peripheral_hids_keyboard sample: Different flashing behaviour in Vscode vs Ozone


I am using nRF Connect 2.5.2 with a Xiao Seeed BLE Sense nRF52840 and Jlink EDU mini

I am trying to flash the peripheral_hids_keyboard sample with Ozone, and I immediately hit a hard fault (escalation of a fault with configurable priority that cannot be handled)

I can flash the peripheral_hids_keyboard sample using Vscode (nrfjprog / West) and debug successfully.  I can even flash with Vscode and attach to process with Ozone.

Ozone also worked fine to flash other samples (lsm6dsl)

I am confused why Ozone can't flash the peripheral_hids_keyboard sample, and what Ozone is doing differently than Vscode / nrfjprog


  • The other odd thing here (and I can open another ticket if thats helpful) is that flashing the sample isn't quite working.

    It seems like Ozone and VsCode are each doing something slightly different, but both are required to get the sample in a working state.


    - if I flash with Ozone alone -> not working

    - if I flash with vscode alone -> not working

    - if I flash with Ozone and then vscode -> working (as long as I don't do a full erase)

    Where working state is: I can see the LED flashing, attach VScode debugger + verify),

    I'm guessing Ozone is flashing some piece than VScode is missing and vice-versa

  • The other odd thing here (and I can open another ticket if thats helpful) is that flashing the sample isn't quite working.

    It seems like Ozone and VsCode are each doing something slightly different, but both are required to get the sample in a working state.


    - if I flash with Ozone alone -> not working

    - if I flash with vscode alone -> not working

    - if I flash with Ozone and then vscode -> working (as long as I don't do a full erase)

    Where working state is: I can see the LED flashing, attach VScode debugger + verify),

    I'm guessing Ozone is flashing some piece than VScode is missing and vice-versa

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