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custom service problem


I'm using the nRF51822 and custom a service.I add 4 characteristic in the service and all of them

config to indication type to send data.Everything is Ok and sending data and confirm is normal while I only send one characteristic at one time,but when I try to send all characteristic data at the same time, my device didn't sending the data success and it will disconnect.Is anyone have a know about this issues?


  • Hi Morten

        Thanks for your quickly response.I send to data like below.
    void send_data()

    { ble_send_data1(); ble_send_data2(); ble_send_data3(); ble_send_data4(); } I check the error codes,the fisrt function error code it's 0,mean success.but the sercond function raise a error code 0x11(NRF_ERROR_BUSY),I'm not sure what that mean,my transmit type are set to indication type,is it mean I didn't receive the confirm message so can't send another data?But I have define different confirm flag for each characteristic and it's work when I send them separate.


  • Hi Morten

        Thanks for your quickly response.I send to data like below.
    void send_data()

    { ble_send_data1(); ble_send_data2(); ble_send_data3(); ble_send_data4(); } I check the error codes,the fisrt function error code it's 0,mean success.but the sercond function raise a error code 0x11(NRF_ERROR_BUSY),I'm not sure what that mean,my transmit type are set to indication type,is it mean I didn't receive the confirm message so can't send another data?But I have define different confirm flag for each characteristic and it's work when I send them separate.


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