37.164 [DFU] gatt.discoverServices() I 09:30:37.171 [DFU] Services discovered D 09:30:37.185 [DFU] wait(1000) V 09:30:38.177 [DFU] Reading DFU version number... D 09:30:38.177 [DFU] gatt.readCharacteristic(00001534-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:30:38.250 [DFU] Read Response received from 00001534-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 08-00 A 09:30:38.250 [DFU] Version number read: 0.8 W 09:30:38.251 [DFU] Sending system components D 09:30:38.251 [DFU] wait(1000) V 09:30:39.256 [DFU] Enabling notifications for 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:30:39.256 [DFU] gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, true) D 09:30:39.258 [DFU] gatt.writeDescriptor(00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value=0x01-00) I 09:30:39.301 [DFU] Data written to descr.00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 01-00 V 09:30:39.301 [DFU] Notifications enabled for 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 A 09:30:39.301 [DFU] Notifications enabled D 09:30:39.302 [DFU] wait(1000) V 09:30:40.303 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:30:40.303 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:30:40.365 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 01-03 A 09:30:40.365 [DFU] DFU Start sent (Op Code = 1, Upload Mode = 3) V 09:30:40.365 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:30:40.365 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:30:40.365 [DFU] Data written to 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): E0-9F-01-00-C4-33-00-00-00-00-00-00 A 09:30:40.365 [DFU] Firmware image size sent (106464b, 13252b, 0b) I 09:30:43.896 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-01-01 A 09:30:43.896 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 1 Status = 1) A 09:30:43.896 [DFU] Writing Initialize DFU Parameters... V 09:30:43.896 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:30:43.896 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:30:43.948 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 02-00 V 09:30:43.948 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:30:43.948 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:30:43.951 [DFU] Data written to 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 01-00-01-00-FF-00-00-00-01-00-FE-FF-37-D9 V 09:30:43.952 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:30:43.952 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:30:44.007 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 02-01 I 09:30:44.007 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-02-01 A 09:30:44.007 [DFU] Initialize DFU Parameters completed A 09:30:44.007 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 2, Status = 1) V 09:30:44.008 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:30:44.008 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:30:44.068 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 03 A 09:30:44.068 [DFU] Receive Firmware Image request sent A 09:30:44.097 [DFU] Uploading firmware... V 09:30:44.097 [DFU] Sending firmware to characteristic 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123... I 09:31:52.828 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-03-01 A 09:31:52.828 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 3, Status = 1) A 09:31:52.828 [DFU] Upload completed in 66634 ms V 09:31:52.829 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:31:52.829 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:31:52.889 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 04 A 09:31:52.890 [DFU] Validate request sent I 09:31:53.069 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-04-01 A 09:31:53.069 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 4, Status = 1) V 09:31:53.084 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:31:53.084 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) A 09:31:57.122 [DFU] Activate and Reset request sent I 09:31:57.122 [DFU] Disconnected by the remote device D 09:31:57.122 [DFU] gatt.refresh() (hidden) D 09:31:57.122 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 8 and new state: DISCONNECTED (0) E 09:31:57.123 Error 8 (0x8): GATT CONN TIMEOUT I 09:31:57.123 Disconnected D 09:31:57.160 [DFU] gatt.close() V 09:31:57.160 [DFU] Scanning for the DFU Bootloader... D 09:31:57.161 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED D 09:31:57.161 [DFU] [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED I 09:31:57.806 [DFU] DFU Bootloader found with address CA:A4:3F:76:B4:9D V 09:31:57.809 [DFU] DFU service started V 09:31:57.809 [DFU] Opening file... I 09:31:57.835 [DFU] Image file opened (26944 bytes in total) D 09:31:57.835 [DFU] wait(1000) D 09:31:58.836 [DFU] wait(1000) V 09:31:59.837 [DFU] Connecting to DFU target... D 09:31:59.878 [DFU] gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false) I 09:32:00.037 [DFU] Connected to