nRF52840 reset failure

A problem is experienced with our nRF52840 device, which occasionally stops working and cannot be reset.

Below are the issues observed:

  • The main software is stopped.

  • A stable power of 3.3V is being supplied.

  • Tests have been conducted with nRFConnect-SDK v2.6.1 and v2.4.2, with no resolution.

  • The P0.18 is configured as the nRESET pin.

  • The device is not reset by pulling down and up of the nRESET pin.

  • Connections cannot be established using J-Link Segger tools.

  • The issue is temporarily resolved by disconnecting and reconnecting the battery.

We have noticed the issue mentioned below, where different SDKs were used, but this did not provide a solution.

nRF52840 power-on reset failure - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone (
