Always "The build configuration is stale. Run a pristine build" in newer versions of nrf connect for vs code


I get the message "The build configuration is stale. Run a pristine build" even after rebuilding in all versions of nrf connect for vs code after 2023.7.129.

I have tried to remove the workspace and start over but the problem is still there.

I also tried the 2024.5.37 pre-release version to see if the problem is still there.

I tested create a new application based on the "hello world" sample with the same result.

As soon as I switch back to 2023.7.129 the source folder/files show up as expected.


  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply.

    As far as I can remember I have installed both versions thru the "Toolchain Manager" (currently running official version v1.4.1).

    Maybe nothing but the version shows differently in the nrf-connect section and in the toolchains section in the support information of the new version (but not the old).

    I have also tried to remove the v2.6.0 version and reinstalling it (also remving the file in the download folder) and it still shows this version.

    The file I have in the download folder is ncs-toolchain-x86_64-linux-2be090971e.tar.gz

    Old version
      "toolchains": [
          "version": "2.4.0",
          "path": "/home/marten/other/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a"
          "version": "2.6.20240304",
          "path": "/home/marten/other/ncs/toolchains/2be090971e"
    "config": {
        "nordic-semiconductor.nrf-connect": {
          "topdir": "",
          "toolchain": {
            "path": "${nrf-connect.toolchain:2.6.20240304}"
        "toolchainPath": "/home/marten/other/ncs/toolchains/2be090971e",
        "toolchainBinPath": "/home/marten/other/ncs/toolchains/2be090971e/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin",
        "toolchainVersion": "2.6.20240304"

    New version:
      "toolchains": [
          "version": "2.6.0",
          "path": "/home/marten/other/ncs/toolchains/2be090971e"
          "version": "2.4.0",
          "path": "/home/marten/other/ncs/toolchains/1f9b40e71a"
      "config": {
        "nordic-semiconductor.nrf-connect": {
          "topdir": "",
          "toolchain": {
            "path": "${nrf-connect.toolchain:2.6.20240304}"
        "toolchainPath": "/home/marten/other/ncs/toolchains/2be090971e",
        "toolchainBinPath": "/home/marten/other/ncs/toolchains/2be090971e/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin",
        "toolchainVersion": "2.6.0"


  • Hello Mårten,

    I have asked the respective team. I will let you know the updatesoon. 

  • Hello Mårten,

    It seems like the toolchain was not installed by nrfutil toolchain-manager, or not properly installed. You can try to remove that toolchain and install it again. Please do not to use the toolchain manager app, rather use the Manage toolchains menu in VS Code.

  • Hi!

    That seems to have solved the issue, at least after realizing that the "manage toolchin" does not "default" to the location where the other toolchain was installed but must change the path manually to make it install to the same "toolchains" directory (where I had enough space).


