nrf5340 audio Unicast client/Gatt Client resubscribing to bonded peer characteristics

I have 2 nrf5340 devices, one running the Unicast Client and one running the Unicast Server. On the initial connection I am able to successfully stream audio.

On a restart of the Unicast server, the client successfully detects a BLE disconnection and I start scanning again. When the server restarts, I restart advertising to the bonded peer and the connection is successful but it appears the unicast client doesn't successfully resubscribe to the characteristic.

I have the CONFIG_BT_GATT_AUTO_RESUBSCRIBE set to y in the prj.conf but I don't see it happening in the drivers.

I get a warning on the server that :

HL [00:00:03.964,385] <wrn> bt_gatt: Device is not subscribed to characteristic
HL [00:00:03.964,385] <wrn> bt_pacs: PACS notify failed: -22

On the client side it shows issues initially by the "More than one sink endpoing..." warning. But then it appears to configure the sink connection:
-- [00:00:38.572,692] <dbg> unicast_client: available_contexts_cb: conn: D1:3A:F6:65:C0:9C (random), snk ctx 5 src ctx 0
-- [00:00:39.972,564] <dbg> unicast_client: available_contexts_cb: conn: D1:3A:F6:65:C0:9C (random), snk ctx 5 src ctx 0
-- [00:00:40.172,576] <wrn> unicast_client: More than one sink endpoint found, idx 0 is used by default
-- [00:00:40.972,503] <dbg> unicast_client: supported_sample_rates_print: Headset supports: 48, 24, 16, kHz in sink direction
-- [00:00:41.073,944] <inf> unicast_client: LEFT sink stream configured
-- [00:00:41.073,974] <dbg> unicast_client: stream_configured_cb: Configured Stream info: LEFT, 0x20002818, dir 1
-- [00:00:41.073,974] <dbg> unicast_client: headset_pres_delay_find: Index: 0, Pref min: 10000, pref max: 40000, pres_min: 4000, pres_max: 60000
-- [00:00:41.074,005] <dbg> unicast_client: stream_configured_cb: Set LEFT headset, connection 0x20002a08, stream 0x20002818

But then I get no audio streaming. 

Is there anything else that needs to be done to have the Unicast Client automatically resubscribe to the server?
