I2S in NRF9161

Hi. I am working on upgrading an old project made for NRF9160 to NRF9161. a Requirement that seems to require upgrading Zephyr/NRF SDK and this 10000 lines of application code too. Now I got stuck with I2S. It looks like a lots of stuff have changed since I originally got this working  https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/60256/i2s-on-nrf9160

What I would like to know that is there now any samples available that would show how I2S should be properly used? Could not find any. Apparently nowadays you could use it with zephyr APIs also, but doing that solely based on documentation does not sound very appealing. For the minimun code changes I would probably prefer to use NRFX APIs directly as before. For now, after modifying the API calls to compile with new API all I get is a crash when calling nrfx_i2s_init. So probably some magical definitions from somewhere in the SDK are missing again.
