Bluetooth Classic and BLE

Good Morning,

I would like to know if the new Soc nrf54H20 integre bluetooth classic and BLE 5.4 for 2025 ?



  • Hello Alexandre,

    No, none of our devices will have support for Bluetooth Classic - Nordic devices only supports BLE.
    Are you looking to create a wireless audio product, or similar?

    Best regards,

  • Good Morning Karl,

    several customers have applications on PC which use a standard COM port, they do not want to make software development for example to make a bidirectional service in BLE thus I wanted to know if Nordic envisaged it on its new family nrf54?



  • Hello Alexandre,

    alexandre trilles said:
    several customers have applications on PC which use a standard COM port, they do not want to make software development for example to make a bidirectional service in BLE thus I wanted to know if Nordic envisaged it on its new family nrf54?

    I am not sure if I understand this correctly - how does the existing application's standard COM port usage relate to a need for Bluetooth Classic support, could you elaborate on this?

    As it is today Bluetooth Classic is practically only used for transmission of Audio, and nothing else, and so most Bluetooth devices today do both BLE and Bluetooth classic so that they may use BLE for everything that is not audio transmission.

    alexandre trilles said:
    they do not want to make software development for example to make a bidirectional service in BLE thus I wanted to know if Nordic envisaged it on its new family nrf54?

    I can not speak anything about the nRF54 directly - all questions about this must be directed to our regional sales managers - but I can say that we in general do not support Bluetooth Classic in any of our devices.

    Best regards,

  • Good morning Karl

    thanks for information in fact a cutomer ask me if you have SPP profil because there is several computer with bluetooth 2.1 module RN-42.

    I fine understand there will not classic bluetooth in the NRF family and no problem with this

    Good day


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