How to access functions like SHA-256 from the CRYPTOCELL?

I need a checksum to verify integrity of some data blocsk. As I saw, that the nrf5340 hardware has some builtin support for SHA-256, I though: cool, let's use SHA-256

Now, I'm desperately searching for documentation as how to access that functionality. My application is based on the Nordic version of Zephyr and in an ideal world, I would access some Zephyr API functions to use the underlying CRYPTOCELL hardware.

However, when I lookup the Crypto-API in the Nordic-Zephyr documentation (, I can find a few pointers, that SHA-256 is implemented but when I try to lookup details in the API section ( I do not get any details as how to use SHA-256.

How is this API supposed to be used? Is there more detailed documentation?

The nRF5340 data sheet mentions that: "The CRYPTOCELL cryptographic functions are accessible through a software library provided in the device SDK.". Searching on for the term "device SDK" just yield hits to the sentence above.

Ok, let's assume, that by "device SDK", "nRF ConnectSDK" is meant. First hit, searching for "SHA-256": Ok, there is a library called nrf_oberon, is that, what I'm supposed to use? Oh, in the very same chapter, there is a nrf_cc3xx_platform library. Maybe that's the one, I want to use? There is a link to an API documentation! Ups, content cannot be loaded? Ok, let's try an other browser! That works and the resulting URL can also be viewed in Safari:

Is that the library that I'm supposed to use?

Totally confused,

