Flash/RAM overflow on example project for NRF52DK_NRF52805 / NCS


I had previously successfully merged, built, and tested the NCS examples for Peripheral LBS and an ADC example on an NRF52DK emulating an NRF52805. I attempted to add DFU support by following the (unfortunate outdated since the prj.conf options don't all exist anymore) instructions here ( Add DFU support to your application) with some help from another Q&A post to get the bootloader building, but now it says I'm overflowing flash by 89K and RAM by 9K, just by adding DFU.

I started from prj_minimal.conf, only enabling ADC, Serial logging out, and the BT options necessary to build the LBS example, and then the DFU addition (full file attached below).

At the core, all I'm trying to do is collect ADC data, support a few BLE commands, and OTA DFU. I'd be surprised to learn the flash and RAM of a 52805 could not support that, but perhaps that is the case. I had to enable a few other BT features for it to build with the bootloader as well according to the build output errors I was getting. Am I asking for too much from the available memory or is there something I'm missing in the conf file that would cut the size way down?

Thank you!
