nRF9160 dk can still be interact and not detached to network while in PSM

Hello everyone,

I'm using nRF9160 DK with hardware version SICA-BAA-E2.1.8 and firmware version mfw_nrf9160_1.2.8.

Also I'm using nRF connect sdk with version 1.5.1.

Currently I can compile my application and run it on nRF9160 DK and use %CESQ to check if device enters PSM.

Device's T3324 is set to 2 minute and T3412 is set to 5 minutes.

The odd behaviors I find are the device can still be interact after entering PSM and it seems not detached to network (by using AT+CGATT to check).

Other modem I tested with this SIM card like BG96 and R410m does not act like this when they enter PSM.

So my question is does these odd behaviors indicates that device didn't enter PSM?

Here are some simple logs:

%XMONITOR: 1,"","","46697","5829",9,28,"04943366",,,,,"","00100010","10100101","01011111"
+CPSMS: 1,,,"10100101","00100010"
+CEREG: 5,1,"5829","04943366",9,,,"00100010","10100101"

Also I have tested the power consumption by using HVPM through the usb port.

The results shows the device acts really like PSM after T3324 timer expired.

Any suggestions will be helpful !
