peripheral_hids_keyboard sample: Different flashing behaviour in Vscode vs Ozone


I am using nRF Connect 2.5.2 with a Xiao Seeed BLE Sense nRF52840 and Jlink EDU mini

I am trying to flash the peripheral_hids_keyboard sample with Ozone, and I immediately hit a hard fault (escalation of a fault with configurable priority that cannot be handled)

I can flash the peripheral_hids_keyboard sample using Vscode (nrfjprog / West) and debug successfully.  I can even flash with Vscode and attach to process with Ozone.

Ozone also worked fine to flash other samples (lsm6dsl)

I am confused why Ozone can't flash the peripheral_hids_keyboard sample, and what Ozone is doing differently than Vscode / nrfjprog

