using smp to download/upload files from fs is extremely slow in compare to custom service

hello Nordic

i am using nrf52832 +and nrf52840 with ncs v2.3.0

i am using little fs in the nrfs (which are the servers), i use SMP service for DFU. 

when implementing smp service on my client and try to upload or download files to the servers i see it takes a very long time (~100kb /1min)

i wonder why it is so, what configuration might i miss ?

also when i add prints to every read of my external flash under the lfs, i see that it reads much more the 100kb, looks like it reads the same area over and over, so i wonder why does it behave like this and how can i fix it 

another issue that is less related to smp and more to fs, it looks like file system asks the flash driver to read area that is not designated to fs in the .yml fils .. any ideas on that ?

hope to read from you soon

best regards

