iBeacon application example with nrf51

Hi all, I developed an iBeacon application example with nrf51 chip-set. The firmware has been developed on top of softdevice s110 and Nordic SDK running on a nrf51 PCA10028 Dev. Kit. I used an arm-eabi-none GCC toolchain and JLink under Ubuntu. Find the github link here below: https://github.com/marcorussi/nrf51_beacon

Have a look at the README file for a full documentation (install, build, customize, ...).

The make file allows you to debug, flash and customize minor and major numbers by storing them into the UICR memory. So, you can flash many individuals beacons easily and the proceduer can be automatized for a production line.

The idea behind this project was to developed an easy to be used iBeacon application easily customizable. In addition I thought it was great to include a debug example (gdb) as a reusable debug starting point for more complex applications.

It is necessary to download and use a modified version of the nrfjprog available on my github: https://github.com/marcorussi/nrfjprog

The project is shared under MIT license so feel free to use it and improve it as you want. Spread the word!
