[2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\bin\nrfjprog.exe --recover --log lognew.txt [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] nrfjprog version 10.24.2 external [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [ info] Load library at C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\bin\nrfjprog.dll. [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [ info] Library loaded, loading member functions. [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [ info] Member functions succesfully loaded. [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ Client] - open [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ Client] - start [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [ info] [ Client] - stdout: Jlinkarm nRF Worker ready. Handling sequence 017612d0-6d04-4423-9ed0-43ab154abb77. [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ JLink] - Logger sink registered in JLink logger [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ nRFXX] - open [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ nRFXX] - just_check_family [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - open_dll [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect. [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Client] - Command open executed for 55 milliseconds with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Load library at C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V796a\JLink_x64.dll. [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ Client] - config [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Library loaded, loading member functions. [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Member functions succesfully loaded. [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Set batch mode [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - dll_version [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Segger dll version 7.96.a loaded. [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Worker] - Command open executed for 5 milliseconds with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Client] - Command config executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ nRFXX] - config [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ Client] - enum_emu_snr [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Client] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_snr [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Worker] - Command config executed for 14 milliseconds with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ nRFXX] - enum_emu_con_info [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_con_info [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Worker] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 4 milliseconds with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ nRFXX] - close [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - close [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - disconnect_from_emu [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger Backend closed. [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ nRFXX] - nRF family DLL closed [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Worker] - Command close executed for 31 milliseconds with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Client] - Command close executed for 49 milliseconds with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ Client] - terminate [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Client] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Worker] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Worker] - Executed 5 commands for 54 milliseconds [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ Client] - Child process terminated with result 0 [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [trace] [ Client] - Executed 5 commands for 134 milliseconds [2024-Jun-06 16:33:46] [debug] [ Client] - terminate