I thought this should be very simple but it has not turned out that way. I have started with the pc-ble-driver heart rate monitor (peripheral) example. I was able to take...
I building a gas meter monitor ( peripheral ) that transmit meter reading to the Central.
The gas meter will be sending to the Central it's ID and meter value ( uint64_t...
The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks will host also this year a dependability competition to benchmark the performance of state-of-the-art...
I find the CSCS example program reading zero at low cadence levels below around 50 rpm.
Using ble_peripheral example ble_app_cscs loaded into the PCA10040 board or...
Nordic Developer Zone - The Nordic developer’s best friend
The original goal of Nordic Developer zone was to create a resource for our customers that would complement direct Nordic technical support.…
This example shows a simple GPIO driver for seamless handling of the GPIO and GPIOTE peripherals of the nRF52 series. This example is particularly intended for developers who wish to develop…
If you just want to navigate (without debugging) through the nRF5-SDK using CLion, follow the following steps. For debugging go to “Debugging the nRF52 with CLion” in the full post.
The scope of this tutorial is to make it clear how a developer can adjust the RAM and FLASH memory start addresses. The examples demonstrated in this tutorial uses SDK 15.2 The first three Sections explains…
This tutorial demonstrates how to adapt and program SDK example applications to the nRF52840 dongle using USB DFU. It also describes how to program the dongle via Serial Wire Debug (SWD) using an external…
We are happy to announce our first release of the nRF Connect for Cloud Device API!
Connect your BLE, LTE/NB-IoT or any other device to our free IoT development platform and interact with that device through…
This is a follow-up to my previous blog post; adding custom commands to a BLE example.
I hope it was interesting to see an example of adding the vendor specific Nordic UART service (NUS) into another…
We have produced a video tutorial in two parts about Bluetooth low energy. The purpose is to give you a developer’s introduction to BLE and the development tools offered by Nordic Semiconductor.
NB! Please…