OTA - Not working in Zephyr but works in SoftDevice


I am using Celium device's BE33 (nRF52833 based) Click here for datasheet. there are crystal pins exposed in this controller but I dont want to use external crystal so I have added below to prj.conf


I am trying to implement https://getwavecake.com/blog/adding-ota-dfu-to-a-nordic-zephyr-project/ This example which is a reference of Nordic/Zephyr/samples/bluetooth/peripheral_hr example.

Here I am facing a boot problem. Once I set CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT=y this problem begins. I need to touch to the crystal pins once to get started otherwise it won't start on its own. But when I am using softdevice DFU example it works well without the need to touch the crystal pins. why so ? Am I doing anything wrong?

Thanks in advance.


Neeraj Dhekale
