SHT31 readout on nRF5340 using the Zephyr Sample

Hi everyone,

I am trying to get the Zephyr SHT31 sample running on a nRF7002-DK (nrf5340), but I only get "Device SHT3XD is not ready".

I ran a debug session, and it is failing due to zephyr/kernel/device.c::z_device_is_ready funcition returning false.

somehow the dev->state->initialized = true, but dev->state->init_res = 5 (needs to be 0 for the function to return true).

My guess is that I need to fix my device overlay file - below is the device overlay file I am using:

&i2c1 {
	sht3xd@44 {
		compatible = "sensirion,sht3xd";
		reg = <0x44>;
		label = "SHT3XD";


