Change GPIO for trigger DFU update

Hello !

I would like to change standard DFU pin ( 0,23 ) to own one e.g 0,4

 I have forwarded 0,23 to net core and add to mcuboot.conf the next configuration :

# Use GPIO for trigger update

And application core reboot all the time in loop, even I only forward this pin to network core.

How to change DFU trigger pin in correct way  in all bootloaders and core images ?

How disable GPIO trigger pin completely for be sure if it not used by zephyr components ?

I need 0,23 for own usage on network core side in any case, even FW update feature can be disabled for now.

** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.2.99-ncs2 ***
I: Starting bootloader
I: Primary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
I: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
I: Boot source: none
I: Swap type: none
I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x18000

... reboot again ...


