Hello, I'm trying to do the fota via azure IoT hub, except I can't, I don't know if I'm doing it wrong because I followed the doc   Azure FOTA ainsi que  Azure IoT Hub , maybe I missed something.

sdk 2.5.99-dev1

I would like to add this, when try to download the zephyr.bin on my azure

<err> download_client: Unable to connect, errno 113
[00:00:44.678,955] <err> fota_download: Download client error
[00:00:44.689,544] <err> azure_fota: FOTA download failed

If you need more information, I'm open, thank you, I hope to find a solution :)

  • Hi Actif

    We are severely understaffed this week because of the Christmas holidays, and Didrik will have to get back to you on this next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best regards

  • Hi ,  and sorry for the late response.

    Can you take a modem trace, so that we can get more details about what goes wrong?

    What certificate does the FOTA server use and/or expect?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Didrik, just to let you know that overflow seems to be requesting help with an nrf7002DK, not an nRF91 Series DK.

  • Hi,

    I think this should have been posted as a separate ticket, but I'll try to answer it here anyway, and hopefully  can find some guidance in the anwer too.

    Firstly, the Azure IoT Hub sample is tested for every NCS release. If it doesn't work as expected and documented, it is reported in the "Known issues" section of the NCS docs:

    To your questions:

    The Azure IoT Hub sample contains the required Kconfig options. For nRF7002 DK, you can see the FOTA options here:
    For DPS, the basic set of options is here:

    Note that you will have to take root CAs fot the TLS connection into account for both, which may affect your Kconfig options, answered in more detail below.

    2. and 3.
    For FOTA, CONFIG_AZURE_FOTA_SEC_TAG has to be configured to a sec tag where you plan to put the root CA for the FOTA server. If you use Azure blob storage, this may be set to the sec tag where you have Baltimore root cert installed.

    For DPS, you can use the CONFIG_MQTT_HELPER_SECONDARY_SEC_TAG to set the sec tag for the root certificate if it differs from the IoT Hub root CA. As of today, DPS still uses Baltimore CyberTrust certificate, but this will change as that certificate expires in May 2025 and that has to be planned for.

    This means that if you use Azure blob storage and DPS, you can configure the sec tags to be the same and install Baltimore root cert to that sec tag. You can do that by enabling MQTT_HELPER_PROVISION_CERTIFICATES (default enabled for nRF7002 DK) and putting the certificate in an included header file called ca-cert-2.h.

    I hope this clears up things a bit. If not, please don't hesitate to ask again.

    Kind regards,

    Jan Tore

  • Hello Jan Tore,

    Thank you for providing such a detailed answer to my query. As it turns out, it ended up being a separate ticket, and I have included the link to it in case you want to check it out.

    Azure IoT Hub sample, integration of DPS and FOTA not working 

    I wanted to bring to your attention the issue we often face while using the Nordic sample. There is a significant gap in explaining the steps involved, which can sometimes hinder our understanding of the product. While I understand that your team cannot support all external platforms and solutions, I believe that comprehensive documentation of your product's workings is essential for customers to keep up with your product and team.

    A complete and thorough walkthrough of your sample would be highly beneficial for both Nordic and its customers. Your product would gain faster traction, and we, as customers, could experience the benefits of the Nordic platform without facing constant development delays and other problems.

    For instance, your Azure IoT hub sample doesn't touch on the Azure platform usage, but your team did have to interact with it to validate your solution. How can we expect to replicate your solution architecture if it is not explicitly described and explained? Joining a solution diagram could also be beneficial.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my message.

