File Name: Parts: 1 Size: 224 KB Soft Device Size: Zero KB Bootloader Size: Zero KB [Callback] Central Manager did update state to: Powered ON Connecting to BLE Device... centralManager.connect(peripheral, options: nil) [Callback] Central Manager did connect peripheral Connected to BLE Device Discovering services... peripheral.discoverServices(nil) Services discovered Starting Secure DFU... Connected to BLE Device Services discovered Secure DFU Service found Discovering characteristics in DFU Service... peripheral.discoverCharacteristics(nil, for: FE59) DFU characteristics discovered Enabling indications for 8EC90004-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50... peripheral.setNotifyValue(true, for: 8EC90004-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50) Indications enabled for 8EC90004-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50 Buttonless DFU indications enabled Application with buttonless update found Writing to characteristic 8EC90004-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50... peripheral.writeValue(0x01, for: 8EC90004-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50, type: .withResponse) Data written to 8EC90004-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50 Indication received from 8EC90004-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50, value (0x):200101 Response (Op Code = 1, Status = 1) received [Callback] Central Manager did disconnect peripheral Disconnected by the remote device Buttonless service not configured, see: To workaround, disable alternative advertising name. Connecting to BLE Device... centralManager.connect(peripheral, options: nil) Connection timeout! centralManager.cancelPeripheralConnection(peripheral) [Callback] Central Manager failed to connect to peripheral (timeout)