I: Init CHIP stack I: Swap type: none D: 1233 [DL]Boot reason: 6 I: 1303 [DL]BLE address: DD:CB:23:39:D9:41 I: 1331 [DL]OpenThread started: OK I: 1338 [DL]Setting OpenThread device type to MINIMAL END DEVICE I: Swap type: none I: 1356 [ZCL]Using ZAP configuration... I: 1365 [ZCL]Initiating Admin Commissioning cluster. I: 1375 [ZCL]OpCreds: Initiating OpCreds cluster by writing fabrics list from fabric table. D: 1392 [DIS]Add fabric pairing table delegate D: 1401 [DIS]Init fabric pairing table with server storage I: 1412 [IN]Loading from storage for fabric index 1 I: 1422 [IN]Loading from storage for fabric index 2 I: 1432 [IN]Loading from storage for fabric index 3 I: 1442 [IN]Loading from storage for fabric index 4 I: 1452 [IN]Loading from storage for fabric index 5 I: 1462 [DMG]AccessControl: initializing I: 1470 [DMG]Examples::AccessControlDelegate::Init I: 1480 [DMG]AccessControl: unable to load stored ACL entries; using empty list instead I: 1497 [DMG]AccessControl: setting D: 1504 [IN]UDP::Init bind&listen port=5540 E: 1512 [IN]SO_REUSEPORT failed: 109 D: 1519 [IN]UDP::Init bound to port=5540 D: 1527 [IN]BLEBase::Init - setting/overriding transport D: 1538 [IN]TransportMgr initialized D: 1549 [DIS]Add fabric pairing table delegate D: 1558 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname. I: 1569 [IN]Loading from storage for fabric index 1 I: 1581 [IN]Loading from storage for fabric index 2 I: 1593 [IN]Loading from storage for fabric index 3 I: 1604 [IN]Loading from storage for fabric index 4 I: 1616 [IN]Loading from storage for fabric index 5 D: 1630 [SC]Assigned local session key ID 1 D: 1639 [SC]Waiting for PBKDF param request D: 1647 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising set to on I: 1656 [DIS]Updating services using commissioning mode 1 D: 1667 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname. D: 1677 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname. I: 1688 [DIS]Advertise commission parameter vendorID=65521 productID=32768 discriminator=3840/15 E: 1706 [DIS]Failed to advertise commissionable node: Error CHIP:0x00000003 D: 1720 [DIS]Scheduling discovery timeout in 900s E: 1729 [DIS]Failed to finalize service update: Error CHIP:0x0000001C I: 1742 [DIS]Updating services using commissioning mode 1 D: 1753 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname. D: 1764 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname. I: 1774 [DIS]Advertise commission parameter vendorID=65521 productID=32768 discriminator=3840/15 E: 1793 [DIS]Failed to advertise commissionable node: Error CHIP:0x00000003 D: 1806 [DIS]Scheduling discovery timeout in 900s E: 1816 [DIS]Failed to finalize service update: Error CHIP:0x0000001C I: 1829 [IN]CASE Server enabling CASE session setups I: 1839 [DIS]Delaying proxy of operational discovery: missing delegate I: 1853 [SVR]Joining Multicast groups D: 1860 [ZCL]Emitting StartUp event D: 1867 [EVL]LogEvent event number: 0x0000000000000000 priority: 2, endpoint id: 0x0 cluster id: 0x0000_0028 event id: 0x0 Sys timestamp: 0x000000000000074B D: 1897 [ZCL]GeneralDiagnosticsDelegate: OnDeviceRebooted D: 1908 [DMG]Endpoint 0, Cluster 0x0000_0033 update version to bfb24910 D: 1922 [EVL]LogEvent event number: 0x0000000000000001 priority: 2, endpoint id: 0x0 cluster id: 0x0000_0033 event id: 0x3 Sys timestamp: 0x0000000000000782 I: 1952 [SVR]Server Listening... I: 1958 [DL]Device Configuration: I: 1965 [DL] Serial Number: TEST_SN I: 1972 [DL] Vendor Id: 65521 (0xFFF1) I: 1980 [DL] Product Id: 32768 (0x8000) I: 1988 [DL] Hardware Version: 0 I: 1995 [DL] Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 20202021 I: 2007 [DL] Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3840 (0xF00) I: 2022 [DL] Manufacturing Date: (not set) I: 2030 [DL] Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF) I: 2040 [SVR]SetupQRCode: [MT:Y.K9042C00KA0648G00] I: 2049 [SVR]Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code: I: 2063 [SVR]https://dhrishi.github.io/connectedhomeip/qrcode.html?data=MT%3AY.K9042C00KA0648G00 I: 2081 [SVR]Manual pairing code: [34970112332] I: 2091 [DL]CHIP task running I: 2102 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising started D: 2112 [DMG]Endpoint 0, Cluster 0x0000_002A update version to bc1cc0cc D: 2125 [DMG]Endpoint 0, Cluster 0x0000_002A update version to bc1cc0cd D: 2139 [EVL]LogEvent event number: 0x0000000000000002 priority: 1, endpoint id: 0x0 cluster id: 0x0000_002A event id: 0x0 Sys timestamp: 0x000000000000085B I: 2169 [SWU]Starting the Default Provider timer, timeout: 86400 seconds I: 14942 [DL]BLE connection established (ConnId: 0x00) I: 14953 [DL]Current number of connections: 1/1 I: 14962 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising stopped D: 16758 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) I: 16770 [BLE]local and remote recv window sizes = 5 I: 16780 [BLE]selected BTP version 4 I: 16788 [BLE]using BTP fragment sizes rx 20 / tx 20. D: 16856 [DL]ConnId: 0x00, New CCCD value: 0x0001 D: 16865 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 6) D: 16878 [IN]BLE EndPoint 0x20009a28 Connection Complete I: 16889 [DL]CHIPoBLE connection established (ConnId: 0x00, GATT MTU: 23) D: 16953 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 16965 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 17051 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 17148 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 17246 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 17258 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 17343 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 17355 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) I: 17367 [EM]Received message of type 0x20 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:699162204 on exchange 62855r D: 17388 [EM]Handling via exchange: 62855r, Delegate: 0x20006478 D: 17400 [SC]Received PBKDF param request D: 17408 [SC]Peer assigned session ID 30865 D: 17417 [SC]Found MRP parameters in the message D: 17427 [SC]Including MRP parameters in PBKDF param response I: 17439 [IN]Prepared unauthenticated message 0x2002da30 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x21 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 62855r with MessageCounter:4212018463. I: 17470 [IN]Sending unauthenticated msg 0x2002da30 with MessageCounter:4212018463 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 000000000000443E msec D: 17497 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 17511 [SC]Sent PBKDF param response E: 17518 [DL]Long dispatch time: 164 ms, for event type 16388 D: 17586 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 17598 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 17684 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 17695 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 17782 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 17793 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 17806 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 17879 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 17890 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 17976 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 17988 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 18074 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 18085 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 18172 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 18184 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 18196 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 14) D: 18269 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 18281 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 18367 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 18464 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 18477 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 18562 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 18574 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 