NRF5340: zephyr child image image build issue.


Hardware setup    NRF5340DK
Base Application ipc_service

I'm facing a rather embarrassing issue. I've been using CLion to develop embedded software since I first got into MCUs. Needless to say, my productivity takes a nosedive whenever I'm forced to use another IDE. I'm now working on a project centered around the 5340. I created, build and flashed the ipc multi-core sample using Visual Code, than "imported" the project into CLion. Everything works, the image builds accordingly, it runs as expected, but with a tiny hiccup. Because CLion uses the top-level CMakeLists.txt to index the project, it doesn't "see" the child image. Because of the zephyr's arcane build system, CLion fails to detect the child CMake, ergo every file in the child image is seen as not being part of the project.

I know what I'm asking is technically not your concern - your official hardware & software combination works, but would you guys be so kind as to help me link the child image via the main CMake file only? Without using zephyr's rather arcane build system? Right now, I'm guessing the child image gets linked via the yml / hci folder - I think that's basically a zephyr module.

Or, another possible solution would be a link/ tutorial about how to build a net core app and a main core app completely separately and then merge them together. I must confess, I've crawled this support forum up and down, read the docs - I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to actually do that.

Thank you kindly for your time (and for all the detailed forum posts, made by your coleagues, that got me this far).
