Central device with more than 20 sensors sending measurements.

I am looking for a reccomendation on the best way to create a system with one central device receiving measurements from more than 20 sensors (up to 40).

We have made a test with the central device having two 52840 chip that each handle 20 connections. The sensors collect and send data in packets every second.

This is working OK, but I am wondering if there is a better way to deal with this setup: Can I send sensor data without creating a connection? Should I look at BLE MESH or can I not expect the needed bandwidth.

Each sensor mainly collects 40 * 6-byte samles each second, these are transmitted in one large packet roughly one packet every second using sd_ble_gatts_hvx(). 200 something bytes in each transmission.

I am currently using the SDK version 17.0.2, but I am considering migrating to nRF Connect v2.4.
