SPIS communication frequency


    Currently I have the following application requirements:

        Use SPI peripheral to communication with FPGA device. ( NRF5340 [ SLAVE ]  <--->  FPGA  [ MASTER ]  )

        The goal of the communication is 1000 data reads per second.( The size of each data read is 16bit * 18 = 288bit = 36Byte)

         PS:    1. I use a Zephyr (NCS) and SPI1(slave with Easy DMA).

                   2. The SPI frequency is set to 16000000.

        The solution I'm currently using is :

                1.SPI communication use [ k_poll_signal_reset, spi_transceive_signal ].

                2.The Timer timer is used for 1ms while the callback function is used [ k_poll_signal_check ], then print some debug message(not very longer), then continue to step 1 and return.

        But the problem I ran into was this - I observed through the debug information that the actual transfer rate was not 1ms at a time, but almost 3-4ms at a time.

        Do I need to change some configuration or code structure, or use other methods or even change some underlying code to reduce some code redundancy to improve code efficiency and communication frequency?

