SOFTSIM: NULL(0x60) APDU response and timeout to 2s


I'm exploring the SOFTSIM feature on a nRD9160-DK.

*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***

SDK version used: v2.6.1

Currently the softsim is waiting for the APDU answer up to 2s, and I would like to know if there is a way to tell the softsim to wait a bit more. In a standard SIM protocol, it is defined in document ETSI-TS-102221 (

"The NULL-byte requests no further data transfer and the
terminal shall only wait for a character conveying a procedure
byte. This behaviour provides additional work waiting time as
defined in this clause."

So Does the NordicSemi softsim implementation support that?


SOFTSIM enabled

[00:00:02.723,358] <inf> cloudsim: CS>ATR?
[00:00:02.723,480] <dbg> cloudsim: replyToModem: (44)3B9F14801FC78031E073FE21136749250C2900000112 -> RC(0)LEN(22)


[00:00:02.723,754] <inf> cloudsim: CS>80f20000000168
[00:00:02.723,876] <dbg> cloudsim: replyToModem: (68)621e8202782183023f008a01058b032f060fc60c90012083010183018183010a9000 -> RC(0)LEN(34)

[00:00:02.730,133] <inf> cloudsim: CS>00a408040000022fe20168
[00:00:02.730,255] <dbg> cloudsim: replyToModem: (106)62318202412183022fe2a506c00100ca01008a0105ab1580010190008001029700800118a40683010a9501088002000a8801109000 -> RC(0)LEN(53)

[00:00:02.730,407] <inf> cloudsim: CS>00b000000a
[00:00:02.730,499] <dbg> cloudsim: replyToModem: (24)981370104200204203f49000 -> RC(0)LEN(12)

[00:00:02.731,933] <inf> cloudsim: CS>00a408040000022f000168
[00:00:02.732,086] <dbg> cloudsim: replyToModem: (110)62338205422100200183022f00a50ac00100cd02ff00ca01848a0105ab10800101900080011aa40683010a950108800200208801f09000 -> RC(0)LEN(55)

[00:00:02.732,238] <inf> cloudsim: CS>00b2010420

[00:00:02.732,330] <inf> cloudsim: semaphore ss_apdu received

[00:00:04.232,452] <dbg> cloudsim: replyToModem: (2)60 -> RC(0)LEN(1)

[00:00:04.232,513] <inf> cloudsim: send NULL

[00:00:04.241,058] <inf> cloudsim: CS>00b2010420
Network registration status: UICC fail
LTE cell changed: ID: -1, Tracking area: -1
[00:00:05.732,635] <dbg> cloudsim: replyToModem: (2)60 -> RC(0)LEN(1)

[00:00:05.732,696] <inf> cloudsim: send NULL

[00:00:05.741,394] <err> cloudsim: softsim_handler.NRF_MODEM_SOFTSIM_DEINIT

So the NULL(0x60) seems to supported but there is also a hard timer set to 2s.

Is there a way to ask the softsim to wait longer?


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