18659 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 18757 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) I: 18769 [EM]Received message of type 0x22 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:699162205 on exchange 62855r D: 18790 [EM]Found matching exchange: 62855r, Delegate: 0x20006478 D: 18803 [SC]Received spake2p msg1 I: 20425 [IN]Prepared unauthenticated message 0x2002d9c0 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x23 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 62855r with MessageCounter:4212018464. I: 20457 [IN]Sending unauthenticated msg 0x2002d9c0 with MessageCounter:4212018464 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 0000000000004FE9 msec D: 20484 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 20497 [SC]Sent spake2p msg2 E: 20503 [DL]Long dispatch time: 1746 ms, for event type 16388 D: 20579 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 20590 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 20669 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 20680 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 20759 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 20770 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 20849 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 20861 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 20873 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 20939 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 20950 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 21029 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 21040 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 21119 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 21130 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 7) D: 21209 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 21221 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 21299 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 21390 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 21480 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 21492 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 21569 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 21581 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) I: 21593 [EM]Received message of type 0x24 with protocolId (0, 0) and MessageCounter:699162206 on exchange 62855r D: 21614 [EM]Found matching exchange: 62855r, Delegate: 0x20006478 D: 21627 [SC]Received spake2p msg3 D: 21634 [SC]Sending status report. Protocol code 0, exchange 62855 I: 21647 [IN]Prepared unauthenticated message 0x2002da48 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x40 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 62855r with MessageCounter:4212018465. I: 21678 [IN]Sending unauthenticated msg 0x2002da48 with MessageCounter:4212018465 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 00000000000054AE msec D: 21705 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 21718 [IN]New secure session created for device 0xFFFFFFFB00000000, LSID:1 PSID:30865! I: 21736 [SVR]Commissioning completed session establishment step I: 21749 [DIS]Updating services using commissioning mode 0 D: 21760 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname. D: 21771 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname. I: 21781 [DIS]Advertise commission parameter vendorID=65521 productID=32768 discriminator=3840/15 E: 21800 [DIS]Failed to advertise extended commissionable node: Error CHIP:0x00000003 D: 21817 [DIS]Scheduling extended discovery timeout in 900s E: 21828 [DIS]Failed to finalize service update: Error CHIP:0x0000001C D: 21841 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising set to off I: 21849 [SVR]Device completed Rendezvous process E: 21859 [DL]Long dispatch time: 278 ms, for event type 16388 D: 21870 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 21882 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 17) D: 21975 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 21986 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 22065 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 22154 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 22245 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 22257 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 22335 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 22346 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 22425 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 22515 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 22604 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 22617 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) I: 22631 [EM]Received message of type 0x2 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:5687792 on exchange 62856r D: 22652 [EM]Handling via exchange: 62856r, Delegate: 0x20008ec0 D: 22664 [IM]Received Read request D: 22672 [DMG]IM RH moving to [AwaitingDestruction] I: 22683 [IN]Prepared secure message 0x2002dae8 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) of type 0x1 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 62856r with MessageCounter:15114281. I: 22712 [IN]Sending encrypted msg 0x2002dae8 with MessageCounter:15114281 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) at monotonic time: 00000000000058B8 msec E: 22738 [DL]Long dispatch time: 134 ms, for event type 16388 D: 22750 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 22761 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 22829 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 22840 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 22919 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 22930 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 6) D: 23009 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 23021 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 23100 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 23190 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 23324 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 23337 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 23415 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 23426 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) I: 23439 [EM]Received message of type 0x8 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:5687793 on exchange 62857r D: 23460 [EM]Handling via exchange: 62857r, Delegate: 0x20008ec0 I: 23472 [DMG]AccessControl: checking f=0 a=p s=0xFFFFFFFB00000000 t= c=0x0000_0030 e=0 p=o I: 23490 [DMG]AccessControl: implicit admin (PASE) D: 23499 [DMG]Received command for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0000 D: 23516 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddingComm] D: 23524 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddedComma] D: 23531 [DMG]Decreasing reference count for CommandHandler, remaining 0 I: 23546 [IN]Prepared secure message 0x2002dad8 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) of type 0x9 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 62857r with MessageCounter:15114282. I: 23575 [IN]Sending encrypted msg 0x2002dad8 with MessageCounter:15114282 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) at monotonic time: 0000000000005C17 msec D: 23601 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 23614 [DMG]ICR moving to [CommandSen] D: 23622 [DMG]ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] E: 23630 [DL]Long dispatch time: 203 ms, for event type 16388 D: 23684 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 23695 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 23774 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 23785 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 23864 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 23876 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 23889 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 17) D: 23955 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 23966 