Crash on connect with NCS 2.6.0

You can find all information about the issue and how to produce it on GitHub:

  • 1) It's interesting that it worked for you because for me, it doesn't. See the updated GitHub repository.

    2) It's not true, that you have to provide a second buffer with uart_rx_buf_rsp. This is totally optional and only needed if you want to continue receiving after the current buffer has filled up.

  • Sorry. I forgot to mention, but I also changed your timeout for the UART. Try to increase it from 100 to at least 1000. I would also recommend that you change the memory[100] buffer with a buffer defined outside your work function, so it is valid after this work function returns.

    I am not sure why it fails when the timeout is 100µs. I have forwarded this to our SoftDevice controller team.

    Best regards,


  • Hello,


    After talking to our SoftDevice team, they said that they are not able to reproduce the issue on the current main branch (which will turn into 2.7.0 at some point), but they are not yet sure what caused the issue. They are still looking into it. In the meantime, for further development, you can increase the uart inactivity timeout from 100µs to 1000µs, until we find the cause for the issue.

    Best regards,


  • I can still reproduce the issue (of the peripheral crashing) if I use 2.6.0(or 2.6.2) for the central and 2.7.0 for the peripheral. That means a slight difference in the behavior of the central just makes it less likely for the issue to appear, but it's not fixed yet, unfortunately.

  • Hello,

    Thanks for coming back to us. I remember this issue. I see that there is no update on my internal ticket, but I will ping it. Can you please let me know whether you needed to do any changes to the application to reproduce it using 2.7.0? And just out of curiousity - Does it matter if the central is using 2.7.0 as well? Still reproducible? I am not saying that it is a fix to make sure that both are 2.7.0, but it can be a place to start to know whether it is reproducible when the central is 2.7.0 or not. 

    Best regards,

