Enable to pair between my computer on windows and my board runing the ble sample peripheral_hids_keyboard


I am using the sample peripheral_hids_keyboard on nRFconnect with toolchain and SDK @ V2.3.0

Using the sample, I've been able to connect and bound with this smartphone : 

I've also been able to bound with an iPhone 11 pro on ios16, after modifing this macro : OUTPUT_REP_KEYS_REF_ID from 1 to 2 (so it is not the same ID as INPUT report)

But I can't connect with a portable computer, I've tried with one on Windows 10 and one on Windows 11. 

Here the log when I try to connect with the PC on Windows 11 : 

As you can see, I've tried to connect 2 times but it failed both. 

I've also can't connect with an Android 13.

Best regards,


  • Thibaud said:
    I am setting up the sniffer so i can send you more logs.

    Thanks, that would be very nice!

    Edit: I am out of office tomorrow.


  • hello,

    As I was saying last time I have problem using ble samples. I can't bound to any windows (10&11) computers and had issues with an android smartphone too. 

    In my open space we have 5 computers, 4 on Windows 10 and 1 on Windows 11. On all that computers I can bound with only one and it was difficult, I had to try to connect around 5 or 6 times before it asks me the sequence with the passkey, every other times it ended up in "Try to reconnect your device".

    Using the zephyr bluetooth LE controller instead of the SoftDevice Controller resolved my problems. 

    The thing is, I would prefer to use the SoftDevice Controller since Nordic designed it for nFR series and I think it would be simplier if I need support in the future. 

    So, I've setup your sniffer with wireshark and here is my LOGs : 

    Radio_frame_windows_10 : 

    LOG from the board : 

    Radio_frame_windows_11 : 

    Log from the board : 

    Wireshark file from windows 11 bounding try :   windows_11_frame.pcapng

    Seems I have been able to work with the zephyr controller I mooved on and satrted developping my application, but I had an other issue . Seems my peripheral doesn't have IO or Display I need a Just Works pairing with the central. To do that I deleted the lines : 

    But I had to disable the options  CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS and CONFIG_SETTINGS too so it works.

    If I use those options I can't connect to any central in Just Works, I have to enable the passkey pairing which I don't want.

    I have the problem with both Zephyr and Nordic Controler.

    Do you have ever heard of this problem ?This is kind of a big deal seems i need those options to reconnect to a central after a reset.

    I am using SDK v2.3.0 since v2.5.0 does not solve any of my issues.

    Best regards


  • I have now tried on a second Windows 10 PC without issue, I also tested with an iphone 15 without an issue. In both cases I compiled the hid keyboard example as-is with the only modification I wrote in my first reply: "disable NFC_OOB_PAIRING in kconfig"

    Here is the picture when for instance connecting with iphone 15:

    Notice there is no log of nfc, but I did click button 1 to confirm bonding. This was using ncs v2.5.0, I have not tried v2.3.0.


  • What can you tell me about the nRF52840-DK you are using? Version and pca number?


  • Hi

    It has always been working on iPhone the problem came with Windows. I have the same behavior with the sdk v2.5.0 and NFC_OOB_PAIRING disable. 

    I tried with two nRF52840dk : v2.0.1 - 2020.37 and v3.0.1 - 2023.14 both PCA10056

    Radio_frame_windows_11 : 

    Note that we see here that the peripheral rejected the pairing, not the central.

    But I had to disable the options  CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS and CONFIG_SETTINGS too so it works.

    Did you look into this ?


    Thibaud HABRAND