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 24045 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 24135 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 24147 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 24270 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 24281 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 24359 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) I: 24373 [EM]Received message of type 0x8 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:5687794 on exchange 62858r D: 24393 [EM]Handling via exchange: 62858r, Delegate: 0x20008ec0 I: 24406 [DMG]AccessControl: checking f=0 a=p s=0xFFFFFFFB00000000 t= c=0x0000_0030 e=0 p=o I: 24423 [DMG]AccessControl: implicit admin (PASE) D: 24433 [DMG]Received command for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0002 D: 24454 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddingComm] D: 24461 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddedComma] D: 24469 [DMG]Decreasing reference count for CommandHandler, remaining 0 I: 24484 [IN]Prepared secure message 0x2002dad8 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) of type 0x9 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 62858r with MessageCounter:15114283. I: 24512 [IN]Sending encrypted msg 0x2002dad8 with MessageCounter:15114283 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) at monotonic time: 0000000000005FC0 msec D: 24539 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 24552 [DMG]ICR moving to [CommandSen] D: 24560 [DMG]ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] E: 24567 [DL]Long dispatch time: 208 ms, for event type 16388 D: 24629 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 24640 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 24719 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 24730 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 24809 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 24820 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 17) D: 24899 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 24911 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 24990 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 25080 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 25170 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 25182 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 25260 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 25271 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) I: 25284 [EM]Received message of type 0x8 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:5687795 on exchange 62859r D: 25304 [EM]Handling via exchange: 62859r, Delegate: 0x20008ec0 I: 25317 [DMG]AccessControl: checking f=0 a=p s=0xFFFFFFFB00000000 t= c=0x0000_003E e=0 p=o I: 25334 [DMG]AccessControl: implicit admin (PASE) D: 25344 [DMG]Received command for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0002 I: 25360 [ZCL]OpCreds: Certificate Chain request received for PAI D: 25372 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddingComm] D: 25380 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddedComma] D: 25388 [DMG]Decreasing reference count for CommandHandler, remaining 0 I: 25405 [IN]Prepared secure message 0x2002dad8 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) of type 0x9 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 62859r with MessageCounter:15114284. I: 25434 [IN]Sending encrypted msg 0x2002dad8 with MessageCounter:15114284 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) at monotonic time: 0000000000006359 msec D: 25460 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 25473 [DMG]ICR moving to [CommandSen] D: 25481 [DMG]ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] E: 25489 [DL]Long dispatch time: 218 ms, for event type 16388 D: 25529 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 25540 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 25619 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 25630 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 25709 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 25721 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 25733 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 25799 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 25811 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 25889 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 25900 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 25979 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 25991 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26069 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26081 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 26094 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26159 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26170 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26249 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26260 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26339 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26350 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26429 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26441 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 26453 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26519 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26531 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26609 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26620 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26699 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26710 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26789 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26801 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 26814 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26879 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26890 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 26969 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 26980 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 27059 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 27070 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 27149 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 27194 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 27207 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 27284 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 27295 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 27374 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 27385 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 27464 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 27476 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 27554 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 27566 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 27578 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 27644 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 27655 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 27734 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 27745 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 27824 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 27835 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 27914 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 27926 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 27938 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 28004 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 28016 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 28094 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 28105 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 17) D: 28185 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 28196 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 28275 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 28365 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 28455 