CA:A4:3F:76:B4:9D D 09:32:00.037 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED V 09:32:00.044 [DFU] Discovering services... D 09:32:00.044 [DFU] gatt.discoverServices() I 09:32:01.600 [DFU] Services discovered D 09:32:01.624 [DFU] wait(1000) V 09:32:02.606 [DFU] Reading DFU version number... D 09:32:02.606 [DFU] gatt.readCharacteristic(00001534-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:32:02.683 [DFU] Read Response received from 00001534-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 08-00 A 09:32:02.683 [DFU] Version number read: 0.8 W 09:32:02.684 [DFU] Sending application D 09:32:02.684 [DFU] wait(1000) V 09:32:03.699 [DFU] Enabling notifications for 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:32:03.699 [DFU] gatt.setCharacteristicNotification(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, true) D 09:32:03.699 [DFU] gatt.writeDescriptor(00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, value=0x01-00) I 09:32:03.730 [DFU] Data written to descr.00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 01-00 V 09:32:03.730 [DFU] Notifications enabled for 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 A 09:32:03.730 [DFU] Notifications enabled D 09:32:03.730 [DFU] wait(1000) V 09:32:04.732 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:32:04.732 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:32:04.813 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 01-04 A 09:32:04.813 [DFU] DFU Start sent (Op Code = 1, Upload Mode = 4) V 09:32:04.813 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:32:04.813 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:32:04.816 [DFU] Data written to 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-40-69-00-00 A 09:32:04.817 [DFU] Firmware image size sent (0b, 0b, 26944b) I 09:32:06.827 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-01-01 A 09:32:06.829 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 1 Status = 1) A 09:32:06.829 [DFU] Writing Initialize DFU Parameters... V 09:32:06.829 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:32:06.829 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:32:06.882 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 02-00 V 09:32:06.884 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:32:06.884 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:32:06.888 [DFU] Data written to 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 01-00-01-00-FF-00-00-00-01-00-FE-FF-74-ED V 09:32:06.889 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:32:06.889 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:32:06.941 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 02-01 I 09:32:06.943 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-02-01 A 09:32:06.943 [DFU] Initialize DFU Parameters completed A 09:32:06.943 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 2, Status = 1) V 09:32:06.943 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:32:06.943 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:32:07.005 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 03 A 09:32:07.006 [DFU] Receive Firmware Image request sent A 09:32:07.055 [DFU] Uploading firmware... V 09:32:07.055 [DFU] Sending firmware to characteristic 00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123... I 09:32:21.615 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-03-01 A 09:32:21.616 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 3, Status = 1) A 09:32:21.616 [DFU] Upload completed in 12311 ms V 09:32:21.616 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:32:21.616 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) I 09:32:21.675 [DFU] Data written to 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 04 A 09:32:21.675 [DFU] Validate request sent I 09:32:21.733 [DFU] Notification received from 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123, value (0x): 10-04-01 A 09:32:21.734 [DFU] Response received (Op Code = 4, Status = 1) V 09:32:21.756 [DFU] Writing to characteristic 00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123 D 09:32:21.756 [DFU] gatt.writeCharacteristic(00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123) A 09:32:21.974 [DFU] Activate and Reset request sent I 09:32:21.976 [DFU] Disconnected by the remote device D 09:32:21.976 [DFU] gatt.refresh() (hidden) D 09:32:21.977 [DFU] gatt.close() D 09:32:21.980 [DFU] wait(1400) D 09:32:21.981 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED D 09:32:21.981 [DFU] [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED D 09:32:21.996 gatt.close() D 09:32:21.998 wait(200) V 09:32:22.201 Connecting to CA:A4:3F:76:B4:9D... D 09:32:22.202 gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false, TRANSPORT_LE) D 09:32:52.232 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 133 and new state: DISCONNECTED (0) E 09:32:52.232 Error 133 (0x85): GATT ERROR I 09:32:52.232 Disconnected