nRF5340 Audio DK with BMP280 sensor


I am fairly new to the development with nRF and am having problems getting sensor data from a connected BMP280 to the nRF5340 audio dk.

The first thing I did was look at the sample for the BME280 (unfortunately there is no pre-made sample for the BMP280 as far as I know). I thought I could rewrite it to work with the BMP280, but it didn't find the device. Then I tried to repeate exercise 2 from "Lesson 6 - Serial Communication (I2C)" and adapt it to the BMP280 datasheet. Is this the best way to get sensor data from the BMP280? I've also found this BMP2 SensorAPI, but I haven't figured out how to use it in nRF yet. What is the most elegant and easiest way to get sensor data from the BMP280?

My development setup:

OS: macOS Sonoma 14.0

SW versions: VS Code 1.84.1, newest nRF Connect for VS Code extension pack

Best regards,

