LittleFS failing to mount on QSPI NOR Flash (err -28)

I am trying to implement LittleFS on 1Gb QSPI NOR flash (W25Q01JV) on the nRF5340.

I am running nRF Connect SDK version 2.4.2 and am using a slightly modified version of the LittleFS example to work with my custom board.

Whenever I try to mount the file system I get this error:

Here is the relevant Device tree bindings:

/ {
    chosen {
        nordic,pm-ext-flash = &w25q01;
    fstab {
		compatible = "zephyr,fstab";
		lfs: lfs {
			compatible = "zephyr,fstab,littlefs";
			mount-point = "/lfs";
			partition = <&lfs_part>;
			read-size = <16>;
			prog-size = <16>;
			cache-size = <64>;
			lookahead-size = <32>;
			block-cycles = <512>;

//delete-node/ &storage_partition;

&qspi {
	status = "okay";
	pinctrl-0 = <&qspi_default>;
	pinctrl-1 = <&qspi_sleep>;
	pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
    w25q01: w25q01@0 {
        compatible = "nordic,qspi-nor";
		reg = <0>;
		writeoc = "pp4o";
		readoc = "read4io";
		sck-frequency = <8000000>;
		jedec-id = [EF 40 21];
        sfdp-bfp = [
        e5 20 fb ff  ff ff ff 3f  44 eb 08 6b  08 3b 42 bb
        fe ff ff ff  ff ff 00 00  ff ff 40 eb  0c 20 0f 52
        10 d8 00 00  36 02 a6 00  82 ea 14 e2  e9 63 76 33
        7a 75 7a 75  f7 a2 d5 5c  19 f7 4d ff  e9 70 f9 a5
        //has-lock = <0x7C>;
		size = <1073741824>;
		t-enter-dpd = <3000>;
		t-exit-dpd = <3000>;
        quad-enable-requirements= "S2B1v1";
        enter-4byte-addr= <0xB7>; // 0xA5 is what is reported, but DS says 0xB7?
        partitions {
            compatible = "fixed-partitions";
            #address-cells = <1>;
            #size-cells = <1>;
            lfs_part: partition@0 {
                label = "lfs_storage";
                reg = <0x00000000 0x08000000>;

And here is my relevant prj.conf settings:

# file system

# nvs and partitioning


I've been messing with Device tree and overlay settings for a while without getting anywhere past this error -28 so far.

I did find that if I removed the CONFIG_PM_PARTITION_REGION_LITTLEFS_EXTERNAL setting, it would mount and run, but to the internal flash controller instead of external flash, despite any of the partition settings in the device tree.

I've ran the jesd216 example code to generate the following config information:

w25q01jv@0: SFDP v 1.6 AP ff with 2 PH
PH0: ff00 rev 1.6: 16 DW @ 80
Summary of BFP content:
DTR Clocking supported
Addressing: 3- or 4-Byte
4-KiBy erase: uniform
Support QSPI XIP
Support 1-1-1
Support 1-1-2: instr 3Bh, 0 mode clocks, 8 waits
Support 1-1-4: instr 6Bh, 0 mode clocks, 8 waits
Support 1-2-2: instr BBh, 2 mode clocks, 2 waits
Support 1-4-4: instr EBh, 2 mode clocks, 4 waits
Support 4-4-4: instr EBh, 2 mode clocks, 0 waits
Flash density: 134217728 bytes
ET1: instr 20h for 4096 By; typ 64 ms, max 896 ms
ET2: instr 52h for 32768 By; typ 128 ms, max 1792 ms
ET3: instr D8h for 65536 By; typ 160 ms, max 2240 ms
Chip erase: typ 60928 ms, max 365568 ms
Byte program: type 32 + 3 * B us, max 192 + 18 * B us
Page program: typ 704 us, max 4224 us
Page size: 256 By
Suspend: 75h ; Resume: 7Ah
DPD: Enter B9h, exit ABh ; delay 3000 ns ; poll 0x3d
HOLD or RESET Disable: unsupported
QER: 4
0-4-4 Mode methods: entry 0xd ; exit 0x3d
4-4-4 Mode sequences: enable 0x11 ; disable 0x9
4-byte addressing support: enter 0xa5, exit 0x3e5
Soft Reset and Rescue Sequence support: 0x30
Status Register 1 support: 0x69
size = <1073741824>;
sfdp-bfp = [
        e5 20 fb ff  ff ff ff 3f  44 eb 08 6b  08 3b 42 bb
        fe ff ff ff  ff ff 00 00  ff ff 40 eb  0c 20 0f 52
        10 d8 00 00  36 02 a6 00  82 ea 14 e2  e9 63 76 33
        7a 75 7a 75  f7 a2 d5 5c  19 f7 4d ff  e9 70 f9 a5
PH1: ff84 rev 1.0: 2 DW @ d0
sfdp-ff84 = [
        ff 0a f0 ff  21 ff dc ff
jedec-id = [ef 40 21];

I've tried manually declaring the partition in pm_static.yml, as well as modifying a lot of the devicetree and prj.conf settings without any success. I've seen others with similar issues when trying to use a NOR Flash chip greater than 128mb, is it a known issue? Or is there something obviously wrong in my configuration code that I am not catching?


- Brett
