I: 30542 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising mode changed to slow I: 30550 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising started I: 41379 [DL]BLE connection established (ConnId: 0x00) I: 41384 [DL]Current number of connections: 1/1 I: 41389 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising stopped I: 41392 [DL]NFC Tag emulation stopped D: 42325 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) I: 42332 [BLE]local and remote recv window sizes = 5 I: 42336 [BLE]selected BTP version 4 I: 42340 [BLE]using BTP fragment sizes rx 128 / tx 128. D: 42347 [DL]ConnId: 0x00, New CCCD value: 0x0002 D: 42352 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 6) D: 42359 [IN]BLE EndPoint 0x2000ae00 Connection Complete I: 42364 [DL]CHIPoBLE connection established (ConnId: 0x00, GATT MTU: 131) D: 42491 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 42626 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) I: 42634 [EM]>>> [E:58343r S:0 M:130127054] (U) Msg RX from 0:A830FE246DEFFF81 [0000] --- Type 0000:20 (SecureChannel:PBKDFParamRequest) I: 42647 [EM]<<< [E:58343r S:0 M:53953585] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:21 (SecureChannel:PBKDFParamResponse) I: 42658 [IN](U) Sending msg 53953585 to IP address 'BLE' D: 42664 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 128) D: 42761 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 42768 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 14) D: 42851 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 42859 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) I: 42866 [EM]>>> [E:58343r S:0 M:130127055] (U) Msg RX from 0:A830FE246DEFFF81 [0000] --- Type 0000:22 (SecureChannel:PASE_Pake1) I: 44235 [EM]<<< [E:58343r S:0 M:53953586] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:23 (SecureChannel:PASE_Pake2) I: 44246 [IN](U) Sending msg 53953586 to IP address 'BLE' D: 44251 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 128) E: 44259 [DL]Long dispatch time: 1400 ms, for event type 16388 D: 44379 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 44387 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 6) D: 44469 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 44478 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) I: 44485 [EM]>>> [E:58343r S:0 M:130127056] (U) Msg RX from 0:A830FE246DEFFF81 [0000] --- Type 0000:24 (SecureChannel:PASE_Pake3) I: 44497 [EM]<<< [E:58343r S:0 M:53953587] (U) Msg TX to 0:0000000000000000 [0000] --- Type 0000:40 (SecureChannel:StatusReport) I: 44508 [IN](U) Sending msg 53953587 to IP address 'BLE' D: 44513 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 35) I: 44522 [SC]SecureSession[0x200041e0]: Moving from state 'kEstablishing' --> 'kActive' D: 44530 [IN]SecureSession[0x200041e0]: Activated - Type:1 LSID:62092 D: 44536 [IN]New secure session activated for device , LSID:62092 PSID:60093! I: 44544 [SVR]Commissioning completed session establishment step I: 44550 [DIS]Updating services using commissioning mode 0 I: 44556 [DIS]CHIP minimal mDNS started advertising. D: 44561 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising set to off I: 44565 [SVR]Device completed Rendezvous process D: 44604 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 44613 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) I: 44621 [EM]>>> [E:58344r S:62092 M:260939178] (S) Msg RX from 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:02 (IM:ReadRequest) D: 44631 [IM]Received Read request I: 44636 [EM]<<< [E:58344r S:62092 M:173049266] (S) Msg TX to 0:FFFFFFFB00000000 [0000] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData) I: 44647 [IN](S) Sending msg 173049266 on secure session with LSID: 62092 D: 44653 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 97) D: 44740 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 47260 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) D: 49767 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 49914 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 52480 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) D: 54987 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 55089 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 57610 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) D: 60117 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 60175 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 62740 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) D: 65247 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 65350 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 67870 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) D: 70377 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 70435 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) D: 73000 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX characteristic (ConnId 0x00) D: 75507 [DL]Sending indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 75610 [DL]Indication for CHIPoBLE TX characteristic done (ConnId 0x00, result 0x00) I: 76600 [DL]BLE GAP connection terminated (reason 0x13) D: 76605 [IN]Clearing BLE pending packets. I: 76609 [DL]Current number of connections: 0/1 I: 104565 [FS]Fail-safe timer expired E: 104569 [SVR]Failsafe timer expired D: 104572 [IN]SecureSession[0x200041e0]: MarkForEviction Type:1 LSID:62092 I: 104579 [SC]SecureSession[0x200041e0]: Moving from state 'kActive' --> 'kPendingEviction' D: 104587 [IN]SecureSession[0x200041e0]: Released - Type:1 LSID:62092 E: 104593 [SVR]Commissioning failed (attempt 1): 32 D: 104598 [IN]SecureSession[0x200041e0]: Allocated Type:1 LSID:62094 D: 104604 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising set to on I: 104608 [DIS]Updating services using commissioning mode 1 I: 104613 [DIS]CHIP minimal mDNS started advertising. D: 104618 [DL]Using wifi MAC for hostname I: 104622 [DIS]Advertise commission parameter vendorID=65521 productID=32773 discriminator=3840/15 cm=1 D: 104631 [DIS]Responding with _matterc._udp.local D: 104636 [DIS]Responding with 10401FF08571A2FC._matterc._udp.local D: 104642 [DIS]Responding with F4CE36001DFE.local D: 104646 [DIS]Responding with F4CE36001DFE.local D: 104651 [DIS]Responding with _V65521._sub._matterc._udp.local D: 104656 [DIS]Responding with _S15._sub._matterc._udp.local D: 104662 [DIS]Responding with _L3840._sub._matterc._udp.local D: 104667 [DIS]Responding with _CM._sub._matterc._udp.local D: 104673 [DIS]Responding with 10401FF08571A2FC._matterc._udp.local I: 104679 [DIS]CHIP minimal mDNS configured as 'Commissionable node device'; instance name: 10401FF08571A2FC. I: 104689 [DIS]mDNS service published: _matterc._udp E: 104693 [ZCL]OpCreds: Got FailSafeTimerExpired E: 104697 [ZCL]OpCreds: Proceeding to FailSafeCleanup on fail-safe expiry! I: 104704 [TS]Pending Last Known Good Time: 2024-01-18T14:54:43 I: 104710 [TS]Previous Last Known Good Time: 2024-01-18T14:54:43 I: 104716 [TS]Reverted Last Known Good Time to previous value E: 104721 [DL]Long dispatch time: 152 ms, for event type 32782 I: 104727 [FS]Fail-safe cleanly disarmed I: 104733 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising started I: 104737 [DL]NFC Tag emulation started