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 28467 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) I: 28481 [EM]Received message of type 0x8 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:5687796 on exchange 62860r D: 28501 [EM]Handling via exchange: 62860r, Delegate: 0x20008ec0 I: 28514 [DMG]AccessControl: checking f=0 a=p s=0xFFFFFFFB00000000 t= c=0x0000_003E e=0 p=o I: 28531 [DMG]AccessControl: implicit admin (PASE) D: 28540 [DMG]Received command for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0002 I: 28557 [ZCL]OpCreds: Certificate Chain request received for DAC D: 28569 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddingComm] D: 28577 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddedComma] D: 28585 [DMG]Decreasing reference count for CommandHandler, remaining 0 I: 28602 [IN]Prepared secure message 0x2002dad8 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) of type 0x9 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 62860r with MessageCounter:15114285. I: 28631 [IN]Sending encrypted msg 0x2002dad8 with MessageCounter:15114285 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) at monotonic time: 0000000000006FD7 msec D: 28657 [DMG]ICR moving to [CommandSen] D: 28665 [DMG]ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] E: 28673 [DL]Long dispatch time: 219 ms, for event type 16388 D: 28684 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 28696 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 28769 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 28780 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 28859 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 28870 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 28950 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 28961 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 28973 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29039 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29050 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29129 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29141 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29219 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29230 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29309 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29321 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 29334 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29399 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29410 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29489 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29501 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29579 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29591 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29670 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29681 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 29694 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29759 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29770 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29850 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29861 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 29939 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 29950 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30029 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30041 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 30054 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30119 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30131 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30254 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30266 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30344 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30356 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30435 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30446 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 30459 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30524 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30535 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30614 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30625 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30704 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30715 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30795 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30806 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 30818 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30884 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30896 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 30974 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 30986 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 31064 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 31076 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 31155 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 31166 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 31178 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 31244 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 31255 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 31334 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 31346 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 31424 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 31435 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 31515 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 31526 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 31538 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 10) D: 31605 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 31616 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 31695 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 31785 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 31797 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 31875 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 31886 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 31965 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 32055 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) I: 32068 [EM]Received message of type 0x8 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:5687797 on exchange 62861r D: 32089 [EM]Handling via exchange: 62861r, Delegate: 0x20008ec0 I: 32101 [DMG]AccessControl: checking f=0 a=p s=0xFFFFFFFB00000000 t= c=0x0000_003E e=0 p=o I: 32118 [DMG]AccessControl: implicit admin (PASE) D: 32128 [DMG]Received command for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0000 I: 32144 [ZCL]OpCreds: received an AttestationRequest D: 32184 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddingComm] D: 32192 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddedComma] D: 32200 [DMG]Decreasing reference count for CommandHandler, remaining 0 I: 32217 [IN]Prepared secure message 0x2002dad8 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) of type 0x9 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 62861r with MessageCounter:15114286. I: 32247 [IN]Sending encrypted msg 0x2002dad8 with MessageCounter:15114286 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) at monotonic time: 0000000000007DF6 msec D: 32273 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 32286 [DMG]ICR moving to [CommandSen] D: 32294 [DMG]ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] E: 32301 [DL]Long dispatch time: 247 ms, for event type 16388 D: 32369 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 32381 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 32459 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 32471 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 32549 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 32561 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 32640 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 32651 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 32663 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 