*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.5.0 *** I: Starting bootloader I: Primary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok =0x3 I: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ ok=0x3 I: Boot source: none I: Image index: 0, Swap type: none I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x10000 *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.5.0 *** I: LTE Node application v1.0.5 I: Trace thread ready I: Trace level override: 2 I: IMEI: 1400D8DEC570E E: Failed to read data (id: 1, len: 4), err: -2 E: Failed to get Serial ID I: Entered state ST_DISCONNECTED I: Entered state ST_INIT +CEREG: 2,"3BAF","03B05117",7 +CSCON: 1 +CGEV: ME PDN ACT 0,0 +CNEC_ESM: 50,0 +CEREG: 5,"3BAF","03B05117",7,,,"00000000","10101111" I: L4 Event: Connected I: Entered state ST_NETWORK_UP I: Entered state ST_CONNECTED I: Subscribing to: on-config-changed/n/1400D8DEC570E E: Library is in the wrong state (MQTT_STATE_DISCONNECTED), MQTT_STAT E_CONNECTED required E: Failed to subscribe to topics, err: -95 I: Connected successfully I: Upgrading Sensor image I: Upgrading self with image: https://config.api.waites.net/v1/sensor -core/Sensor-IEP-N1_217A7_v1.6.0.bin D: URI checksums 191005400,1987551763,0,0 I: Downloading: v1/sensor-core/Sensor-IEP-N1_217A7_v1.6.0.bin [0] %XTIME: "8A","4270305162428A","01" I: Setting up TLS credentials, sec tag count 1 I: Connecting to config.api.waites.net E: Error in recv(), errno 122 W: Download socket error. 2 retries left... I: Reconnecting... I: Setting up TLS credentials, sec tag count 1 I: Connecting to config.api.waites.net E: Error in recv(), errno 122 W: Download socket error. 1 retries left... I: Reconnecting... I: Setting up TLS credentials, sec tag count 1 I: Connecting to config.api.waites.net E: Error in recv(), errno 122 E: Download client error D: No DFU target was initialized W: Download failed, retries left 4... I: Sleeping... E: Received error from fota downloadHandler, err: 4 +CSCON: 0