nRF9160-DK programming fails

Trying to use the nRF Connect quick start with the evaluation board and the programming fails.
2024-05-22T09:09:27.145Z INFO Initialising nrfutil module: device
2024-05-22T09:09:27.173Z DEBUG Started watching devices
2024-05-22T09:09:29.039Z INFO Using nrfutil-device core version: 7.7.1
2024-05-22T09:09:29.767Z INFO Using nrfutil-device version: 2.1.1
2024-05-22T09:09:29.767Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.5
2024-05-22T09:09:29.767Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.24.0
2024-05-22T09:09:29.767Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.94e
2024-05-22T09:09:48.762Z DEBUG Selected device: nRF9160 DK
2024-05-22T09:09:48.779Z DEBUG Changed step: info
2024-05-22T09:09:58.308Z DEBUG Changed step: rename
2024-05-22T09:10:28.511Z DEBUG Changed step: program
2024-05-22T09:11:07.774Z ERROR [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][000960014270] Could not find the selected serial number.
2024-05-22T09:11:07.774Z ERROR [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][000960014270] Encountered error -10: Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 15 milliseconds with result -10
2024-05-22T09:11:28.406Z ERROR [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][000960014270] Encountered error -10: Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 14 milliseconds with result -10
2024-05-22T09:11:28.406Z ERROR [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][000960014270] Could not find the selected serial number.

  • Thank you! I actually ordered an other dk this morning. Best case I will be able to verify it tomorrow.

  • Ok, now I have a new nRF9161 dk and it behaves exactly the same?
    Now this one is connected to PC with usb-c so at least the cable is different. I'm trying to figure out how to test the cable since again:
    -- runners.nrfjprog: mass erase requested
    -- runners.nrfjprog: reset after flashing requested
    -- runners.nrfjprog: Flashing file: c:\Users\kirsi.ratinen\nordic\app\serial_lte_modem\build_1\zephyr\merged.hex
    ERROR: No debuggers were discovered.
    With our own board I am using external Segger, that doesn't recognize the SiP correctly but works when I manually choose the device.

  • I got the new board programmed once. I first tried connecting it to Segger J-link tools (where it still says Can't connect). Then starting VS code and flashing but now I am not able to get the connection again after I tried the nRF Connect QickStart. Using the command line tools I get the log:
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] nrfjprog --program 'c:\Users\kirsi.ratinen\nordic\app\serial_lte_modem\build_1\zephyr\merged.hex' --chiperase --verify -f NRF91 --snr 1050991120 --log
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] nrfjprog version 10.24.2 external
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [ info] Load library at C:\Program Files\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\bin\nrfjprog.dll.
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [ info] Library loaded, loading member functions.
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [ info] Member functions succesfully loaded.
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ Client] - open
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ Client] - start
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [ info] [ Client] - stdout: Jlinkarm nRF Worker ready. Handling sequence cfd172ca-2ed8-45eb-8125-ff541363f5af.
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [trace] [ Client] - Command open executed for 58 milliseconds with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ Client] - config
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ JLink] - Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ nRF91] - open
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ nRF91] - just_check_family
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - open_dll
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Load library at C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V794e\JLink_x64.dll.
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Library loaded, loading member functions.
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Member functions succesfully loaded.
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Set batch mode
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - dll_version
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Segger dll version 7.94.e loaded.
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [trace] [ Worker] - Command open executed for 4 milliseconds with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [trace] [ Client] - Command config executed for 16 milliseconds with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ Client] - enum_emu_snr
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ nRF91] - config
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_snr
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [trace] [ Worker] - Command config executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [trace] [ Client] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 15 milliseconds with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ nRF91] - enum_emu_con_info
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_con_info
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [trace] [ Worker] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 4 milliseconds with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ nRF91] - close
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ nRF91] - close
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - close
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - disconnect_from_emu
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger Backend closed.
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ nRF91] - nRF family DLL closed
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [trace] [ Client] - Command close executed for 31 milliseconds with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [debug] [ Client] - terminate
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:03] [trace] [ Client] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:04] [trace] [ Worker] - Command close executed for 16 milliseconds with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:04] [trace] [ Worker] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:04] [trace] [ Worker] - Executed 5 commands for 26 milliseconds
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:04] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:04] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:04] [debug] [ Client] - Child process terminated with result 0
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:04] [trace] [ Client] - Executed 5 commands for 120 milliseconds
    [2024-Jun-07 10:46:04] [debug] [ Client] - terminate

  • I do believe there is an issue with the installation of the driver, can you try to manually download the j-link version you have and add the following: 

