Build fails after update to v2.6.0

I am currently working with NCS v2.0.2 with toochain v2.0.2

I followed the steps in "How to change a workspace application SDK version" update to NCS 2.6.0.

when i build it fails with the following error.

I have modified the revision in west.yml to v2.6.0
Do I need to modify the settings of other files?



  • Hello Arnold,

    It looks like you are enabling CONFIG_PM in your board or project configuration. Support for this option was removed in nRF Connect SDK v2.5.0:

     What function should be used instead of pm_state_force(0u, &(const struct pm_state_info){PM_STATE_STANDBY, 0, 0}); in SDK 2.5.0  

    Best regards,


  • I disable CONFIG_PM in my project configuration.but still have same error.

    So I tried updating to NCS 2.4.0 and still have the same problem

    CMake Error at C:/core3_workspace/zephyr/cmake/modules/kconfig.cmake:339 (message):
      command failed with return code: 1
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
      C:/core3_workspace/nrf/cmake/modules/kconfig.cmake:29 (include)
      C:/core3_workspace/zephyr/cmake/modules/zephyr_default.cmake:115 (include)
      C:/core3_workspace/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake/ZephyrConfig.cmake:66 (include)
      C:/core3_workspace/zephyr/share/zephyr-package/cmake/ZephyrConfig.cmake:92 (include_boilerplate)
      CMakeLists.txt:11 (find_package)
    -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
    FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 1: 'C:\ncs\toolchains\v2.0.2\opt\bin\cmake.EXE' '-DWEST_PYTHON=C:\ncs\toolchains\v2.0.2\opt\bin\python.exe' '-BC:\core3_workspace\core3_FW\build' -GNinja '-SC:\core3_workspace\core3_FW\app'

    It seems that version 2.0.2 of cmake is still being executed. Is it possible that there is anything else that needs to be set ?

  • Did you run 'west update' after switching to the v2.4.0 tag to ensure the SDK repositories were updated according to the west manifest?

    /nrf$ git checkout v2.4
    /nrf$ west update

    If so, were there any errors reported for the "west update" command?

  • Yes, I did run west update before you mentioned.

