*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 *** HL [00:00:00.270,111] board_version: Compatible board/HW version found: 1.0.0 HL [00:00:00.322,479] fw_info: nRF5340 Audio nRF5340 Audio DK cpuapp NCS base version: 2.6.1 Cmake run : Mon Jun 03 11:19:19 2024 HL [00:00:00.322,479] fw_info: ------- DEBUG BUILD ------- HL [00:00:00.322,479] fw_info: HEADSET left device HL [00:00:00.341,583] bt_mgmt_ctlr_cfg: Controller: SoftDevice: Version 5.4 (0x0d), Revision 8591 HL [00:00:00.341,796] bt_mgmt: Local identity addr: CE:BB:C5:05:25:B0 (random) HL [00:00:00.346,282] bt_mgmt_adv: Local addr: 40:89:01:FA:D7:62 (random) HL [00:00:00.346,801] bt_mgmt_adv: Advertising successfully started HL [00:01:28.739,562] bt_mgmt: Connected: 79:59:AF:18:C7:8D (random) HL [00:01:28.739,593] main: Connected HL [00:01:31.432,189] main: Security changed HL [00:01:31.580,871] bt_keys: SC LTK: 0xab41e28715c4eb24db3a769960381ca4 HL [00:01:35.429,656] bt_content_ctrl_media: Discovery of MCS finished HL [00:01:41.084,716] bt_rend_vol: Volume = 194, mute state = 0 HL [00:01:59.805,206] bt_rend_vol: Volume = 184, mute state = 0 HL [00:03:06.692,504] unicast_server: LC3 codec config for sink: HL [00:03:06.692,504] unicast_server: Frequency: 48000 Hz HL [00:03:06.692,504] unicast_server: Duration: 10000 us HL [00:03:06.692,535] unicast_server: Channel allocation: 0x1 HL [00:03:06.692,535] unicast_server: Octets per frame: 120 (96000 bps) HL [00:03:06.692,535] unicast_server: Frames per SDU: 1 HL [00:03:06.790,008] main: Presentation delay 10000 us is set by initiator HL [00:03:06.887,084] bt_ascs: CCID 2 is unknown HL [00:03:07.548,828] unicast_server: Stream 0x2000fed0 started HL [00:03:07.550,292] le_audio_rx: Not in streaming state, throwing data: 1 HL [00:03:07.553,405] sw_codec_lc3: LC3 enc_bitrate is 0 HL [00:03:07.553,405] audio_system: Failed to set up codec HL [00:03:07.553,436] audio_system: ERR_CHK Err_code: [-22] @ line: 393 HL [00:03:07.553,436] os: r0/a1: 0x00000003 r1/a2: 0x0000000d r2/a3: 0x0000000c HL [00:03:07.553,436] os: r3/a4: 0x0005aea1 r12/ip: 0x200030f0 r14/lr: 0x0005af2b HL [00:03:07.553,436] os: xpsr: 0x61100000 HL [00:03:07.553,466] os: s[ 0]: 0x200015e4 s[ 1]: 0x0005b0c5 s[ 2]: 0xffffffea s[ 3]: 0x00000004 HL [00:03:07.553,466] os: s[ 4]: 0x20012c30 s[ 5]: 0x20012c10 s[ 6]: 0xffffffea s[ 7]: 0x20012c10 HL [00:03:07.553,466] os: s[ 8]: 0x20012c30 s[ 9]: 0x00000000 s[10]: 0x00000000 s[11]: 0x0005b111 HL [00:03:07.553,466] os: s[12]: 0x20004d60 s[13]: 0x0006bb04 s[14]: 0xffffffea s[15]: 0x00000189 HL [00:03:07.553,497] os: fpscr: 0x00000000 HL [00:03:07.553,497] os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x0000467a HL [00:03:07.553,497] os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0 HL [00:03:07.553,527] os: Current thread: 0x20001eb0 (LE_AUDIO_MSG_SUB) HL [00:03:07.553,527] error_handler: Caught system error -- reason 3. Entering infinite loop