nRF52832 DK Programmer / USB?


I got a brand new nRF52832 DK today and wanted to program it but the USB is not recognized at all therefore the nRF Programmer shows no programming option.

I connected the board, switched it on while pressing the reset button. Programming LED is blinking and if I press Buttons 1 - 4 the relating LED shows up.

"nrfjprog --ids" is not showing anything at all.

Other devices such as "nRF52840 Dongle" and "Thingy:53" are working fine on the same PC.

Could you tell me what to do in order to fix this behaviour?

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Andreas

  • The J-Link will be there next week hopefully. I used various USB-Cabels such as my Jabra-Cable which works fine as data cable with my Jabra. So this should not be the problem. Those cables work also with older mobile phones on the same PC. I am confused because there is no USB-Detection at all.

    One Step further: I have managed to get the bootloader. For some reasons I have not seen this before. This actually is available right after switching on and holding the Reset-Button. It vanishes after some time...

    So it might make sense to flash the bootloader again...

  • Thanks for the additional information. The LED will blink more rapidly when there is a communication issue. Please try to drag&drop the J-link binary to the BOOTLOADER drive as Turbo suggested. The binary can be downloaded at

  • I guess this was the issue - for some reason the bootloader was messed up.

    Looks now like this

    nRF Programmer is now also able to detect the device.

    So I guess the issue is solved.

    To sum the solution up:

    1. Need to install Segger JLink Drivers > V7.94e and select "Install legacy USB Driver for J-Link" and uninstall the old one

    2. Reboot

    3. Switch DK-Board on and hold Reset-Switch

    4. Immediately check for the Bootloader-Drive

    5. Drag and Drop to the bootloader drive

    6. Switch DK board off and on

    7. Check that COM-Port can be seen in device manager

    8. Check availability in nRF Programmer

  • Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear that it worked. Normally, it should never be neccessary to enter bootloader mode on the DK.
