Extended Scanning not working on nRF5340 SoftDevice Controller after first connection

We're using nRF53 flashed with SoftDevice and HCI UART example as Controller to implement LE Audio in our Bluetooth stack running on a Mac. Unrelated to BIS/CIS, we run into the issue that we don't receive any advertisings after the first connection was made - required to find the other unicast devices in a connected set, e.g. Earbuds.

On Zephyr Discourd I was recommended to post the issue here.

I've attached the HCI trace from nRF53 DK. I'm using the v2.6 release tag of ncs.

To reproduce, either create a simple Zephyr app that finds a device, connects, then starts scanning again, or use our test code.


# Flash SDC on nRF534 DK
- Store [hci_ipc.conf from nRF5340 Audio example])(raw.githubusercontent.com/.../hci_ipc_release.conf) in `ncs/zephyr/samples/hci_uart/child_image`
- Store usb.overlay and usb-overlay.conf [frome our repo](github.com/.../nrf5340_dongle) in `ncs/zephyr/samples/hci_uart` to route UART over USB CDC (not needed, but more convenient)
- `west build --pristine -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -- -DDTC_OVERLAY_FILE=usb.overlay -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-usb.conf`
- `west flash`

# Compile examples
- Checkout out BTstack
- Change to branch `test-scan-after-conenct`
- Follow Readme.md in `port/posix-h4` to compile the examples

# Run
- You can specify the path to the /dev/tty with param -u on the command line
- Run `gatt_counter` example on one device - could be anything, just announce UUID FF10 in advertisement
- Run `scan_after_connect` on the other. It will scan and connect to the first device, after that, it starts scanning again, but there are no advertisements
- HCI trace on Mac/Linux is available in /tmp/hci_dump.pklg
