ESM Error Code 50: type ipv4 only allowed (NRF91 Asset Tracker)


I am a bit stuck on this one. 

Hardware: NRF91 Thingy, NRF91 DK

Firmware: Asset Tracker with latest MFW v1.3.5

I have been connecting with 1oT SIM using NRF91Thingy and DK perfectly for the last 4 months - and it is usually the O2 cell tower (LTE-M Roaming) as there is no other tower nearby. I left it attached and logging on October 22nd 2023 and a few hours later disconnected, I have not been able to connect since. Every time I connect, or use AT+COPS it attaches then immediately detached with ESM 50 code - (PDN type IPv4 only allowed). I have contacted 1oT and they haven't reported anything with O2 network.

Modem trace as follows:

%CESQ: 32,1,16,2
+CEREG: 2,"02D0","07F87C78",7
%CESQ: 33,1,9,1
%CESQ: 33,1,14,2
[00:00:01.534,149] <inf> app_event_manager: DATA_EVT_CONFIG_INIT
[00:00:01.935,821] <inf> app_event_manager: MODEM_EVT_LTE_CELL_UPDATE
+CNEC_ESM: 50,0              <------- Error Code
+CEREG: 5,"02D0","07F87C78",7,,,"11100000","11100000"
+CGEV: NW DETACH             <------- Detach
%CESQ: 35,1,19,2

I have never seen this issue before and nothing has changed in the firmware since I started logging started. 1oT assume its hardware/firmware related - and suggested I changed the PDN context to use IPv4 only, same result. I also switched to IPv6, it gives a EMM 15 error in that case. We can connect to Vodafone just fine, but it is quite low signal, either way O2 has always been the closest and the best to connect to. 

Has anyone had similar issues? 

  • I’ve found one linked in post that suggest that O2 have shutdown their LTE network for roaming

    Could you contact you Nordic RSM for more info. If you need help to get in contact then ping me  with  and I will help. 


  • The  ESM 50 is quite usual and doesn't prevent the modem from proper operating. 

    There are a couple of rumors around Telefonica/O2. One says, that a lot of MVNO are only offering O2/LTE not LTE-M. The modems where able to register into O2/LTE (shown as LTE-M), but e.g. PSM was missing. Now the base-stations are getting updated, which enables LTE-M with PSM, but that requires also the MVNOs to update their subscriptions and forward that to their users. Not sure, what's true or not.

  • I don't understand why you're so upset. In my opinion, O2 has not blocked anything. Only LTE Release 14 has been activated. I have known since October 2020 what will happen then. I have been telling my customers this for years. 3GPP Release 13 does not differentiate between LTE and LTE-M. A SIM card with roaming for LTE can register on the LTE network with an LTE-M module in Release 13. From Release 14, this is no longer possible. If you use a SIM card for LTE in the LTEM network, you are in a foreign radio network without a contract. It is like parking your car in someone else's car park.

    In Germany, if you have already put up parking signs and are still being bothered by people parking illegally on your private property, you have the right to have the illegally parked vehicle towed away. The cost of the towing is borne by the wrongly parked vehicle because it has committed what is known as "unlawful interference". This is when a parking offender "disturbs" the owner of the parking space - even if there are other parking spaces available.

    The incorrect parking of an LTE-M module is documented in this video by DTAG. See 6:23 . On the parking spaces marked in blue (LTE-M networks) you can expect a fine.

    You just bought the wrong SIM cards. I looked at four MVNOs and found that all four exploited the Release 13 loophole to get on the network. There are many more than 4 MVNOs and many more blue marked parking spaces.

    How do I know all this? I spent 20 years as an FAE or CTO for various distributors. Today I work for an MVNO. My business card says Global Business Development Manager at Crout. I advise small and large companies (including operators).

    Join the good side of the Force. Send an email to the digital Jedi: harald.naumann (at) E-mailMailbox with mailMailbox closed. I deliver the SIM cards for UK. SIM cards with LTE-M network function in UK.  Free parking in UK and other countries.

    May roaming be with us.

  • The LTE Release 14 has been activated? I have known since October 2020 what will happen then. I have been telling my customers this for years. 3GPP Release 13 does not differentiate between LTE and LTE-M. A SIM card with roaming for LTE can register on the LTE network with an LTE-M module in Release 13. From Release 14, this is no longer possible. If you use a SIM card for LTE in the LTEM network, you are in a foreign radio network without a contract. It is like parking your car in someone else's car park.

    In Germany, if you have already put up parking signs and are still being bothered by people parking illegally on your private property, you have the right to have the illegally parked vehicle towed away. The cost of the towing is borne by the wrongly parked vehicle because it has committed what is known as "unlawful interference". This is when a parking offender "disturbs" the owner of the parking space - even if there are other parking spaces available.

    The incorrect parking of an LTE-M module is documented in this video by DTAG. See 6:23 . On the parking spaces marked in blue (LTE-M networks) you can expect a fine.

    You just bought the wrong SIM cards. I looked at four MVNOs and found that all four exploited the Release 13 loophole to get on the network. There are many more than 4 MVNOs and many more blue marked parking spaces.

    How do I know all this? I spent 20 years as an FAE or CTO for various distributors. Today I work for an MVNO. My business card says Global Business Development Manager at Crout. I advise small and large companies (including operators).

    Join the good side of the Force. Send an email to the digital Jedi: harald.naumann (at) E-mailMailbox with mailMailbox closed. I deliver the SIM cards for UK. SIM cards with LTE-M network function in UK.  Free parking in UK and other countries.

    May roaming be with us.

  • Thanks Harold, for a very aggressive answer to a genuine problem. 

    "I don't understand why you're so upset" - that's is not very constructive in the least. It does not change the fact that MVNO said we had LTE-M on our SIMs, now we don't, no one said anything, and no one knew. 

    If this some form of sales pitch - I really think you need to work on your delivery. I can safely say we will not be roaming with you, thanks all the same. 