    Arnold@DESKTOP-1DLAP66 MINGW64 /c/core3_workspace/core3_FW (C3L_KLE)
    $ west update
    === updating sdk-nrf (nrf):
    HEAD is now at 0677b0991 manifest: NCS 2.4.0
    === updating zephyr (zephyr):
    HEAD is now at 0933a4b2949 [nrf fromtree] cmake: support snippets scope for `zephyr_get()`
    === updating bsim (tools/bsim):
    HEAD is now at 908ffde west.yaml: Namespace all projects
    === updating hostap (modules/lib/hostap):
    HEAD is now at c54b1efd0 Remove verbose print
    === updating mcuboot (bootloader/mcuboot):
    HEAD is now at d5d451ec [nrf noup] boot: bootutil: Fix bl_secp256r1_validate call
    === updating qcbor (modules/tee/tf-m/qcbor):
    HEAD is now at b0e7033 Make option to compile with warnings on (#162)
    === updating mbedtls (modules/crypto/mbedtls):
    HEAD is now at 829e3edc7 [nrf fromlist] psa_crypto: Fix psa_key_derivation_output_key ECC without builtin keys
    === updating nrfxlib (nrfxlib):
    HEAD is now at c3d4ead5 doc: update versions for 2.4.0 release
    === updating trusted-firmware-m (modules/tee/tf-m/trusted-firmware-m):
    HEAD is now at f0bac9349 [nrf fromtree] platform: nordic_nrf: Add nrf9161 DK and nrf9120 SoC support
    === updating matter (modules/lib/matter):
    HEAD is now at 9e6386ca75 [nrf noup] use CMake command instead of bash in build script
    M       third_party/jsoncpp/repo
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/nlio/repo'
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/nlassert/repo'
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/nlunit-test/repo'
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'third_party/pigweed/repo'
    === updating cjson (modules/lib/cjson):
    HEAD is now at c6af068 [nrf fromtree] fix: potential memory leak in merge_patch() (#611)
    === updating azure-sdk-for-c (modules/lib/azure-sdk-for-c):
    HEAD is now at 308c171c [nrf fromlist] Make repository a Zephyr module
    === updating cirrus (modules/hal/cirrus-logic):
    HEAD is now at 9f6b381 sdk-mcu-drivers: Added build system configs and generated files
    === updating openthread (modules/lib/openthread):
    HEAD is now at d9abe3071 [dns-client] new API resolve host and address (#9054)
    === updating cmock (test/cmock):
    HEAD is now at f65066f Merge pull request #404 from tz18/patch-1
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/c_exception'
    Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/unity'
    === updating memfault-firmware-sdk (modules/lib/memfault-firmware-sdk):
    HEAD is now at efd97b9 Memfault Firmware SDK 0.43.3 (Build 2200)
    === updating canopennode (modules/lib/canopennode):
    HEAD is now at dec12fa stack: map CANopenNode crc16_ccitt() to Zephyr crc16_itu_t()
    === updating chre (modules/lib/chre):
    HEAD is now at b7955c27 Merge pull request #7 from stephanosio/require_full_libcpp
    === updating cmsis (modules/hal/cmsis):
    HEAD is now at 74981bf Update DSP library for additional platforms
    === updating edtt (tools/edtt):
    HEAD is now at 64e5105 edttt_bsim: Avoid infinite exception loop
    === updating fatfs (modules/fs/fatfs):
    HEAD is now at 427159b zephyr: fix ffconf.h override use of STRINGIZE
    === updating hal_nordic (modules/hal/nordic):
    HEAD is now at 140140e nrfx: mdk: Fix handling of APPROTECT on nRF91
    === updating hal_st (modules/hal/st):
    HEAD is now at 5948f7b sensor/stmemsc: Align stmemsc i/f to v2.02
    === updating hal_wurthelektronik (modules/hal/wurthelektronik):
    HEAD is now at 24ca987 Initialized WE HAL module repository.
    === updating libmetal (modules/hal/libmetal):
    HEAD is now at efa2ace lib: update libmetal to SHA cd4fb67a4f50
    === updating liblc3 (modules/lib/liblc3):
    HEAD is now at 448f3de Merge pull request #8 from carlescufi/rename
    === updating littlefs (modules/fs/littlefs):
    HEAD is now at ca583fd Merge tag 'v2.5.0' of into zephyr
    === updating loramac-node (modules/lib/loramac-node):
    HEAD is now at ce57712f Don't memset the TXRX buffer when radio is set to receive mode (#1345)
    === updating lvgl (modules/lib/gui/lvgl):
    HEAD is now at 1557cb3e zephyr: update SYS_INIT calls
    === updating lz4 (modules/lib/lz4):
    HEAD is now at 8e303c2 zephyr: make this repo a zephyr module
    === updating mipi-sys-t (modules/debug/mipi-sys-t):
    HEAD is now at 0d521d8 mipi_syst_api.c: Change MIPI_SYST_PCFG_PRINTF_ARGBUF_SIZE macro.
    === updating nanopb (modules/lib/nanopb):
    HEAD is now at 42fa8b2 Merge pull request #2 from pdgendt/zephyr
    === updating net-tools (tools/net-tools):
    HEAD is now at e0828aa net-setup: Add instructions for NAT and routing
    === updating nrf_hw_models (modules/bsim_hw_models/nrf_hw_models):
    HEAD is now at bad9877 TEMP: Connect at the top level
    === updating open-amp (modules/lib/open-amp):
    HEAD is now at aedcc26 lib: update open-amp lib to release v2022.10.0
    === updating picolibc (modules/lib/picolibc):
    HEAD is now at 93b5d5f2a Version 1.8.1
    === updating segger (modules/debug/segger):
    HEAD is now at 4bfaf28 zephyr: use external Kconfig
    === updating tinycrypt (modules/crypto/tinycrypt):
    HEAD is now at 3e9a49d cmake: Fix conditional in root CMakeLists.txt
    === updating TraceRecorderSource (modules/debug/TraceRecorder):
    HEAD is now at bc839bf zephyr: update SYS_INIT calls
    === updating tf-m-tests (modules/tee/tf-m/tf-m-tests):
    HEAD is now at 0f80a65 Merge pull request #6 from microbuilder/tfm17_limit_attestation
    === updating psa-arch-tests (modules/tee/tf-m/psa-arch-tests):
    HEAD is now at 6a17330 dev-apis: platform: Increase timeout for nRF devs
    === updating uoscore-uedhoc (modules/lib/uoscore-uedhoc):
    HEAD is now at e892019 Merge pull request #11 from rlubos/zephyr-integration
    === updating zcbor (modules/lib/zcbor):
    HEAD is now at 0556eda Update version from 0.5.99 to 0.6.0
    === updating zscilib (modules/lib/zscilib):
    HEAD is now at 0035be5 Merge pull request #45 from uLipe/feature/qrd_no_recursion

    git is at 2.4.0

    And i have run 'pip3 install west --upgrade' check all requirements.

    $ pip3 install west --upgrade
    Requirement already satisfied: west in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (1.2.0)
    Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from west) (0.4.6)
    Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=5.1 in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from west) (5.4.1)
    Requirement already satisfied: pykwalify in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from west) (1.8.0)
    Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from west) (67.8.0)
    Requirement already satisfied: packaging in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from west) (20.8)
    Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.0.2 in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from packaging->west) (2.4.7)
    Requirement already satisfied: docopt>=0.6.2 in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from pykwalify->west) (0.6.2)
    Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.0 in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from pykwalify->west) (2.8.1)
    Requirement already satisfied: ruamel.yaml>=0.16.0 in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from pykwalify->west) (0.17.21)
    Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.0->pykwalify->west) (1.15.0)
    Requirement already satisfied: ruamel.yaml.clib>=0.2.6 in c:\ncs\toolchains\31f4403e35\opt\bin\lib\site-packages (from ruamel.yaml>=0.16.0->pykwalify->west) (0.2.6)

  • Thanks. Everything appears correct from the west update output. However, the error message "FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 1: 'C:\ncs\toolchains\v2.0.2\opt\bin\cmake.EXE' '-DWEST_PYTHON=C:\ncs\toolchains\v2.0.2\opt\bin\python.exe' '-BC:\core3_workspace\core3_FW\build' -GNinja '-SC:\core3_workspace\core3_FW\app'" and build log  indicate that the build is using the wrong toolchain version.

    Are you opening the bash terminal from the toolchain manager app? 
