reset from CPU lock-up detected!


I am using nrf52840 and nrf SDK 16.0. Our board is getting reset sometimes and the reset reason is CPU lock-up detected.

why and when does board reset from CPU lock-up? How do we fix this?

Thank you,


  • Hi,

    This is often a result of a hardfault inside a hardfault,

    Have you checked your log output and see if it indicates any hardfault?



  • Hi Jared,

    I have caused hard fault condition in our device by performing (1/0) and we are getting reset reason as 4, i.e. soft reset.

    Actually, we don't have the debug logs. we have the deployed our device. and it is resetting sometimes. The reset reason is 8 i.e. reset due to CPU lockup. 

    can you please help in debugging which code caused this reset?!

    Thank you,

  • Ok, my understanding is that the issue that you see with the deployed devices is that they reset with the CPU lockup bit being set in RESETREAS, which can indicate a hardfault. Thus, I think we need to focus on understanding the cause of this hardfault.

    If CPU lock reset occurs following HardFault_Handler() gets executed ? Further this function calls the NVIC_SystemReset() which indicate the softreset. In this case how will the controller manages to indicate the CPU lock reset reason in RESETREAS instead of softreset?.

    Ok sure we are creating the deployment scenario and will share the logs. Since we cann't completely reproduce the deployment enviroment, we are planning to collect the hardfault information & store in flash. After reset, we read from flash & transmit in BLE packet.

    From Hard fault can we collect the file name and line number which cause this issue?. If not what else we can collect? Can you let-us know what all information we can collect ?

    Thank you,


  • Hi Jared,

    can you please reply ASAP!

    thank you


  • Hi,

    As I've stated in my initial reply, it's difficult to pinpoint the root reason for a CPU lockup. A such state indicates that the CPU for some reason is in a such erroneous state, so that the only way to recover is to do a reset. The reason for being in this state can be that the device hardfaults and then hardfaults again.

    Shreya J B said:
    From Hard fault can we collect the file name and line number which cause this issue?. If not what else we can collect? Can you let-us know what all information we can collect ?

    I think this is complicating it a bit. Couldn't you just connect the device to a serial terminal and let it run, and then read out the log output when it asserts?

    Hopefully you could recreate the conditions inside a lab?



  • Hi,

    Thank you for the information. we are trying to recreate this condition. the test is under process. once we receive will get back to you.

    Thank you,

  • Good,

    Please share the logs once you have them,

    In the meantime here is some questions you could answer:

    1. Have you been able to reproduce the issue on a development kit?
    2. Can you describe what your application does? Does it use Bluetooth, is it a beacon or in a connection etc?
    3. Do you have a bootloader on the device?
    4. Does the device do any flash operations?
    5. How long was the device operating in field before you saw the issue? 7-days? Or has the device been in field for longer.



  • Good,

    Please share the logs once you have them,

    In the meantime here is some questions you could answer:

    1. Have you been able to reproduce the issue on a development kit?
    2. Can you describe what your application does? Does it use Bluetooth, is it a beacon or in a connection etc?
    3. Do you have a bootloader on the device?
    4. Does the device do any flash operations?
    5. How long was the device operating in field before you saw the issue? 7-days? Or has the device been in field for longer.