32729 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 32741 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 32819 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 32831 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 32909 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 32920 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33000 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33011 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 33024 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33134 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33145 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33224 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33236 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33314 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33325 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33405 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33416 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 33428 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33494 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33506 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33584 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33596 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33674 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33686 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33765 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33776 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 33789 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33854 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33866 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 33944 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 33956 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34034 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34045 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34125 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34136 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 34148 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34214 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34226 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34304 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34316 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34394 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34405 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34485 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34496 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 34508 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34574 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34586 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34664 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34676 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34754 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34765 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34845 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34856 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 34868 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 34934 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 34946 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35024 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35036 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35114 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35125 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35205 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35216 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 35228 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35294 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35305 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35384 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35395 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35474 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35485 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35565 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35576 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 35588 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35654 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35665 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35744 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35755 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35834 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35845 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 35925 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 35936 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 35949 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 10) D: 36015 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 36026 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 36150 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 36240 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) D: 36252 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 3) D: 36330 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) D: 36341 [DL]Write request received for CHIPoBLE RX (ConnId 0x00) I: 36354 [EM]Received message of type 0x8 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:5687798 on exchange 62862r D: 36375 [EM]Handling via exchange: 62862r, Delegate: 0x20008ec0 I: 36388 [DMG]AccessControl: checking f=0 a=p s=0xFFFFFFFB00000000 t= c=0x0000_0030 e=0 p=o I: 36405 [DMG]AccessControl: implicit admin (PASE) D: 36415 [DMG]Received command for Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_0030 Command=0x0000_0000 D: 36431 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddingComm] D: 36439 [DMG]ICR moving to [AddedComma] D: 36447 [DMG]Decreasing reference count for CommandHandler, remaining 0 I: 36461 [IN]Prepared secure message 0x2002dad8 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) of type 0x9 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 62862r with MessageCounter:15114287. I: 36490 [IN]Sending encrypted msg 0x2002dad8 with MessageCounter:15114287 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) at monotonic time: 0000000000008E8A msec D: 36516 [DL]Sending notification for CHIPoBLE TX (ConnId 00, len 20) D: 36530 [DMG]ICR moving to [CommandSen] D: 36537 [DMG]ICR moving to [AwaitingDe] E: 36545 [DL]Long dispatch time: 204 ms, for event type 16388 E: 36557 [SVR]Failsafe timer expired E: 36564 [SVR]Commissioning failed (attempt 1): Error CHIP:0x00000032 D: 36576 [IN]Clearing BLE pending packets. I: 36585 [BLE]Releasing end point's BLE connection back to application. I: 36598 [DL]Closing BLE GATT connection (ConnId 00) D: 36613 [SC]Assigned local session key ID 2 D: 36621 [SC]Waiting for PBKDF param request D: 36630 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising set to on I: 36638 [DIS]Updating services using commissioning mode 1 D: 36649 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname. D: 36660 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname. I: 36671 [DIS]Advertise commission parameter vendorID=65521 productID=32768 discriminator=3840/15 E: 36689 [DIS]Failed to advertise commissionable node: Error CHIP:0x00000003 D: 36690 [DIS]Scheduling discovery timeout in 900s E: 36690 [DIS]Failed to finalize service update: Error CHIP:0x0000001C I: 36691 [ZCL]OpCreds: Call to FailSafeCleanup D: 36691 [ZCL]Failsafe timeout, tell platform driver to revert network credentials. E: 36692 [DL]Long dispatch time: 135 ms, for event type 32785 D: 36692 [DL]Notification for CHIPoBLE TX done (ConnId 0x00) E: 36692 [BLE]no endpoint for BLE sent data ack I: 36694 [DL]BLE GAP connection terminated (reason 0x16) I: 36703 [DL]Current number of connections: 0/1 I: 36717 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising started I: 66724 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising mode changed to slow