nrf5340 audio Unicast client/Gatt Client resubscribing to bonded peer characteristics

I have 2 nrf5340 devices, one running the Unicast Client and one running the Unicast Server. On the initial connection I am able to successfully stream audio.

On a restart of the Unicast server, the client successfully detects a BLE disconnection and I start scanning again. When the server restarts, I restart advertising to the bonded peer and the connection is successful but it appears the unicast client doesn't successfully resubscribe to the characteristic.

I have the CONFIG_BT_GATT_AUTO_RESUBSCRIBE set to y in the prj.conf but I don't see it happening in the drivers.

I get a warning on the server that :

HL [00:00:03.964,385] <wrn> bt_gatt: Device is not subscribed to characteristic
HL [00:00:03.964,385] <wrn> bt_pacs: PACS notify failed: -22

On the client side it shows issues initially by the "More than one sink endpoing..." warning. But then it appears to configure the sink connection:
-- [00:00:38.572,692] <dbg> unicast_client: available_contexts_cb: conn: D1:3A:F6:65:C0:9C (random), snk ctx 5 src ctx 0
-- [00:00:39.972,564] <dbg> unicast_client: available_contexts_cb: conn: D1:3A:F6:65:C0:9C (random), snk ctx 5 src ctx 0
-- [00:00:40.172,576] <wrn> unicast_client: More than one sink endpoint found, idx 0 is used by default
-- [00:00:40.972,503] <dbg> unicast_client: supported_sample_rates_print: Headset supports: 48, 24, 16, kHz in sink direction
-- [00:00:41.073,944] <inf> unicast_client: LEFT sink stream configured
-- [00:00:41.073,974] <dbg> unicast_client: stream_configured_cb: Configured Stream info: LEFT, 0x20002818, dir 1
-- [00:00:41.073,974] <dbg> unicast_client: headset_pres_delay_find: Index: 0, Pref min: 10000, pref max: 40000, pres_min: 4000, pres_max: 60000
-- [00:00:41.074,005] <dbg> unicast_client: stream_configured_cb: Set LEFT headset, connection 0x20002a08, stream 0x20002818

But then I get no audio streaming. 

Is there anything else that needs to be done to have the Unicast Client automatically resubscribe to the server?

  • Noted, no worries about the time you need. I was unfortunately a bit busy myself the past week!.. The case will be left open until it's closed by you or we mark it as resolved and it will pop into my queue as soon as you reply (or bounce back to a team-queue if I'm out of office for a few days when you get back to me).

    Kind regards,
