Problem bringing up custom board with custom board file

On a new board based on nRF9160 I am having trouble figuring out how to bring up the board.

I am using Azure IoT hub and can successfully build an application that can connect using the nRF9160DK_NRF9160 Non Secure board files. This is working both on the DK board and on my custom hardware board.

I have copied the nRF9160DK_NRF9160 board to my own board and renamed files and definitions to match my own board.

I can see that when using the DK board package I get a nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns.conf file with some configuration that I do not find I my board files. I have copied these definitions into my prj.conf file.

When debugging my board using my custom board files (NS) I get this output on J-Link RTT:

00> *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1 ***
00> I: Starting bootloader
00> I: Primary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
00> I: Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
00> I: Boot source: none
00> I: Image index: 0, Swap type: none
00> I: Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x10000
00> I: Jumping to the first image slot

But when using the board definition for nRF9160DK_NRF9160 Non Secure I get this:

00> *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1 ***
00> [00:00:16.895,935] <inf> azure_iot_hub_sample: Azure IoT Hub sample started
00> [00:00:16.895,965] <inf> azure_iot_hub_sample: Bringing network interface up and connecting to the network
00> [00:00:17.124,908] <inf> nrf_modem_lib_trace: Trace thread ready

.... connecting and running.

What am I missing for my own board definition. I am working in the same project file with just the above two build definitions...
